What do the green underscores in the Script section of my cshtml indicate, and how can I ungreenify them? - visual-studio

In Visual Studio (2013, if it's significant) I see this in the "Scripts" section of a .cshtml file:
The green undersscores may actually be being rendered by Resharper (version 2016.1, if it's significant).
I suspect this is some sort of warning, but how can I see what the warning is, and how to resolve whatever is causing the warning? Hovering does nothing; 2-clicking does invoke a "Format Selection" icon (doubtless from Resharper), but selecting it does nothing.

This is a ReSharper hint - it's saying that it can make a change here that is likely to improve your code, but isn't necessarily important (if it were more important it would be displayed as a full squiggly underline, green for suggestion, blue for warning, red for error).
You can find out what ReSharper wants to do by hovering over the green dots. If you like the hint, put the text cursor inside the green dots, hit Alt+Enter and select the option that will update the code. If you don't like the hint at all, and never want to see it again, you can also do that from the Alt+Enter menu - select inspection options, and change the severity of the inspection from "Hint" to "Do not show".


How to hide three dots underlining macro names in Visual Studio 2019 C++

Every use of any macro names in my projects gets underlined with 3 dots:
When I hover mouse over it , I get a light bulb and small msg box saying that browsing around this identifier may be incorrect and suggest to add this macro to a hint file, which doesn't seem to do anything:
Anyone knows how to get rid of the dots ?
Finally after multiple attempts of "staring at the screen" problem solving method I found a way to turn the dots off. In "Tools->Options" menu navigate to "Text Editor->C/C++->View" and in the drop-down box "Macros in skipped browsing regions" select "none".

How to change highlighting color in Visual Studio using ReSharper?

Where my arrow is pointing I have seen various people who have changed the color of the highlight to blue or cyan or some other color that is easier to see and "pops out" more. I have tried searching on stack overflow and the internet and have been unsuccessful at finding how to change this specific thing rather than changing the entire color of all highlighting text. Basically when you click next to an end brace or beginning it highlights the other one but in my case its grey and I would like it to be blue or something better. How do I do this? Sorry I don't have enough reputation to post the image in this specific post.
I looked through Tools > Options > Fonts and Colors for nearly every option and changed lots of things around, but nothing changed the way it highlights those braces when you click next to one. I was able to successfully change the color it highlights it but the second I release my mouse it changes back to grey.
Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors
Resharper Brace Outline
Resharper Matched Brace Items
To change whether to display color or outline, go to Resharper Options:
Resharper > Environment > Editor > Highlight with [x] color [ ] outline
ReSharper Help/Highlighting Matching Delimiters

visual studio highlighting space / horizontal line between parentheses

I would like to show a vertical line, next to the linenumbers, in my visual studio 2010 between parentheses when my courser is between those 2 parantheses.
I alread had that option enabled, but somehow its gone.
edit: is nobody using that feature? one of the very nice things when you are debugging
Is no one using that feature??
Edit: so last push!! there must be a way to see where the space between parentheses starts and ends.
edit: here is an image
EDIT: I still haven't found what i'm looking for. VS is so powerful there must somewhere an option or a plugin. It is really useful when you can see where your { begins and ends }.
Anyone a clue?
I haven't seen the horizontal line feature since 2008. I hated it so I haven't been looking for it either.
You should however be able to see the braces being highlighted when your cursor is on them. If not, perhaps you've changed your theme or possibly some colors in your Options menu.
Here's what you should try:
Tools ->
Options(down at the bottom of the drop-down) ->
Environment ->
Fonts and Colors
Make sure the Show settings for: selector is showing Text Editor.
The one(s) you're looking for are Brace Matching (Highlight/Rectangle).
Attempt to change it to your choosing and see if the changes take place. If not, reset to the defaults and re-check it's enabled.
Another suggestion that can be handy to get a temporary look at the extents of the body you can hover your mouse just along the margin it will highlight the most nested body. You may have to do some tweaking of your colors to make it vibrant. I use a darker color and have my code block highlighting white. I know it's not what you're looking for but it might be somewhat of a band aid.

How to locate the formatting of a line in the Options/Fonts and Colors dialog?

I am using Resharper 6.x with VS2010. One of the features is that if you double click on a variable, it is highlighted and then other usages of the variable are highlighted, like so:
The background and foreground colors of the highlighted variable are too close to each other and I am trying to change it in the Options/Fonts and Colors dialog. It has a small Sample window (below). I've gone through the entire list of display items and can't find the one matching what I see in the coding window.
So 2 questions:
Which display item should I change to affect the back/fore colors of the highlighted variables?
Is there some tool that that will point me to the display item in question for any piece of code?
P.S. I am using the Ragnarok as my base color theme.
P.P.S. This may have nothing to do with Resharper. I turned it off and the coloring was still there. I guess my original question still stands - how to affect the colors of the highlighted variables.
Visual Studio 2010 Reference Highlighting
As you already presumed: The reference highlighting of current selection is not a ReSharper feature but a VS 2010 feature. So you need to look at VS items in Fonts and Colors dialog.
The right display item is Highlighted Reference.
ReSharper Reference Highlighting
ReSharper's equivalent is Highlight usages in file by pressing Shift+Alt+F11.
Then all read references have light blue background color (related display item in Fonts and Colors dialog is ReSharper Read Usage).
And all write references have rose background color (related display item in Fonts and Colors dialog is ReSharper Write Usage).
But the disadvantage of ReSharper's reference highlighting is that you need to press a shortcut. VS does the highlighting automatically.

What does the scalpel-shaped icon in the gutter in Visual Studio 2008 mean?

What does this icon mean?
It doesn’t seem to have a tooltip, it doesn’t respond on right-click, and it doesn’t seem to want to disappear either.
It shows Find All results. (Possibly other things too!)
Edit to clarify: when you double-click an entry in a Find Results panel, the "scalpel" shows up next to the relevant line of code. Helps you pick it out by eye, I guess, as the cursor may not be very noticeable.
Further edit: this page says To jump to a match, double-click any line in the results list. The source file is displayed in the Code Editor with the insertion point placed where the matched text begins. A symbol appears in the indicator margin of the Editor to mark the line that includes the match, and the status bar displays its full text. - as they don't name it I doubt the symbol is used elsewhere.
