IN magento Navigation show two time in header how to solve it - magento

How to remove one navigation i will try but not solve it. here below screen short of this error..enter image description here

I think you are calling code two times in your header.phtml
check that and remove one.
or you can just hide one of them using css property.
just select the class using parent class and assign rule
display:none !important;


Need to override style of ngx datatable in two different pages not impacting each other

".ngx-datatable datatable-header{
overflow: visible !important;
.ngx-datatable {
overflow: visible !important;
I have two ngx datatables in two different pages,And I set customized filter in one datatable header by an filter icon, Problem is the dropdown of onclick of icon is cutting the dropdown,for that I googled and got to know that its an CSS issue and can be handled. So i written the following in my Angular SCSS file for one component related.
Using this working but impacting on other ngx datatables.
Help or suggest me any one on this.
Aren't they both having separate CSS files? If that is the case, it shouldn't be affecting one another. If they are both having the same CSS file as the style sheet, provide an ID to each table and provide the same id in the CSS as well, so that the specified style gets added only to that Id.
Once you specify the ngx-datatable styles under the respective Id's, it should work.
Let me know if it worked.

Magento, position configurable options

I create a configurable product, but the dropdwon option is located below the image:
And I want to put it like this one:
How can I achieve this?
You have to edit your css. Inspect that div with firebug or whichever you wish and see the class apply the width you want in your browser first if it works then make changes to your css. If you want to add another class to div, then apply the changes. Then turn on template path hints and see from which template file it is coming and do changes there.

Magento change space between main navigation links

This should be easy, but I'm not getting any useful results.
I'm trying to edit the menu and keep it on one line. Either forced one line or edit the spacing on my own.
I changed a bunch of margin/padding settings for the ul(got the ul name from top.phtml, then changed skin/frontend/default/blanco/css/menu1.css, but it isn't changing anything.
Using blanco theme. Any ideas to get me started?
Edit: Had to change the name to 'STORE' so it would show up on the same line for the time being. But if I change it to Online Store, instead of pushing the menu items closer together it defaults to two lines!
It looks like you just need #nav > li{padding:8px 15px;} in menu1.css. Change the 15px value up or down to tune the spacing.
If it isn't making any difference check that the CSS file is not cached anywhere (from Magento back-end right through to your browser).

Table Align Centre does not Align Centre

I'm building a simple table in CKEditor. If I select Left or Right align, it aligns in the expected side of the view when saved. However, when saved this fails if I select Centre align. It's obviously not the whole page because Centre Align text above and below will display Centre aligned. This issue only becomes apparent when "saved" ... (ie a centre aligned table will centre align in edit).
Can you suggest what's going on?
How is the centering actually performed? If you have configured using the XHTML configuration, this sounds like a class issue - if not, it could be a CSS !important override rule.
I have CKE configured based on the XHTML example, so my CKE produces centering on table cells like this: <td class="JustifyCenter">Twilight Sparkle</td>. So, if you place the HTML generated by CKEditor in an external page, make sure that the JustifyCenter class actually defined in the parent page. Also in Developer tools that not only it the class rule exists, that it is actually correct and applies.
Also in your developer tools and check to see if your CSS style is actually working or is it being overridden. If you have a parent page CSS rule like td {text-align:left !important;} and CKE produces content like <td style="text-align:center">Fluttershy</td>, the parent page is overriding your inline CSS definition.
I'm only guessing here - it would help if you can you show us the final code as it's used when saved and also your CKEditor configuration.
the table align to center CKeditor will generate something like this, <table align="center">
but it is not working.
finally i found a solution by using CSS, here my code
table[align="center"] {
margin: 0 auto;

Changing body color in articles Joomla

How can I change the body bg color to and specific article in Joomla?
We accomplish exactly this for a scientific site by specifying the Page Class Suffix when creating a menu item for the article. It's located on the menu option page under Parameters (System), and whatever string you put in there is appended to the class of the page. From there, your CSS skills and Firebug will be your friend to add your class and make changes in the appropriate CSS files.
