Minimal Oracle DDL to bump DBA_OBJECTS.LAST_DDL_TIME - oracle

I'm using an external tool that scans tables in my database. It uses dba_objects.last_ddl_time to determine which tables have been scanned. Obviously, this strategy does not work if the table data is modified in between scans so sometimes I have to help it...
I need a way to "bump" the Last DDL time without actually changing anything.
I'm looking for the simplest possible instant DDL statement that can be executed on any table, knowing just the table name.
I have sysdba privileges.
For example, I can use comment on table xxx is 'Boom'; but then I lose the original comment. I know how to fix this, but then it is no longer an small and easy statement I can quickly time in sql*plus

Changing LOGGING/NOLOGGING is pretty fast (though not instant).
If you set the LOGGING attribute back to itself, it will notch the LAST_DDL_TIME without making any real change to the table. This example below tries to touch every table except sys tabels (presumably you'd want more limits here)
EDIT: The above wouldn't work with temp tables. An alternative such as setting PCT_FREE to itself or another suitable attribute may be preferable. You may need to handle IOTs, Partitioned Tables, etc. differently than the rest of the tables as well.


Oracle Temporary Table to convert a Long Raw to Blob

Questions have been asked in the past that seems to handle pieces of my full question, but I'm not finding a totally good answer.
Here is the situation:
I'm importing data from an old, but operational and production, Oracle server.
One of the columns is created as LONG RAW.
I will not be able to convert the table to a BLOB.
I would like to use a global temporary table to pull out data each time I call to the server.
This feels like a good answer, from here: How to create a temporary table in Oracle
FROM oldtable WHERE .....;
I do not want the table hanging around, and I'd only do a chunk of rows at a time, to pull out the old table in pieces, each time killing the table. Is it acceptable behavior to do the CREATE, then do the SELECT, then DROP?
--- EDIT ---
Just as a follow up, I decided to take an even different approach to this.
Branching the strong-oracle package, I was able to do what I originally hoped to do, which was to pull the data directly from the table without doing a conversion.
Here is the issue I've posted. If I am allowed to publish my code to a branch, I'll post a follow up here for completeness.
Oracle ODBC Driver Release says that Prefetch for LONG RAW data types is supported, which is true.
One caveat is that LONG RAW can technically be up to 2GB in size. I had to set a hard max size of 10MB in the code, which is adequate for my use, so far at least. This probably could be a variable sent in to the connection.
This fix is a bit off original topic now however, but it might be useful to someone else.
With Oracle GTTs, it is not be necessary to drop and create each time, and you don't need to worry about data "hanging around." In fact, it's inadvisable to drop and re-create. The structure itself persists, but the data in it does not. The data only persists within each session. You can test this by opening up two separate clients, loading data with one, and you will notice it's not there in the second client.
In effect, each time you open a session, it's like you are reading a completely different table, which was just truncated.
If you want to empty the table within your stored procedure, you can always truncate it. Within a stored proc, you will need to execute immediate if you do this.
This is really handy, but it also can make debugging a bear if you are implementing GTTs through code.
Out of curiosity, why a chunk at a time and not the entire dataset? What kind of data volumes are you talking about?
-- EDIT --
Per our comments conversation, this is very raw and untested, but I hope it will give you an idea what I mean:
TOTAL_ROWS number;
TABLE_ROWS number := 1;
ROWS_AT_A_TIME number := 100;
select count (*)
from oldtable;
execute immediate 'truncate table MY_TEMP_TABLE';
insert into MY_TEMP_TABLE
FROM oldtable
select * from MY_TEMP_TABLE;

Oracle: Monitoring changes in v_$parameter

Long time user, first time "asker".
I am attempt to construct an Oracle procedure and/or trigger that will compare two tables with the MINUS operation and then insert any resulting rows into another table. I understand how to do the query in standard SQL, but I am having trouble coming up with an efficient way to do this using PL/SQL.
Admittedly, I am very new to Oracle and pretty green with SQL in general. This may be a silly way to go about accomplishing my goal, so allow me to explain what I am attempting to do.
I need to create some sort of alert that will be triggered when the V_$PARAMETER view is changed. Apparently triggers can not respond to changes to view but, instead, can only replace actions on views...which I do not wish to do. So, what I did was create a table that to mirror that view to essentially save it as a "snapshot".
create table mirror_v_$parameter as select * from v_$parameter;
Then, I attempted to make a procedure that would minus these two so that, whenever a change is made to v_$parameter, it will return the difference between the snapshot, mirror_v_$parameter. I trying to create a cursor with the command:
select * from v_$parameter minus select * from mirror_v_$parameter;
to be used inside a procedure, so that it could be used to fetch any returned rows and insert them into another table called alerts_v_$parameter. The intent being that, when something is added to the "alert" table, a trigger can be used to somehow (haven't gotten this far yet) notify my team that there has been a change to the v_$parameter table, and that they can refer to alerts_v_$parameter to see what has been change. I would use some kind of script to run this procedure at a regular interval. And maybe, some day down the line when I understand all this better, manipulate what goes into the alerts_v_$parameter table so that it provides better information such as specifically what column was changed, what was its previous value, etc.
Any advice or pointers?
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Any thoughts will be very appreciated.
I would create a table based on the exact structure of v_$parameter with an additional timestamp column for "last_update", and periodically (via DBMS_Scheduler) merge into it any changes from the real v_$parameter table and capture the timestamp of any detected change.
You might also populate a history table at the same time, either using triggers on update of your table or with SQL.
PL/SQL is unlikely to be required, except as a procedural wrapper to the SQL code.
Examples of Merge are in the documentation here:

Oracle DBMS package command to export table content as INSERT statement

Is there any subprogram similar to DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL that can actually export the table data as INSERT statements?
For example, using DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL('TABLE', 'MYTABLE', 'MYOWNER') will export the CREATE TABLE script for MYOWNER.MYTABLE. Any such things to generate all data from MYOWNER.MYTABLE as INSERT statements?
I know that for instance TOAD Oracle or SQL Developer can export as INSERT statements pretty fast but I need a more programmatically way for doing it. Also I cannot create any procedures or functions in the database I'm working.
As far as I know, there is no Oracle supplied package to do this. And I would be skeptical of any 3rd party tool that claims to accomplish this goal, because it's basically impossible.
I once wrote a package like this, and quickly regretted it. It's easy to get something that works 99% of the time, but that last 1% will kill you.
If you really need something like this, and need it to be very accurate, you must tightly control what data is allowed and what tools can be used to run the script. Below is a small fraction of the issues you will face:
Single inserts are very slow (especially if it goes over a network)
Combining inserts is faster, but can run into some nasty parsing bugs when you start inserting hundreds of rows
There are many potential data types, including custom ones. You may only have NUMBER, VARCHAR2, and DATE now, but what happens if someone adds RAW, BLOB, BFILE, nested tables, etc.?
Storing LOBs requires breaking the data into chunks because of VARCHAR2 size limitations (4000 or 32767, depending on how you do it).
Character set issues - This will drive you ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ insane.
Enviroment limitations - For example, SQL*Plus does not allow more than 2500 characters per line, and will drop whitespace at the end of your line.
Referential Integrity - You'll need to disable these constraints or insert data in the right order.
"Fake" columns - virtual columns, XML lobs, etc. - don't import these.
Missing partitions - If you're not using INTERVAL partitioning you may need to manually create them.
Novlidated data - Just about any constraint can be violated, so you may need to disable everything.
If you want your data to be accurate you just have to use the Oracle utilities, like data pump and export.
Why don't you use regular export ?
If you must you can generate the export script:
Let's assume a Table myTable(Name VARCHAR(30), AGE Number, Address VARCHAR(60)).
select 'INSERT INTO myTable values(''' || Name || ','|| AGE ||',''' || Address ||''');' from myTable
Oracle SQL Developer does that with it's Export feature. DDL as well as data itself.
Can be a bit unconvenient for huge tables and likely to cause issues with cases mentioned above, but works well 99% of the time.

How to find out when an Oracle table was updated the last time

Can I find out when the last INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement was performed on a table in an Oracle database and if so, how?
A little background: The Oracle version is 10g. I have a batch application that runs regularly, reads data from a single Oracle table and writes it into a file. I would like to skip this if the data hasn't changed since the last time the job ran.
The application is written in C++ and communicates with Oracle via OCI. It logs into Oracle with a "normal" user, so I can't use any special admin stuff.
Edit: Okay, "Special Admin Stuff" wasn't exactly a good description. What I mean is: I can't do anything besides SELECTing from tables and calling stored procedures. Changing anything about the database itself (like adding triggers), is sadly not an option if want to get it done before 2010.
I'm really late to this party but here's how I did it:
SELECT SCN_TO_TIMESTAMP(MAX(ora_rowscn)) from myTable;
It's close enough for my purposes.
Since you are on 10g, you could potentially use the ORA_ROWSCN pseudocolumn. That gives you an upper bound of the last SCN (system change number) that caused a change in the row. Since this is an increasing sequence, you could store off the maximum ORA_ROWSCN that you've seen and then look only for data with an SCN greater than that.
By default, ORA_ROWSCN is actually maintained at the block level, so a change to any row in a block will change the ORA_ROWSCN for all rows in the block. This is probably quite sufficient if the intention is to minimize the number of rows you process multiple times with no changes if we're talking about "normal" data access patterns. You can rebuild the table with ROWDEPENDENCIES which will cause the ORA_ROWSCN to be tracked at the row level, which gives you more granular information but requires a one-time effort to rebuild the table.
Another option would be to configure something like Change Data Capture (CDC) and to make your OCI application a subscriber to changes to the table, but that also requires a one-time effort to configure CDC.
Ask your DBA about auditing. He can start an audit with a simple command like :
AUDIT INSERT ON user.table
Then you can query the table USER_AUDIT_OBJECT to determine if there has been an insert on your table since the last export.
google for Oracle auditing for more info...
SELECT * FROM all_tab_modifications;
Could you run a checksum of some sort on the result and store that locally? Then when your application queries the database, you can compare its checksum and determine if you should import it?
It looks like you may be able to use the ORA_HASH function to accomplish this.
Update: Another good resource: 10g’s ORA_HASH function to determine if two Oracle tables’ data are equal
Oracle can watch tables for changes and when a change occurs can execute a callback function in PL/SQL or OCI. The callback gets an object that's a collection of tables which changed, and that has a collection of rowid which changed, and the type of action, Ins, upd, del.
So you don't even go to the table, you sit and wait to be called. You'll only go if there are changes to write.
It's called Database Change Notification. It's much simpler than CDC as Justin mentioned, but both require some fancy admin stuff. The good part is that neither of these require changes to the APPLICATION.
The caveat is that CDC is fine for high volume tables, DCN is not.
If the auditing is enabled on the server, just simply use
You would need to add a trigger on insert, update, delete that sets a value in another table to sysdate.
When you run application, it would read the value and save it somewhere so that the next time it is run it has a reference to compare.
Would you consider that "Special Admin Stuff"?
It would be better to describe what you're actually doing so you get clearer answers.
How long does the batch process take to write the file? It may be easiest to let it go ahead and then compare the file against a copy of the file from the previous run to see if they are identical.
If any one is still looking for an answer they can use Oracle Database Change Notification feature coming with Oracle 10g. It requires CHANGE NOTIFICATION system privilege. You can register listeners when to trigger a notification back to the application.
Please use the below statement
select * from all_objects ao where ao.OBJECT_TYPE = 'TABLE' and ao.OWNER = 'YOUR_SCHEMA_NAME'

Oracle Populate backup table from primary table

The program that I am currently assigned to has a requirement that I copy the contents of a table to a backup table, prior to the real processing.
During code review, a coworker pointed out that
is unduly risky, as it is possible for the tables to have different columns, and different column orders.
I am also under the constraint to not create/delete/rename tables. ~Sigh~
The columns in the table are expected to change, so simply hard-coding the column names is not really the solution I am looking for.
I am looking for ideas on a reasonable non-risky way to get this job done.
Does the backup table stay around? Does it keep the data permanently, or is it just a copy of the current values?
Too bad about not being able to create/delete/rename/copy. Otherwise, if it's short term, just used in case something goes wrong, then you could drop it at the start of processing and do something like
create table backup_table as select * from primary_table;
Your best option may be to make the select explicit, as
insert into backup_table (<list of columns>) select <list of columns> from primary_table;
You could generate that by building a SQL string from the data dictionary, then doing execute immediate. But you'll still be at risk if the backup_table doesn't contain all the important columns from the primary_table.
Might just want to make it explicit, and raise a major error if backup_table doesn't exist, or any of the columns in primary_table aren't in backup_table.
How often do you change the structure of your tables? Your method should work just fine provided the structure doesn't change. Personally I think your DBAs should give you a mechanism for dropping the backup table and recreating it, such as a stored procedure. We had something similar at my last job for truncating certain tables, since truncating is frequently much faster than DELETE FROM TABLE;.
Is there a reason that you can't just list out the columns in the tables? So
INSERT INTO backup_table( col1, col2, col3, ... colN )
SELECT col1, col2, col3, ..., colN
FROM primary_table
Of course, this requires that you revisit the code when you change the definition of one of the tables to determine if you need to make code changes, but that's generally a small price to pay for insulating yourself from differences in column order, differences in column names, and irrelevent differences in table definitions.
If I had this situation, I would retrieve the column definitions for the two tables right at the beginning of the problem. Then, if they were identical, I would proceed with the simple:
If they were different, I would only proceed if there were no critical columns missing from the backup table. In this case I would use this form for the backup copy:
INSERT INTO BACKUP_TABLE (<list of columns>)
SELECT <list of columns>
But I'd also worry about what would happen if I simply stopped the program with an error, so I might even have a backup plan where I would use the second form for the columns that are in both tables, and also dump a text file with the PK and any columns that are missing from the backup. Also log an error even though it appears that the program completed normally. That way, you could recover the data if the worst happened.
Really, this is a symptom of bad processes somewhere which should be addressed, but defensive programming can help to make it someone else's problem, not yours. If they don't notice the log error message which tells them about the text dump with the missing columns, then its not your fault.
But, if you don't code defensively, and the worst happens, it will be partly your fault.
You could try something like:
CREATE TABLE secondary_table AS SELECT * FROM primary_table;
Not sure if that automatically copies data. If not:
CREATE TABLE secondary_table AS SELECT * FROM primary_table LIMIT 1;
INSERT INTO secondary_table SELECT * FROM primary_table;
Sorry, didn't read your post completely: especially the constraints part. I'm afraid I don't know how. My guess would be using a procedure that first describes both tables and compares them, before creating a lengthy insert / select query.
Still, if you're using a backup-table, I think it's pretty important it matches the original one exactly.
