Relationship mapping with NeoEloquent - laravel

I'm tinkering with Neo4j 2.3.0 and Laravel 5.1 using NeoEloquent. I've set up a couple of dummy nodes and some relationships between them:
image of Neo4j model - apologies, I cannot insert images directly yet :)
So articles can use a template. The inverse of this relationship is that a template is used by an article.
I've set up the classes like so:
Class Template extends Model
public function articles()
return $this->hasMany('App\Article', 'USED_BY');
Class Article extends Model
public function template()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Template', 'USES');
So far, so good, I think.
I have a page where I am wanting to eventually list all of the articles in the system, along with some useful metadata, like the template each ones uses. For this, I have set something up in the controller:
$articles = array();
foreach (Article::with('template')->get() as $article) {
array_push($articles, $article);
return $articles;
Not the most elegant, but it should return the data for both the article and it's associated template. However:
[{"content":"Some test content","title":"Test Article","id":28,"template":null},{"content":"Some flibble content","title":"Flibble","id":31,"template":null}]
So the question is - why is this returning null?
More interestingly, if I set up the relationship to the same thing in BOTH directions, it returns the values. i.e. if I change the USED_BY to USES, then the data is returned, but this doesn't make sense from an architectural point of view - a template does not 'use' an article.
So what am I missing?

More interestingly, if I set up the relationship to the same thing in BOTH directions, it returns the values.
That's correct, because this is how it operates. It is worth knowing that the relationship methods you have defined represent the relationship itself, which means for both models Template and Article to target the USED_BY relationship from any side it has to be the same in articles() and template.
The solution would be to use something like USES (or any notion you like) on both sides. This reference should help you make good decisions regarding your relationships.
On the other hand, if you still wish to have different relations on the sides then kindly note that in your model (image) both relationships are in outgoing direction. i.e. Fibble-[:USES]->Template and Template-[:USED_BY]->Fibble which means template() should be an outgoing relationship such as hasOne instead of belongsTo which is incoming.


Laravel polymorphic hasMany relationship

From Laravel's docs, the model polymorphism is defined as follows:
Polymorphic relations allow a model to belong to more than one other model on a single association
Sounds like it's designed to work with belongsTo instead of hasMany side. Here's a scenario that I want to achieve:
In my system, there are many project types, each projec type will have its own invoice field layout. Let's say we have a Project model that has a type field, whose value could be contract or part-time. We have another two tables called ContractInvoice and PartTimeInvoice to define their respective field layout, both of these invoice tables have a project_id referencing a project record. What I want to do is I want a universal interface to retrieve all invoices given a project, something like $project->invoices.
Current solution
I can't figure out how to achieve this via polymorphism. So what I am currently doing is kind silly, using a switch statement in my invoice() method on Project model class:
switch ($this->type) {
case 'contract':
$model = 'App\ContractInvoice';
case 'part-time':
$model = 'App\PartTimeInvoice';
return $this->hasMany($model);
I feel like there must be a better way to do this. Can someone please shed some light?
I don't see how a polymorphic relationship would be beneficial in this case. If you had different project type models and a single invoices table, then the invoices could morphTo the projects. But as you've described it, the switch statement sounds like it is adequate. You could achieve the same means using when conditionals like:
public function invoices()
return $this->when($this->type === 'contract', function () {
return $this->hasMany(ContractInvoice::class);
})->when($this->type === 'part-time', function () {
return $this->hasMany(PartTimeInvoice::class);
The type attribute on the Project model and the separate invoice tables are defining a rigid relationship between them, which goes against the idea of polymorphism. Think likes for comments and posts.

Laravel Eloquent relationship efficency

When I declare a relationship in a model, for example:
class Post extends Model
public function comments()
return $this->hasMany(Comment::class);
Are comments retrieved from the database the moment I retrieve the Post instance or the moment I write
The answers so far solve this problem in pieces, but not very clearly so allow me to help. To answer your question bluntly, creating a Post instance does not also load associated comments.
Here is why:
When you define an Eloquent relationship, you are basically attaching a whole new 'query' method to your object and so it won't actually be executed unless you call it.
As a simple example we have Car:
class Car {
public $color;
public function __construct() {
$this->color = 'blue';
public function makeRed() {
$this->color = 'red';
return $this;
In this example, the instantiated Car will only have one property, color. This car will be blue unless you call the makeRed() method and change it. It does not compute both options simultaneously expecting that you may decide to change it's color.
So to relate that back to the Eloquent relationship, the comments method returns a relationship object, but only if the method is called on the Post object. Up until that point, your Post object will not automatically call it's own methods. Basically, don't worry about an object becoming large with a ton of methods as these methods only contribute to object size significantly if they are actually called.
If you wish for comments to be loaded with your Post immediately, eager loading the initial query will allow this by:
$post = Post::with('comments')->findOrFail('post_id');
Otherwise, the following would give you the comments for a given post:
$post = Post::findOrFail('post_id');
Please see the Laravel documentation on Eager Loading for more information.
Hope this helps!
The answer its simple:
$post->comments() returns the relationship object
$post->comments returns the result of the relationship
So the moment you do $post->comments that means fetch relationship and execute query, therfore returns relational database results.
They are retrieved when you ask for it, i.e $post->comments. If you want to eager load them, you can write Post::with('comments')->get(). Check out documentation. It explains eager loading and the N+1 problem.
From the docs:
When accessing Eloquent relationships as properties, the relationship data is "lazy loaded". This means the relationship data is not actually loaded until you first access the property. However, Eloquent can "eager load" relationships at the time you query the parent model. Eager loading alleviates the N + 1 query problem.

what to do with an inverted polymorphic relation?

I have been trying to get my head around these polymorphic relationships all day. I might be over complicating/thinking it but. Can Laravel handle inverse polymorphic relationships? I have a registration flow that can have two types of field Models- normal field and customField.
When I loop through all the fields available it could pull the attributes from either NormalField or CustomField.
foreach($registrationFlow->fields->get() as $field)
echo $field->name; // could be custom field or could be normal field
My difficulty is that, the example given in the docs works if you want to assign a photo to either staff or orders, but i want to assign either a customField or a normalField to a registrationFlow
If you follow the example for the polymorphic many to many relationship, The tag class contains posts and videos- while i would want just a simple fields() method that relates to customField or normalField dependent on the type
First of all, you should take a look at the updated docs for Laravel 5.1:
I think the difficulty with the example they provide is that the relationship between Photo and Staff/Product are "has-a" relationships, whereas you are trying to model an "is-a" relationship. However, you can model "is-a" essentially the same way. Take a look at this article:
Basically, the strategy is to define a generic model (and a generic table), perhaps in your case Field, that relates to your RegistrationFlow. You then have two subtype models, NormalField and CustomField, that have one-to-one relationships with Field. (there's your "is-a"). Thus, RegistrationFlow is indirectly related to your field subtypes.
Polymorphism comes in when you want to access the specific subtypes:
class Field extends Model {
public function fieldable()
return $this->morphTo();
Your base field table should have fieldable_id and fieldable_type columns defined (see the Eloquent docs).
You can then add methods to NormalField and CustomField that let you access the base model (your "inverse relationship"):
class NormalField {
public function field()
return $this->morphOne('Field', 'fieldable');
class CustomField {
public function field()
return $this->morphOne('Field', 'fieldable');
$field = Field::find(1);
// Gets the specific subtype
$fieldable = $field->fieldable;

Laravel - Retrieve the inverse of a many-to-many polymorphic relation (with pagination)

after some digging I still could not find any solid way to retrieve the inverse of a many-to-many polymorphic relation that allows mixed models results.
Please consider the following:
I have several models that can be "tagged". While it is trivial to retrieve for example $item->tags, $article->tags and the inverse with $tag->articles and $tag->items I have no easy way to do something like $tag->taggables to return both articles and items in the same collection. Things get even bumpier as I need to use pagination/simple pagination to the query.
I have tried a few workarounds but the best I could put together still looks crappy and limited. Basically:
I queried the DB once per "taggable";
put all in a single big collection;
passed the collection to a phpleague/fractal transformer (my API uses it) that returns different json values depending on the parsed models.
The limits of this approach is that building a pagination is a nightmare and fractal "include" options can't be used out of the box.
Can anyone help me? I'm currently using Laravel 5.1.
There is not much magic in my current code. Faking and simplifying it to make it short:
From the api controller:
$tag = Tag::findOrDie($tid);
$articles = $tag->cms_articles()->get();
$categories = $tag->cms_categories()->get();
$items = $tag->items()->simplePaginate($itemsperpage);
$taggables = Collection::make($articles)->merge($categories);
// Push items one by one as pagination would dirt the collection struct.
foreach ($items as $item) {
return $this->respondWithCollection($taggables, new TaggableTransformer);
Note: using simplePaginate() is there only because I would like all articles and categories to be shown on first page load while the number of items are so many that need pagination.
From the Transformer class:
public function transform($taggable)
switch (get_class($taggable)) {
case 'App\Item':
$transformer = new ItemTransformer;
case 'App\CmsArticle':
$transformer = new CmsArticleTransformer;
case 'App\CmsCategory':
$transformer = new CmsCategoryTransformer;
return $transformer->transform($taggable);
Please consider that the other transformers are simply returning arrays of data about the models they correlate with. If you use Fractal you would easily spot that nested "included" models would not be applied.
Nothing fancy for the Tag model:
class Tag extends Model
protected $morphClass = 'Tag';
protected $fillable = array('name', 'language_id');
public function cms_articles() {
return $this->morphedByMany('App\CmsArticle', 'taggable');
public function cms_categories() {
return $this->morphedByMany('App\CmsCategory', 'taggable');
public function items() {
return $this->morphedByMany('App\Item', 'taggable');
// Would love something like this to return inverse relation!! :'(
public function taggables() {
return $this->morphTo();
I am also considering the option to do 3 separate calls to the API to retrieve articles, categories and items in three steps. While in this particular scenario this might make sense after all, I would still need to deal with this particular inverse relation headache with another part of my project: notifications. In this particular case, notifications would have to relate to many different actions/models and I would have to retrieve them all in batches (paginated) and sorted by model creation date...
Hope this all makes sense. I wonder if a completely different approach to the whole inverse "polymorphic" matter would help.
Kind regards,
Ah yes. I was down your path not all that long ago. I had the same nightmare of dealing with resolving the inverse of the relationship of polymorphic relationships.
Unfortunately polymorphic relationships haven't been given much attention in the Laravel ecosystem. From afar they look like unicorns and rainbows but soon you're fighting things like this.
Can you post an example of a $thing->taggable for a better picture? Think it may be solvable with a dynamic trait + accessor magic.

Can I include a convenience query in a Doctrine 2 Entity Method?

I'd like to include some additional functions in my Doctrine 2 entities to contain code that I'm going to have to run quite frequently. For example:
User - has many Posts
Post - has a single user
I already have a function $user->getPosts(), but this returns all of my posts. I'm looking to write a $user->getActivePosts(), which would be like:
$user->getPosts()->where('active = true') //if this were possible
$em->getRepository('Posts')->findBy(array('user'=>$user,'active'=>true)) //if this were more convenient
As far as I can tell, there's no way to get back to the entity manager though the Entity itself, so my only option would be
class User {
function getActivePosts() {
$all_posts = $this->getPosts();
$active_posts = new ArrayCollection();
foreach ($all_posts as $post) {
if ($post->getActive()) {
return $active_posts;
However, this requires me to load ALL posts into my entity manager, when I really only want a small subset of them, and it requires me to do filtering in PHP, when it would be much more appropriate to do so in the SQL layer. Is there any way to accomplish what I'm looking to do inside the Entity, or do I have to create code outside of it?
I think you should implement the method on the PostRepository rather than on the entity model.
I try to keep all model related logic in the repositories behind "domain specific" methods. That way if you change the way you represent whether a post is active or not, you only have to change the implementation of a single method instead of having to find all the active = true statements scattered around in your application or making changes in an "unrelated" entity model.
Something like this
PostRepository extends EntityRepository {
public function findActiveByUser($user){
// whatever it takes to get the active posts
