Relational Algebra Division - relational-algebra

I'm currently dealing with a relational algebra division issue. I have the following two relations:
A | B | C B
--|---|-- ---
1 | 2 | 3 2
Relation R = 1 | 2 | 6 Relation T =
4 | 2 | 2
4 | 5 | 6
Now I'm doing the following operation: R ÷ T
When I calculate this, my result is as follows:
A | C
1 | 3
R ÷ T = 1 | 6
4 | 2
For me it is because for the division I look at those tuples in R which are present in combination with all tuples in T. But when I use a relational algebra calculator, such as RelaX it returns
A | C
R ÷ T = 4 | 2
Where did I make a mistake? Thanks in advance for any help.
Is there anybody who can help?

Performing division on these schema is not good to fully understand how the operator works. Definitions of this operator are not very clear, and the operation is usually replaced by a combination of other operators.
A clear way to see how this works in your case would consist on create a new instance of R with columns ordered properly defining a new schema: (A,C,B). This is, making the attribute of T appear as the last attribute in A. In this case where you are performing a really simple division, it's pretty straightforward to see the result, but imagine if you had schema R(A,D,B,C) and T(B,D). Here the attributes of T appear with a different order in R, and given some instances with not many tuples would already make it difficult to check just by looking them up.
This might be the most difficult operator defined in relational algebra as a query usually involves concepts from selection, projection and join. Also it's complicated to put it out only on words.
A good way of thinking about this operator, is to think about the GROUP BY on SQL. In your example this means using GROUP BY attributes A,C - which would create groups with every combination of different values for these attributes that appear on the schema instance. Each of these groups will have a set of all the values of B associated with the combinations of values of A, C. If you think of the values of the attribute B in the instance of T as a set, you can quickly verify: for each group obtained by grouping by A,C, if the set of values of B in T is included in the set of values of B in R, then the values of A,C are a tuple of the resulting relation.
I know I'm a bit late to this question but I've seen many people confused about this. If it's not clear enough, I leave reference to a document I wrote explaining it much more in detail and with a really good example, HERE.


Constraint Satisfaction Problems with solvers VS Systematic Search

We have to solve a difficult problem where we need to check a lot of complex rules from multiple sources against a system in order to decide if the system satisfy those rules or how it should be changed to satisfy them.
We initially started using Constraint Satisfaction Problems algorithms (using Choco) to try to solve it but since the number of rules and variables would be smaller than anticipated, we are looking to build a list of all possibles configurations on a database and using multiple requests based on the rules to filter this list and find the solutions this way.
Is there limitations or disadvantages of doing a systematic search compared to using a CSP solver algorithms for a reasonable number of rules and variables? Will it impact performances significantly? Will it reduce the kind of constraints we can implement?
As examples :
You have to imagine it with a much bigger number of variables, much bigger domains of definition (but always discrete) and bigger number of rules (and some much more complex) but instead of describing the problem as :
x in (1,6,9)
y in (2,7)
z in (1,6)
y = x + 1
z = x if x < 5 OR z = y if x > 5
And giving it to a solver we would build a table :
X | Y | Z
1 2 1
6 2 1
9 2 1
1 7 1
6 7 1
9 7 1
1 2 6
6 2 6
9 2 6
1 7 6
6 7 6
9 7 6
And use queries like (this is just an example to help understand, actually we would use SPARQL against a semantic database) :
SELECT X, Y, Z WHERE (Z = X AND X < 5) OR (Z = Y AND X > 5)
CSP allows you to combine deterministic generation of values (through the rules) with heuristic search. The beauty happens when you customize both of those for your problem. The rules are just one part. Equally important is the choice of the search algorithm/generator. You can cull a lot of the search space.
While I cannot make predictions about the performance of your SQL solution, I must say that it strikes me as somewhat roundabout. One specific problem will happen if your rules change - you may find that you have to start over from scratch. Also, the RDBMS will fully generate all of the subqueries, which may explode.
I'd suggest to implement a working prototype with CSP, and one with SQL, for a simple subset of your requirements. You then will get a good feeling what works and what does not. Be sure to think about long term maintenance as well.
Full disclaimer: my last contact with CSP was decades ago in university as part of my master's (I implemented a CSP search engine not unlike choco, of course a bit more rudimentary, and researched a bit on that topic). But the field will certainly have evolved since then.

How can MARS produce weird constants in terms?

I've been reading about an interesting machine learning algorithm, MARS(Multi-variate adaptive regression splines).
As far as I understand the algorithm, from Wikipedia and Friedman's papers, it works in two stages, forward pass and backward pass. I'll ignore backward pass for now, since forward pass is the part I'm interested in. The steps for forward pass, as far as I can tell are.
Start with just the mean of the data.
Generate a new term pair, through exhaustive search
Repeat 2 while improvements are being made
And to generate a term pair MARS appears to do the following:
Select an existing term (e)
Select a variable (x)
Select a value of that variable (v)
Return two terms one of the form e*max(0,x-v) and the other of the form e*max(0, v-x)
And this makes sense to me. I could see how, for example, a data table like this:
| A | B | Z |
| 5 | 6 | 1 |
| 7 | 2 | 2 |
| 3 | 1 | 3 |
Could produce a terms like 2*max(0, B-1) or even 8*max(0, B-1)*max(3-A). However, the wikipedia page has an example that I don't understand. It has an ozone example where the first term is 25. However, it also has term in the final regression that has a coefficient that is negative and fractional. I don't see how this is possible, since the initial term is 5, and you can only multiply by previous terms, and no previous term can have a negative coefficient, that you could ever end up with one...
What am I missing?
As I see it, either I misunderstand term generation, or I misunderstand the simplification process. However, simplification as described seems to only delete terms, not modify them. Can you see what I am missing here?

Should I eliminate inputs in a logic circuit design?

Recently I had an exam where we were tested on logic circuits. I encountered something on that exam that I had never encountered before. Forgive me for I do not remember the exact problem given and we have not received our grade for it; however I will describe the problem.
The problem had a 3 or 4 inputs. We were told to simplify then draw a logic circuit design for that simplification. However, when I simplified, I ended up eliminating the other inputs and ended up literally with just
I had another problem like this as well where there was 4 inputs and when I simplified, I ended up with three. My question is:
What do I do with the eliminated inputs? Do I just not have it on the circuit? How would I draw it?
Typically an output is a requirement which would not be eliminated, even if it ends up being dependent on a single input. If input A flows through to output Y, just connect A to Y in the diagram. If output Y is always 0 or 1, connect an incoming 0 or 1 to output Y.
On the other hand, inputs are possible, not required, factors in the definition of the problem. Inputs that have no bearing on the output need not be shown in the circuit diagram at all.
Apparently it not eliminating inputs but the resulted expression is the simplified outcome which you need to think of implementing with logic circuit.
As an example if you have a expression given with 3 inputs namely with the combination of A, B & c, possible literals can be 2^9 = 9 between 000 through 111. Now when you said your simplification lead to just A that mean, when any of those 9 input combinations will result in to value which contain by A.
An example boolean expression simplified to output A truth table is as follows,
A B | Output = A
0 0 | 0
0 1 | 0
1 0 | 1
1 1 | 1

What is packrat parsing?

I know and use bison/yacc. But in parsing world, there's a lot of buzz around packrat parsing.
What is it? Is it worth studing?
Packrat parsing is a way of providing asymptotically better performance for parsing expression grammars (PEGs); specifically for PEGs, linear time parsing can be guaranteed.
Essentially, Packrat parsing just means caching whether sub-expressions match at the current position in the string when they are tested -- this means that if the current attempt to fit the string into an expression fails then attempts to fit other possible expressions can benefit from the known pass/fail of subexpressions at the points in the string where they have already been tested.
At a high level:
Packrat parsers make use of parsing expression grammars (PEGs) rather than traditional context-free grammars (CFGs).
Through their use of PEGs rather than CFGs, it's typically easier to set up and maintain a packrat parser than a traditional LR parser.
Due to how they use memoization, packrat parsers typically use more memory at runtime than "classical" parsers like LALR(1) and LR(1) parsers.
Like classical LR parsers, packrat parsers run in linear time.
In that sense, you can think of a packrat parser as a simplicity/memory tradeoff with LR-family parsers. Packrat parsers require less theoretical understanding of the parser's inner workings than LR-family parsers, but use more resources at runtime. If you're in an environment where memory is plentiful and you just want to throw a simple parser together, packrat parsing might be a good choice. If you're on a memory-constrained system or want to get maximum performance, it's probably worth investing in an LR-family parser.
The rest of this answer gives a slightly more detailed overview of packrat parsers and PEGs.
On CFGs and PEGs
Many traditional parsers (and many modern parsers) make use of context-free grammars. A context-free grammar consists of a series of rules like the ones shown here:
E -> E * E | E + E | (E) | N
N -> D | DN
D -> 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
For example, the top line says that the nonterminal E can be replaced either with E * E, or E + E, or (E), or with N. The second line says that N can be replaced with either D or DN. The last line says that D can be replaced with any single digit.
If you start with the string E and follow the rules from the above grammar, you can generate any mathematical expression using +, *, parentheses, and single digits.
Context-free grammars are a compact way to represent a collection of strings. They have a rich and well-understood theory. However, they have two main drawbacks. The first one is that, by itself, a CFG defines a collection of strings, but doesn't tell you how to check whether a particular string is generated by the grammar. This means that whether a particular CFG will lend itself to a nice parser depends on the particulars of how the parser works, meaning that the grammar author may need to familiarize themselves with the internal workings of their parser generator to understand what restrictions are placed on the sorts of grammar structures can arise. For example, LL(1) parsers don't allow for left-recursion and require left-factoring, while LALR(1) parsers require some understanding of the parsing algorithm to eliminate shift/reduce and reduce/reduce conflicts.
The second, larger problem is that grammars can be ambiguous. For example, the above grammar generates the string 2 + 3 * 4, but does so in two ways. In one way, we essentially get the grouping 2 + (3 * 4), which is what's intended. The other one gives us (2 + 3) * 4, which is not what's meant. This means that grammar authors either need to ensure that the grammar is unambiguous or need to introduce precedence declarations auxiliary to the grammar to tell the parser how to resolve the conflicts. This can be a bit of a hassle.
Packrat parsers make use of an alternative to context-free grammars called parsing expression grammars (PEGs). Parsing expression grammars in some ways resemble CFGs - they describe a collection of strings by saying how to assemble those strings from (potentially recursive) smaller parts. In other ways, they're like regular expressions: they involve simpler statements combined together by a small collection of operations that describe larger structures.
For example, here's a simple PEG for the same sort of arithmetic expressions given above:
E -> F + E / F
F -> T * F / T
T -> D* / (E)
D -> 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
To see what this says, let's look at the first line. Like a CFG, this line expresses a choice between two options: you can either replace E with F + E or with F. However, unlike a regular CFG, there is a specific ordering to these choices. Specifically, this PEG can be read as "first, try replacing E with F + E. If that works, great! And if that doesn't work, try replacing E with F. And if that works, great! And otherwise, we tried everything and it didn't work, so give up."
In that sense, PEGs directly encode into the grammar structure itself how the parsing is to be done. Whereas a CFG more abstractly says "an E may be replaced with any of the following," a PEG specifically says "to parse an E, first try this, then this, then this, etc." As a result, for any given string that a PEG can parse, the PEG can parse it exactly one way, since it stops trying options once the first parse is found.
PEGs, like CFGs, can take some time to get the hang of. For example, CFGs in the abstract - and many CFG parsing techniques - have no problem with left recursion. For example, this CFG can be parsed with an LR(1) parser:
E -> E + F | F
F -> F * T | T
T -> (E) | N
N -> ND | D
D -> 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
However, the following PEG can't be parsed by a packrat parser (though later improvements to PEG parsing can correct this):
E -> E + F / F
F -> F * T / T
T -> (E) / D*
D -> 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
Let's take a look at that first line. The first line says "to parse an E, first try reading an E, then a +, then an F. And if that fails, try reading an F." So how would it then go about trying out that first option? The first step would be to try parsing an E, which would work by first trying to parse an E, and now we're caught in an infinite loop. Oops. This is called left recursion and also shows up in CFGs when working with LL-family parsers.
Another issue that comes up when designing PEGs is the need to get the ordered choices right. If you're coming from the Land of Context-Free Grammars, where choices are unordered, it's really easy to accidentally mess up a PEG. For example, consider this PEG:
E -> F / F + E
F -> T / T * F
T -> D+ / (E)
D -> 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
Now, what happens if you try to parse the string 2 * 3 + 4? Well:
We try parsing an E, which first tries parsing an F.
We trying parsing an F, which first tries parsing a T.
We try parsing a T, which first tries reading a series of digits. This succeeds in reading 2.
We've successfully read an F.
So we've successfully read an E, so we should be done here, but there are leftover tokens and the parse fails.
The issue here is that we first tried parsing F before F + E, and similarly first tried parsing T before parsing T * F. As a result, we essentially bit off less than we could check, because we tried reading a shorter expression before a longer one.
Whether you find CFGs, with attending ambiguities and precedence declarations, easier or harder than PEGs, with attending choice orderings, is mostly a matter of personal preference. But many people report finding PEGs a bit easier to work with than CFGs because they more mechanically map onto what the parser should do. Rather than saying "here's an abstract description of the strings I want," you get to say "here's the order in which I'd like you to try things," which is a bit closer to how parsing often works.
The Packrat Parsing Algorithm
Compared with the algorithms to build LR or LL parsing tables, the algorithm used by a packrat parsing is conceptually quite simple. At a high level, a packrat parser begins with the start symbol, then tries the ordered choices, one at a time, in sequence until it finds one that works. As it works through those choices, it may find that it needs to match another nonterminal, in which case it recursively tries matching that nonterminal on the rest of the string. If a particular choice fails, the parser backtracks and then tries the next production.
Matching any one individual production isn't that hard. If you see a terminal, either it matches the next available terminal or it doesn't. If it does, great! Match it and move on. If not, report an error. If you see a nonterminal, then (recursively) match that nonterminal, and if it succeeds pick up with the rest of the search at the point after where the nonterminal finished matching.
This means that, more generally, the packrat parser works by trying to solve problems of the following form:
Given some position in the string and a nonterminal, determine how much of the string that nonterminal matches starting at that position (or report that it doesn't match at all.)
Here, notice that there's no ambiguity about what's meant by "how much of the string the nonterminal matches." Unlike a traditional CFG where a nonterminal might match at a given position in several different lengths, the ordered choices used in PEGs ensure that if there's some match starting at a given point, then there's exactly one match starting at that point.
If you've studied dynamic programming, you might realize that these subproblems might overlap one another. In fact, in a PEG with k nonterminals and a string of length n, there are only Θ(kn) possible distinct subproblems: one for each combination of a starting position and a nonterminal. This means that, in principle, you could use dynamic programming to precompute a table of all possible position/nonterminal parse matches and have a very fast parser. Packrat parsing essentially does this, but using memoization rather than dynamic programming. This means that it won't necessarily try filling all table entries, just the ones that it actually encounters in the course of parsing the grammar.
Since each table entry can be filled in in constant time (for each nonterminal, there are only finitely many productions to try for a fixed PEG), the parser ends up running in linear time, matching the speed of an LR parser.
The drawback with this approach is the amount of memory used. Specifically, the memoization table may record multiple entries per position in the input string, requiring memory usage proportional to both the size of the PEG and the length of the input string. Contrast this with LL or LR parsing, which only needs memory proportional to the size of the parsing stack, which is typically much smaller than the length of the full string.
That being said, the tradeoff here in worse memory performance is offset by not needing to learn the internal workings of how the packrat parser works. You can just read up on PEGs and take things from there.
Hope this helps!
Pyparsing is a pure-Python parsing library that supports packrat parsing, so you can see how it is implemented. Pyparsing uses a memoizing technique to save previous parse attempts for a particular grammar expression at a particular location in the input text. If the grammar involves retrying that same expression at that location, it skips the expensive parsing logic and just returns the results or exception from the memoizing cache.
There is more info here at the FAQ page of the pyparsing wiki, which also includes links back to Bryan Ford's original thesis on packrat parsing.

Aggregating automatically-generated feature vectors

I've got a classification system, which I will unfortunately need to be vague about for work reasons. Say we have 5 features to consider, it is basically a set of rules:
A B C D E Result
1 2 b 5 3 X
1 2 c 5 4 X
1 2 e 5 2 X
We take a subject and get its values for A-E, then try matching the rules in sequence. If one matches we return the first result.
C is a discrete value, which could be any of a-e. The rest are just integers.
The ruleset has been automatically generated from our old system and has an extremely large number of rules (~25 million). The old rules were if statements, e.g.
result("X") if $A >= 1 && $A <= 10 && $C eq 'A';
As you can see, the old rules often do not even use some features, or accept ranges. Some are more annoying:
result("Y") if ($A == 1 && $B == 2) || ($A == 2 && $B == 4);
The ruleset needs to be much smaller as it has to be human maintained, so I'd like to shrink rule sets so that the first example would become:
A B C D E Result
1 2 bce 5 2-4 X
The upshot is that we can split the ruleset by the Result column and shrink each independently. However, I cannot think of an easy way to identify and shrink down the ruleset. I've tried clustering algorithms but they choke because some of the data is discrete, and treating it as continuous is imperfect. Another example:
A B C Result
1 2 a X
1 2 b X
(repeat a few hundred times)
2 4 a X
2 4 b X
In an ideal world, this would be two rules:
A B C Result
1 2 * X
2 4 * X
That is: not only would the algorithm identify the relationship between A and B, but would also deduce that C is noise (not important for the rule)
Does anyone have an idea of how to go about this problem? Any language or library is fair game, as I expect this to be a mostly one-off process. Thanks in advance.
Check out the Weka machine learning lib for Java. The API is a little bit crufty but it's very useful. Overall, what you seem to want is an off-the-shelf machine learning algorithm, which is exactly what Weka contains. You're apparently looking for something relatively easy to interpret (you mention that you want it to deduce the relationship between A and B and to tell you that C is just noise.) You could try a decision tree, such as J48, as these are usually easy to visualize/interpret.
Twenty-five million rules? How many features? How many values per feature? Is it possible to iterate through all combinations in practical time? If you can, you could begin by separating the rules into groups by result.
Then, for each result, do the following. Considering each feature as a dimension, and the allowed values for a feature as the metric along that dimension, construct a huge Karnaugh map representing the entire rule set.
The map has two uses. One: research automated methods for the Quine-McCluskey algorithm. A lot of work has been done in this area. There are even a few programs available, although probably none of them will deal with a Karnaugh map of the size you're going to make.
Two: when you have created your final reduced rule set, iterate over all combinations of all values for all features again, and construct another Karnaugh map using the reduced rule set. If the maps match, your rule sets are equivalent.
You could try a neural network approach, trained via backpropagation, assuming you have or can randomly generate (based on the old ruleset) a large set of data that hit all your classes. Using a hidden layer of appropriate size will allow you to approximate arbitrary discriminant functions in your feature space. This is more or less the same idea as clustering, but due to the training paradigm should have no issue with your discrete inputs.
This may, however, be a little too "black box" for your case, particularly if you have zero tolerance for false positives and negatives (although, it being a one-off process, you get an arbitrary degree of confidence by checking a gargantuan validation set).
