Jmeter-Passing parameter in csv - jmeter

When i passed parameters(username and password)in csv.Jmeter fetching the csv parameters wrong that is,i have passed 9876-54326,9876-54326 as username and password in csv but when i ran the test,the response that came is
this is shown in view result tree listener.
So it is accepting %229876-54326%22 instead of 9876-54326 and same for password
Waiting for the feedback.

Ensure No Speace/Speacial chars in cell data for User Name and Password as It is taking %22 for space/Speacial chars.

Actually %22 is a code for " character. Make sure you don't use that character in you Jmeter request. Just use ${name_of_parameter_in_csv_file} variable in requests.


how to change the value taken from csv of the space with% 20 in Jmeter?

I have a value in a "pro va" csv file that must be passed to a query of a URL "" I would need to replace the space with% 20 from the variable taken from the csv, how to do it ?
Space isn't allowed in HTTP GET path or query.
You need to encode query parameters that contain spaces. Some options as below:
Check "Encode?" box in "Send Parameters with the Request" input of HTTP Request
Wrap your variable in __urlEncode function as ${__urlencode(queryTerm)}

visit a Full URL with parameter value

I'm trying to make a bash script to send a GET requests
also I'm trying to provide a URL access after changing some parameter value
when I hover over the link it will only underline URL without parameters values(check the following screen)
when I entered the URL it will redirect me to:
I'm wondering if there is a solution for this case or not
Thank you in advance
Note that it's the terminal and not your script that decides what's considered part of a URL for the purpose of selecting or clicking.
But what I can suggest is to Use the URL encoding for those special characters instead of explicit special characters:
%27 = Single Quote **'**
%3C = Less than **<**
%3E = More than **>**
For example
That will be shown<script>
Maybe that would do the trick

Why "&" is adding while request in Jmeter?

http request default. http request config. csv data config used. csv data file used .I wanted to add data from csv file, but if i pass single parameter also its adding "&" character before parameter.
Just remove this ? sign from the /api/dealer/searchByPostalCode
JMeter automatically detects query string beginning in the URL path and tries to merge parameters with the ones you specify in the path to avoid syntax errors.
Given you don't provide any parameters in the "Path" section you should remove ? from there.
Another possible reason is that your CSV data contains this & character, double check it using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination.
As per the official documentation:
As a special case, the string "\t" (without quotes) in the delimiter
field is treated as a Tab.
When the end of file (EOF) is reached, and the recycle option is true,
reading starts again with the first line of the file.
So I'd request you to remove \n in delimiter field from the CSV Data set config and then try.

Jmeter- How to pass Comma separated String as 1 value through parametrization

From a csv file, I need to pass
as a single value to one of the parameter in HTTP request.
I have parameterized using CSV data config. But, only 224 is getting passed.
I want 224,329,429 to be treated as a single value.
Please let me know how do I achieve this. Should I change anything in CSV config or CSV file to make this work?
Just use __StringFromFile() function instead of using CSV Data Set Config.
The __StringFromFile() function reads next line from the file each time it's being called so it seems to be a lot easier to stick to it for particular your scenario.
The syntax is as simple as ${__StringFromFile(/path/to/your/file.csv,,,)} and the function can be used anywhere in the script, i.e. directly in the request parameter section.
See Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction to get started with the JMeter Functions concept and comprehensive information on the above and other JMeter functions.
You should change your delimiter to a not used character e.g. #
In that way you will be able to get full line for every request
Use ${__FileToString(dummy.csv,,payloadvar)} function. It makes the file independent that mean you can use any file extension example: .txt, .csv, .excel etc..
Just keep the string in dummy.csv and it will fetch the whole string.
benefit of using this function is, it will not consider comma's so in case your string has comma separated values then this is the best option.
Just use %2C in the place of comma.

Whitespace replacing plus sign in Jmeter

I have this regular expression:
name=\"javax.faces.FormSignature\" value="(.+?)"
that will extract the value I need to pass to a http request. My problem is, if this value happens to have a + or a = sign on it, Jmeter will replace them with a whitespace. That will fail my request.
Has anyone seen this before? I've tried with xpath extractor and the same thing happens.
If this shappens in next request that uses the RegExp extracted value then uncheck Encode checkbox in Parameters Table.
See Send Parameters With the Request:
