How do I build utilities with my Go web app on Heroku? - heroku

I've developed a web app using Go, which I've deployed to Heroku. I'm using mattes/migrate to manage migrations. It works great locally, but the migrate command-line binary isn't available when I deploy to Heroku.
The only binaries that are included are my own. Is there a way to have Godeps compile and install binaries provided by a dependency?

Just create a file where you include the executable path.
See this issue for Goose (mattes/migrate competitor)
I'd expect the equivalent for mattes/migrate would be:
package main
import _ ""

Heroku's current recommended solution is to simply clone the command into your own repo (see
I copied the mattes/migrate/main.go into the cmd/migrate directory in my own project. This builds the command just like my own server command.
It's not ideal, but it works.


Is it possible to update local packages without running go install?

I am trying to import a local file into my main.go file and this tutorial (and other similar tutorials) says to run go install <path> in order to import that path as a package. This seems like a slow way to develop local packages because you would have to run go install <path> every time you want to see the changes in your local package.
Is there a faster way to import/update local packages? I am using gomon to auto-reload my code after updating it, so ideally, my code would auto-reload after updating a local package.
You should use go modules. The tutorial you mentioned appears to be older than the modules feature. In short: you can import a package, run go build, and any imported external package will automatically be downloaded for you as needed, no need to do a go get. Start here:

react-native set ENVFILE file for builds / archives

I'm really confused about production / development builds in react-native. I can get my app working on both iOS and Android by using the package scripts in the terminal
ENVFILE='/path/to/.env' react-native run-ios
ENVFILE='/path/to/.env' react-native run-android
Thats great for running my app locally, but how do I run this command when creating archives through xcode?
I successfully installed react-native-config and I have the variables I need in the JS and native files, its just the final step of using this is prod or staging builds for devices.
I've managed to create fastlane scripts that build and deploy my app (and I can reference my .env vars in fastlane scripts) but that still doesn't bundle my app with the .env vars inside. Its probably something obvious but i'm not understanding the concept at all.
Ive been referencing this tutorial here, and noticing the part about adding a pre-script to each Scheme in xcode:
".env" > /tmp/envfile
But I dont know what the current working directory on that script is, and Im using yarn workspaces so my node_modules folder is not at the root of the RN project (doesnt that even matter?). I've tried multiple paths to my .env from here but nothing works, but I also dont know how to test this script.
I've successfully gotten it to work using Fastlane. I followed this guide for the Fastlane setup:
After following the guide, I moved the Fastlane directory to the root of the project (and updated all paths).
And after that added the ENV variable when running the command, for example: ENVFILE=.env.beta fastlane ios, which is easy to add as a script in package.json.
It's also possible to use the dotenv feature in Fastlane, see
Bottom line is that Fastlane will use the environment variable when running the packager, meaning that react-native-config will successfully pick it up and use the proper env-file.

Run migrations when deploying golang application to Heroku

I've been trying to set up migrations for a golang application on Heroku. I'm using native Go modules (vgo) and the official Heroku build pack. For migrations I'm using the migrate package.
The thing is, I could run migrations when the main function runs, but it feels a bit hacky, this would mean that every time the app restarts it will run the migrations. I would prefer to just run the schema migration when deploying.
I'm not sure how this can be accomplished, when I log in to the instance the go binary is not installed, it's like the build pack only executes the main function.
I could live with doing it with a Heroku CLI command but I can't find how to do this in the docs nor via Google.
All of your dependencies should be defined such that Heroku can install them for you. For Go, Heroku supports godep and govendor. If you're not already using one, pick one and start.
Your dependency file should be committed to your repository. For godep that's Godeps/Godeps.json and for govendor it's vendor/vendor.json. Your dependencies themselves should not be committed.
After you've added a dependency on migrate it should be available on Heroku. You can run migrate up and other commands via heroku run bash. Once you're comfortable running migrations manually you might want to consider adding a release phase command to your Procfile so migrations get applied automatically when you deploy a new version.

Swagger Editor offline installation

Our company is using swagger to document their API's, currently a couple of developers are using the online swagger editor on their PC's.
I want to move this piece of the design process into our standard development environment, which is in a walled garden without internet access.
How do I go about installing npm and the swagger editor in an offline environment?
There are options to use either RHEL or Windows machines, although Windows is preferable as developers have local admin rights
In short answer is
git clone
cd swagger-editor
npm install
npm run build
npm start
And it will works in your Intranet OK.
npm is not required, you can download the compiled files from the Swagger Editor repository:
and open index.html locally (from the file system) or put the files onto a web server in your network.
With one command with npm/npx:
npx swagger-editor-binary
Download the one of the source releases from swagger-editor's github page (click releases link on the page)
unzip the downloaded source release zip/tar file.
cd into the extracted source dir, type 'npm install' (or if you have some npm mirror module installed, such as cnpm, use 'cnpm install' instead)
Use a browser to open index.html file in the source dir. Or, follow official guide the 'Setup with http-server module from GitHub' section to serve from a local static web server.
PS. You don't need to build the source code unless you want to contribute as written in the 'Contribute' section of the official document.

Should I use Heroku git for source control in addition to production code?

I have created one application using NodeJS, Angular and Express which I want to run at Heroku. Now, Im using Grunt to build the code that are placed in the dist folder and is ready to be deployed and run on Heroku. This would be done by pushing the dist folder in the Heroku git repo.
Now, should i push my source code in Heroku git as well?
If so, how should I seperate it from dist-folder repository? For instance, I dont want Heroku to run npm install each time i push changes to remote repo. And dist folder should not be part of the source code folder in the repository since it is auto generated.
Using a git repository is the only way to push changes to heroku. So yes it is mandatory. Having said that here is what they have to say about it.
Heroku provides the git service primarily for deployment, and the ability to clone from it is offered as a convenience. We strongly recommend you store your code in another git repository such as GitHub and treat that as canonical.
Again there is no way to stop them from doing an npm install on each push. Here is a quote from their getting started guide
Heroku recognizes an app as Node.js by the existence of a package.json. Even if your app has no dependencies, you should still create a package.json that declares a name, version, and empty dependencies in order that it appear as a Node app.
But I suppose that you could download all the dependencies of your app locally, not specify in package.json, push it along with rest of your application and you might trick heroku into thinking that there are no dependencies. Have not tried it myself though.
If you don't want dist folder to be a part of push simply gitignore it.
