Directory dependencies with rake - ruby

I'm using rake to copy a directory as so:
file copied_directory => original_directory do
#copy directory
This works fine, except when something inside of original_directory changes. The problem is that the mod date doesn't change on the enclosing directory, so rake doesn't know to copy the directory again. Is there any way to handle this? Unfortunately my current setup does not allow me to set up individual dependencies for each individual file inside of original_directory.

You could use rsync to keep the 2 directories in sync as shown here:

You don't need to know the files to depend on them:
file copied_directory => FileList[original_directory, original_directory + "/**/*"]


dockerfile copy list of files, when list is taken from a local file

I've got a file containing a list of paths that I need to copy by Dockerfile's COPY command on docker build.
My use case is such: I've got a python requirements.txt file, when inside I'm calling multiple other requirements files inside the project, with -r PATH.
Now, I want to docker COPY all the requirements files alone, run pip install, and then copy the rest of the project (for cache and such). So far i haven't managed to do so with docker COPY command.
No need of help on fetching the paths from the file - I've managed that - just if it is possible to be done - how?
Not possible in the sense that the COPY directive allows it out of the box, however if you know the extensions you can use a wildcard for the path such as COPY folder*something*name somewhere/.
For simple requirements.txt fetching that could be:
# but you need to distinguish it somehow
# otherwise it'll overwrite the files and keep the last one
# e.g. rename package/requirements.txt to package-requirements.txt
# and it won't be an issue
COPY */requirements.txt ./
RUN for item in $(ls requirement*);do pip install -r $item;done
But if it gets a bit more complex (as in collecting only specific files, by some custom pattern etc), then, no. However for that case simply use templating either by a simple F-string, format() function or switch to Jinja, create a Dockerfile.tmpl (or whatever you'd want to name a temporary file), then collect the paths, insert into the templated Dockerfile and once ready dump to a file and execute afterwards with docker build.
# Dockerfile.tmpl
FROM alpine
# organize files into coherent structures so you don't have too many COPY directives
files = {
"pattern1": [...],
"pattern2": [...],
with open("Dockerfile.tmpl", "r") as file:
text =
insert = "\n".join([
f"COPY {' '.join(values)} destination/{key}/"
for key, values in files.items()
with open("Dockerfile", "w") as file:
file.write(text.replace("{{replace}}", insert))
You might want to do this for example:
FROM ...
ARG files
COPY files
and run with
docker build -build-args items=`${cat list_of_files_to_copy.txt}`

How to get filepath to file in another folder unix?

I am trying to write some data in one Ruby file to a file in another folder but I am having trouble identifying the path to get to the file I want to write to.
My current code is:
File.write('../csv_fixtures/loans.csv', 'test worked!')
And my folder structure is as follows:
Where I am trying to run my code in 'run_spec.rb' and write to 'loans.csv'.
Additionally, this is the error I am getting:
Give the path relative to the working directory, not the file that you call File.write from. The working directory is the place you've navigated to through cd before calling the ruby code. If you ran rspec from the root of your project, then the working directory will also be the root. So, in this case, it looks like it would be ./spec/csv_fixtures/loans.csv. You can run puts Dir.pwd to see the working directory that all paths should be relative to.
If you wanted to something more like require_relative, you have to use some sort of workaround to turn it into an absolute path, such as File.dirname(__FILE__) which gives the absolute path of the folder containing the current file:
path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__, "../csv_fixtures/loans.csv"))

Ruby can not delete file after cp on windows

I am using rake to copy files I receive from one folder to two sub-folders.
After the copy I try to delete these files from their original folder.
I can't seem to delete some of the files (usually only 1 or 2 out of 5 or so).
When using mv (and not CLEAN) I receive an error message of access denied.
I believe that Windows (my OS) still holds a reference to the file/s and therefore won't
allow me to delete them.
I can delete the files out of code no problem. There should not be a permissions issue.
If my theory is correct that there is still a reference open to the file, then how could i close those references?
Could it be something else?
The code:
DOCK = '/path'
NEW_FILES = DOCK + '/NewFiles'
dock_stock = + '/*.xml')
file target_path do |t|
unless dock_stock.empty?
dock_stock.each do |f|
target_new_files_folder = f.pathmap(NEW_FILES + '/%f')
mv f, target_new_files_folder
Also it should be noted this task is a dependency to a multitask(really a dependency of a dependency of a dependency). task :clean => target_path being one of them.
So maybe the issue is multi thread related or the :clean task.
It seems there was a McAfee Agent that was referencing the files not allowing me to delete them.
For the most part, if I tried to delete them later on in time they would delete.
When I write for the most part I mean once in a blue moon it could hold the files for days until released manually.
The workaround would be to record the problematic files and exclude them from the file list and try to erase them at a later point.
Wish I had a better solution.
The windows del command has f option, which forces the deletion. Combine with /q(uite) and run it from Ruby with for instanceexec:
exec 'del /f /q filename'

Sending files made by `jar xf` to another directory

I have a JAR with a bunch of configs. I'd like to send them to the correct directory without cd'ing there.
Something like jar xf config.jar --MAGIC-PARAM PATH/TO/DIRECTORY
Is there such a thing? If it helps, this will be called by a Buildr extension (Ruby).
From the API documentation:
unzip(dir => zip_file).target.invoke
Alex's answer is good. If there's some special magic that jar xf does that makes you prefer it to unzipping (I'm not aware of any), here's another option:'PATH/TO/DIRECTORY') do
system("jar xf '#{_('config.jar')'")
It does involve cd'ing, but when you use cd with a block, the original directory is restored after the block. You will need to use either an absolute path or a path relative to the directory you changed to; I'm using buildr's _ method to get an absolute path for a project-relative file.

How to delete a non-empty directory using the Dir class?

causes this error:
Directory not empty - /usr/local/var/lib/trisul/CONTEXT0/meters/oper/SLICE.9stMxh
How to delete a directory even when it still contains files?
Is not possible with Dir (except iterating through the directories yourself or using Dir.glob and deleting everything).
You should use
require 'fileutils'
FileUtils.rm_r "/usr/local/var/lib/trisul/CONTEXT0/meters/oper/SLICE.9stMxh"
When you delete a directory with the Dir.delete, it will also search the subdirectories for files.
If the directory was not empty, it will raise Directory not empty error. For that ruby have FiltUtils.rm_r method which will delete the directory no matter what!
require 'fileutils'
FileUtils.rm_r "/usr/local/var/lib/trisul/CONTEXT0/meters/oper/SLICE.9stMxh"
I use bash directly with the system(*args) command like this:
folder = "~/Downloads/remove/this/non/empty/folder"
system("rm -r #{folder}")
It is not really ruby specific but since bash is simpler in this case I use this frequently to cleanup temporary folders and files. The rm command just removes anything you give it and the -r flag tells it to remove files recursively in case the folder is not empty.
