Rename files in assemble task in gradle - gradle

I need to write a simple task to create a zip from the source code. I need to include a dir called 1-dir or 2-dir depending on a system property. But the name of the directory in the resulting zip should always be dir. So basically, I want to include a dir in a zip (conditionally) and rename it.
I tried the rename method but that does not work.
Any pointers?

It will be:
task zipDir(type: Zip) {
def fromDir = project.hasProperty('from') ? project.from : 'dir1'
It can be run in the following way gradle zipDir -Pfrom=dir2. If no from property is passed dir1 will be zipped.
If you need system property instead of gradle property, pass -Dfrom=dir2 and use['from'] instead of project.from.


include single directory in an archive with gradle Zip task

I have a directory A under my project's rootDir. Directory A has subidrectories B,C,D,E,etc.
I want to create archive of only B and ignore others. I have written a gradle task to zip the directory B.
task ZipOnlyB(type: Zip){
archiveName = ""
destinationDir = file ("${rootDir}/toSendToArtifactory")
from "${rootDir}/A/B"
The above code works and creates an archive with name But this archive doesn't contain the directory B. The archive only contains the contents of directory B.
Expected content of zip file : A/B/contents-of-directory-B
Actual content of zip file : A/contents-of-directory-B
How do I go about getting the expected result. Any guidance in this regard is highly apprecited. i have looked up the "Working with fiels" section of Gradle documnetaion,but that doesn't help my cause. I was expecting some "include" property for including diretcories, but the include works only with files and no directory example was given.
You can use into method (see ) to specify the destination directory inside the archive
In you case you could do something like:
task ZipOnlyB(type: Zip){
archiveName = ""
destinationDir = file ("${rootDir}/toSendToArtifactory")
from fileTree('A/B')
into ('A/B')
This will create the archive with first level directory "A" containing the "B" directory and its content. If you don't want this root directory "A" but just directory "B", then use into ('B')

how to exclude path information in gradle zip task

Apologies in advance for this simple question I am relatively new to Gradle.
I would like to run a Zip task during my Build process and create a .zip file in my "archive" directory but without the source file's directory structure. I managed to get the task working but its retaining the directory structure. I read that for linux Zip there is the option -j or -r which flattens the directory but I am not sure if this is available to me via the Gradle task.
My input file structures looks similar to the below,
but I would like to end up with a Zip file with directory structure as follows,
My current Zip task is as follows,
task makeZipForDeploy(type: Zip) {
from 'build/'
include 'libs/*' //to include all files in libs folder
include 'scripts/*' //to include all files in the scripts folder
destinationDir file("${archivePath}")
the solution was even more trivial than I thought. The below will flatten the structure
task makeZipForDeploy(type: Zip) {
from 'build/libs' //to include all files in libs folder
from 'build/scripts' //to include all files in the scripts folder
destinationDir file("${archivePath}")

How to remove an element from gradle task outputs?

is it possible to exclude an element from the output files of a Task in order to not consider it for the up-to-date check? In my case I have a copy task that automatically set the destination directory in outputs variable, but I'd like to remove it and set only some of the copied files.
Or, as alternative, is it possible to overwrite the entire outputs variable?
Incremental tasks create snapshots from input and output files of a task. If these snapshots are the same for two task executions (based on the hash code of file content), then Gradle assumes that task is up-to-date.
You are not able to remove some files from output and expect Gradle to forget about them, simply because the hash codes will be different.
There is an option that allows you to manually define the logic of up-to-date checks.
You should use a method upToDateWhen(Closure upToDateClosure) in TaskOutputs class.
task myTask {
outputs.dir files('/home/user/test')
outputs.upToDateWhen {
// your logic here
return true; // always up-to-date
I've found the solution:
task reduceZip(type: Copy) {
from zipTree("C:/temp/")
into "C:/temp/unzip"
Outputs.files list could be modified only register new elements, not removing (for what I know). So I need to reset the list and then eventually add other files. The outputs.files.setFrom method reset the outputs.files list so it is possible add other file. In the example above I reduce the up-to-date check only to the and test.txt files.

Buildr - exclude directory from resources

In Buildr you can exclude all files in a directory by doing the following:
resources.exclude 'scratch/*'
Is it possible to exclude the directory as well? The Buildr documentation mentions:
The filter always excludes the CVS and .svn directories, and all files
ending with .bak or ~, so no need to worry about these.
My company uses Dimensions as its source control, it creates a .metadata folder in every directory much like subversion does with the .svn folder.
These exclusions are actually inherited from Rake (rake/file_list.rb)
module Rake
class FileList
so it's possible to monkey-patch the defaults, if that's what you want.
Alternatively, you can also add exclusions directly on a FileList by passing a block and calling the exclude method,
pkg_files ='lib/**/*') do |fl|
Since Buildr filters ( expose their underlying FileList, you can simply do:
resources.sources do |fl|

Directory dependencies with rake

I'm using rake to copy a directory as so:
file copied_directory => original_directory do
#copy directory
This works fine, except when something inside of original_directory changes. The problem is that the mod date doesn't change on the enclosing directory, so rake doesn't know to copy the directory again. Is there any way to handle this? Unfortunately my current setup does not allow me to set up individual dependencies for each individual file inside of original_directory.
You could use rsync to keep the 2 directories in sync as shown here:
You don't need to know the files to depend on them:
file copied_directory => FileList[original_directory, original_directory + "/**/*"]
