What does -L ${SOME_LIB} means in a Makefile? - makefile

Here I am compiling a C code with the following Makefile.
g++ -c -o td.o -I/home/user/dp/pro/include td.c
g++ -c -o disk.o -I/home/user/dp/pro/include disk.c
g++ -o disk disk.o tds2.o -L ${DP_LIB} -L ${LIPN_LIB} -lgnb -lgtd -lnbl -lpin
./disk.exe RUN.dat
What is the purpose of -L ${DP_LIB} here? Precisely, I wish to know the function of ${}.
If it is linking a library, how is it different from -llib?
This makefile is by far very crude (I have seen bigger and better ones). I am new to makefiles, but atleast this one works.

The -L options is telling the linker to add a path to the list it uses to search for libraries. The ${DP_LIB} thing is how variables are used in makefiles. Presumably DP_LIB is a path to somewhere.
All this should be very clear if you just read the documentation and the actual makefile.

With -Ldir you specify a directory where the linker searches for libs. The lib files themselves are specified with the -llib argument.
-L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11
means that the linker will look for libX11.so in /usr/X11R6/lib
(...and in other default places.)


How to create makefile for Linux for the next command - gcc -shared -home/ time.c /libperi.a -o time.so

How to create a makefile for Linux for the next command?
gcc -shared -home/ time.c /libperi.a -o time.so
First, pick a name. This command appears to build time.so, so that's a good name.
The makefile is just a text file. Write it like this:
gcc -shared -home/ time.c /libperi.a -o time.so
That whitespace before the gcc is a TAB, not spaces.
Once you have that working, you can read the manual and learn more about Make, which will allow you to write more powerful rules.

Creating .o file with make

I'm trying to learn how to write makefiles. I have started reading the manual of gnu make: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Simple-Makefile.html#Simple-Makefile
I have 3 files in the same directory:
main.cpp: which creates a rectangle and prints some information. Therefor it includes Rectangle.h
Rectangle.h: header file for rectangle class
Rectangle.cpp: implementation of rectangle class
I am having troubles with the include of Rectangle.h in main.cpp. My makefile is:
main: main.o rectangle.o
g++ -o main.exe main.o rectangle.o
main.o: main.cpp
g++ main.cpp
rectangle.o: Rectangle.cpp
g++ Rectangle.cpp
rm main.exe main.o rectangle.o
I know something is missing to create main.o but I can't find out what it is. I tried adding various variations of Rectangle.h/.o/.cpp and finding something on the internet but I was unable to find something.
Help will be much appreciated :)
PS: The code is fine, I can compile it with the command:
g++ -o main.exe main.cpp Rectangle.cpp
man g++
When you invoke GCC, it normally does preprocessing, compilation, assembly and linking. The "overall options" allow you to stop this process at an intermediate stage. For example, the -c option says not to run the linker. Then the output consists of object files output by the assembler.

How do you pass the --start-group and --end-group flags to gcc when using scons?

In scons, how do you implement the --start-group and --end-group gcc flags? These should wrap a particular set of LIBS, but I couldn't find a PREFIX/SUFFIX option that wraps the entire (or partial set of) input to LIBS.
In case you're wondering what gcc flags I'm talking about, read more here:
GCC: what are the --start-group and --end-group command line options?
You're right that there is no built in prefix/suffix for this wrapper. The command line options specifying the list of libraries passed to the link command is computed based on the LIBS environment variable and stored in the _LIBFLAGS environment variable. _LIBFLAGS is then used as a part of the complete linker command line.
The defaults, defined in Tool/link.py in the SCons library, look something like:
Assuming that you want to wrap the entire set of libraries, then in your environment, you can edit either the LINKCOM or the _LIBFLAGS variables to add the options:
# SConstruct
env = Environment(
CC = 'gcc',
#env.Prepend(_LIBFLAGS="-Wl,--start-group ") # the trailing space is required
#env.Append(_LIBFLAGS=" -Wl,--end-group") # the leading space is required
env.Program('foo', ['foo.c'], LIBS='m')
I think editing LINKCOM is a little less invasive. In my trivial example, this generates:
$ scons
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
gcc -o foo.o -c foo.c
gcc -o foo foo.o -Wl,--start-group -lm -Wl,--end-group
scons: done building targets.
If you want to group just a subset of libraries, then you'll have to use separate LIBS variables for the "wrapped" and "unwrapped" libraries and duplicate the _LIBFLAGS function in a separate variable appended to LINKCOM.

gcc link error occurred

I compiled with gcc
gcc -l. 'net-snmp-config --cflags'
-fPlC -shared -c -o matsu_object.o tsu_object.c
but this error occurred
gcc: -lcrypto: Because a link was
not completed, the input file of the
linker was not used
What's wrong?
Did you mistype the question? There's no way for that to output the message you write, and I would expect that the proper command is something more like
gcc -L. `net-snmp-config --cflags` -fPIC -shared -c -o matsu_object.o tsu_object.c
Notice the -L uppercase, backticks instead of single quotes, and upper-case I in PIC.
Also, you don't say what you're trying to do, but net-snmp-config should also take at least one of --libs or --agent-libs as well.
Ah, I didn't read closely enough...
-c means "compile", that is: generate from tsu_object.c, a compiled matsu_object.o.
Without -c, the compiler actually links, that is: generate from *.o, a.out or other specified file.
-shared (and linker flags like -l and -L) are only meaningful when linking. They're meaningless when compiling, as you are doing here because of -c.
Please correct the command-line in the question to accurately reflect what you're running, and give some more explanation as to what you're trying to do.
I think you are using ticks ' instead of back ticks `. Does --cflags really give linker options? I think you are at the link step here. Also what is the effect of -c at a link. I thought -c was compile only and not attempt to link.
You used single quotes instead of backquotes.
Instead of this:
gcc -l. 'net-snmp-config --cflags' -fPlC -shared -c -o matsu_object.o tsu_object.c
You should type:
gcc -l. `net-snmp-config --cflags`-fPlC -shared -c -o matsu_object.o tsu_object.c
net-snmp-config is a program. When you run it with --cflags, it evaluates to the correct cflags that you should be using to compile your program.
But you know what? You should be using autoconf. Even for something this small, it usually makes sense to do the work. Most people I know need to compile on more than one platform...

is it possible to create an object file from other object files in gcc?

I was trying to do something like this in a makefile:
program.exe: ui.o main.o
gcc ......etc
ui.o: window1.o window2.o
gcc -c window1.o window2.o -o ui.o #this doesn't want to work
window1.o: window1.c window1.h window1_events.c window1_controls.c ...
gcc -c window1.c window1_events.c window1_controls.c... -o window1.o
window2.o: ...
gcc ...
main.o: ...
gcc ...
but when I compile like this, it gives the error "input file unused because linking not done," and then I get a bunch of unresolved externs, etc--problems which are resolved by changing
program.exe: ui.o main.o
gcc ...
program.exe: window1.o window2.o main.o
gcc ...
so is it possible to just link object files together, to avoid having mile-long lines in a makefile and break down the build process a little more?
Yes: to merge several object files into one, use ld -r or ld -Ur:
From "man ld" on Linux:
Generate relocatable output---i.e., generate an output file that can
in turn serve as input to ld. This is often called partial linking.
As a side effect, in environments that support standard Unix magic
numbers, this option also sets the output file’s magic number to
If this option is not specified, an absolute file is produced.
When linking C++ programs, this option will not resolve references to
constructors; to do that, use -Ur.
You could also do this with gcc:
gcc -Wl,-r foo.o bar.o -o foobar.o -nostdlib
Merging object files like this has some advantages over using an archive library: if merged files change very infrequently (compared to say main.c), your final executable links will be faster.
OTOH, with archived library, the linker will only use what it needs, so your executable may end up being smaller if e.g. window2.c ends up not being necessary.
I bunch of object files is a library. You can create a library with the ar
utility. The following example creates a library called mylib.a containing the files foo.o and bar.o
ar rvs mylib.a foo.o bar.o
You can then link with it by using it on the compiler command line:
gcc -o myexe main.c mylib.a
To create a library:
ar rvs somelib.a file1.o file2.o file3.o
To link it:
gcc -o program.exe file4.o somelib.a
