I implemented something based on http://bl.ocks.org/hlvoorhees/5986172#index.html. After the latest browserupdates I realized that the textnodes in my Application as well as the ones in the example are now rendered as black boxes (one week ago they looked just fine).
The label creating code is (from the example above)
var tickLabels = ticks.selectAll("billboard shape text")
.data(function(d) { return [d]; });
var newTickLabels = tickLabels.enter()
.attr("axisOfRotation", "0 0 0")
.attr("string", scale.tickFormat(10))
.attr("solid", "true")
.attr("size", tickFontSize)
.attr("family", "SANS")
.attr("justify", "END MIDDLE" );
tickLabels // enter + update
.attr("string", scale.tickFormat(10))
The X3DOM-Logdiv doesn't contain any errors or warnings. So I don't know if X3DOM is breaking things or D3, but as it's actually a X3DOM-Node I would locate the problem there.. Neither X3Dom nor D3 updated their libraries lately - however I tried out older versions, but still broken text.
Tested on
Chromium Version 45.0.2454.101 Ubuntu
Firefox 42.0
some current safari (can't tell exactly, sorry)
I had a similar issue while i was trying to get smooth text rendering using big font sizes and a transform to scale them down again. I worked arround the black rectangles by using a small font size and the quality attribute and no transform arround it.
For you it could look like like this:
.attr("size", 0.5)
.attr("family", "SANS")
.attr("justify", "END MIDDLE" );
The quality attribute is used for oversampling, so you get nice text rendering even if your text nodes are rather small: http://doc.x3dom.org/author/Text/FontStyle.html
I'm not sure if this is a x3dom bug or if this is intended behaviour for text nodes, which are too small.
I've done this scatter with plotly express and added an animation. Also, I adjusted the scatter to make it appears as such as a bubble chart. All works great, except for one issue. When I press the button to start the graph animation and one bubble is 'reached' and 'overtaken' by another bubble, they cross each other. By itself, it doesn't create a wrong result, but it's an undesired effect. I've showed the situation in the gif reachable with this link:
However, if I manually drag the spinbox of the animation this effect doesn't show up (check this other link to see the gif https://github.com/TheHextech/start2impact/blob/master/Data_Science/Food_Project_DataVisualization_DataManipulation/dragged_spinbox.gif).
Why does this happen? And how can I fix this problem avoiding the 'overtake' during the normal animation? I share here the entire code of the graph:
fig = px.scatter(
item = False,
element = False),
range_x=[chn_food_feed.production.min()-5000, chn_food_feed.production.max()+50000],
range_y=[-1, 5.5])
title="Storyline of China's top 3 Food and Feed items produced in 2013",
title_x = 0.5,
title_y = 0.95,
xaxis = dict(title='Production (1000 tons)'),
yaxis = dict(title=None))
# Speed up the animation
fig.layout.updatemenus[0].buttons[0].args[1]['frame']['duration'] = 250
fig.layout.updatemenus[0].buttons[0].args[1]['transition']['duration'] = 250
fig.show(renderer='notebook_connected') # For VS Code visulization of animation
I use dc.js for showing the results of multiple classification algorithms. More specifically, I want to show a precision recall chart (each point corresponds to a result of a classification system).
I already used a dc.js scatter chart for this which works fine.
Additionally I would like to have a d3 contour in the background of the chart which shows the F-measure.
This is already implemented. The only issue is that the contour part is in the foreground and not in the background of the chart.
Please have a look at the jsfiddle for a full example.
Two questions are still open for me because I'm not a dc.js or d3 expert:
Is there a way to put the contour in the background or the symbols(cycles) of the scatter chart in the foreground (I already tried it with the help of this stackoverflow question but with no success)
I used the 'g.brush' selector to get the area of the inner chart. This works fine as long as the brushing is turned on. Is the selector a good way to go or are there better alternatives (which may also work if brushing is switched off).
In my example I put the contour part in the upper left corner to see if it works but I also provide the code (currently uncommented) to increase the width and height of the contour to the correct size.
.on('renderlet', function (chart) {
var innerChart = chart.select('g.brush');
var width = 300, height=300;
//getting the correct width, height
//var innerChartBoundingRect = innerChart.node().getBoundingClientRect();
//var width = innerChartBoundingRect.width, height=innerChartBoundingRect.height;
[contours, color] = generateFmeasureContours(width,height, 1);
.attr("d", d3.geoPath())
.attr("fill", d => color(d.value));
var symbols = chart.chartBodyG().selectAll('path.symbol');
Putting something in the background is a general purpose SVG skill.
SVG renders everything in the order it is declared, from back to front, so the key is to put your content syntactically before everything else in the chart.
I recommend encapsulating it in an svg <g> element, and to get the order right you can use d3-selection's insert method and the :first-child CSS selector instead of append:
.on('pretransition', function (chart) {
// add contour layer to back (beginning of svg) only if it doesn't exist
var contourLayer = chart.g().selectAll('g.contour-layer').data([0]);
contourLayer = contourLayer
.enter().insert('g', ':first-child')
.attr('class', 'contour-layer')
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + [chart.margins().left,chart.margins().top].join(',') + ')')
A few more points on this implementation:
use dc's pretransition event because it happens immediately after rendering and redrawing (whereas renderlet waits for transitions to complete)
the pattern .data([0]).enter() adds the element only if it doesn't exist. (It binds a 1-element array; it doesn't matter what that element is.) This matters because the event handler will get called on every redraw and we don't want to keep adding layers.
we give our layer the distinct class name contour-layer so that we can identify it, and so the add-once pattern works
contourLayer = contourLayer.enter().insert(...)...merge(contourLayer) is another common D3 pattern to insert stuff and merge it back into the selection so that we treat insertion and modification the same later on. This would probably be simpler with the newer selection.join method but tbh I haven't tried that yet.
(I think there may also have been some improvements in ordering that might be easier than insert, but again, I'm going with what I know works.)
finally, we fetch the upper-left offset from the margin mixin
Next, we can retrieve the width and height of the actual chart body using
(sigh, undocumented) methods from dc.marginMixin:
var width = chart.effectiveWidth(), height = chart.effectiveHeight();
And we don't need to move dots to front or any of that; the rest of your code is as before except we use this new layer instead of drawing to the brushing layer:
.attr("d", d3.geoPath())
.attr("fill", d => color(d.value));
Fork of your fiddle.
Again, if you'd like to collaborate on getting a contour example into dc.js, that would be awesome!
I am trying to modify this D3 example to use with my dataset
I think my problem is creating the array of coordinates for calculating the Voronoi polygons, but at this point I'm not sure.
I'm getting a Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined error that points to the line where I am calling the array. The code is live, please see here
The map displays just fine, but the data points, the radio button, and the voronoi lines do not appear (I'm not trying to show lines between data points, so that code has been removed).
Any thoughts or suggestions would be most appreciated. Many thanks!
There are a number of small things going on here which can be easily sorted out but some will require a bit of work. The first is that you're using a new version of d3 (v3) and the example you're trying to replicate is an older version. There have been significant changes between the versions on the mapping side of things. So you can either use an old version of d3 (v2 will work I think) or investigate the changes.
The Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined error is being generated because d3.geom.voronoi(positions) line is producing NaN. I'm not 100% sure why but you could just filter these out to get a temporary fix. A simple filter would be something like:
.attr("class", "cell")
.attr("d", function(d, i) {
if (polygons[i][0][0]) {
return "M" + polygons[i].join("L") + "Z";
with the if true when there is not a false value (NULL, NaN, etc) in the first element of the polygon. Please note that this is temporary fix while you investigate why you're getting NaN and this will not produce the correct voronoi polygons.
The fix for the data points is very simple, you just have to set the radius to something greater than 0 such as 10 (although I imagine that you might want to scale the dots to a property of your data like TotalPublished). For instance see the last line:
.sort(function(a, b) { return b.TotalPublished - a.TotalPublished; }))
.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + projection(d.coordinates) + ")"; })
.attr("r", 10);
The radio button (or checkbox) does not show up as it's not generated by the javascript (although it can be). In the example you refer to its generated in the html in this snippet:
<div style="position:absolute;bottom:0;font-size:18px;">
<input type="checkbox" id="voronoi"> <label for="voronoi">show Voronoi</label>
Once you've worked through this you'll need to get the voronoi lines working. I think with your code as is the voronoi lines won't show up as the checkbox is not checked. So you could comment these lines out and see what happens. A quick tip with paths is that if you want to just show the lines you need to set the fill style to none and the stroke to whatever colour you want. If you don't set the fill to none you'll just get a black screen.
Is there a way in d3 to not draw overlapping tick labels? For example, if I have a bar chart, but the bars are only 5 pixels wide and the labels are 10 pixels wide, I end up with a cluttered mess. I'm currently working on an implementation to only draw the labels when they do not overlap. I can't find any existing way to do that, but wasn't sure if anyone else had dealt with this problem.
There is no way of doing this automatically in D3. You can set the number of ticks or the tick values explicitly (see the documentation), but you'll have to figure out the respective numbers/values yourself. Another option would be to rotate the labels such that there is less chance of them overlapping.
Alternatively, like suggested in the other answer, you could try using a force layout to place the labels. To clarify, you would use the force layout on the labels only -- this is completely independent of the type of chart. I have done this in this example, which is slightly more relevant than the one linked in the other answer.
Note that if you go with the force layout solution, you don't have to animate the position of the labels. You could simply compute the force layout until it converges and then plot the labels.
I've had a similar problem with multiple (sub-)axis, where the last tick overlaps my vertical axis in some situations (depending on the screen width), so I've just wrote a little function that compares the position of the end of the text label with the position of the next axis. This code is very specific to my use case, but could adapted easily to your needs:
var $svg = $('#svg');
// get the last tick of each of my sub-axis
$('.tick-axis').find('.tick:last-of-type').each(function() {
// get position of the end of this text field
var endOfTextField = $(this).offset().left + $(this).find('text').width();
// get the next vertical axis
var $nextAxis = $('line[data-axis="' + $(this).closest('.tick-axis').attr('data-axis') + '"]');
// there is no axis on the very right, so just use the svg width
var positionOfAxis = ($nextAxis.length > 0) ? $nextAxis.offset().left : $svg.offset().left + $svg.width();
// hide the ugly ones!
if (endOfTextField > positionOfAxis) {
$(this).attr('class', 'tick hide');
The ticks with color: aqua are the hidden ones:
In Mike Bostock's cubism demo (http://bost.ocks.org/mike/cubism/intro/demo-stocks.html), there is a cursor which displays the values of all horizon charts on display. Furthermore, the cursor text shows the time axis point in time. As the cursor text obscures an axis label, the label fades.
I am working on a similar display with d3.js (but not cubism). I have all working except that fade portion. I have searched through the CSS in the developer's window, searched the source code (as best I could), but I don't understand what manner of magic is being used to accomplish this feat. I've even looked through SO "axis label transition" questions, but I have failed to connect the dots on xaxis label transitions.
How does that fade in/out when obscured by text happen?
I think I located the event script area where this happens - its just a little over my head at the moment - can anyone help me decipher what this event listener is doing? Specifically, in the second g.selectAll in the else clause below - what data (d) is being used here? What is causing this event to fire?
This is the coolest part of the display (outside of the horizon charts), I would love to figure this out ...
context.on("focus.axis-" + id, function(i) {
if (tick) {
if (i == null) {
tick.style("display", "none");
g.selectAll("text").style("fill-opacity", null);
} else {
tick.style("display", null).attr("x", i).text(format(scale.invert(i)));
var dx = tick.node().getComputedTextLength() + 6;
g.selectAll("text").style("fill-opacity", function(d) { return Math.abs(scale(d) - i) < dx ? 0 : 1; });
I used this as reference to accomplish the same effect.
I'm not sure what the context variable is or how the id's are set or what the tick flag references but what I did was simply update the opacity of the ticks according to their proximity to the mouse. With this, the vertical tick fades as well as the label text.
svg.selectAll('.x.axis .tick').style('opacity', function (d) {
return Math.min(1, (Math.round(Math.abs(d3.mouse(svg.node())[0] - x(d))) - 10) / 15.0);
This way, the opacity is set to 0 if it's within 10 pixels, and fades from 1-0 between 10 and 25. Above 25, the opacity would be set to an increasingly large number, so I clamp it to 1.0 using the Math.min function.
My labels are slightly rotated, so I also added an offset not shown inside the formula above (a +3 after [0]) just to make it look a bit nicer. A year late to answer your only question, but hey it's a nice effect.
same answer as Kevin Branigan's post, but using the d3 scale to calculate the opacity value.
var tickFadeScale = d3.scale.linear().domain([10,15]).range([0,1]).clamp(true);
svg.selectAll('.x.axis .tick').style('opacity', function (d) {
return tickFadeScale(Math.abs(d3.mouse(svg.node())[0] - x(d)));