Rendering in the background of a dc.js chart with renderlet - dc.js

I use dc.js for showing the results of multiple classification algorithms. More specifically, I want to show a precision recall chart (each point corresponds to a result of a classification system).
I already used a dc.js scatter chart for this which works fine.
Additionally I would like to have a d3 contour in the background of the chart which shows the F-measure.
This is already implemented. The only issue is that the contour part is in the foreground and not in the background of the chart.
Please have a look at the jsfiddle for a full example.
Two questions are still open for me because I'm not a dc.js or d3 expert:
Is there a way to put the contour in the background or the symbols(cycles) of the scatter chart in the foreground (I already tried it with the help of this stackoverflow question but with no success)
I used the 'g.brush' selector to get the area of the inner chart. This works fine as long as the brushing is turned on. Is the selector a good way to go or are there better alternatives (which may also work if brushing is switched off).
In my example I put the contour part in the upper left corner to see if it works but I also provide the code (currently uncommented) to increase the width and height of the contour to the correct size.
.on('renderlet', function (chart) {
var innerChart ='g.brush');
var width = 300, height=300;
//getting the correct width, height
//var innerChartBoundingRect = innerChart.node().getBoundingClientRect();
//var width = innerChartBoundingRect.width, height=innerChartBoundingRect.height;
[contours, color] = generateFmeasureContours(width,height, 1);
.attr("d", d3.geoPath())
.attr("fill", d => color(d.value));
var symbols = chart.chartBodyG().selectAll('path.symbol');

Putting something in the background is a general purpose SVG skill.
SVG renders everything in the order it is declared, from back to front, so the key is to put your content syntactically before everything else in the chart.
I recommend encapsulating it in an svg <g> element, and to get the order right you can use d3-selection's insert method and the :first-child CSS selector instead of append:
.on('pretransition', function (chart) {
// add contour layer to back (beginning of svg) only if it doesn't exist
var contourLayer = chart.g().selectAll('g.contour-layer').data([0]);
contourLayer = contourLayer
.enter().insert('g', ':first-child')
.attr('class', 'contour-layer')
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + [chart.margins().left,chart.margins().top].join(',') + ')')
A few more points on this implementation:
use dc's pretransition event because it happens immediately after rendering and redrawing (whereas renderlet waits for transitions to complete)
the pattern .data([0]).enter() adds the element only if it doesn't exist. (It binds a 1-element array; it doesn't matter what that element is.) This matters because the event handler will get called on every redraw and we don't want to keep adding layers.
we give our layer the distinct class name contour-layer so that we can identify it, and so the add-once pattern works
contourLayer = contourLayer.enter().insert(...)...merge(contourLayer) is another common D3 pattern to insert stuff and merge it back into the selection so that we treat insertion and modification the same later on. This would probably be simpler with the newer selection.join method but tbh I haven't tried that yet.
(I think there may also have been some improvements in ordering that might be easier than insert, but again, I'm going with what I know works.)
finally, we fetch the upper-left offset from the margin mixin
Next, we can retrieve the width and height of the actual chart body using
(sigh, undocumented) methods from dc.marginMixin:
var width = chart.effectiveWidth(), height = chart.effectiveHeight();
And we don't need to move dots to front or any of that; the rest of your code is as before except we use this new layer instead of drawing to the brushing layer:
.attr("d", d3.geoPath())
.attr("fill", d => color(d.value));
Fork of your fiddle.
Again, if you'd like to collaborate on getting a contour example into dc.js, that would be awesome!


Multiple maps with d3.js: change values of scale and center

I’m building a (d3 v4) cartographic visualization which allows the user to switch between many datasets (json files) and two different regions (administrative units of a country and smaller administrative units into its capital city). Actually the switch from one to another dataset on the initial country level works well, through buttons and jquery.
Problem: it’s a bit less convincing when switching to a map/dataset about the capital city, as the projection is initially set for the whole country and consequently the user has to zoom many times to visualize properly the map of the capital city. I would like to change the values of .scale and .center when calling the projection but after several trials I haven’t found how to do it.
As I only have two different regions to show, my intuition was to set first values of scale and center and to change them to other values (I know the values of .scale and .center I would like to use in both cases) when the user switches to a map of the capital city through a function. Is there any possibility to switch easily these values? Do you have any suggestion to solve this problem?
As I load the json file path into a function when the user clicks on the button to switch to another dataset, I was trying to load the value of scale the same way but I’m probably doing wrong. It seems that the part of the code about the projection can't be put in a function?
Thanks for your help!
Small part of my code:
var width = 1100, height = 770;
var projection = d3.geoConicConformal()
.scale(19000) // value I would like to which when the region changes
.center([4.45, 50.53]) // value I would like to which when the region changes
var svg = "#mapcontainer" )
.append( "svg" )
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
.style("border", "solid 1px black");
var path = d3.geoPath()
var color, jsonfile, legendtext;
function load (jsonfile, legendtext, color) {
d3.selectAll(".currentmap").remove() ;
d3.json(jsonfile, function(error, belgique) {
.attr("d", path)
.style("stroke", "#fff")
.attr( "class", "currentmap")
.style("fill", function(d) {
var value =;
if (value) {return color(value);}
else {return "rgb(250,110,110)"}
//one of the following function for each map
function BGQprovinces() {
jsonfile = "ATLAS/NewGeoJson/bgq-data1-provinces.json";
legendText [= …];
color = d3.scaleOrdinal()
.domain( […])
load(jsonfile, legendtext, color) ;
There area few approaches to accomplish this.
fitSize and fitExtent
One is to modify the projection scale and translate as opposed to scale and center. This is nearly the same operation, but translate pans the projected plane and center will pan the unprojected plane. To do so you need to use projection.fitSize([width,height],geojsonObject), or projection.fitExtent([[x0,y0],[x1,y1]],geojsonObject). The latter will allow margins of say, the first coordinate provided is the top left and the second coordinate provided is the bottom right of a bounding box in which the feature will be constrained.
d3.json(jsonfile, function(error, belgique) {
projection.fitSize([width,height], belgique);
// now draw as you would:
d3.selectAll(".currentmap").remove() ;
.attr("d", path)
Note that for showing all of a country you need to have a feature that shows the whole country or a feature collection that shows all the parts of a country. You cannot use an array with fitSize or fitExtent, if you have an array of features, you can create a feature collection by using:
var featureCollection = {"type":"featureCollection","features":featureArray}
For your case, I'd suggest using fitSize or fitExtent.
If you really wanted to modify the center attribute as opposed to translate, or perhaps you want to change the rotation (a more likely outcome for conic conformals in many parts of the world, Belgium should be fine), then you need the geographic coordinates of the center. One way of a handful to do this is to get the centroid of a feature from path.geoCentroid:
var centroid = path.geoCentroid(geojsonObject);
Then use that to set the projection parameters to rotate:
projection.rotate([ -centroid[0],-centroid[1] ])[0,0])
or to center:
Or a combination of both (depending on map projection type). Now you can apply fitSize or fitExtent, the feature is in the middle already, but now we can set the scale. The reason I suggest this as a potential answer is because not all projections, concic projections in particular, will give desired results by modifying only scale along with translate and/or center.
Of course for conic projections, you may need to find a way to set the parallels as well, but I'll leave that for another answer if it ever comes up.

Stroke rendering inside of Topojson area. How to change the style of the full shape?

I am having an issue with changing the stroke of an individual element in a Topojson file where my mouseover is not altering the stroke of the full shape.
A visual is probably best:
I would like every border element from the county shape area to receive the same stroke on mouse-over. Instead, I am getting this odd effect where only part of the border changes stroke.
I ended up using a solution like this, referenced here.
.on("mouseover", function(d,i) {
Say all your drawn shapes are in a data-bound d3 selection called shapes (which you create using the usual enter, update, exit flow). Then something like this should work:
shapes.on('mouseover', function(d, i) {
// d is the datum of the hovered shape
// data is all the data currently bound to shapes
var data =;
// this'll sort the data such that the hovered d is last in the array
data.sort(function(a,b) { return d3.ascending(a == d, b == d); })
// now that the data is sorted, reorder the shapes to match
// the order within data.;// NOTE: there's a good chance this line is not necessary. Try taking it out.

NVD3.js multiChart x-axis labels is aligned to lines, but not bars

I am using NVD3.js multiChart to show multiple lines and bars in the chart. All is working fine, but the x-axis labels is aligned only to the line points, not bars. I want to correctly align labels directly below the bars as it should. But I get this:
With red lines I marked where the labels should be.
I made jsFiddle:
As #Miichi mentioned, this is a bug in nvd3...
I'm surprised that they have a TODO to "figure out why the value appears to be shifted" because it's pretty obvious... The bars use an ordinal scale with .rangeBands() and the line uses a linear scale, and the two scales are never made to relate to one another, except in that they share the same endpoints.
One solution would be to take the ordinal scale from the bars, and simply adjust it by half of the bar width to make the line's x-scale. That would put the line points in the center of the bars. I imagine that something similar is done in the nv.models.linePlusBarChart that #LarsKotthoff mentioned.
Basically, your line's x-scale would look something like this:
var xScaleLine = function(d) {
var offset = xScaleBars.rangeBand() / 2;
return xScaleBars(d) + offset;
...where xScaleBars is the x-scale used for the bar portion of the chart.
By combing through the source code for nvd3, it seems that this scale is accessible as chart.bars1.scale().
Maybe someday the authors of nvd3 will decide that their kludge of a library deserves some documentation. For now, I can show you the kind of thing that would solve the problem, by making a custom chart, and showing how the two scales would relate.
First, I'll use your data, but separate the line and bar data into two arrays:
var barData = [
var lineData = [
Then set up the scales for the bars. For the x-scale, I'll use an ordinal scale and rangeRoundBands with the default group spacing for nvd3's multiBar which is 0.1. For the y-scale I'll use a regular linear scale, using .nice() so that the scale doesn't end on an awkward value as it does by default in nvd3. Having some space above the largest value gives you some context, which is "nice" to have when trying to interpret a chart.
var xScaleBars = d3.scale.ordinal()
.rangeRoundBands([0, w], 0.1);
var yScaleBars = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, d3.max(barData, function(d) {return d.y;})])
.range([h, 0])
Now here's the important part. For the line's x-scale, don't make a separate scale, but just make it a function of the bars' x-scale:
var xScaleLine = function(d) {
var offset = xScaleBars.rangeBand() / 2;
return xScaleBars(d) + offset;
Here's the complete example as a JSBin. I've tried to document the major sections with comments so it's easy to follow the overall logic of it. If you can figure out from the nvd3 source code exactly what each of the elements of the multiChart are called and how to set the individual scales of the constituent parts, then you might be able to just plug in the new scale.
My feeling on it is that you need to have a pretty good handle on how d3 works to do anything useful with nvd3, and if you want to customize it, you're probably better off just rolling your own chart. That way you have complete knowledge and control of what the element classes and variable names of the parts of your chart are, and can do whatever you want with them. If nvd3 ever gets proper documentation, maybe this will become a simple fix. Good luck, and I hope this at least helps you get started.

D3 multi line chart - strange animation

I have created a multi line chart with a simple animation. In the beginning there are no data and after clicking a button new values are emulated and the line "move" left. The move is animated using a "shift".
The problem occurs when the lines "fill" the whole graph area (that means there are y values for all x values) and then the lines are animated in a different way. It looks like the y values are animated on a curve, not slided to the left.
The animation works good for both axes:
svg.selectAll("g .x.axis")
svg.selectAll("g .y.axis")
And not for lines (this code helped me a lot)
svg.selectAll("g .city path")
.attr("d", function(d, i) { return line(d.values); })
.attr("transform", null);
The Fiddle is accessible here.
Thanks for help.
The problem is that you're deleting data when there is too much. The way d3 matches data to existing data (when you call the .data() function) is by index. That is, the first element in the array that you pass to .data() matches the first bound data element, regardless of what the data actually looks like.
What happens in your case is that as soon as you start deleting data, the individual data points are updated instead of shifted. That's why you're seeing the "squiggle" -- it's updating each data point to its new value, which is the value the data point to the right had before.
With the code you currently have, this is hard to fix because you are not matching the data for individual lines explicitly. I would recommend that you have a look at nested selections which allow you to draw multiple lines and still explicitly match the data for individual ones. The key is to use the optional second argument to .data() to supply a function that tells it how to match the data (see the documentation). This way you can tell it that some data points disappeared and the other ones should be shifted.
you can get around this problem in 2 step.
in function update() : redraw you .data() with the new point at the end but without remove the first old point (with animation), like that each key is the same before and after transition.
at the end of function update() : you can remove the old value and redraw .data() without animation.

Update multi-line graph D3.js

I'm attempting to update a d3 multi-line graph by pulling data at 5 second intervals from a mySQL database using PHP. At the moment the graph is displaying but not updating - I know that there is something not right with my updateData function but have tried everything can think of and nothing seems to work. Can anyone please help?
As you can see the x-axis line is only showing sporadically and some of the lines aren't lined up with the y-axis.
Updated gist:
UPDATE 2: For some bizarre reason the lines are changing colour - or moving completely not exactly sure. So while on graph above the lines are from top - blue, orange then white - when graph updating the blue might move to bottom with orange on top and white in middle etc - but happening randomly?
In your original drawing of the graph, you correctly use:
var parameter = svg.selectAll(".parameter")
.data(data, function(d) { return d.key; })
.attr("class", "parameter");
which joins the data (data) to the elements (g.parameter)
During your update function, you will need to join the data again in order to perform updates, deletes, and adds of elements. The 3 little circles tutorial is an excellent place to learn more about this.
Anyway, in your update function, you may want something like this (untested):
// re-acquire joined data
var containers = svg.selectAll("g.parameter")
.data( data );
// update existing elements for this data
.select( "path.line" )
.attr( "d", function(d) { return line(d.values); })
