AWS OSGI Disable org.apache.http.wire log - osgi

I am using aws osgi sdk , and i need to know how to disable the DEBUG org.apache.http.wire log, is there any log properties and where should i need to add this properties
i have add this property in runtime, but no effect
can any one tell how to disable the http log.


How to log the trace id using Springboot custom filters

I have few custom filters in my Springboot Webflux API. This project has been activated with Spring Sleuth, however, these filters are not logging the trace and span ids in the log messages.
I made sure that the order was set properly for these filters.
2020-03-23 12:53:18.895 -2020-03-23 12:53:18.895 INFO [my-spring-boot,,,] 9569 --- [ctor-http-nio-3] c.d.a.f.test.myTestEnvWebFilter : Reading data from header
Can someone please provide your insights on this?
It might be due to the default sampler percentage configuration, take a look at this article for an example:

How to Add DataDog trace ID in Logs using Spring Boot + Logback

OK, I spent quiet some time figuring out how to configure stuff to have DataDog trace ID in logs but couldn't get it working. To be clear what I'm looking for is to see trace IDs in logs message, the same way that adding spring-cloud-starter-sleuth to the classpath, automatically configure Slf4j/Logback to show trace IDs in log messages.
Where I've started:
We've got a simple web spring boot application running as a Docker container deployed as an AWS Elastic BeansTalk, whose logs go to CloudWatch and we read them there.
We have DataDog as a Java agent (thus no dependencies in pom.xml)
We have SLF4J/Logback in our dependencies list.
There's no other related depndencies (like dd-trace-ot or any opertracing libs)
What I did so far:
I found on SO that adding opentracing-spring-cloud-starter will add log integration automatically. But I couldn't get it working.
On DD website, it says configuring the pattern is enough to see the IDs, but in our case it didn't work. (is it because we don't have our logs a JSON?). Also, adding dd-trace-ot didn't help.
We can't switch to JSON logs.
We can't switch to any other library (e.g. Slueth).
We can't go away from CloudWatch.
Can someone tell me how exactly I need to configure the application to see trace IDs in log messages? Is there any documentation or samples I can look at?
Do you have the ability to add some parameters in the logs sent. From the documentation you should be able to inject the trace id into your logs in a way that Datadog will interpret them.
You can also look at a parser to extract the trace id and span id from the raw log. This documentation should help you out on that.
From the documentation, if you don't have JSON logs, you need to include dd.trace_id and dd.span_id in your formatter:
If your logs are raw formatted, update your formatter to include
dd.trace_id and dd.span_id in your logger configuration:
<Pattern>"%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L -
%X{dd.trace_id:-0} %X{ dd.span_id:-0} - %m%n"</Pattern> ```
So if you add %X{dd.trace_id:-0} %X{ dd.span_id:-0}, it should work.

How to turn of hibernate-validator DEBUG logger

I add hibernate-validator(6.0.9.Final) to my spring (not spring boot) maven project and work perfectly, but cause lot of(~3000 row) DEBUG log. How to off this log?
I tried these, but didn't work:
The log level of Hibernate Validator is (obviously) not DEBUG by default so you must have something in your application classpath setting the log level to DEBUG.
Hibernate Validator is using JBoss Logging which uses log4j under the hood so in your should work.
But considering it shouldn't have been set to DEBUG in the first place, I'm wondering if you have something in your classpath overriding your log configuration.
I suspect either you or a dependency have enabled DEBUG logging for org.hibernate to see the queries or something similar and this is this setting you should find and remove.
Set the log4j properties as
also set the show_sql =false to avoid the query printing on the console.

How to enable DEBUG logging in Spring XD?

I need to enable debug mode in spring-xd, how to do that ?
I did not find any parameter in servers.yml defining debug mode.
See xd/config/xd-*-logback.groovy
There are configs for singlenode, container and admin.

liberty profile control logging

I cannot control logging levels for my code in Websphere Liberty Profile server.
I have configured the server.xml on the server not to log hibernate and spring, since my logs will get flooded with activity from those two frameworks. I commonly do this using log4j and it works fine in standalone WAS.
<logging consoleLogLevel="INFO" copySystemStreams="true" traceFormat="ENHANCED" traceSpecification="org.springframework.**=off:org.hibernate*=off"/>
In Liberty this does not work.
I get the following log when liberty updates the configuration (when I save server.xml with the changes):
[INFO ] TRAS0040I: The configured trace state included the following specifications that do not match any loggers currently registered in the server: org.hibernate*=off:org.springframework.*=off
Basically this message applies to any of my code and any third party code (Spring, Hibernate, etc).
However the traceSpecification levels work fine for the IBM classes, and I'm able to specify *=off, which effectively turns off all logging.
Has anyone experienced this?
IBM's documentation for TRAS0040I seems simple enough, but I can't seem to figure out why my loggers are not getting registered with the server.
Liberty doesn't have a rich control on logging. You should understand the difference between "logging" and "tracing". Check description of console.log, messages.log, trace.log files at the beggining of:
Your configuration in "traceSpecification" - actually will do nothing, as spring and hibernate are logs from JVM and they doesn't go to trace, so trace configuration doesn't affect them.
All you can configure in liberty for jvm logs is consoleLogLevel (INFO, AUDIT, WARNING, ERROR, and OFF)
If you want to configure log levels for specific components in Liberty - you should use for example log4j with own configuration
