What is the difference between the two ways of compiling using Pascal? - pascal

I compiled using the following two commands:
Fpc -Se test.pas
Fpc test.pas -Se
What is the difference between these two ways to compile?
When do I put switches in? Before or after the source code?

Free pascal does not check order of flags. I've tried for some other flags and I observed no difference in compilation. However, looking at the documentation you will notice that any flags are placed before the file that is to be compiled.
Below are examples from the documentation: ftp://ftp.freepascal.org/pub/fpc/docs-pdf/user.pdf
fpc -Fuc:\pp\NNN\units\i386-go32v2\rtl hello
fpc -g hello.pp
fpc -n -Fu/home #cfg -Fu/usr foo.pp


What is the -DLINUX flag for gcc?

I have seen makefiles use the -DLINUX flag but can't find any documentation on it.
Is there a place to find information on tools like 'gcc' that are more up-to-date than
the officially released manuals?
It just defines the LINUX symbol for the C preprocessor.
Probably there are pieces of the code that look like:
#ifdef LINUX
//Linux-specific code
#elif defined WINDOWS
//Windows-specific code
It's the -D option controlling the preprocessor. It defines the LINUX macro, that you can then use with #ifdef.
According to man gcc:
-D name
Predefine name as a macro, with definition 1.
Hence, it let define a constant from the compilation command line.
It defines a preprocessor macro named LINUX. That's it. The macro itself, LINUX, is not a predefined one, it's probably used for a cross-platform codebase where specific sections of code are enabled for a Linux target. For this purpose, one could actually have re-used the predefined linux or __linux__ ones (see the output of gcc -dP -E - < /dev/null to get all the predefined macros on your system).
See http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.8.2/gcc/ for the standard documentation on gcc (that's obviously for GCC 4.8.2). To my knowledge, that's the best place to look for if this documentation is not already installed (or up-to-date) on your system.

How to make gcc uses march=native as default?

Is there a way to change the specs file so that it will pass -march=native if nothing is specified in command line?
Related things in the default specs file is:
%{march=native:%>march=native %:local_cpu_detect(arch) %{!mtune=*:%>mtune=native %:local_cpu_detect(tune)}} %{mtune=native:%>mtune=native %:local_cpu_detect(tune)}
I am not sure how specs works. Simply specifying -march=native before or after %(cc1_cpu) doesn't work. However, this line does take effect because GCC will report error if I put -something_wierd instead of -march=native.
Another thing I noticed is if I put %{march=i386:-something_wierd} before %(cc1_cpu), gcc reports error so looks like -march=i386 is always passed in if nothing is specified, so is there a way to distinguish between nothing specified and -march=i386 in specs file?
BTW, what does %> do? Seems like it is not specified in the documentation.
I am using MinGW's gcc-4.6.2.
Referring to your last question: The gcc 4.6.1 sources (gcc/gcc.c) contain the following comment on %>:
%>S Similar to "%<S", but keep it in the GCC command line.
For the sake of completeness following the comment for %< form the same file:
%<S remove all occurrences of -S from the command line.
Note - this command is position dependent. % commands in the
spec string before this one will see -S, % commands in the
spec string after this one will not.
To answer the first question in short: yes, but ....
... the only generic solution I found has the significant drawback that the -march option will be ignored, so every build is done as if -march=native had been specified. Anyhow there is a workaround to that.
1 The solution (without workaround)
Create a specs-file called let's say specs.nativealways containing:
%<march=* -march=native %>march=native %:local_cpu_detect(arch) %{!mtune=*:%>mtune=native %:local_cpu_detect(tune)} %{mtune=native:%>mtune=native %:local_cpu_detect(tune)}
When using the specs-file (for example by invoking gcc with the option -specs=specs.nativealways) the build will be done as if -march=native was specified (with the mentioned drawback that any occurrence of option -march=<arch> would have simply been ignored).
2 The workaround
To still by able to override the newly configured default behavior one can use a modified version of the specs-file described above, introducing a new option called -myarch using the same syntax as -march (except for -myarch=native, which won't work, which does not metter as native now is the default).
The modfied specs-file looks like this:
%<march=* %{myarch=*:%<myarch* -march=%* ; :-march=native %>march=native %:local_cpu_detect(arch) %{!mtune=*:%>mtune=native %:local_cpu_detect(tune)}} %{mtune=native:%>mtune=native %:local_cpu_detect(tune)}
PS: This has been tested with with gcc 4.6.2 on Linux, but should work on MinGW.
While not a direct answer to your question, you can reach a very similar effect by defining CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS in your shell's initialization file. 99% of the Makefiles are sufficiently standard to pick up the environment values and pass the flags to gcc.
+ %{!march*:-march=native}

using openmp with a makefile and g++

I am building a large project with a makefile that was originally built with icpc, and now I need to get it running with g++.
When it compiles the file that uses openmp, it uses the -c flag, and doesn't use any libraries, so it ends up being serial instead of openmp. All of the examples I am seeing aren't using this -c flag.
Is there some way to compile without linking, but using openmp?
I've been using the -lgomp flag(and the library is on the library path):
g++ -lgomp -c -w -O4 mainS.cpp
g++: -lgomp: linker input file unused because linking not done
Edit: my boss made several mistakes in the code, the makefile, and the documentation. Sorry to have wasted your time, at least it was less than the 5 hours I spend on it =/
Are you passing the flag to enable OpenMP (IIRC it's something like -fopenmp? If you don't chances are the compiler will ignore the OpenMP-related primitives and just produce serial code.
I don't think that -c (ie, compile only, don't like) has anything to do with your problem.
Perhaps the documentation helps...

Preprocessor output

How do I view the output produced by the C pre-processor, prior to its conversion into an object file?
I want to see what the MACRO definitions do to my code.
gcc -E file.c
g++ -E file.cpp
will do this for you. The -E switch forces the compiler to stop after the preprocessing phase, spitting all it’s got at the moment to standard output.
Note: Surely you must have some #include directives. The included files get preprocessed, too, so you might get lots of output.
For Visual C++ the switch is /E which spits the preprocessor output to screen.
You can also call the C Preprocessor directly.
cpp infile outfile
Check out man cpp for more info.
For GCC,
gcc -E -dM file.c
g++ -E -dM file.cpp
should do the job. -dM, as GNU Preprocessor manual puts it, should generate a list of ‘#define’ directives for all the macros defined during the execution of the preprocessor, including predefined macros.
It depends on the compiler you use.
With GCC, you can specify the -E flag on the command-line to let the compiler produce the pre-processor output.
If using CLion by Jetbrains, you can use the action "clangd: Preprocess current TU"
So hit shift shift and start typing clangd...
Best assign it to a shortcut for simpler reuse in preferences->keymap:
Shout out to marcosbento
PS: TU means 'translation unit' (see here LLVM translation unit)
You can check out my script described here:
It formats the preprocessor output into a (hopefully) readable html document: lines that are different due to preprocessor are marked in the file.

highlight and filter (gcc) compiler messages

i'm currently refactoring a C-project, throwing about 1000 warnings at me.
is there a way to highlight and filter these warnings.
(eg make all index warnings red, unused blue, and some other)
most likely some ides can do that, but that's no solution for me.
This is really basic, but I've been using grep...
make 2>&1 | grep --color -iP "\^|warning:|error:|"
just to quickly draw the eye to the error line and offending section pointed to by ^.
I've found other methods over-use colour and you end up with the same problem. I guess you could also inject colour escape sequences with sed.
Try the colorgcc Debian package. There are also three other packages I found: Johannes Schlüter's colorgcc, or this package in German, or this Sourceforge project
Gcc 4.9 seems to have added this feature via the -fdiagnostics-color flag: http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Language-Independent-Options.html#index-fdiagnostics-color-246
The warn_summary script is pretty nice
You can get a count of all your warnings, the type and also just print out the warnings without all the other output from gcc.
gcc <...> | tee buildoutput
warn_summary -s 0 -wpass buildoutput
warn_summary -s 0 buildoutput
You could pipe the output of your compile through grep:
make 2> error.txt; grep -e error error.txt
Compiling in emacs gives you some highlighting. Presumable the details are amenable to customization.
Use M-x compile and issue you usual build command (defaults to make -k).
I've been using pretty make, which formats and colorizes gcc output nicely. The indented format for command options is very clear.
I did end up hacking it to swap the deprecated popen2 to subprocess.
This answer is more about the general approach to reworking old C code.
Large volumes of warnings usually are repetitions of the same small group of warnings because of some errors in header files that are included all over the place by other source code files.
If you're refactoring an old C project, quite often most warning come down to various things such as old K'n'R function dec's, previously allowed casts now being highlighted with a warning, using deprecated functions, etc.
Assuming you're using (g)make to build the project, I'd run the compile using the following command:
gmake 2>&1 | tee results
Then you can have a look at the results file and see what are the most popular warnings you're getting. Start with eliminating all existing warnings before getting on to any refactoring of the code base.
Running the make from within vim gives you lots of possibilities to couple the error and warning messages with the source files.
