How to figure out why is QtCreator underlining text red? - qt-creator

I probably did some typo, or something. It's not really important what's wrong with the code, what freaks me out is, that I can't get any error message explaining why it's underlined!
The IDE doesn't show any explanation to the behavior, making the red underline feature pretty worthless, as many times it's just a false alarm regarding unfinished piece of code.
How can I find out why did QtCreator underline code?

If you mouse-over the red line, it should display a popup


What do the green underscores in the Script section of my cshtml indicate, and how can I ungreenify them?

In Visual Studio (2013, if it's significant) I see this in the "Scripts" section of a .cshtml file:
The green undersscores may actually be being rendered by Resharper (version 2016.1, if it's significant).
I suspect this is some sort of warning, but how can I see what the warning is, and how to resolve whatever is causing the warning? Hovering does nothing; 2-clicking does invoke a "Format Selection" icon (doubtless from Resharper), but selecting it does nothing.
This is a ReSharper hint - it's saying that it can make a change here that is likely to improve your code, but isn't necessarily important (if it were more important it would be displayed as a full squiggly underline, green for suggestion, blue for warning, red for error).
You can find out what ReSharper wants to do by hovering over the green dots. If you like the hint, put the text cursor inside the green dots, hit Alt+Enter and select the option that will update the code. If you don't like the hint at all, and never want to see it again, you can also do that from the Alt+Enter menu - select inspection options, and change the severity of the inspection from "Hint" to "Do not show".

visual studio highlighting space / horizontal line between parentheses

I would like to show a vertical line, next to the linenumbers, in my visual studio 2010 between parentheses when my courser is between those 2 parantheses.
I alread had that option enabled, but somehow its gone.
edit: is nobody using that feature? one of the very nice things when you are debugging
Is no one using that feature??
Edit: so last push!! there must be a way to see where the space between parentheses starts and ends.
edit: here is an image
EDIT: I still haven't found what i'm looking for. VS is so powerful there must somewhere an option or a plugin. It is really useful when you can see where your { begins and ends }.
Anyone a clue?
I haven't seen the horizontal line feature since 2008. I hated it so I haven't been looking for it either.
You should however be able to see the braces being highlighted when your cursor is on them. If not, perhaps you've changed your theme or possibly some colors in your Options menu.
Here's what you should try:
Tools ->
Options(down at the bottom of the drop-down) ->
Environment ->
Fonts and Colors
Make sure the Show settings for: selector is showing Text Editor.
The one(s) you're looking for are Brace Matching (Highlight/Rectangle).
Attempt to change it to your choosing and see if the changes take place. If not, reset to the defaults and re-check it's enabled.
Another suggestion that can be handy to get a temporary look at the extents of the body you can hover your mouse just along the margin it will highlight the most nested body. You may have to do some tweaking of your colors to make it vibrant. I use a darker color and have my code block highlighting white. I know it's not what you're looking for but it might be somewhat of a band aid.

Visual Studio Indicator/Icon

Can someone tell me what this is? Also, how did I get it there? Thanks!
The first is a "find" indicator. (I don't know the actual technical term.) When you do a "quick find " or "search" your code for a particular term this indicator shows up on the line where the term was found.
As far as the second one I believe indicates a change in the code. When you make a change to the line it will turn a different color, then when you save the file it will turn green. Again I am not sure of the technical term.
The green line indicates a change that you have made since you last opened the file that has been saved already. It's yellow before saving. I don't know about the other one.
The green/yellow part shows a map of your source file. The green part changes to yellow when you've made changes to those lines.
(edit) I don't know about the other one, but it looks like it could be the next step in execution?

Xcode : shortcut for highlight feature

I recently started using Xcode for developing. It's pretty neat. By accident I happened to see one of its features. The feature only highlights the block of code I am currently working on. Other codes are covered with light grey. I do not know how to get that effect again. Can anybody help? Thanks!
You probably hovered your mouse over the line number bar like this:
You may be referring to the "focus ribbon" on the left side between the code and line numbers.
Refer to:
(Figure 3-10)
This is called Code Folding Focus.
If you want to turn it ON or OFF as you please, do as follows in Xcode/Preferences:
Then, assign the key of your fits.

Xcode's yellow warning underlines going crazy, making projects difficult to read

Xcode underlines potential issue statements with a squiggly yellow underline. For some reason, half of my project is underlined. It's just one solid line that spans almost a hundred lines. Sometimes it changes position, and where it begins and ends is seemingly random.
Right now, it starts in the middle of a comment block, so that's weird.
Is there any way to get rid of the yellow underline? It's straining my eyes trying to scan through my code, and I'd rather it disappear entirely and just sacrifice the intended functionality than try and deal with it.
As far as I am aware there is no way to turn this off, warnings are useful feedback that you should fix.
If it is hurting your eyes maybe a change of XCode theme would help.
In XCode go to preferences / Font and Colors and select a theme like "midnight" I find that is better on my eyes.
