CakePHP - use aliases instead of column name in labels - label

I have some columns with long and unfriendly names, which I want to edit app-wide in dynamic forms.
Is there a way to add "alias" or "title" to a column, so that echo $this->Form->input('icantshowthis'); will echo something else than "icantshowthis" as the label content?
I am aware to virtual fields and don't want to use them, since it seems like wrong practice. (this is a view issue)
pretty please??

You are looking for Secury in Forms for CakePHP, this obfuscate the real field names by hasing the name attributes in inputs, and may abstract that to the controllers that receives the data.
The disvantages are when you need to insert fileds that are not part of your models.
Hope it help!


Laravel: A field that lookup another field from different table

I use Backpack for Laravel.
I know that to add a field, we can use:
But, I don't know how to add a field that lookup another field input from different table to show a lookup value.
Please look at the illustration below.
I found a temporary solution to this, but not effective.
With select2_from_ajax you still have to select the option (even its just one option left), meanwhile what I really want is its automatically select that one option.
It's depends on what you need to do. You can use relationship field and show a select with the list of user. If you really wanna do it like this. You can probably make an ajax request to show it. In that case you ll need to use a custom view for the edit or the create view.

Store translated versions in database for Joomla component

I'm currently developing my first MVC component for Joomla 3.x. All in all I'm bit struggling with language/translation issues in database.
My problem is that I need to store translated content of user generated content which comes from the backend. For example someone enters a new item in German (stored in database) and needs a translation in another language. How to accomplish that in Joomla? I don't like to generate a new item for every different language when the rest is all the same.
I thought about a table "item" and a table "item_language" with that structure (strongly simplified for viewing purposes):
price DOUBLE(4,2)
language PRIMARY CHAR(5)
name VARCHAR(50)
In item_language I would like to store the different translated versions. In the language field there would be the region code (eg. de-DE) to identify the language.
My problems:
How to display the different (translated) versions in backend?
Is this the right database model?
Any help is appreciated!
You have really found yourself a nice task for a first component in Joomla!
A rather generalist answer:
The database model seems right. Alternatively you could encode in JSON the language data, but this could make later query operations potentially difficult. This way you will only have one table to work with.
As far as I know (if you are using JModel / JTable to manipulate the data) can't do this directly, as JTable is really only designed to manipulate single tables.
What you can do:
For editing: figure a way to represent this graphically ( for your users to see and edit this one to many relationship) and to post this data (language texts as an array) to JModel. In the model you can maintain the desired relationships and save the data using JTable.
Viewing (without editing) shouldn't be an issue, it would be a simple JOIN.
If you are willing to create a basic component on github, I might even give you a hand with JModel / JTable.
I found a way to deal with the things I needed.
Thanks Valentin Despa for guiding me in the right direction :-).
Here the whole procedure (simplified - validations and exact steps omitted):
Define the form fields in the models/forms/site.xml as normal.
In views/site/tmpl/edit.php add self coded Javascript (based on jQuery) to deal with the fields which have content in multiple languages stored as JSON in database.
Clone the original form element and modify the needed attributes (id, name, ...) to display a special version just for the defined languages. As content - extract the JSON for the needed language from original field content and display.
Hide the original field with Javascript and append the customized versions to DOM.
Afterwards in tables/site.php I read the dynamically generated content withJInput and build together the original field by generating JSON and saving to database.
It's working like expected.

Changing the model's attributes - adding or removing attributes

I am working on a MVC3 code first web application and after I showed the first version to my bosses, they suggested they will need a 'spare' (spare like in something that's not yet defined and we will use it just in case we will need it) attribute in the Employee model.
My intention is to find a way to give them the ability to add as many attributes to the models as they will need. Obviously I don't want them to get their hands on the code and modify it, then deploy it again (I know I didn't mention about the database, that will be another problem). I want a solution that has the ability to add new attributes 'on the fly'.
Do any of you had similar requests and if you had what solution did you find/implement?
I haven't had such a request, but I can imagine a way to get what you want.
I assume you use the Entity Framework, because of your tag.
Let's say we have a class Employee that we want to be extendable. We can give this class a dictionary of strings where the key-type is string, too. Then you can easily add more properties to every employee.
For saving this structure to the database you would need two tables. One that holds the employees and one that holds the properties. Where the properties-table has a foreign-key targeting the employee-table.
Or as suggested in this Q&A (EF Code First - Map Dictionary or custom type as an nvarchar): you can save the contents of the dictionary as XML in one column of the employee table.
This is only one suggestion and it would be nice to know how you solved this.

Structuring a model - MVC (PHP)

How should one structure validation, preparation and arrangement (etc) of data before dealing with the DB?
The data I expect to be passed might need to be validated (ex: category books actually exists) or contain conditional values (ex: sale price should only be set if ad = sale) or values that must be converted to ids (ex: category books must be converted to category_id 123).
I imagine that there are numerous ways to go about this like clumping everything together, grouping by field (do validation, prep etc together per field) or separating by action (validation, prep, etc) and field.
Are there any concepts when it comes to this topic just like the concept of MVC exists? Achieving flexibility, ease of maintenance or something like that?
Anything relating to common used components of model?
(I'm not sure if it helps but I'm currently using CodeIgniter / PHP)
In codeigniter, you can use the Form_Validation class with a callback method that you create.
In your callback method you can check to see if things exist in database, etc.

MCV3: View to edit entity has to hold every column?

I got a silly general question...
If I generate a strongly typed view of an entity and chose "edit" as scaffolding, then the view does contain every column for that table. Changing and saving the values via setting it modifierd and call db.SaveChanges() does work in the controller. So far, so good.
But if I remove just one of that columns inside the view, then saving doesn't work anymore.
Is there a rule describing this? Is it only possible to make view with every column when wanting to save the model later on? I don't want to make 90 of 100 columns "hidden"...
PS: When editing a value in another table which is connected via Foreign Key (like customer.address.STREET) saving also does not work. Does everything of the entity ADDRESS has to be inside the view? I really don't get that.
Besides that: If I create my own ViewModel containing two entities: Do they also have to hold every column of both entities? This would be a whole bunch of traffic...
Answer is: You should not use the .Modified state. Instead using the UpdateModel method works fine without every field.
