Oracle Temporary Table to convert a Long Raw to Blob - oracle

Questions have been asked in the past that seems to handle pieces of my full question, but I'm not finding a totally good answer.
Here is the situation:
I'm importing data from an old, but operational and production, Oracle server.
One of the columns is created as LONG RAW.
I will not be able to convert the table to a BLOB.
I would like to use a global temporary table to pull out data each time I call to the server.
This feels like a good answer, from here: How to create a temporary table in Oracle
FROM oldtable WHERE .....;
I do not want the table hanging around, and I'd only do a chunk of rows at a time, to pull out the old table in pieces, each time killing the table. Is it acceptable behavior to do the CREATE, then do the SELECT, then DROP?
--- EDIT ---
Just as a follow up, I decided to take an even different approach to this.
Branching the strong-oracle package, I was able to do what I originally hoped to do, which was to pull the data directly from the table without doing a conversion.
Here is the issue I've posted. If I am allowed to publish my code to a branch, I'll post a follow up here for completeness.
Oracle ODBC Driver Release says that Prefetch for LONG RAW data types is supported, which is true.
One caveat is that LONG RAW can technically be up to 2GB in size. I had to set a hard max size of 10MB in the code, which is adequate for my use, so far at least. This probably could be a variable sent in to the connection.
This fix is a bit off original topic now however, but it might be useful to someone else.

With Oracle GTTs, it is not be necessary to drop and create each time, and you don't need to worry about data "hanging around." In fact, it's inadvisable to drop and re-create. The structure itself persists, but the data in it does not. The data only persists within each session. You can test this by opening up two separate clients, loading data with one, and you will notice it's not there in the second client.
In effect, each time you open a session, it's like you are reading a completely different table, which was just truncated.
If you want to empty the table within your stored procedure, you can always truncate it. Within a stored proc, you will need to execute immediate if you do this.
This is really handy, but it also can make debugging a bear if you are implementing GTTs through code.
Out of curiosity, why a chunk at a time and not the entire dataset? What kind of data volumes are you talking about?
-- EDIT --
Per our comments conversation, this is very raw and untested, but I hope it will give you an idea what I mean:
TOTAL_ROWS number;
TABLE_ROWS number := 1;
ROWS_AT_A_TIME number := 100;
select count (*)
from oldtable;
execute immediate 'truncate table MY_TEMP_TABLE';
insert into MY_TEMP_TABLE
FROM oldtable
select * from MY_TEMP_TABLE;


Minimal Oracle DDL to bump DBA_OBJECTS.LAST_DDL_TIME

I'm using an external tool that scans tables in my database. It uses dba_objects.last_ddl_time to determine which tables have been scanned. Obviously, this strategy does not work if the table data is modified in between scans so sometimes I have to help it...
I need a way to "bump" the Last DDL time without actually changing anything.
I'm looking for the simplest possible instant DDL statement that can be executed on any table, knowing just the table name.
I have sysdba privileges.
For example, I can use comment on table xxx is 'Boom'; but then I lose the original comment. I know how to fix this, but then it is no longer an small and easy statement I can quickly time in sql*plus
Changing LOGGING/NOLOGGING is pretty fast (though not instant).
If you set the LOGGING attribute back to itself, it will notch the LAST_DDL_TIME without making any real change to the table. This example below tries to touch every table except sys tabels (presumably you'd want more limits here)
EDIT: The above wouldn't work with temp tables. An alternative such as setting PCT_FREE to itself or another suitable attribute may be preferable. You may need to handle IOTs, Partitioned Tables, etc. differently than the rest of the tables as well.

PL/SQL Stored Procedure create tables

I've been tasked with improving old PL/SQL and Oracle SQL legacy code. In all there are around 7000 lines of code! One aspect of the existing code that really surprises me is the previous coder needlessly created hundreds of lines of code by not writing any procedures or functions - instead the coder essentially repeats the same code throughout.
For example, in the existing code there are literally 40 or more repetitions of the following SQL:
CREATE TABLE tmp_clients
SELECT * FROM live.clients;
CREATE TABLE tmp_customers
SELECT * FROM live.customers;
CREATE TABLE tmp_suppliers
SELECT * FROM live.suppliers WHERE type_id = 1;
and many, many more.....
I'm very new to writing in PL/SQL, though I have recently purchased the excellent book "Oracle PL/SQL programming" by Steven Feuerstein. However, as far as I can tell, I should be able to write a callable procedure such as:
procedure create_temp_table (new_table_nme in varchar(60)
source_table in varchar(60))
s_query varchar2(100);
s_query := 'CREATE TABLE ' + new_table_nme + 'AS SELECT * FROM ' + source_table;
execute immediate s_query;
I would then simply call the procedure as follows:
create_temp_table('tmp.clients', 'live.clients');
create_temp_table('tmp.customers', 'live.customers');
Is my proposed approach reasonable given the problem as stated?
Are the datatypes in the procedure call reasonable, ie should varchar2(60) be used, or is it possible to force the 'source_table' parameter to be a table name in the schema? What happens if the table name is more than 60 characters?
I want to be able to pass a third non-required parameter in cases where the data has to be restricted in a trivial way, ie to deal with cases "WHERE type_id = 1". How do I modify the procedure to include a parameter that is only used occasionally and how would I modify the rest of the code. I would probably add some sort of IF/ELSE statement to check whether the third parameter was not NULL and then construct the s_query accordingly.
How would I check that the table has actually been created successfully?
I want to trap for two other exceptions, namely
The new table (eg 'tmp.clients') already exists; and
The source table doesn't exist.
Does the EXCEPTION as written handle these cases?
More generally, from where can I obtain the SQL error codes and their meanings?
Any suggested improvements to the code would be gratefully received.
You could get rid of a lot of code (gradually!) by using GLOBAL temporary tables.
Execute immediate is not a bad practice but if there are other options then they should be used. Global temp tables are common where you want to extract and transform data but once processed you don't need it anymore until the next load. Each user can only see the data they insert and no redo logs are generated. You can index the data for faster querying if required.
Something like this
-- Create table
create global temporary table GT_CLIENTS
id NUMBER(10) not null,
Client_id NUMBER(10) not null,
modified_by_id NUMBER(10),
transaction_id NUMBER(10),
local_transaction_id VARCHAR2(30) not null,
last_modified_date_tz TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE not null
on commit preserve rows;
I recommend the on commit preserve rows option so that you can debug your procedure and see what went into the table.
Usage would be
SELECT * FROM live.clients;
If this is the route you want to take to minimize changes, then the error for source table does not exist is -942 which you will want to stop for rather than continuing as your temp table would not have been created. Similarly, just continuing if you get an object already exists error will be problematic as you will not have reloaded it with the new data - the create failed so the table still has the data from the last run. So I would definitely do some more thinking about your exception handler.
That said, I also concur that this is generally not the best way to do things. Creating and dropping objects in a multi-user environment is a disaster in the making, and seems a silly waste of resources when there are more appropriate options available.

Creating INSERT-Statements to export the data from every exisiting table

I am currently not able to get a proper database dump, because the DB runs on a remote server inside a closed system --> no remote copying possible, only way to get files in/out is by being physically present at the servers location or via e-Mail (but I can't send a several GB big dump via mail...).
However, I still need the data in order to import it into my dev system.
I figure the best way of doing this is by creating INSERT statements that contain the needed information.
The SQL-Developer software can actually do this, but apparently it only works for one table at a time. As soon as one selects multiple tables the respective option disappears from the right-click-menu and one can only export the DDL statements :-/
So this approach is not really viable for me, as there are hundreds of tables...
Does anyone know of a standardized way to create INSERT statements via the querying of metadata tables (user_tables, user_columns, ...)? I could imagine that it might be possible to create all the statements by cleverly joining those meta tables. However, before dumping several hours into this approach, I'd appreciate if someone can confirm this suspicion first.
Also someone else must have had this problem before, so I hope that some of you may be able to give me a hint on other approaches. Thanks in advance!
My answer isn't full solution.
1) To extract DDL use.
select table_name,dbms_metadata.get_ddl(OBJECT_TYPE=>'TABLE', NAME=>table_name) from user_tables;
2) To extract record from table use xmltype (refucursor) and dbms_xmlstore to insert them.
Below only suggestion how to do this.
create table test as select level as "LP" from dual connect by level < 100;
v_cursor sys_refcursor;
xmlDoc xmltype;
curid NUMBER;
insCtx DBMS_XMLSTORE.ctxType;
rows NUMBER;
open v_cursor for 'select * from test';
xmlDoc := xmltype(v_cursor);
close v_cursor;
dbms_output.put_line(xmlDoc.getClobVal()); -- extracted row into xml.
insCtx := DBMS_XMLSTORE.newContext('test');
rows := DBMS_XMLSTORE.insertXML(insCtx, xmlDoc);
dbms_output.put_line('ROWS inserted' || rows);

Temporarily storing multiple values in Oracle [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Alternate method to global temp tables for Oracle Stored Procedure
(1 answer)
Closed 8 years ago.
I need a way to temporarily store and use multiple values returned from an Oracle query. In SQL Server, I stored my values in a temp table, did my work, then dropped the table. I'm discovering the Oracle equivalent isn't as clear cut.
Here's a SQL Server example of what I'm trying to do:
select id into #temp from SomeTable where SomeColumn = 'Some Value'
(do whatever I need to do with #temp data)
drop table #temp
I can code my way around SQL Server pretty well, but am almost clueless when it comes to Oracle syntax. I've been reading various Oracle references, and they haven't been very helpful. I did read that Oracle temp tables work differently than SQL, and are often not recommended.
I'm looking into the temp table route, but if there's a better way to do this that doesn't use temp tables, I'm all ears. Anyone know a better way to do this in Oracle?
Thanks in advance.
As with many things, that depends. It depends on how much data you'll be retrieving and how you want to use it. If you don't have too much data to work with ("too much" meaning, oh, say, more than a couple thousand rows) and you want to manipulate the data procedurally, i.e. in a PL/SQL procedure or script, AND you don't want to access it using DML, i.e. you don't want to say something like SELECT * FROM your_temp_data... than loading the data into a PL/SQL collection, as #EgorSkriptunoff mentions above, might be a workable solution.
However, if the temp data is large (more than a couple thousand rows) and/or you need to be able to do something like SELECT * FROM your_temp_data... then your best bet it to use Oracle's Global Temp Tables. A GTT is a table which is used to hold data which should only last as long as either a single transaction or a complete session (i.e. as long as you're attached to the database). Documentation here and here, and another write-up on them here.
Share and enjoy.

trigger insert and update oracle error

Friend, I have question about cascade trigger.
I have 2 tables, table data that has 3 attributes (id_data, sum, and id_tool), and table tool that has 3 attributes (id_tool, name, sum_total). table data and tool are joined using id_tool.
I want create trigger for update info sum_total. So , if I inserting on table data, sum_total on table tool where tool.id_tool = data.id_tool will updating too.
I create this trigger, but error ora-04090.
create or replace trigger aft_ins_tool
after insert on data
for each row
v_stok number;
v_jum number;
select sum into v_jum
from data
where id_data= :new.id_data;
select sum_total into v_stok
from tool
where id_tool=
(select id_tool
from data
where id_data= :new.id_data);
if inserting then
v_stok := v_stok + v_jum;
update tool
set sum_total=v_stok
where id_tool=
(select id_tool
from data
where id_data= :new.id_data);
end if;
please give me opinion.
The ora-04090 indicates that you already have an AFTER INSERT ... FOR EACH ROW trigger on that table. Oracle doesn't like that, because the order in which the triggers fire is unpredictable, which may lead to unpredictable results, and Oracle really doesn't like those.
So, your first step is to merge the two sets of code into a single trigger. Then the real fun begins.
Presumably there is only one row in data matching the current value of id_data (if not your data model is rally messed up and there's no hope for your situation). Anyway, that means the current row already gives you access to the values of :new.sum and :new.id_tool. So you don't need those queries on the data table: removing those selects will remove the possibility of "mutating table" errors.
As a general observation, maintaining aggregate or summary tables like this is generally a bad idea. Usually it is better just to query the information when it is needed. If you really have huge volumes of data then you should use a materialized view to maintain the summary, rather than hand-rolling something.
