Unable to get dependent object data after form submission in spring MVC - spring

public class Employee implements IEmployee, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3539505455231361934L;
#Column(name="emp_Id", nullable=false)
private Integer emp_Id;
#Column(name="login_Id", nullable=false)
private String login_Id;
#Column(name="password", nullable=false)
private String password;
#Column(name="first_name", nullable=false)
private String first_name;
#Column(name="last_name", nullable=false)
private String last_name;
#Column(name="email", nullable=false)
private String email;
#Column(name="address", nullable=false)
private String address;
#Column(name="mobile_Number", nullable=false)
private Integer mobile_Number;
#Column(name="create_Date", nullable=false)
private Date create_Date;
#Column(name="modified_Date", nullable=false)
private Date modified_Date;
private String security_Question;
private String security_Question_Answer;
private String login_Attempts;
joinColumns = {#JoinColumn(name="login_Id")},
inverseJoinColumns = {#JoinColumn(name="role_Id")})
private Collection<Role> role;//need to change name --> Dependent Object Role
---settters and getters
private Integer role_Id;
#Column(name="role_Code", nullable=false)
private String role_Code;
#Column(name="role_Name", nullable=false)
private String role_Name;
#Column(name="discription", nullable=false)
private String discription;
private Date created_Date;
private Date modified_Date;
JSP form
<form:form name="register-employee" action="/registerEmployee" method="post" commandName="employee">
<c:forEach var="role" varStatus="statusEmpRole" items="${employee.role}">
<form:hidden path="role[${statusEmpRole.index}].role_Name" value="${role.role_Name}" />
<form:checkbox path="role[${statusEmpRole.index}].role_Name" value="${role.role_Name}" itemValue="role.role_Id" />
<c:out value="${role.role_Name}" /><br>
For displaying the form
#RequestMapping(value="/employeeregistrationform", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView employeeRegistrationForm(#ModelAttribute("employee") Employee employee, Model map) throws HibernateException, RoleNotFoundException {
IEmployee iEmployee = new Employee();
Collection<Role> collectionRoles= IRoleService.getLookUpRoles();
for (Role role : collectionRoles) {
LOGGER.info("roel {}",role.getRole_Name());
return new ModelAndView("registerEmploye", "employee", iEmployee);
Get the Submitted form Data
public ModelAndView registerEmployee(#ModelAttribute("employee")Employee employee, BindingResult result) {
LOGGER.info("Registering Employe {}",employee.getFirst_name());
LOGGER.info("Selected Role Employe {}",employee.getRole());
ModelAndView model = new ModelAndView();
return model;
employee.getRole() is getting null
my case is employee having multiple roles. let say admin and Projectmanager. while creating employee admin may select the roles(these are come from database) after submitting the employee registration from i'm getting role object is null.
please help me in this. Am i missing any thing here like property editor or init binder. if so please give me example how to use them.

after Google i find the answer
I create Init Binder
public void bindForm(WebDataBinder binder) {
binder.registerCustomEditor(Collection.class, new RoleEditor(Collection.class,true));
And i supply CustomCollectionEditor to that i.e RoleEditor
package com.evoke.tms.util;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.springframework.beans.propertyeditors.CustomCollectionEditor;
import com.evoke.tms.model.Role;
public class RoleEditor extends CustomCollectionEditor {
private Set<Role> roles;
public RoleEditor(Class collectionType, boolean nullAsEmptyCollection) {
super(collectionType, true);
public void setValue( Object object ){
if(object!=null&&object instanceof String)
System.out.println("Object is of type - " + object.getClass().getCanonicalName());
String[] roleIds = (String[])object;
roles=new HashSet<Role>();
if(roleIds!=null && roleIds.length>0)
for( int i=0; i<roleIds.length; i++ ){
try {
int id = Integer.parseInt(roleIds[i]);
Role role = new Role();
}catch( NumberFormatException ne ){}
public Object getValue(){
System.out.println("Roles are - " + roles);
return roles;
And i'm still confused how it is working
can any one help on this...


how to properly design a controller and a jsp page for an entity that has three keys, two external and one internal?

I'm trying to make a Spring MVC application.I have 4 entities(Company,Pass_in_trip,Passenger,Trip) Pass_in_trip has 3 keys consisting of Passenger, Trip and Timestamp, I don't know how to properly issue a key and how to transfer it through the jsp page to the controller, and how to issue the controller itself, can anyone tell me?and also an interesting question is how to make a request to the database to search for a record using three keys.
here's what I was able to write at the moment, see if there are any errors somewhere
public class Company implements Serializable {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY)
private int id_comp;
private String name;
//Getters and Setters
#Table (name="pass_in_trip")
public class Pass_in_trip implements Serializable {
private KeysPass_in_trip key=new KeysPass_in_trip();
private String place;
//Getters and Setters
public class KeysPass_in_trip implements Serializable{
private Timestamp date=new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
#OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
#JoinColumn(name = "id_psg")
private Passenger id_psg=new Passenger();
#OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
#JoinColumn(name = "trip_no" )
private Trip trip_no=new Trip();
//Getters and Setters
//#Override hashCode and equals
public class Passenger implements Serializable {
private String name;
#GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY)
private int id_psg;
//Getters and Setters
public class Trip implements Serializable {
private int trip_no;
#ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.MERGE)
#JoinColumn(name = "id_comp")
private Company comp=new Company();
private String plane;
private String town_from;
private String town_to;
private Timestamp time_out;
private Timestamp time_in;
//Getters and Setters
public class Aero_Controller_Pass_in_trip {
private Aero_DAO service;
public void setService(Aero_DAO service) {
this.service = service;
public String list(Model uiModel) {
List <Pass_in_trip> pass_in_trip=service.findallPass_in_trip();
return "/pass_in_trip/list";
public String delete(#PathVariable("id")int id, Model uiModel) {
return "redirect:/pass_in_trip/";
public String updateform(#PathVariable("id")int id, Model uiModel) {
return "/pass_in_trip/edit";
public String newform(Model uiModel) {
return "/pass_in_trip/edit";
#RequestMapping(value="update/{id}",method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String update(Pass_in_trip pass_in_trip,BindingResult bindingResult,Model uiModel,HttpServletRequest httprervletrequest , RedirectAttributes redirectatributes) {
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
uiModel.addAttribute("pass_in_trip", pass_in_trip);
return "pass_in_trip/update";}
return "redirect:/pass_in_trip/";
interested in this part:
<s:authorize access="hasRole('ROLE_Admin')">
<td> To change </td>
<td> Delete </td>

Json content for One post in Many to one rs request in spring boot

So i have two classes,
class User:
public class User {
private int id;
private String displayName;
private String email;
private String gender;
private String Nationality;
private int age;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "id", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private List<Event> createdEvents;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "id", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private List<Reservation> clientReservations;
and class Event:
public class Event {
private int id;
private String eventName;
private Date eventDate;
#Column(name = "created_at", nullable = false, updatable = false)
private Date createdAt;
private User user;
Contoller class:
public class EventController {
private EventRepository eventRepository;
public Event addEvent(#RequestBody Event event) {
return eventRepository.save(event);
"eventName": "theatre",
"eventDate": "2020-04-22",
"user": 3
im new to spring boot and what I've tried doesn't work.
now i want to add a single Event, and i need to pass a user id to reference the user who created the event, How can i do it ?
In your Event class, add a constructor like this:
public Event(String eventName, Date eventDate, User user) {
this.createdAt = new DateTime();
this.eventName = eventName;
this.eventDate = eventDate;
this.user = user;
Instead of passing Event as #RequestBody, consider creating a dto that handles submitted data on Post requests
public class EventDto {
private String eventName;
private String eventDateString;
private Long userId;
public String getEventName() {
return eventName;
public void setEventName(String eventName) {
this.eventName = eventName;
public String getEventDateString() {
return eventDateString;
public void setEventDateString(String eventDateString) {
this.eventDateString = eventDateString;
public Long getUserId() {
return userId;
public void setUserId(Long userId) {
this.userId = userId;
Then you must replace #RequestBody Event event with #RequestBody EventDto eventDto
Inject UserRepository, handle data, check that submitted user id exists and save your Event
public Event addEvent(#RequestBody EventDto eventDto) throws ParseException {
var user = userRepository.findById(eventDto.getUserId());
if (user.isPresent()) {
Event event = new Event(eventDto.eventName.trim(), new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(eventDto.eventDateString), user.get());

Hibernate JPA loop

I created an entity class :
#Getter #Setter
public class UserModel implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5608230793232883579L;
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private long id;
#Column(nullable = false, unique = true)
private String userId;
#Column(nullable = false, length = 50)
private String firstName;
#Column(nullable = false, length = 50)
private String lastName;
#Column(nullable = false, length = 120, unique = true)
private String email;
#Column(nullable = false)
private String encryptedPassword;
private Boolean emailVerificationStatus = false;
private String emailVerificationToken;
#ManyToMany(cascade= { CascadeType.PERSIST }, fetch = FetchType.EAGER )
name = "user_role",
joinColumns = #JoinColumn(name = "user_id", referencedColumnName = "id"),
inverseJoinColumns=#JoinColumn(name = "role_id", referencedColumnName = "id"))
private List<RoleModel> roles;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "user")
private List<ProjectModel> projects;
For the list of projects, I also have an entity class:
#Table(name= "projects")
#Getter #Setter
public class ProjectModel implements Serializable {
public static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private long id;
#Column(nullable = false, unique = true)
private String projectId;
// ...
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "project")
private List<ObjectiveModel> objectives;
// ...
cascade = { CascadeType.DETACH, CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.REFRESH },
fetch = FetchType.LAZY
private UserModel user;
I also use a DTO layer to communicate with database:
#Getter #Setter
public class UserDto implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5352357837541477260L;
// contains more information than models used for rest
private long id;
private String userId;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String email;
private String password;
private String encryptedPassword;
private String emailVerificationToken;
private Boolean emailVerificationStatus = false;
private List<String> roles;
private List<ProjectDto> projects;
Each entity has its own Dto equivalent. I can create a user. My issue is trying to log in. My userServiceImpl implements Spring Security UserService. Here is my implementation :
public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String email) throws UsernameNotFoundException {
UserModel userModel = userRepository.findByEmail(email);
if(userModel == null)
throw new UsernameNotFoundException("User with email " + email + " not found");
return new UserPrincipalManager(userModel);
My UserPrincipalManager :
public class UserPrincipalManager implements UserDetails {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7464059818443209139L;
private UserModel userModel;
private ProjectModel projectModel;
#Getter #Setter
private String userId;
public UserPrincipalManager(UserModel userModel) {
this.userModel = userModel;
this.userId = userModel.getUserId();
public Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> getAuthorities() {
Collection<GrantedAuthority> authorities = new HashSet<>();
Collection<AuthorityModel> authorityModelEntities = new HashSet<>();
// get user roles
Collection<RoleModel> roleModels = userModel.getRoles();
if (roleModels == null) {
return authorities; // null
// get user roles
roleModels.forEach((role) ->{
authorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority(role.getName()));
// get user authorities
authorityModelEntities.forEach(authorityModel -> {
authorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority(authorityModel.getName()));
return authorities;
public String getPassword() {
return this.userModel.getEncryptedPassword();
public String getUsername() {
return this.userModel.getEmail();
// we do not store this information in DB
public boolean isAccountNonExpired() {
return true;
// we do not store this information in DB (yet)
public boolean isAccountNonLocked() {
return true;
// we do not store this information in DB (yet)
public boolean isCredentialsNonExpired() {
return true;
// isEnabled depending if account is activated => email verification status value
public boolean isEnabled() {
return this.userModel.getEmailVerificationStatus();
While trying to log in a User sql request is looping.
at org.modelmapper.internal.converter.MergingCollectionConverter.convert(MergingCollectionConverter.java:59)
at org.modelmapper.internal.converter.MergingCollectionConverter.convert(MergingCollectionConverter.java:31)
at org.modelmapper.internal.MappingEngineImpl.convert(MappingEngineImpl.java:303)
at org.modelmapper.internal.MappingEngineImpl.map(MappingEngineImpl.java:110)
at org.modelmapper.internal.MappingEngineImpl.setDestinationValue(MappingEngineImpl.java:242)
at org.modelmapper.internal.MappingEngineImpl.propertyMap(MappingEngineImpl.java:188)
at org.modelmapper.internal.MappingEngineImpl.typeMap(MappingEngineImpl.java:152)
at org.modelmapper.internal.MappingEngineImpl.map(MappingEngineImpl.java:106)
at org.modelmapper.internal.converter.MergingCollectionConverter.convert(MergingCollectionConverter.java:59)
at org.modelmapper.internal.converter.MergingCollectionConverter.convert(MergingCollectionConverter.java:31)
at org.modelmapper.internal.MappingEngineImpl.convert(MappingEngineImpl.java:303)
at org.modelmapper.internal.MappingEngineImpl.map(MappingEngineImpl.java:110)
at org.modelmapper.internal.MappingEngineImpl.setDestinationValue(MappingEngineImpl.java:242)
at org.modelmapper.internal.MappingEngineImpl.propertyMap(MappingEngineImpl.java:188)
at org.modelmapper.internal.MappingEngineImpl.typeMap(MappingEngineImpl.java:152)
at org.modelmapper.internal.MappingEngineImpl.map(MappingEngineImpl.java:106)
at org.modelmapper.internal.converter.MergingCollectionConverter.convert(MergingCollectionConverter.java:59)
at org.modelmapper.internal.converter.MergingCollectionConverter.convert(MergingCollectionConverter.java:31)
at org.modelmapper.internal.MappingEngineImpl.convert(MappingEngineImpl.java:303)
at org.modelmapper.internal.MappingEngineImpl.map(MappingEngineImpl.java:110)
at org.modelmapper.internal.MappingEngineImpl.setDestinationValue(MappingEngineImpl.java:242)
at org.modelmapper.internal.MappingEngineImpl.propertyMap(MappingEngineImpl.java:188)
at org.modelmapper.internal.MappingEngineImpl.typeMap(MappingEngineImpl.java:152)
at org.modelmapper.internal.MappingEngineImpl.map(MappingEngineImpl.java:106)
In the end the application crashes and returns a 403 error.
2020-10-05 12:07:22.215 DEBUG 4564 --- [nio-8080-exec-8] o.s.s.w.a.ExceptionTranslationFilter : Access is denied (user is anonymous); redirecting to authentication entry point
org.springframework.security.access.AccessDeniedException: Access is denied
at org.springframework.security.access.vote.AffirmativeBased.decide(AffirmativeBased.java:84) ~[spring-security-core-5.3.3.RELEASE.jar:5.3.3.RELEASE]
The login fonction works if user do not have project associated.
I don't know anything about model mapper, but I would like to provide you an alternative solution because I think this is a perfect use case for Blaze-Persistence Entity Views.
I created the library to allow easy mapping between JPA models and custom interface or abstract class defined models, something like Spring Data Projections on steroids. The idea is that you define your target structure(domain model) the way you like and map attributes(getters) via JPQL expressions to the entity model.
A DTO model for your use case could look like the following with Blaze-Persistence Entity-Views:
public interface UserDto extends Serializable {
Long getId();
String getUserId();
String getFirstName();
String getLastName();
String getEmail();
String getPassword();
String getEncryptedPassword();
String getEmailVerificationToken();
Boolean getEmailVerificationStatus();
Set<String> getRoles();
Set<ProjectDto> getProjects();
interface ProjectDto {
Long getId();
String getProjectId();
// Other mappings...
Querying is a matter of applying the entity view to a query, the simplest being just a query by id.
UserDto a = entityViewManager.find(entityManager, UserDto.class, id);
The Spring Data integration allows you to use it almost like Spring Data Projections: https://persistence.blazebit.com/documentation/entity-view/manual/en_US/index.html#spring-data-features
The big bonus here, it will only fetch the columns that are actually needed and it validates the DTO model against your JPA model during boot time, so there are no more runtime surprises!

How can save order detail associated with the user and How can I return order data associated with the user details based the url parameters?

I have created the User and Order entities as bellow. What I want to achieve is that if http://localhost:8080/users/username? is given I want to return only the user detail based on username provided. if http://localhost:8080/users/username?detail=true, I want to return user detail and order details for the username provided. How can I achieve this?
public class User {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private long id;
private String userName;
private String password;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String gender;
private String lastLoggedIn;
List<Order> listOfOrder;
//getter and setter
public class Order
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private long id;
private float amount;
private String createdAt;
private String deliveredDate;
//getter and setter
#RequestMapping(method = POST, value = "/create")
public ResponseEntity createCustomerDetails(#RequestParam String userName, String password, String firstName,
String lastName, String gender) {
String lastLogged = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss").format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());
User user = new User(userName, password, firstName, lastName, gender, lastLogged);
return ResponseEntity.status(OK).body(user.getId() + " User were successfully saved");
#RequestMapping(method = POST, value = "/order/{userName}")
public ResponseEntity createOrder(#PathVariable ("userName") String userName, #RequestParam float amount)
String createdAt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss").format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());
String deliveredDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss").format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());
User user = orderService.findUser(userName);
if (!user.equals(null))
Order order = new Order(amount,createdAt,deliveredDate);
return ResponseEntity.status(OK).body("order details were saved under "+user.getUserName() + " "+user.getFirstName());
return ResponseEntity.status(NOT_FOUND).body(null + " was not found");
#RequestMapping(method = GET, value = "/users/{userName}")
public ResponseEntity getUserDetail(#PathVariable("userName") String userName,
#RequestParam(defaultValue ="none", required = false) String detail) {
if (!detail.equals("none")){
return .....;
}else {
return ........;
public interface UserRepository extends CrudRepository<User, Long> {
User findByUserName(String userName);
If you're ok with doing the serialization manually, you can employ JsonView to determine what gets serialized.
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonView;
public class User {
private String name;
private List<Order> orders;
public class Views {
public static class Lite {}
public static class Full extends Lite {}
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
public class UserController {
private UserRepository userRepository;
private ObjectMapper mapper;
public ResponseEntity<String> getUserDetail(#PathVariable String username, #RequestParam(required = false) String detail) throws JsonProcessingException {
User user = userRepository.findByUserName(username);
Class viewClass = Views.Lite.class;
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(detail)) {
viewClass = Views.Full.class;
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.OK)

Retrieve an object which has a POJO as a primary key with Spring JPA

I have the following classes: DepartmentMember and Account, mapped by a OneToOne relationship.
This is the DepartmentMember class:
public class DepartmentMember {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private int id;
#Column(name="name", nullable=false)
private String nume;
#Column(name="lastName", nullable=false)
private String prenume;
#OneToOne(mappedBy="departmentMember",cascade=CascadeType.ALL,fetch=FetchType.LAZY, optional=false)
private Account account;
public DepartmentMember() {}
public DepartmentMember(String nume, String prenume, String cNP, String email) {
this.nume = nume;
this.prenume = prenume;
//getters and setters
And this is the Account class :
public class Account {
private int id;
#Column(name="username", unique=true, nullable=false)
private String username;
#Column(name="password", nullable = false)
private String password;
#Column(name="authorities", nullable=false)
private String authorities;
private DepartmentMember departmentMember;
public Account() {}
public Account(String username, String password, String authorities) {
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
this.authorities = authorities;
//getters and setters
I have defined an interface AccountRepository which extends the CrudRepository interface provided by Spring JPA.
What I want to do is define a query, which takes as a parameter a DepartmentMember id and retrieves the associated account for that member. Now this is how an Account object looks like:
"username": "Maria_Popescu",
"password": "4ec38c6e-2463-4562-99ba-9f6c2b4528c4",
"authorities": "ROLE_USER",
"departamentMember": {
"id": 2,
"nume": "Popescu",
"prenume": "Maria",
I tried using the findOne(int id) method, but it didn't work, so which is the correct approach to solve this?
In the AccountRepository I have defined the following method :
Account findByDepartmentMemberId(int id) and I still get a not found error.
There was actually another problem in my controller. I managed to get it working by adding
Account findByDepartmentMemberId(#Param("id")int id);
in the AccountRepository
