Visual Studio intellisense - RequireJS - upper limit for script loaders reached - visual-studio

I am struggling with getting VS2015 intellisense to work for my requirejs based app.
I followed this article plus some assorted tips from various forums.
I have now gotten so far as to actually make VS realise there are script loader calls in my files.
In the output from the Javascript Language Service the first line indicates that require.config.js has been loaded.
However. As soon as I start typing in one of my module files, the output window is filled with lines like this:
File C:\repository\...\invoices.js contains a script loader file reference
(url = ../services/formvalidator.js, type = text/javascript) that will be
ignored because the upper limit (50) of references that can be added via
script loaders has been reached.
...and intellisense just gives me "Intellisense was unable to determine an accurate completion list for this expression" on all referenced modules.
What do I do now? Surely the whole point of using something like requirejs is to split your code up into separate module files. But if some limit is reached, and no intellisense can be loaded, it seems useless...
Can I change this limit?
Or is something else wrong?
Any suggestions on what to try next?

Related Reference error: window is not defined

One of the tasks for my current project is trying to find the source of the following console error:
I have looked through all the references to the window object as well as the library but can't seem to find where the issue is originating. It doesn't seem to break anything but is more of an annoyance when debugging as it pops up over 20 times in a row whenever the page is refreshed. Here are the versions of and from package.json:
Just want to know if anyone has encountered this before and how you might have fixed it. Thank you.
I have eliminated all calls to the window object within the project to no avail and have looked through polyfill-context.js inside the library with no luck either.

Visual studio debugger cannot find any identifier even though the symbols are loaded

I'm trying to debug a program in Visual Studio for which I have the symbols, but not the source code (it's a Unity game, the source in question is for the UnityPlayer.dll. I do have the source for the actual exe file).
The symbols load correctly, I can break into the debugger and can see call stacks with function names, as I expect to.
However, when I try to add a function breakpoint, it does not work: the breakpoint gets added, but it shows a little error icon in the Breakpoint window, and it's never hit.
If I double-click on a stack frame, I can get to the disassembly window, and the "Address" bar correctly shows the function name. However, if I try to enter any symbol name in the bar - including just copying the one it's already showing - I get an error message saying "identifier "whatever" is undefined". It's as if some part of Visual Studio is not aware of the loaded symbols.
One suspicious thing I noticed is that in the call stack window, all frames not in the actual exe file are shown with the "Unknown" language. I have no idea what is causing this.
Here's a picture to hopefully make this a little clearer:
What can I do to fix this, or at least work around the issue somehow? I've encountered this on VS 2017 and tried updating it to the latest version, and installing VS 2019, but nothing helped.
Notice in the names it's showing you, you get the parameter types too. Like, it's showing you FMOD_OS_Time_Sleep(unsigned int) and not just FMOD_OS_Time_Sleep. This is because the name is mangled, random looking characters are added on either side of the name to encode how many parameters it takes, and what types those parameters are.
One possibility is that it's expecting you to put in the mangled representation of the name. You can also try putting in the name exactly as it appears in the call stack, I would try both with UnityPlayer.dll! and without. Failing that, run strings on the dll to get the mangled representation of the function name and try that.

How to debug Dojo in browser?

I'm currently (trying) to develop an app with Worklight Studio 5.0.6 and Dojo (Mobile) 1.8.3. I have a really hard time to to find a proper method for debugging. After waiting 5-10 minutes for the build an deploy-process on the server, an error usually looks like this in the Chrome debugger:
How am I supposed to track down this error in MY source? The whole stack trace consists entirely of Dojo code which generates an absolutely useless error message after 20 abstraction layers.
Seriously, how do you guys handle this in real life? What methods do you use for debugging Dojo-driven apps in the browser?
For dojo.parse errors, I find it useful to pause the Chrome debugger on all exceptions (the purple icon on your screenshot, should be blue). You usally get more details about the cause of the error, the name of the DOM node being parsed, etc. in the first exception being raised.
Debugging dojo based application should be the same as debugging any javascript application.
Usually I will follow these steps:
add console.log() somewhere in code: this is fast and most of time this is enough.
set breakpoint in debugger: if step 1 is not enough, you can base on error information to set breakpoint before error line, then step in or step out.
comment out recently changes: for some error which is hard to find the error line, for example, parse error in your case, the good way is comment out your recently changes one by one till back to your last working version. Or, return to your last working version, then add code back one by one.
Create a simple application to reproduce the error : if your application is very complicate and it is hard for you to follow above methods, you can try to create a new application which mimics your current application but with simple logics and try to reproduce the error.
Based on experience : Some errors, for example, extra ',' in the end of array which works at chrome and firefox, will report a nonsense error information at IE. Debug these kinds of errors is very difficult, you can base on your experience or do a google search.
Did you provide isDebug: true in your dojoConfig? Also, try to see if the same occurs in other browsers.
Update: I recently discovered that there are issues with Google Chrome and Dojo debugging and I think it has to do with the asynchronous loading of files. As you can see in the provided screenshot of #spyro, the ReferenceError object is blank (which you can notice because of the empty brackets {}). If you want to solve that, reopen the console of Google Chrome, (for example by tapping F12 twice). After reopening the ReferenceError should not be empty anymore and now you can expand that object by using the arrow next to it and get a more detailed message about what failed.
Usually what I do in situations like that is to place a breakpoint inside the error callback (line 3398 in your case) and then look into the error variable ("e").
I am not sure how familiar you are with the Web Inspector, but once you hit the breakpoint open the Web Inspector 'console' and check for the error properties "e.message" and "e.stack" (just type in "e.message " in the console).
Also, during development it is better to avoid Dojo optimization / minification, which greatly improve your debug-ability.
Bottom line is to try to place the breakpoint before the error is thrown.

Debugging UDK using nFringe in Visual Studio 2005

This is a pretty niche question, so I am not expecting a huge response...
Basically, I am learning how to use the UDK by following some tutorials, namely this one:
So far everything is going pretty well. The only real hangup I've had is getting everything to work in Visual Studio 2005 using this nFringe plugin. For a long time, couldn't get them to work at all. I've gotten into two or three chapters of the tutorial, and I've managed to use Visual Studio to edit the code, but I can't build the scripts within VS; I have to go to UDK Frontend to do that. And worse still, I can only really use Log commands in the unrealscripts to debug anything.
So my question is this: is it even possible to configure these tools in a way that I can put breakpoints in VS and have them be caught when I test the game? I feel as though I don't have something setup correctly.
Yes it is possible. Here are some info which might be useful to you.
First, both your .sln and your .ucproj files must be located in Development/src. Then, under visual studio, right-click your project (.ucproj file in the solution explorer) and open its properties.
You must set, under the General tab:
Target Game: UnrealEngine 3 Mod
UCC Path: ....\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe
Reference Source Path: ..\Src
Under the Build tab:
check "Build debug scripts"
Under the Debug tab:
Start Game Executable: ....\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe
Load map at startup: the name of your startup map, without path nor extension
Start with the specified game type: put your GameInfo class used for your mod, ie. MyMod.MyGameInfo
Disable startup movies can be checked to gain time at launch
Enable unpublished mods must be checked.
In your command line, the parameter -vadebug specifies that the breakpoints will be enabled.
After that, you must be able to build your script from Visual, and launch your game by pressing F5.
Breakpoints should work but you can't put them on a variable declaration, you have to put them on a function call, an assignment or a condition statement.
Hope this will help.
I havnt tried using breakpoints yet but I know its possable to build with nfringe and visual studio . You need to add a line to the
udk game / config / udk engine .ini
search for
exactly like that , then youll see a block like this
then add your own line pointing to a folder named what ever you want but make sure it has a folder in it named Classes and it has the uc files you wnat to compile in it
if you used that line then you are tellign udk you have a folder named
located in your development/src folder and you want it to compile everything in there

Where is where is

I'm in VS2010, in a new Word Add-In project. This is my first attempt at Word development using VSTO. The example I'm trying has this line:
Document vstoDoc = Globals.Factory.GetVstoObject(this.Application.ActiveDocument);
But when I add this line Visual Studio says it can't find "Factory". Indeed, it's not in Intellisense.
I've got references to:
and all the usual System references.
Where am I going wrong and why can't I get to "Factory"?
That example looks a bit weird to me. Never seen that sort of reference before.
Generally, with Vsto, you hook into EVENTS on, say, the main Word App object.
Then, from within the event, you usually are passed a reference to the particular DOC object that the event is occurring for (say, being opened or saved, etc). In that way, there shouldn't be any need for using the "globals" object or the "factory" object, whereever they might be.
What method is that code in? A little more context might help.
I think the recommended way of doing this is:
