How to enable DEBUG logging in Spring XD? - spring-xd

I need to enable debug mode in spring-xd, how to do that ?
I did not find any parameter in servers.yml defining debug mode.

See xd/config/xd-*-logback.groovy
There are configs for singlenode, container and admin.


How to know what log levels used in production spring boot application?

I am wondering if there is a way to know what are the logging levels set in spring boot application, which is running on production. I know I can check some logging level statements in application.yml. But I am not sure if it is edited after starting the application.
So, I want to confirm what logging levels are used in the application without stopping or restarting.
Can you provide inputs on this?
If actuators are enabled on your project you can call the /actuator/loggers endpoint:
$curl 'http://localhost:8080/actuator/loggers' -i -X GET
For more reference

How to disable Quarkus logging to a file (quarkus.log)?

I would like to run my Quarkus app in a container where the best practice is to only log to the console and not to a file.
How can I do that?
To disable logging, edit your file and add the following property:
By default Quarkus logs to both the console and to a file named quarkus.log.
In cases where writing to the log file is not necessary (for example when running a Quarkus app in a Kubernetes Pod), quarkus.log.file.enable=false can be used.
This property can be set either in or be overridden at runtime (using -Dquarkus.log.file.enable=false).
See this guide for more information about logging.
With this PR, logging to a file is now disabled by default.

How to turn of hibernate-validator DEBUG logger

I add hibernate-validator(6.0.9.Final) to my spring (not spring boot) maven project and work perfectly, but cause lot of(~3000 row) DEBUG log. How to off this log?
I tried these, but didn't work:
The log level of Hibernate Validator is (obviously) not DEBUG by default so you must have something in your application classpath setting the log level to DEBUG.
Hibernate Validator is using JBoss Logging which uses log4j under the hood so in your should work.
But considering it shouldn't have been set to DEBUG in the first place, I'm wondering if you have something in your classpath overriding your log configuration.
I suspect either you or a dependency have enabled DEBUG logging for org.hibernate to see the queries or something similar and this is this setting you should find and remove.
Set the log4j properties as
also set the show_sql =false to avoid the query printing on the console.

Reactive Mongo Repository Logging

With Spring Boot 2.0.0.M7, I want to log the queries generated by ReactiveMongoRepository. I have tried the following configs, DEBUG DEBUG DEBUG DEBUG
but still, the queries are not logged. Any more configuration needed? Thanks
Please use reactiveMongoTemplate configuration

AWS OSGI Disable org.apache.http.wire log

I am using aws osgi sdk , and i need to know how to disable the DEBUG org.apache.http.wire log, is there any log properties and where should i need to add this properties
i have add this property in runtime, but no effect
can any one tell how to disable the http log.
