MSTest occasionally hangs with VSTTExecution sourced error: ControllerExecution.ReleaseAllAgents: timed out waiting on m_agentsReleased - mstest

We're using Silk product suite for test automation. Our test scripts are developed in Silk4Net product and run on execution machines using MSTest.exe. Exec machines have only Visual Studio Test Agent installed as per Silk documentation.
Occasionally, our scripts run infinitely. When we connect to exec machines, we notice that windows is kind of locked. It responds to GUI events, but is not able to start any application, even calculator.
We see this in error log:
The description for Event ID 0 from source VSTTExecution cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.
The following information was included with the event:
(MSTest, PID 6656, Thread 15) ControllerExecution.ReleaseAllAgents: timed out waiting on m_agentsReleased.
the message resource is present but the message is not found in the string/message table
Any ideas?


"The specified port is in use" IIS Express error when debugging specific project in Visual Studio

I have been using this same project for years without having this issue. Suddenly it happens every time I first boot my PC.
If I go into the log, this is the error I get:
Failed to register URL "http://localhost:50496/" for site "FMSProd(1)" application "/". Error description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (0x80070020)
Running command prompt as administrator and running "net stop winnat" followed by "net start winnat" fixes the issue until the next boot. But I have to do it every time I reboot.
I have traced the process using that port, it's devenv(visual studio). Version of visual studio does not matter. Changing the port number on the project does not fix it.
Is there anything I can do to fix this and prevent it from recurring every single reboot?

Cannot Register RESEDIT.DLL on Windows Server 2008

I have a legacy VB6 application that we are attempting to run on an RDP connection to a Windows 2008 Server. All of my other legacy applications seem to run fine, but this one fails. I've tried reinstalling the application from the Setup file, but it fails when it tries to register the file RESEDIT.DLL. I've attempted to register the file manually using regsvr32, but that just gives me the following error:
The module "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\RESEDIT.DLL" was loaded but the call to DllRegisterServer failed with error code 0x80004005.
As I've researched this, I've found discussions about possible file dependency issues, but I've gone through every associated DLL in the setup package and they all register successfully. I've made certain that I'm running the regsvr32 from an elevated command prompt, but it always comes up with the same error.
We installed the application on a Windows 7 VM, and it installed without error. The RESEDIT.DLL file apparently registered successfully, and the application comes up without error. However, running the application from the Windows Server 2008 system continues to throw errors. It started with an error that says "Out of Memory" (Error #7), but now I'm getting one that says "ActiveX component can't create object" (Error #429), probably due to the different troubleshooting steps we've followed so far.
Does anyone know how to get RESEDIT.DLL to install and correctly register on Windows Server 2008?

Barracuda installation not possible on win10

I am unable to install Barracuda Netwrok Access client on any win 10 PC.
Installation wizzard fails on the last screen few seconds after "Install" button was clicked on.
Installation wizzard was run as Administrator. I also tried to change the setup.exe compatibility properties with no effect.
In Windows Event Viewer I have found: "Installation was finished with success or error: 1603". Error 1603 means one of the following:
Folder I want Barracuda install into is encryped (It is not)
I want to install it onto a substitude drive (No)
I do not have full controll permission on the installation folder (No. I also tried to change the folder location - with no effect)
My config:
System: Win10 Pro
Application: Barracuda 3.6
Can anyone help me to solve this problem?
I had the same issue with version 5. In my case, there were a couple of services blocking the installation such as:
MongoDB Server
ESET Remote Administrator Agent
but the installer was only saying "The wizard was interrupted... "
To discover which services are blocking your specific situation, follow this procedure:
Run the installer (in my case NetworkAccessClient_5.0.1-12_x64.exe)
Open C:\Users\your_user\AppData\Local\Temp and sort folders by creation date. The last one should be the one containing the BarracudaNAC.msi file. In my case was C:\Users\your_user\AppData\Local\Temp{1FD950A7-EDFE-40D2-8534-1C7960D8B012}
Copy the BarracudaNAC.msi file somewhere in your filesystem.(i.e. c:\Downloads)
Interrupt the installation you started at step 1
Run the installation again using the BarracudaNAC.msi instead of the original NetworkAccessClient executable.
One of the steps is the services check. Just terminate the services that are blocking your installation or select the "Do not close applications. (A reboot will be required)" option:
Hope it helps.
Solved. There must be MS Outlook turned off while trying to instal Barracuda. The problem was caused by MS Lync integration.
Three more apps that need to be closed: Google Chat (browser-based app), Windows Terminal Preview (NB! not cmd or ps), Slack. This list was displayed after "Validating install" message had been up for ~10 minutes. Then again 5 minutes "Validating install" and MS Teams Chat had to be closed (NB! also need to quit it from system tray). Alltogether about 40 min install...

Can't attach to SPUCWorkerProcess

The situation:
Working on a virtual machine for SharePoint development. I'd like to debug the sandbox solution that I have received from our contractor. Usually I manually attach to the process by going to the debug menu > Attach to Process... > then selecting the process from the list. This has worked in the past. Attaching to the process stopped working about the time that I reverted from Visual Studio 2012 back to 2010 (older projects had issues in 2010).
The problem:
Visual Studio gives an error, "Unable to attach to the process" when trying to attach to SPUCWorkProcess.exe that I need to debug a SharePoint sandbox solution.
Additional information:
I am able to attach to 2 other VM's are able to attach to the process
without issue (using same credentials).
An admin is able to attach to the process in this VM
Sandbox debugging IS turned on, even been restarted a few times from Central Admin.
Putting System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch()
in the code isn't hit/doesn't react
Attach to the process from the
task manager yields the message "Unable to attach to the crashing
process" ULS has a message for SPUCWorkerProcess "LogWMIData: Connect
Server failed: 0x80041003". Also noticed another error with OWSTIMER
"...Drives are running out of free space..." so could this be a
resource issue? the VM only has 4GB memory.
Given these details, I suspect that 1) available resources associated with my credentials are too small 2) something else is already attached to the process and crashing preventing me from attaching to it.
Solution was to provision a new virtual machine. My conclusion was that there is indeed a process running under my id (hence other people could attach to the process on the machine) preventing me from attaching to it again.
I was never able to figure out how to detach any process already attached to it, if there ever was one at all.
Hope this helps anyone else in some way. There appears to be very few solutions for "unable to attach to the process" that doesn't include forgetting to turn on the sandbox debugging.

MSMQ installation error on 2008 Server

This Windows 2008 SP2
The Error:
Message Queuing: Installation failed
Error: Attempt to install Message Queuing Server failed with error code 0x80070643. Fatal error during installation
The following features were not installed:
Message Queuing Services
Message Queuing Server
Found a msdn blog with the following resolution:
To resolve this issue follow the steps listed below:
Go to Control panel and click User Accounts
Select User Accounts and click Turn User Account Control on/ Off
Un-check the check box beside User Account Control
Close the User Account Window, reboot the computer and try to install Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) again
Note: Be sure to turn User Account Controll back on when the issue is resolved
After doing that and rebooting I still getting the same error when trying to installing MSMQ.
Maybe try using the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility?
create a key called MSMQ in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft and then go and delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\MSMQ. Worked for me on Windows 10 preview and then I was able to install MSMQ.
