How can I make a local Git hook run a Windows executable and wait for it to return? - windows

I'm working in a Windows environment. I have a Git repository and am writing a custom pre-commit hook. I am much more comfortable writing a quick and dirty console application in C# than trying to figure out Perl syntax so that's the route I'm going.
My .git/hooks/precommit file looks like this:
start MyHelperApp.exe
And this works somewhat. As you can see I have a compiled helper application in the root of the repo directory (and it is .gitignore'd), and this does indeed launch my application successfully when I call git commit. However, it doesn't wait for the process to finish nor does it seem to care what the return code of the process is. I assume this is because start is asynchronous and it returns a 0 exit code every time.
I have reason to suspect that the start process which is getting called here is not the native Windows start command, because I tried changing it to start /wait MyHelperApp.exe but this had no effect. Also trying to call MyHelperApp.exe directly gives a "command not found" error, and so does changing start to call. I suspect that start is an emulated bash command and it's running the bash version instead of the Windows version?
Anyways, my helper app does return different exit codes depending on different conditions, so it'd be great if those could be used. (Pre-commit hooks fail if a program in the script returns any exit code besides zero.) How might I go about utilizing this?

Call the executable directly, don't use start.
Also trying to call MyHelperApp.exe directly gives a "command not found" error
If the PATH variable doesn't contain a . entry, bash won't look in the current directory to find executables. Call ./MyHelperApp.exe to make it explicit that it should be run from the current directory.


Parallel processing not working using create_app in julia

So I'm using the create_app() method in PackageCompiler to create an app of my julia package. It works except that the original package could run on multiple processes and after it's turned into and app it doesn't anymore.
I put this at the beginning of my script (and in the app main function)
#info("using $(nworkers()) workers\n")
It outputs whatever I pass with the -p flag when running the script indicating it is indeed running with multiple workers. After the package is turned into an app it always prints "using 1 workers" regardless of the flags I pass using --julia-args -pX
Is there something that I should enable to make this work, or is this inherently not possible?
UPDATE: it seems that using addprocs() does work (which provides a workaround for me) but I'm still confused as to why the command line argument -p is not picked up

Use non-built-in bash commands without modifying .bashsrc

I'm working on cluster and using custom toolkits (more specifically SRA toolkit). In order to use it, I fist had to download (and unpack it) to a specific folder in my directory.
Then I had to modify .bashsrc to include the following segment:
# User specific aliases and functions
Now I can use a stuff from SRATools in bash command line, e.g.
prefetch SR111111
My question is, can I use those tools without modifying my .bashsrc?
The reason that I want to do that is because I wrote a .sh script that takes a long time to run, and my cluster has Sun Grid Engine job management system, and I submitted my script to it, only to see the process fail - because a SRA Toolkit command I used was unrecognized.
EDIT (1):
I modified the location where my prefetch command is, and now it looks like:
different from how it is in .bashsrc:
And run what #Darkman suggested (put IF THEN ELSE FI and under ELSE put export). The output is that it didn't find SRATools (because path in .bashsrc is different), but it found them under ELSE and script is running normally. Weird. It works on my job management system.
Thanks everybody.

Init infinite loop on bootup (shell/Openwrt)

I've been trying to generate and infinite loop in OpenWRT, and I've succeeded:
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
while [ true ]
# Code to run
sleep 15
This code works as a charm if I execute it as ./script. However, I want this to start on its own when I turn on my router. I've placed the script in /etc/init.dand enabled it with chmod +x script.
Regardless, the program doesn't start running at all. My guess is that I shouldn't execute this script on boot up but have a script that calls this other script. I haven't been able to work this out.
Any help would be appreciated.
As I have messed with init scripts of OpenWRT in my previous projects. I would like contribute to Rich Alloway's answer (for the ones who will likely to drop here from google search). His answer only covers for "traditional SysV style init scripts" as it is mentioned in the page that he gave link Init Scripts.
There is new process management daemon, Procd that you might find in your OpenWRT version. Sadly documentation of it has not been completed yet; Procd Init Scripts.
There are minor differences like they have pointed out in their documentation :
procd expects services to run in the foreground,
Different shebang,
line: #!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common Explicitly use procd USE_PROCD=1
start_service() instead of start()
A simple init script for procd would look like :
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# it is run order of your script, make it high to not mess up with other init scripts
start_service() {
procd_set_param command /target/to/your/useless/command -some -useless -shit -here
I have posted some blog post about it while ago that might help.
You need to have a file in /etc/rc.d/ with an Sxx prefix in order for the system to execute the script at boot time. This is usually accomplished by having the script in /etc/init.d and a symlink in /etc/rc.d pointing to the script.
The S indicates that the script should run at startup while the xx dictates the order that the script will run. Scripts are executed in naturally increasing order: S10boot runs before S40network and S50cron runs before S50dropbear.
Keep in mind that the system may not continue to boot with the script that you have shown here!
/etc/init.d/rcS calls each script sequentially and waits for the current one to exit before calling the next script. Since your script is an infinite loop, it will never exit and rcS may not complete the boot process.
Including /etc/rc.common will be more useful if you use functions in your script like start(), stop(), restart(), etc and add START and STOP variables which describe when the script should be executed during boot/shutdown.
Your script can then be used to enable and disable itself at boot time by creating or removing the symlink: /etc/init.d/myscript enable
See also OpenWRT Boot Process and Init Scripts
-Rich Alloway (RogueWave)

Changing directory for User in Ruby script

I'm quite familiar with Dir.chdir("/xyz")
Unfortunately, this changes the directory of the process, but not actually the directory of the user. I'll make the following example to illustrate my need.
$~/: ruby my_script.rb
$/Projects/Important/Path: pwd
See? I need the script to change the user's path. Performing system/backticks/Dir.chdir all adjust the process path, and end with the user sitting where they started, instead of the path I want them.
From what I've read exec was the way to go, since it takes over the existing process... but to no avail.
You can't, but you can do something which might be good enough. You can invoke another shell from ruby:
Running this will create a new bash process, which will start in the /xyz directory. The downside is that changing this process will bring you back to the ruby script, and assuming it ends right away - back to the bash process that started the ruby script.
Another hack that might work is to use the prompt as a hackish hook that will be called after each command. In the ruby script, you can write the new directory's path somewhere that can be read from both bash and ruby(for example a file - but not an environment variable!). In the PROMPT_COMMAND function, you check that file and cd to what's written there. Just make sure you delete that file, so you don't get automatically cded there after every command you run.

Golang: Chdir and stay there on program termination

In golang (as well as bash scripting) if I change the current working directory (with os.Chdir) it works, but when the program terminates the working directory gets reset to the location it had when the program started.
It makes sense, but what I want to do is an inteligent disk navigator (something like our old and beloved ncd, "Norton Change Directory").
How can I tell the binary (or the shell that starts it, or whatever) not to reset to the previous working path?
I would like to achieve that entirely from within the Go binary, without modifying .bashrc or .zshrc (for portability)
The working directory of every process is process-private.
You'll have to jump loops to achieve this. For example, your program can write a script (file), which can be executed later, after you program terminates, from a script, which invoked your program.
Another, less hacky method is:
$ cd $(prog)
where prog writes the new wd to stdout.
