Efficient way to replace placeholders in a string using eloquent object - laravel

I have an Eloquent class Member with relationships defined as District, Profession
An instance of Member class can be passed to a method which replaces placeholders from a string using this instance.
The placeholders are of format %placeholder%, where placeholder can be either an attribute of Member class or an attribute from its relation using dot notation like %name%, %district.name%
The problem I face is that I get Member instance without relations eager loaded.
So I have to reload the instance like this.
$member = Member::with(['district', 'profession'])->find($member->id);
Then I replace the placeholders using this syntax.
$member = $member->toArray();
$placeholders = array_keys($member);
foreach($placeholders as &$placeholder) {
$placeholder ='%'.$placeholder.'%';
$finalString = str_replace($placeholders, array_values($member), $string);
Please guide whether I am doing it efficiently or there is some other way to achieve this. Especially I don't want to make another db call to eager load relations so that they can be converted to array.

You don't have to reload the member. Use load to lazy eager load the relations:
$member->load('district', 'profession');


Error Call to a member function where() on array Laravel

I want to do filtering from the data that I display, but there is a problem when I add where to my data.
the plan in the future I want to add if isset $request name, date and others. but was constrained at this one point.
Thank you for helping to answer in advance
$matchs =Matchs::where('type', 'sparring')->where('status','Pending')->whereNull('deleted_at')->get()->toArray();
foreach ($matchs as $key) {
$lawan = Matchs::where('id', $key['id'])->first()->ToArray();
$pertandingan = Sparring::where('match_id', $key['id'])->first()->ToArray();
$dua_arah = MatchTwoTeam::where('match_id', $key['id'])->first()->ToArray();
$tim = Team::where('id', $dua_arah['home_team'])->first()->ToArray();
$data->where('name', 'LIKE', '%'.'football'.'%')->get()->toArray();
$data = array_search('football', array_column($data, 'name'));
return view('mode.sparring',[
'tittle' => $tittle,
'data' => $data,
You are trying to call where in an array which is not possible.
As you can see in the first line of your code you are calling where method in your model class. Like Matchs::where('type', 'sparring'), this is possible because Matchs is a Model class.
Now you can run where even if you are using array. You can convert that day in collection and then use array on that collection.
As below:
collect($data)->where('name', 'football')->toArray();
Here collect() will convert the $data array to collectio and then run the where() method in collectio then toArray() will change it back to array. But unfortunately there is no like operator possible in collection class. See the list of available method in Laravel collection here: https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/collections#available-methods
There is a way to do what you are trying to do. As far as I understand you want to filter the Matches where the Team name has footbal in it. You can do it like this:
Matchs::where('type', 'sparring')
->whereHas('team', function($team) {
return $team->where('name', 'LIKE', '%'.'football'.'%')
So, here we can get the only those Mathes that has the Team that has the name contains football.
Few suggestion for you as seems you are new in Laravel:
Model name should be singular instead of plural, so the model class Matchs should be Match. Your name for team's model is Team is correct.
Avoid using toArray() because you won't need it. When you call get() it will return object of collection which more readable and powerful then array in most cases.
The code I suggested to use the like using whereHas will only work if you have propery defined your team relation in your Matchs class. So, defining your relationships in model is also important. If you do so, you don't even need the for loop and all those where in other model in that loop. You can do it in one query with all the relationships.

ManyToMany with and whereIn

I have a ManyToMany relationship between AdInterest and AdInterestGroup models, with a belongsToMany() method in each model so I can use dynamic properties:
I can find all the "interests" in a single group like this:
$interests = AdInterestGroup::find(1)->interests->pluck('foo');
What I need is a merged, deduplicated array of the related 'foo' field from multiple groups.
I imagine I can deduplicate with ->unique(), but first, as you'd expect, this:
Property [interests] does not exist on the Eloquent builder instance.
The advice seems to be to use eager loading via with():
Firstly, as you'd expect that's giving me an array of two values though (one for each ID).
Also, if I try and pluck('foo') again, it's looking in the wrong database table: from the AdInterestGroup table, rather than the relationship (AdInterest).
Is there a nice, neat Collection method / pipeline I can use to combine the data and get access to the relationship fields?
Use pluck() and flatten():
$groups = AdInterestGroup::with('interests')->whereIn('id', [1, 2])->get();
$interests = $groups->pluck('interests')->flatten();
$foos = $interests->pluck('foo')->unique();

In Laravel Eloquent, how to check for multiple relationship existence in one "has"?

So, in order to check the existence of a relationship on a model, we use the has function on the relationship like model1->has('relationship1').
While it is possible to supply the model1->with() function with an array of relations to eager load them all, both has and whereHas functions do not accept arrays as parameters. How to check for the existence of multiple relationships?
Right now, I am running multiple has functions on the same model (The relations are not nested):
But that is tedious and error-prone. Solution anyone?
There unfortunately isn't a way to pass an array of relationships to has() or whereHas(), but you can use a QueryScope instead. On your Model, define the following:
public function scopeCheckRelationships($query){
return $query->has("relationship1")->has("relationship2")->has("relationship3");
Then, when querying your Model in a Controller, simply run:
$result = Model::checkRelationships()->get();
The function name to use a Scope is the name of the function, minus the word scope, so scopeCheckRelationships() is used as checkRelationships().
Also, it's actually possible to pass the relationships you want to query as a param:
public function scopeCheckRelationships($query, $relationships = []){
foreach($relationships AS $relationship){
// Might need to be `$query = $query->has(...);`, but I don't think so.
return $query;
$result = Model::checkRelationships(["relationship1", "relationship2", "relationship3"])->get();
In case you need this to be dynamic.
Here's the documentation for Query Scopes if you need more info: https://laravel.com/docs/5.8/eloquent#query-scopes

Replace legacy column with a relation

I have a blog app on Yii2 with a really old DB
I replaced the text column post.author with a relation post.author_id.
For support reasons, the old column is active.
Now when I try to use $post->author->name i get the string column first, instead of the relation ...
Using the getter works fine $post->getAuthor()->name , but this will be hard to maintain.
Is there some standard solution for this, to ignore the post.author property,
and to favor the Author relation instead ?
You could rename the relation. If you rename the method getAuthor to getPostauthor the relation property will become postauthor (automatically) and you can fetch it via $post->postauthor->name
$post->getAuthor() returns ActiveQuery and you can't do $post->getAuthor()->name.
You may add getter to your model:
public function getAuthorName() {
$author = $post->getAuthor()->one();
return $author ? $author->name : null ;
Or, rename the relation.

Laravel Form Model Binding with Relationships

Is it possible to bind a form with a model that has relationships? For example I have a Order model that has a one to many with a Details model. That would save a lot of time with
#foreach($order->details as $detail)
{{ Form::text('product_name', Input::old('product_name') ? Input::old('product_name') : detail->product_name)
For a one-to-one relation it's possible to use something like this:
In this case $order->detail->product_name will be populated in the given text box if an instance of Order model is bound to the from using Form::model($order) with the related model Detail but it may not possible for one-to-many because simply there will be a collection and you need a loop.
To complete the answer of #WereWolf..
Make an array of product_name detail_names
Input class allow you to access nested array by dot notation, eg: orders.1.product_name
Don't forget the second argument of Input::old() or Input::get()
is the default value, so you can specify the DB value and avoid conditional test..
Form::text('detail_names['.$detail->id.']', Input::old('detail_names.'.$detail->id, $detail->product_name))
In your controller, something like that:
foreach(Input:get('detail_names') as $id => $product_name)
Hope this will help you to save a bit of time.
