golang - marshal PKCS8 private key? - go

Is there a way to marshal a PKCS8 private key in go 1.5?
e.g. something similar to or starting from x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey?

Funny enough, there are no standard function to do that, but here is a custom solution:
type pkcs8Key struct {
Version int
PrivateKeyAlgorithm []asn1.ObjectIdentifier
PrivateKey []byte
func rsa2pkcs8(key *rsa.PrivateKey) ([]byte, error) {
var pkey pkcs8Key
pkey.Version = 0
pkey.PrivateKeyAlgorithm = make([]asn1.ObjectIdentifier, 1)
pkey.PrivateKeyAlgorithm[0] = asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, 1}
pkey.PrivateKey = x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey(key)
return asn1.Marshal(pkey)

Since the above answer was written, go 1.10 has been released with a x509.MarshalPKCS8PrivateKey method.


How to properly write JVM AES/CFB8 Encryption in Go

I wrote a little test in Kotlin to encrypt some text "Hello" using a Cipher instance with the algorithm "AES/CFB8/NoPadding".
(minecraft stuff)
And I am now attempting to do the same in Go, however I am unable to produce the same result. All the different methods I have tried always produce something different.
These are the following threads/examples I've already looked through in order to get to this point.
How to use rsa key pair for AES encryption and decryprion in golang
Decrypt in Golang what was encrypted in Python AES CFB
AES Encryption in Golang and Decryption in Java
Different Results in Go and Pycrypto when using AES-CFB
Kotlin Code:
enum class Mode(val mode: Int)
fun createSecret(data: String): SecretKey
return SecretKeySpec(data.toByteArray(), "AES")
fun newCipher(mode: Mode): Cipher
val secret = createSecret("qwdhyte62kjneThg")
val cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CFB8/NoPadding")
cipher.init(mode.mode, secret, IvParameterSpec(secret.encoded))
return cipher
fun runCipher(data: ByteArray, cipher: Cipher): ByteArray
val output = ByteArray(data.size)
cipher.update(data, 0, data.size, output)
return output
fun main()
val encrypter = newCipher(Mode.ENCRYPT)
val decrypter = newCipher(Mode.DECRYPT)
val iText = "Hello"
val eText = runCipher(iText.toByteArray(), encrypter)
val dText = runCipher(eText, decrypter)
val oText = String(dText)
Go Code:
func TestCipher(t *testing.T) {
secret := newSecret("qwdhyte62kjneThg")
encrypter := newCipher(secret, ENCRYPT)
decrypter := newCipher(secret, DECRYPT)
iText := "Hello"
eText := encrypter.run([]byte(iText))
dText := decrypter.run(eText)
oText := string(dText)
fmt.Printf("%s\n%v\n%v\n%s\n", iText, eText, dText, oText)
type Mode int
const (
ENCRYPT Mode = iota
type secret struct {
Data []byte
type cipherInst struct {
Data cipher2.Block
Make cipher2.Stream
func newSecret(text string) *secret {
return &secret{Data: []byte(text)}
func newCipher(data *secret, mode Mode) *cipherInst {
cip, err := aes.NewCipher(data.Data)
if err != nil {
var stream cipher2.Stream
if mode == ENCRYPT {
stream = cipher2.NewCFBEncrypter(cip, data.Data)
} else {
stream = cipher2.NewCFBDecrypter(cip, data.Data)
return &cipherInst{Data: cip, Make: stream}
func (cipher *cipherInst) run(dataI []byte) []byte {
out := make([]byte, len(dataI))
cipher.Make.XORKeyStream(out, dataI)
return out
Kotlin code produces the output:
[68, -97, 26, -50, 126]
[72, 101, 108, 108, 111]
However, the Go code produces the output:
[68 97 242 158 187]
[72 101 108 108 111]
At this point, this issue has pretty much halted the progress of the project I'm working on. Any information on what I'm missing or doing wrong would be helpful.
The solution to this is to implement CFB8 manually since the built in implementation defaults to CFB128.
Implementation created by kostya and fixed by Ilmari Karonen (here).

SHA1 encoding with secret, equivalent to PHP hash_hmac

I have the following PHP function
public function encodePassword($raw, $salt)
return hash_hmac('sha1', $raw . $salt, $this->secret);
which I need to translate to Go. I found the following example, but it doesn't involve secret key.
How can I create a function in Go, that produces exactly same result as PHP's hash_hmac?
Update: After Leo's answer, found this resource with hmac examples in
many languages: https://github.com/danharper/hmac-examples. Can be
useful to somebody.
Something like this:
import "crypto/sha1"
import "crypto/hmac"
func hash_hmac_sha1(password, salt, key []byte) []byte {
h := hmac.New(sha1.New, key)
return h.Sum(nil)
Like this function:
func decriptSign(message string, key string) string {
h := hmac.New(sha1.New, []byte(key))
return hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))

when should I return value instead of modifying receiver pointer?

I have a method for the struct ProofOfWork which should modify the struct members Nonce and Hash. So I wonder whether it should modify these two members of the given instance inside the method Run or should make these two variables as a return.
So here is the method Run with return variables:
// Run performs a proof-of-work
func (pow *ProofOfWork) Run() (int, []byte) {
var hashInt big.Int
var hash [32]byte
nonce := 0
fmt.Printf("Mining the block containing \"%s\"\n", pow.block.Data)
for nonce < maxNonce {
data := pow.prepareData(nonce)
hash = sha256.Sum256(data)
fmt.Printf("\r%x", hash)
if hashInt.Cmp(pow.target) == -1 {
} else {
return nonce, hash[:]
Then the version without any return variables:
func (pow *ProofOfWork) Run() {
var hashInt big.Int
var hash [32]byte // the type of hash value is defined by result of the sha256 function
nonce := 0
for nonce < MaxNonce {
data := pow.prepareData(nonce)
hash := sha256.Sum256(data)
if hashInt.Cmp(pow.target) == -1 {
// the nonce found
} else {
pow.block.Hash = hash[:]
pow.block.Nonce = nonce
Both options you show might be useful sometimes. May I propose another possibility. In Go we should use functions much more often then in other languages. A plain function might be exactly what you are looking for:
// Run performs a proof-of-work
func Run(pow *ProofOfWork) (int, []byte) {
var hashInt big.Int
var hash [32]byte
nonce := 0
fmt.Printf("Mining the block containing \"%s\"\n", pow.block.Data)
for nonce < maxNonce {
data := pow.prepareData(nonce)
hash = sha256.Sum256(data)
fmt.Printf("\r%x", hash)
if hashInt.Cmp(pow.target) == -1 {
} else {
return nonce, hash[:]
I would probably make ProofOfWork an interface, and abstract Run that way.

Alternative for function overloading in Go?

Is it possible to work similar way like the function overloading or optional parameter in C# using Golang? Or maybe an alternative way?
The idiomatic answer to optional parameters in Go is wrapper functions:
func do(a, b, c int) {
// ...
func doSimply(a, b) {
do(a, b, 42)
Function overloading was intentionally left out, because it makes code hard(er) to read.
Neither function overloading nor optional arguments are directly supported. You could work around them building your own arguments struct. I mean like this (untested, may not work...) EDIT: now tested...
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
args:=NewMyArgs("a","b") // filename is by default "c"
ret := Compresser(args)
func Compresser(args *MyArgs) string {
return args.dstFilePath + args.srcFilePath + args.fileName
// a struct with your arguments
type MyArgs struct
dstFilePath, srcFilePath, fileName string
// a "constructor" func that gives default values to args
func NewMyArgs(dstFilePath string, srcFilePath string) *MyArgs {
return &MyArgs{
dstFilePath: dstFilePath,
fileName :"c"}
func (a *MyArgs) SetFileName(value string){
There are some hints here using variadic arguments, for example:
sm1 := Sum(1, 2, 3, 4) // = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10
sm2 := Sum(1, 2) // = 1 + 2 = 3
sm3 := Sum(7, 1, -2, 0, 18) // = 7 + 1 + -2 + 0 + 18 = 24
sm4 := Sum() // = 0
func Sum(numbers ...int) int {
n := 0
for _,number := range numbers {
n += number
return n
Or ...interface{} for any types:
Ul("apple", 7.2, "BANANA", 5, "cHeRy")
func Ul(things ...interface{}) {
for _,it := range things {
fmt.Printf(" <li>%v</li>\n", it)
An approach I use sometime for constructing an object using New methods having different arguments is to have a "flavor" pseudo type. You can try it on the Go Playground https://play.golang.org/p/5To5AcY-MRe
package main
import "fmt"
type flavorA struct{}
type flavorB struct{}
var FlavorA = flavorA{}
var FlavorB = flavorB{}
type Something struct {
i int
f float64
func (flavor flavorA) NewSomething(i int) *Something {
return &Something{i:i, f:0.0}
func (flavor flavorB) NewSomething(f float64) *Something {
return &Something{i:0, f:f}
func main() {
fmt.Println(FlavorA.NewSomething(1), FlavorB.NewSomething(2))
When you have many arguments it may make sense to use a new struct for them or to define a new MyOptionBuilder type to build and store all the arguments and to construct nice defaults.
Here's a simple example where the go defaults for types are okay.
package main
import "fmt"
type FancyFuncOptions struct {
I int64
S string
F float64
//...many more...
func FancyFunc(opts *FancyFuncOptions) {
fmt.Println("%v", opts)
func main() {
// simple way
options := &FancyFuncOptions{S: "happy"}
In golang you'll see people using method-chaining for this, if the options have complex logic.
package main
import "fmt"
type FancyFuncOptions struct {
I int64
S string
F float64
//...many more...
// chaining style
func NewFancyFuncOptions() *FancyFuncOptions {
return &FancyFuncOptions{I: 100, S: "empty", F: 0.1}
func (o *FancyFuncOptions) SetI(i int64) *FancyFuncOptions {
o.I = i
return o
func (o *FancyFuncOptions) SetS(s string) *FancyFuncOptions {
o.S = s
return o
func FancyFunc(opts *FancyFuncOptions) {
fmt.Println("%v", opts)
func main() {
// fancier
options = NewFancyFuncOptions().SetI(234).SetS("happy")
Make sense?

Contains method for a slice

Is there anything similar to a slice.contains(object) method in Go without having to do a search through each element in a slice?
Mostafa has already pointed out that such a method is trivial to write, and mkb gave you a hint to use the binary search from the sort package. But if you are going to do a lot of such contains checks, you might also consider using a map instead.
It's trivial to check if a specific map key exists by using the value, ok := yourmap[key] idiom. Since you aren't interested in the value, you might also create a map[string]struct{} for example. Using an empty struct{} here has the advantage that it doesn't require any additional space and Go's internal map type is optimized for that kind of values. Therefore, map[string] struct{} is a popular choice for sets in the Go world.
No, such method does not exist, but is trivial to write:
func contains(s []int, e int) bool {
for _, a := range s {
if a == e {
return true
return false
You can use a map if that lookup is an important part of your code, but maps have cost too.
Starting with Go 1.18, you can use the slices package – specifically the generic Contains function:
go get golang.org/x/exp/slices
import "golang.org/x/exp/slices"
things := []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}
slices.Contains(things, "foo") // true
Note that since this is outside the stdlib as an experimental package, it is not bound to the Go 1 Compatibility Promise™ and may change before being formally added to the stdlib.
With Go 1.18+ we could use generics.
func Contains[T comparable](s []T, e T) bool {
for _, v := range s {
if v == e {
return true
return false
The sort package provides the building blocks if your slice is sorted or you are willing to sort it.
input := []string{"bird", "apple", "ocean", "fork", "anchor"}
fmt.Println(contains(input, "apple")) // true
fmt.Println(contains(input, "grow")) // false
func contains(s []string, searchterm string) bool {
i := sort.SearchStrings(s, searchterm)
return i < len(s) && s[i] == searchterm
SearchString promises to return the index to insert x if x is not present (it could be len(a)), so a check of that reveals whether the string is contained the sorted slice.
Instead of using a slice, map may be a better solution.
simple example:
package main
import "fmt"
func contains(slice []string, item string) bool {
set := make(map[string]struct{}, len(slice))
for _, s := range slice {
set[s] = struct{}{}
_, ok := set[item]
return ok
func main() {
s := []string{"a", "b"}
s1 := "a"
fmt.Println(contains(s, s1))
If the slice is sorted, there is a binary search implemented in the sort package.
func Contain(target interface{}, list interface{}) (bool, int) {
if reflect.TypeOf(list).Kind() == reflect.Slice || reflect.TypeOf(list).Kind() == reflect.Array {
listvalue := reflect.ValueOf(list)
for i := 0; i < listvalue.Len(); i++ {
if target == listvalue.Index(i).Interface() {
return true, i
if reflect.TypeOf(target).Kind() == reflect.String && reflect.TypeOf(list).Kind() == reflect.String {
return strings.Contains(list.(string), target.(string)), strings.Index(list.(string), target.(string))
return false, -1
I think map[x]bool is more useful than map[x]struct{}.
Indexing the map for an item that isn't present will return false. so instead of _, ok := m[X], you can just say m[X].
This makes it easy to nest inclusion tests in expressions.
You can use the reflect package to iterate over an interface whose concrete type is a slice:
func HasElem(s interface{}, elem interface{}) bool {
arrV := reflect.ValueOf(s)
if arrV.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
for i := 0; i < arrV.Len(); i++ {
// XXX - panics if slice element points to an unexported struct field
// see https://golang.org/pkg/reflect/#Value.Interface
if arrV.Index(i).Interface() == elem {
return true
return false
Not sure generics are needed here. You just need a contract for your desired behavior. Doing the following is no more than what you would have to do in other languages if you wanted your own objects to behave themselves in collections, by overriding Equals() and GetHashCode() for instance.
type Identifiable interface{
GetIdentity() string
func IsIdentical(this Identifiable, that Identifiable) bool{
return (&this == &that) || (this.GetIdentity() == that.GetIdentity())
func contains(s []Identifiable, e Identifiable) bool {
for _, a := range s {
if IsIdentical(a,e) {
return true
return false
If it is not feasable to use a map for finding items based on a key, you can consider the goderive tool. Goderive generates a type specific implementation of a contains method, making your code both readable and efficient.
type Foo struct {
Field1 string
Field2 int
func Test(m Foo) bool {
var allItems []Foo
return deriveContainsFoo(allItems, m)
To generate the deriveContainsFoo method:
Install goderive with go get -u github.com/awalterschulze/goderive
Run goderive ./... in your workspace folder
This method will be generated for deriveContains:
func deriveContainsFoo(list []Foo, item Foo) bool {
for _, v := range list {
if v == item {
return true
return false
Goderive has support for quite some other useful helper methods to apply a functional programming style in go.
The go style:
func Contains(n int, match func(i int) bool) bool {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if match(i) {
return true
return false
s := []string{"a", "b", "c", "o"}
// test if s contains "o"
ok := Contains(len(s), func(i int) bool {
return s[i] == "o"
If you have a byte slice, you can use bytes package:
package main
import "bytes"
func contains(b []byte, sub byte) bool {
return bytes.Contains(b, []byte{sub})
func main() {
b := contains([]byte{10, 11, 12, 13, 14}, 13)
Or suffixarray package:
package main
import "index/suffixarray"
func contains(b []byte, sub byte) bool {
return suffixarray.New(b).Lookup([]byte{sub}, 1) != nil
func main() {
b := contains([]byte{10, 11, 12, 13, 14}, 13)
If you have an int slice, you can use intsets package:
package main
import "golang.org/x/tools/container/intsets"
func main() {
var s intsets.Sparse
for n := 10; n < 20; n++ {
b := s.Has(16)
I created the following Contains function using reflect package.
This function can be used for various types like int32 or struct etc.
// Contains returns true if an element is present in a slice
func Contains(list interface{}, elem interface{}) bool {
listV := reflect.ValueOf(list)
if listV.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
for i := 0; i < listV.Len(); i++ {
item := listV.Index(i).Interface()
target := reflect.ValueOf(elem).Convert(reflect.TypeOf(item)).Interface()
if ok := reflect.DeepEqual(item, target); ok {
return true
return false
Usage of contains function is below
// slice of int32
containsInt32 := Contains([]int32{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, 3)
fmt.Println("contains int32:", containsInt32)
// slice of float64
containsFloat64 := Contains([]float64{1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5}, 4.4)
fmt.Println("contains float64:", containsFloat64)
// slice of struct
type item struct {
ID string
Name string
list := []item{
ID: "1",
Name: "test1",
ID: "2",
Name: "test2",
ID: "3",
Name: "test3",
target := item{
ID: "2",
Name: "test2",
containsStruct := Contains(list, target)
fmt.Println("contains struct:", containsStruct)
// Output:
// contains int32: true
// contains float64: true
// contains struct: true
Please see here for more details:
There are several packages that can help, but this one seems promising:
var numbers = []int{1, 5, 4, 3, 2, 7, 1, 8, 2, 3}
contains, _ := stream.Contains(7)
fmt.Printf("stream.Contains(7): %v\n", contains)
It might be considered a bit 'hacky' but depending the size and contents of the slice, you can join the slice together and do a string search.
For example you have a slice containing single word values (e.g. "yes", "no", "maybe"). These results are appended to a slice. If you want to check if this slice contains any "maybe" results, you may use
exSlice := ["yes", "no", "yes", "maybe"]
if strings.Contains(strings.Join(exSlice, ","), "maybe") {
fmt.Println("We have a maybe!")
How suitable this is really depends on the size of the slice and length of its members. There may be performance or suitability issues for large slices or long values, but for smaller slices of finite size and simple values it is a valid one-liner to achieve the desired result.
