TeamCity - AssemblyInfoPatcher not working, error is logged - teamcity

The AssemblyInfoPatcher build feature isn't working. Some files are patched and some are not.
Assembly file version was specified, but couldn't be patched in file D:\TeamCity\Agent\buildAgent\work\6afd998e316c631f\La\Di\Da\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs. Is necessary attribute missing?
I thought it was because it was 1.0.* since one of the failed files had this format, and one of the successful ones had the default format, so I changed the attribute to across the entire solution and now none of them work.
I get either the error above or:
Assembly version attributes were not found in ...
The attribute is defined and at least two other people on the team have confirmed that they can also see it using their production eyes.
Happy to stump up the cash so I can smash my work keyboard.

Well, I managed to get it working but not.
I had a Configuration Parameter called AssemblyVersionStringWithCounter that I set from a PowerShell script. I was using this in the patcher feature.
I changed it to be composed of other parameters like
And now it mods the files but the params are not set, the version is incorrect. Seems the AssemblyInfoPatcher cannot use values set during the build steps.
Seems I've wasted about £800 of my client's money when I should have just PowerShelled it from the start. Code is King.


Sonar Strange Encoding Issue?

I recently rolled out an update for Jenkins to kick off sonar-scanner on version 5.6 of SonarQube. I'm not using the plugin, just a command line call of the sonar scanner from the directory where the file resides.
So far all of the developers have followed the same steps, and configure the properties file for their services and works great except in a few cases. Two developers have had a strange issue, when an error message prompts:
"Caused by: Not authorized. Analyzing this project requires to be authenticated. Please provide the values of the properties sonar.login and sonar.password."
I thought this to be strange because the other developers would probably have the same issue if the authentication token I used in the instructions was wrong. I compared a working copy with the version the first developer and the only difference was the project specific things such as DLL name, version, etc... I'll provide a template below. With the file looking fine, I saved off the broken copy, and copied the contents of another working copy into the broken copy. I then changed the project specific properties, and commit into subversion. Sonar scans successfully!
Out of curiosity, I then compared the old broken file and the new working copy line by line. Their was absolutely no difference between any character. I then thought this must be an encoding issue. I did a quick test by adding the sonar encoding property, commit this back and the scan failed. So I then changed back to the working copy and just continued.
The next day a second developer came to me with the same exact issue. I then tried the same previous steps where I copied the contents of a working copy, and pasted into the new, and commit this back in. However this time the workaround did not work. In fact, I tried about 5 different working copies to paste into and they all failed with that authorization error. I know the properties file is exactly correct with the token and such.
I'm not sure what to do at this point, I haven't come across any logs on the server that indicate any good information to me unless their is a log I'm unaware of.
# Token
# Unique project key for sonar
# UI Settings for sonar
# Path to source, if not set it searches from this
# file's directory
# Encoding of the source code. Default is default system encoding
sonar.cs.fxcop.fxCopCmdPath=C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Fxcop 10.0/FxCopCmd.exe
Any helps or pointers is appreciated, thanks!
This isn't about your encoding or file contents, but about permissions. The user that runs the scan doesn't have Execute Analysis permissions on the projects in question.
And to create new projects with the first analysis, the user must also have the Create Projects permission.
When encountering this issue, I loaded the file in Notepad++ which told me the file was saved under some strange encoding visual studio gave text files. I fixed it by switched the encoding to UTF-8 which resolved the problem. This probably should be handled better in Sonar!

Installshield not updating related DLLs on minor upgrade

I'm currently working with InstallShield to deploy a .NET Winforms app. I am new to InstallShield and have not enjoyed the learning curve. The Winforms app has three related DLL's which are not getting updated during a minor upgrade. For a minor upgrade I am changing the version from 1.0.001 to 1.0.002 for example. The package code is being changed for each build automatically.
I have tried adding the dll's to the [INSTALLDIR] and setting the property to "always overwrite". For some reason this causes the upgrade to also not update the main exe.
Tried changing the product code to force a major upgrade. This installed a new version alongside the old version, but the new version still had the old dll's.
Tried changing ReinstallMode from "omus" to "vomus". This had no effect at all.
Tried using REINSTALL=ALL, REINSTALLMODE=vomus. This did not update the dll's and also caused new installs to fail with message that application "is not marked for installation".
Tried changing the version from 1.0.00x to 1.1.00x. dll's still not updated.
I notice that when I view properties of these dll files, they have File Version = and Product Version Do I need to manually increase these versions in order for InstallShield to recognize that they have been updated?
Use one component per file and set each file to be keyfile in its own component. This avoid all sorts of component referencing and file replacement issues. Be aware that multi-file assemblies must share the same component as they are intended as one "atomic" file system unit.
In addition you must also increment the version number for each build or set REINSTALLMODE to emus instead of the default omus. Never use amus.
My advice: go with the file version updates - it is much more reliable. Like you state the File Version is used, it must be incremented. I like to auto increment the build version number (last digit). It has been a while, but I think you just replace the number with * and it auto increments. I think you can do this from the Visual Studio project property view.
Maybe read up on the file versioning rules as well. Essentially versioned files are version compared, and for unversioned files the create and modify date stamps are compared and the file is replaced if it is unchanged on disk. More sample info.
Remove the "always overwrite" flag you enabled for all the files you enabled it for. This flag may work poorly with patches if you ever need them and also with other features.
When a major upgrade creates two side-by-side installations it hasn't worked. What you are left with are two different products installed at the same time. There is good inline help in Installshield itself with regards to how a major upgrade is set up. Which version of Installshield are you using? The version bundled with Visual Studio may not feature this help material.
A note on major upgrades and "reverted files":
A warning on a classic major upgrade issue: be aware that changed, unversioned files not set to be permanent on original install may be uninstalled during a major upgrade and then reinstalled yielding the impression that they have been replaced, but they are actually deleted and recreated. These are typically important settings files like XML files or similar - and people struggle with this issue a lot. Major upgrades are essentially a sequence. The old product is uninstalled, and then the new one is installed or vice versa. In the former case the files may be uninstalled first and then recreated. This does not happen in the latter case if component referencing is done right because the files that are matching between products are not uninstalled, but retained and then overwritten if need be (according to the file replacement / versioning rules).

Conflicts due to case differences during get latest even though developers have not changed anything

I am using TFS 2012 express. When i try to use get latest version I get so many conflicts(more than 250). When I compare it i found that almost most of the conflicts are due to Case differences. Some times i do i get valid conflicts and which can be manipulated using merge tool. But comparing this lot number of conflicts(more than 250) is very difficult to me. For example in below image you can see changes like MsfgTemp and MSFgtemp(this kind of case differences) . I do get lot of this kind of differences(one more i got is Val and val) . No one has made any changes to those lines actually. But still conflicts are shown. Why this kind of conflicts I get during get latest version? How to solve this?
I have found some thing interesting after some research on it. I did several steps to find reason for it. When i was doing it no other user in my team was using TFS or changing anything.
The server has MsfgTemp(in so many lines of code).
I created new workspace and without changing anything compared with server version. As expected no difference found .
Now I changed some lines of code and saved the project.
Now when I see difference I found lot of differences. All changes are like MsfgTemp and MSFgtemp. Another was val and Val .
So it is sure that the reason is not some one changed or anything else. While saving project something causes these changes. My project is of VB6. I edit projects using Microsoft Visual basic 6.0 only.
So now what may be the reason for this kind of difference and how it can be solved?
You should check the TFS file history or use the annotate option to see who changed those lines and when they were changed.
Since TFS only stores the files it doesn't change the contents you should first find out who checked in the changes and that will lead you to the how and why it changed.
NOTE: from looking at the little bit of code you posted in the example the same variable name is used two lines above in both files without conflict.
TempVar = MSFgtemp.TextMatrix(i, TaxDeductedCol)
the conflict your are noticing just two lines later is for a very similarly named variable but I believe this one is different since it is declared inside the loop, so this might be a bug fix with a poorly named temp variable inside the loop...
TempVar = MsfgTemp.TextMatrix(i, ArrAddColNum(k))

Xcode build products folder won't change to Unique

I don't recall having this problem before I migrated to my Retina MacBook Pro, but since doing so, my projects have insisted on loading in the "old" development location. In years past, before XCode 4, we put all our products in /Development/Products. And, after migrating to the new MacBook Pro, they're going back there again. I can use 4.3 or newer and see the same problem with both, so I'm assuming it's some kind of configurable that's at work here.
Of course, the first thing I did was verify that the Preferences/Locations was set to Build Location = Unique. I confirmed this both in the GUI and by popping open the .plist to check the value of IDEBuildLocationStyle and it was set to Unique.
I tried removing my existing configuration files (everthing in ~/Library/Preferences/ named Xcode) and that succeeded in changing the behavior to putting the output in the build directory of the project itself (really not helpful in my world as I have complex multi-project workspaces). Quitting and checking the settings, they were set for IDEBuildLocationStyle=Unique.
So, I copied the working configuration from another machine I had to this one. Since it too had previously had the /Development/Products destination, but had subsequently been moved to the Unique build style, I expected that to work. It did not. It instead returned the output to /Development/Products.
Thinking it might be something with my Xcode install, I created a new user and built from the same source tree (not a duplicate, not a copy, the exact same files). In this case, the output went to the right place (unique subdirectory of the Derived Products for that user). So, I blew away the ~/Preferences/*Xcode* again and copied in the preferences from the new user. Unfortunately, this took us back to the same behavior that the uninitialized configuration had, which is to say building in the build directory of the project itself.
I restored to my backup configuration files, and now I'm back to working at /Development/Products, but this isn't a good long term solution.
When checking the script output for a test script, I can clearly see that somebody is setting SYMROOT to /Development/Products in the case of the older config, and build in the case of the default configuration file.
Clearly there's something here on this system that's influencing the configuration, but I cannot figure out what it is. Any assistance would be highly appreciated!
Also - When I try to use option-Clean to enable Clean Build Folder, it is never enabled, which makes a certain kind of sense, but I thought it might be another data point.
I tried the solution in Strange behavior of Xcode Build Products Path under Build Locations and that had the same result as deleting the preferences: build products as children of the project directory.
Has anyone else seen such a problem? Have you found a solution?
Well, after a very long time of suffering through this on my laptop, I was finally able to track down the problem.
Inside of:
there is a WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings file.
It contained a key BuildLocationStyle, which was set to UseTargetSettings.
Deleting the file and thus resetting this value allowed me to get both the Clean Build Folder... working and to get my project building correctly.
Hopefully this will help somebody else.

Visual Studio internal project references not always working

I am using Visual Studio and a solution with 10 or so projects in (mostly VB, some C#) which have various dependencies set up. Usually when I compile the solution it works fine. Occasionally when I do it I get a build error saying that one of the projects referenced is the wrong version (I think always the same one, possibly may be two that can cause problems). In this case going to the solution explorer and right clicking on the mentioned project and saying "rebuild" followed by another full build makes it work fine.
I assume there is something set up wrong somewhere but I didn't set up the solution myself initially and a quick look through doesn't show anything immediately wrong.
It feels like there is some kind of race condition, that VS is internally setting the version number of the project it needs before that project has been rebuilt and thus gets it wrong or something like that but I'm sure VS should handle all this sort of thing properly.
Can anybody please suggest places that I could check for whether this has been correctly set up...
And I should finally note that since I don't have reliable repro of this I may not be able to respond to questions too quickly. For example the obvious one of "Could you give the exact error message" will have to wait since I didn't think to copy it this morning, it was only after I cleared it up with the above steps that I thought to post here. Similarly any solutions may take a while to confirm.
Edit to add error message:
Indirect reference is being made to assembly ODP version 1.0.3792.16586, which contains '{{CLASSNAME}}'. This Project references a prior version of ODP version 1.0.3791.18659. To use '{{CLASSNAME}}', you must replace the reference to ODP with version 1.0.3792.16586 or higher.
Edit for more apparently relevant details
Since it has been bought up I will clarify that one of the projects is a web project and that it is this one which is generating the above error message.
Further edit
Having looked further there is a copy of ODP.dll in the bin diretory of my web project. Using windows explorer and right clicking, asking for properties and looking at the version it is version 1.0.3791.18659. Having deleted this (actually moved it elsewhere) when doing a build it recreated this file still with that same version number (ie an old version number).
ODP claims to be a project reference too which still makes me think it should just work... :(
Further Further edit
I think now that the problem is that if the ODP project changes then it gets rebuilt but it doesn't necessary cause all the projets that are dependant on it to be rebuilt. So one project might still be built against the old version and one against the new version. If they are then trying to talk between each otehr with objects from ODP then it goes wrong... I need to confirm this but I'm not sure what would need to be done to fix it at the moment. :)
Is the build order correct? I can imagine if you build one project which references the other one, and that one isn't built yet you can have this kind of problem.
If you have a website project, are you sure you have set these to be 'project' references rather than 'bin' references - you could be getting some issues this way.
