joomla website: alignment issue - joomla

I am working on joomla website everything was going fine when I was suddenly stuck in services section
my site url is ## when you scroll down to "our services" area
Community outreach and mobilisation and Institutional support doesnot get aligned to the line "Networking and government Liaison". it's a cubic template. initially it was right but later this problem occurs.

It looks as though you put it in the same module position as monitoring and evaluation. I would check the module position first


Sharepoint Online site will not display comments box on homepage

I have a Sharepoint Online site - one of many - but this one will not display the "comments" box at the bottom of the home page, when enabled and published. Other site pages have this no problem.
I click the slider to "ON" and then "Republish", but the comments box does not appear.
One the same homepage, incidentally, I am NOT seeing the "Likes /Views /Save for Later" options either. But I do see these on the other pages of the site, so this might be related?
Anyone got any ideas? There is no custom code or scripting, and Comments are obviously enabled at a tenancy level.
Well "it fixed itself" but it took over 2 days to do it!

Magento Slider installation not working

Hi i have installed this slider on my magento store. i just bought from here.
But after installing, drop down menu of the website stopped working plus banner slider. Also the new slider is not showing at all. I tried to contact the Mag seller but they are not responding at all. It seems javascript issue. Any hints are tips much appreciated. thanks
The Problems that you might have encountered may be
jQuery/javascript error which make your other script stopped. For this like kaska said above` check for any error in your browser
Bring all the template, layout and skin files by the module under <Your_package>/<Your_Theme>. (Search for the files the module
inserted, few modules inserts their template,layout and skin file under <default_package>/<default_theme> and if your active package and active there is other than this you would encounter issues)
And that is all i can say for now, until you provide more info

Joomla articles and modules not showing on small screens

I'm really quite new to Joomla and I've encountered a problem. On my homepage the article is showing just fine, but all the other modules (except for the menu bar) disappear when I switch to a smaller screen size. On my other pages the article doesn't even show anymore, just the menu bar. I'm using the purity III template. I have no idea what's going on since the settings in the layout of the template indicate that all modules that are showing on a desktop should also be displayed on a mobile device, and I've found no difference in settings in the articles itself. My site.
Thanks for your help!
It sounds like the responsive design hides them on purpose.
Just from a quick peek at your code using inspect element I can see that the class "slideshow hidden-xs" gets a display:none on smaller screen sizes and all of your main content is wrapped in that element. If all of your content is not supposed to be wrapped in that element (which I'm guessing it's not) you're most likely missing a closing tag on a div or something.
Find the missing closing tag (ie: /div, /a, etc) and it will probably solve your problem.
You can update the latest version of Joomla and check again that some problem is coming or not. I yes then download new theme for your website which is compatible with your theme.

Joomla 2.5 Template Configuration Error

This is my first experiment with Joomla (2.5) and I am having trouble figuring out what is not configured correctly between the two.
I started with the template and all was good but then as I was configuring / adding content I must have changed something.
The two areas in question is the "top movies" section at the bottom and the "Latest News", Recent News tabs.
Looking at the html in developer tools I can clearly see the difference but I can't figure out what to do / change / look at in the Joomla admin.
The original template is here:
The one I eventually want to go live with is here:
I'm not sure what else to post but if you'll just educate me more on what I can provide I'll be happy to update / edit.
Thank You
Elin you were most helpful pointing me in the right direction. What I found was that another module I was using Code 7 Responsive Slider jquery was colliding with the templates jquery. If I disable the Code 7 slider the jquery carousel and jquery tabs are back to the original.
So now I am off to figure out how to get them to play nice...including using another slider if needed. FWIW I need the images to be href links and that was not readily available using the default slider that came with the template so I grabbed another slider.
Put your comment in some form of an answer and I will mark it for you.
Thanks again.

Website with a very slow load time on every page
i made a WordPress page for a client, and for some reason it is taking over a minute to load the page. The only thing that I could think of being the problem is the amount of photos that he inserted into the slider up top on the home page. It looks like all those pictures need to load before anything else pops up. But then I click on Contact or any other page that has no real images to speak of, and the problem is still there. Just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction to fix this. thanks!
Like #David said, its the initial request (the source for the page) that is giving you the issues. This means it is unlikely an issue with hosting, and most likely an issue with your code. I would go through any plugins you have installed and disable them one-by-one, and slowly start commenting out your own custom dynamic code bit by bit, till you see what is taking so incredibly long. Then rewrite/excise that code from the site.
Start With the Basics
Keep the number of WordPress plugins you use to a minimum
Get a Proper Hosting Provider
Remove Unnecessary Code From WordPress Header ->
Use firebug and click Network tab to check loading speed for each files
Check Suggestion how to improve website speed ->
Install WP Super Cache plugin ->
*If you use gallery try to use image thumbnail rather than load whole images size
