SceneKit view slows down when presenting another view - ios8

I have a SCNView which is the main view for the ViewController in my storyboard. It also has some child views, like buttons.
I set one of these buttons to present a popover. However, as long as the popover is presented above the SCNView, rendering of the scene is slowed down (I understand that it's probably to save battery and provide smooth interaction with the popover).
For my application however, this looks pretty bad. I haven't unfortunately found any setting for this. Is there a way to force the view to render at full speed even when it's partially overlayed?
I target the iOS version 8.0.


UITableviewcell width not filling the screen

I don't know if this is a bug with AutoLayout or Xcode but I've realised that if I run my application on a device which isn't the same size as the device in my storyboard, the elements are adopting the incorrect size.
I.e. Selecting View as iPhone SE and running the application on an iPhone 7+ The size of my tableview is the width of an iPhone SE screen, this fixes itself when I reload the view and then it then adopts the width of the iPhone 7+ screen.
Just a note as well the table view doesn't have a fixed width and is pinned to the top, bottom, left and right with 0 spacing and also I'm changing the height of the cells programmatically in code if this could affect it at all as well.
Views that come from a xib (or storyboard) have their IB frame values when they are created, before they are added to the view hierarchy. So a case like you describe is probably that something is accessing a view loaded from a xib before it has become part of the layout process and resized.
This would also explain why it's fixed when you go away and come back. The first time, it got the values before they were final, but the second time the values are already final and correct.
Layout code called fromviewDidLoad() for view controllers, or awakeFromNib() or initWith(coder:) for views is the likely cause. Layout code called from viewDidLoad() is especially problematic because it was fine up to iPhone 5s, but would now cause this problem.
It's impossible to say what exactly the issue just from this. From the NSLog statements visible in the video, the issue is whatever code calls that "weather view width". That is being called too early in the layout process. It needs to go in viewWillAppear or viewWillLayoutSubviews to make sure the correct values are ready for whatever calculation is dependent on that. Hope this helps.
I can't seem to recreate this. I would recommend double checking for any updates for Xcode and the Developer tools (softwareupdate --install -a).
Incase you haven't, restart Xcode.
EDIT: Disregard this answer, please read Mike Sand's post.
Try self.view.layoutIfNeeded in viewDidLoad or in viewWillAppear

Previously rendered IBDesignable hangs on "Updating" in storyboard

Xcode 7.0.1 (7A1001)
iOS 9.0
I made a custom #IBDesignable UIView, only implementing the drawRect function. Like so:
class CustomView: UIView {
override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
// Lots more drawing code after this
// ...
While I was writing this drawRect, I had a storyboard with several different instances of this rendering on a view controller. When I made a change in drawRect and saved, these changes would be reflected in the storyboard in close to real time. There was even an IBInspectable String which allowed me to change an enum type and draw differently depending on that. The views could be resized in the storyboard, and the new width and height would be accounted for in my drawing code, and the drawing would be scaled and translated, exactly as I intended.
This was all working fine, and I had not made any changes to that UIView subclass, but I did delete my test views in the storyboard while building out newer views which would actually end up using this custom view.
After doing a lot of dancing around with constraints, I was ready to place my custom view where it belonged. But it does not work. While the identity inspector acknowledges my custom class as an IBDesignable, it hangs on "Updating" status.
To prove I wasn't going crazy, I made entirely new #IBDesignable UIView subclasses which implemented simple drawRects or even completely empty drawRects. These are now having the same issue and are not rendering on the storyboard.
Note that I can run this in the simulator and the drawing appears as I expect at runtime. So what happened to the storyboard's ability to give that nice feedback I expect from an IBDesignable?
Things I have tried:
Clean / clean build folder / clearing XCode Derived Data directory
Restarting XCode
Deleting / commenting out drawRect guts
Making the most simple #IBDesignables with HelloWorld-like tutorials
Using existing known working #IBDesignables
Creating fresh UIViewController in storyboard to place custom view
Toggled: Editor > Automatically Refresh Views
Editor > Refresh All Views
Editor > Debug Selected Views
All these attempts continue to show "Updating" in Custom Class section of the identity inspector.
Clearly something beyond my implementation is causing a problem here. Anybody else having this issue? Can anybody point me in the right direction? Not sure what else to try.
In the Identity inspector where it says "Module" add your AppName

Dragging UIView as subview of UITableView lags behind finger

I have designed a custom subclass of UITableView. At some point in its use, I need to add a UIView as a direct subview of UITableView, drag it within the table view using my finger, and then remove it from the table view. I use a UILongPressGestureRecognizer to create a view in much a similar manner as the iOS Calendar app, drag it around the tableview by resetting its frame, and then remove it from the table view by adding it to a cell.
This works, but with one caveat. When I move my finger too quickly, I "lose my grip" on the UIView, and it does not catchup to my finger unless I move my finger back within the frame of the view to "pick it up" again.
Since UITableView subclassed from UIScrollView, I tried setting the table view's delaysContentTouchs and canCancelContentTouches properties to NO, while setting the exclusiveTouch property of the UIView being dragged to YES. Nothing has worked.
Ultimately, I want to be able to drag my UIView around inside the table view with just as much responsiveness as the built in iOS Calendar app. Any thoughts?
P.S. I am relatively new to iOS development, so please forgive if there is some major oversight here.
Problem solved! As it turns out, there was nothing inherently wrong with the setup (adding a subview to a UITableView and dragging).
After much digging, I discovered that I had been performing a hitTest every time the view was dragged to a new coordinate. One could see how performing such an intensive operation every second could slow down processing enough on the device to cause this weird behavior. When I changed it, everything worked perfectly.
Ultimately, the lesson to be learned was that my view controller subclass was too complex and therefore not easily readable. There was too much digging necessary to uncover this issue. I have since taken great pains to simplify my code - it has been incredibly rewarding.

How to implement Lion style swipe and slide away animation

I am wanting to implement history navigation in my app that mimics the slide away animation found in Safari on Lion and in XCode where a top view slides away at the speed of swipe to reveal the view underneath it.
I was looking for pointers on how to do this. I know how to detect the swipe. I assume I could implement the animation via a CALayer animation slide transition on the top view revealing a view underneath it. Has anybody else done this and can offer some further pointers?
It's a new NSEvent method, -trackSwipeEventWithOptions:.... You should call it from within your regular scroll/swipe event handler, whenever you decide the gesture should begin. Unfortunately it doesn't automatically handle the page animations — it just gives you updates with the gesture amount, and you have to do the animations yourself (using layers or views or somesuch). You'll probably want to save images of each page so you can animate them around during a gesture.

NSTableView redraw not updating display, selection sticking

Although I know of a solution to this problem, I am interested if someone can explain this solution to me. I also wanted to get this out there because I could not find any mention of this problem online, and it took me several hours over several days to track down. I have an NSTableView behaving strangely regarding redraws and its selection. The problem looks like this:
Table contents fades in, instead of appearing instantly upon it's appearance on screen. When scrolling through the contents, the newly appearing rows also fade in. When you make a selection (single or multiple), and scroll it off screen, then make another selection (that should replace, not add-to first selection), the first selection does not get cleared properly. If you scroll back to it, it is still there, in addition to your new selection. This is a display-update problem, not selection problem - i.e. your new selection is valid, it is just displayed wrong.
I tracked this through the NSArrayController I was binding to, the underlying Array, sorting, all the connections, and settings, etc., but all that has nothing to do with it.
What solved the problem was:
In the View Effects (right-most) Inspector, uncheck "Core Animation Layer" for the Window's main view.
Can anyone explain what is happening here, and perhaps improve upon the solution ?
It looks like Core Animation and NSTableView aren't getting along so well. The "fading" effect is a by-product of the way core animation works. When you have core animation in one view, it is also enabled in all of that view's subviews.
I don't recommend using core animation on the Mac unless absolutely necessary, because some interface elements (NSTextView and NSTableView, for example) aren't compatible with it. iOS has much better support for table views and such using core animation, mainly because it was designed with core animation in mind.
I know that some more simple UI elements are compatible (NSTextField and NSButton, for example).
If you absolutely need core animation in the rest of the window, put all the other views in a subview of the content view, while leaving the table view directly in the content view. You can then enable Core Animation in the other view.
Commenters, feel free to add to the list of what is and isn't compatible.
