Swagger Editor offline installation - swagger-editor

Our company is using swagger to document their API's, currently a couple of developers are using the online swagger editor on their PC's.
I want to move this piece of the design process into our standard development environment, which is in a walled garden without internet access.
How do I go about installing npm and the swagger editor in an offline environment?
There are options to use either RHEL or Windows machines, although Windows is preferable as developers have local admin rights

In short answer is https://swagger.io/docs/swagger-tools/#swagger-editor
git clone https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-editor.git
cd swagger-editor
npm install
npm run build
npm start
And it will works in your Intranet OK.

npm is not required, you can download the compiled files from the Swagger Editor repository:
and open index.html locally (from the file system) or put the files onto a web server in your network.

With one command with npm/npx:
npx swagger-editor-binary

Download the one of the source releases from swagger-editor's github page (click releases link on the page)
unzip the downloaded source release zip/tar file.
cd into the extracted source dir, type 'npm install' (or if you have some npm mirror module installed, such as cnpm, use 'cnpm install' instead)
Use a browser to open index.html file in the source dir. Or, follow official guide the 'Setup with http-server module from GitHub' section to serve from a local static web server.
PS. You don't need to build the source code unless you want to contribute as written in the 'Contribute' section of the official document.


CKEditor5 failing to build with additional plug ins

I'm struggling with CKEditor and perhaps some of you may be able to help me, please...
I'm attempting a custom build of CKEditor5 by following this guide - https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor5/latest/builds/guides/development/custom-builds.html - The idea is to include plugins which aren't in the standard builds.
When I build the CKEditor build, push back to Github and then try and install the editor into my nodejs app (npm install from Github), the editor works, but without the plugins I've added.
Windows 10 Pro (20H2)
NVM installed to manage node versions
Node 14.6.0 used for CKEditor54 build
Node 10.22.0 used for NodeJS Project (latest supported version in the paltform I am developing for)
Steps Taken
Fork the CKEditor5 repo.
Clone the repo to my desktop using git clone -b stable https://github.com/<MyGithubUsername>/ckeditor5.git.
Navigate to the build directory cd D:\_source\ckeditor5\packages\ckeditor5-build-classic.
Run npm install.
I install the Font plug in to use it in this build: npm install --save-dev #ckeditor5/ckeditor5-font.
I then update the build configuration by adding to src/ckeditor.js:
import Font from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-font/src/font';
ClassicEditor.builtinPlugins = [ ..., Font]
ClassicEditor.defaultConfig = { toolbar: { items: [' ..., fontColor, fontBackgroundColor'] } }
At this point, the guide says you should run yarn run build, but i can't get Yarn to work in this dev environment for love nor money, so instead I use npm run build.
I test the build by opening sample/index.html in the browser and it looks fine; the Font plugin is loaded and the toolbar items appear.
I then use Git to stage the changes, then I Commit and Push to my cloned repository.
In the Nodejs project where I want to use ckeditor, I install the custom build using npm install <MyGithubUsername>/ckeditor5#stable
To the project I add import ClassicEditor from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic/build/ckeditor';
The editor appears as you would expect it to, but without the Font plug in.
Back over in the CKEditor local repo, when I take a look at the ckeditor5\packages\ckeditor5-build-classic\build\ckeditor.js.mapand search for ckeditor5-font I find many instances of it, indicating that it has indeed included it into the build. When I look at the same file in my Nodejs project D:\_source\NodeJsProject\node_modules\#ckeditor\ckeditor5-build-classic\build\ckeditor.js.map there's no sign of ckeditor5-font; the sample.html in the NodeJS project works, but does not show the Font additions, nor do they show in the implementation in my project.
I find my waround pretty well, but I am far from being a pro front-end developer and this has me stumped.
Any help or guidance is greatly appreciated.
Hello i have created demo video of ckeditor5 in angular that cover custom build from github and online builder
Tip. try to remove some plugin then it will work . remove one plugin at time and build and check it, this way you will find out which plugin creating issue
some plugin create conflict so you have to remove it .

Nativescript UI Pro licence on CI

I'm trying to enable Travis CI on my NativeScript project and have purchased a NativeScript UI Pro library (without support).
How can I enable the license on each build on the server?
When installing the package it is referenced to a local .tgz file. in package.json like this:
dependencies: {
"nativescript-telerik-ui-pro": "file:pathToTelerikUiProPackage.tgz"
How can I make this file available to Travis without adding it to source control?
Did you follow the Pro install instructions at http://docs.telerik.com/devtools/nativescript-ui/getting-started
I don't have Pro, but it sounds like you don't use NPM to install it - you manually extract the file you get from their website and then add it as a plugin.
If this doesn't help, consider posting a question on their dedicated forums.
Further research made it clear that I needed to co-locate the Nativescript UI Pro package to my source code.
Given I work on an open source project this was not a solution.
As a work around I placed the package in a private repository and added a before_install script to download the file to the working directory on Travis.
- sh get-nativescript-ui-pro.sh
The script to download is as follows.
if [ "$PRIVATE_USER" = "" ];
echo "ERROR: Can't get nativescript-ui-pro package. User not set";
curl --trace /dev/null -s -O -u $PRIVATE_USER {LINK TO RESOURCE}
Replace {LINK TO RESOURCE} with a complete link to the resource, i.e. the stored Nativescript UI Pro .tgz file. An environment variable named PRIVATE_USER holds the credentials to the repository account. This can be set in the Travis configuration panel for the specific repository.

Package nodejs application with global packages

We have a project which have to be packaged as a zip so we can distribute it to our cliens. With the normal node_modules directory i have no problems. I just put the directory and the node.exe together in my project folder and can start our project on every other computer without installing node or running any npm command.
But now i have a dependecy on phantomjs which needs to be installed as a global package npm install -g phantomjs.
How do i pack modules like this into our project? I first thought of copying phantomjs into the local node_modules directory and set the path variable NODE_PATH to this directory. It doesn't find phantomjs.
Development and client platforms are both windows.
Well, generally it is fine to install global dependencies with the --save flag and call their bins like ./node_modules/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs /*now executes*/ (just as an illustrative example).
However, with with Phantom it's not that simple, since it's downloading binaries and/or even compiling. You would have three options:
ssh into target and just npm install -g phantomjs before or define it in a manifest e.g. Dockerfile just like that, if you are using containers.
Compile it from source as advised here.
If you are using the CLI, then just the --save approach.
So I hardly advise just making a Docker image out of it and ship it as tarball. You can't zip the platform dependent Phantom installation, unfortunately.
Also lots of dependencies like karma-runner-phantomjs look for the path of the global dependencies to resolve it for their use.

How to use npm with node.exe?

I have downloaded Windows Binary (.exe) of nodejs from the main page.
How can I install and use npm (Node package manager)?
The current windows installer from nodejs.org as of v0.6.11 (2012-02-20) will install NPM along with NodeJS.
At this point, the 64-bit version is your best bet
The install path for 32-bit node is "Program Files (x86)" in 64-bit windows.
You may also need to add quotes to the path statement in environment variables, this only seems to be in some cases that I've seen.
In Windows, the global install path is actually in your user's profile directory
WARNING: If you're doing timed events or other automation as a different user, make sure you run npm install as that user. Some modules/utilities should be installed globally.
INSTALLER BUGS: You may have to create these directories or add the ...\npm directory to your users path yourself.
To change the "global" location for all users to a more appropriate shared global location %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\(npm|npm-cache) (do this as an administrator):
create an [NODE_INSTALL_PATH]\etc\ directory
this is needed before you try npm config --global ... actions
create the global (admin) location(s) for npm modules
C:\ProgramData\npm-cache - npm modules will go here
C:\ProgramData\npm - binary scripts for globally installed modules will go here
C:\ProgramData\npm\node_modules - globally installed modules will go here
set the permissions appropriately
administrators: modify
authenticated users: read/execute
Set global configuration settings (Administrator Command Prompt)
npm config --global set prefix "C:\ProgramData\npm"
npm config --global set cache "C:\ProgramData\npm-cache"
Add C:\ProgramData\npm to your System's Path environment variable
If you want to change your user's "global" location to %LOCALAPPDATA%\(npm|npm-cache) path instead:
Create the necessary directories
C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\npm-cache - npm modules will go here
C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\npm - binary scripts for installed modules will go here
C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\npm\node_modules - globally installed modules will go here
Configure npm
npm config set prefix "C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\npm"
npm config set cache "C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\npm-cache"
Add the new npm path to your environment's PATH.
setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\npm"
For beginners, some of the npm modules I've made the most use of are as follows.
axios - for more complex http posts/gets
isomorphic-fetch - for http(s) post/get requests
node-mailer - smtp client
mssql - interface and driver library for querying MS SQL Server (wraps tedious)
More advanced JS options...
async/await - async functions, supported via babel
For testing, I reach for the following tools...
mocha - testing framework
chai - assertion library, I like chai.expect
sinon - spies and stubs and shims
sinon-chai - extend chai with sinon's assertion tools
babel-istanbul - coverage reports
jest - parallel testing, assertions, mocking, coverage reports in one tool
babel-plugin-rewire - slightly easier for some mocking conditions vs. jest
Web tooling.
webpack - module bundler, package node-style modules for browser usage
babel - convert modern JS (ES2015+) syntax for your deployment environment.
If you build it...
shelljs - shell utilities for node scripts,. I used to use gulp/grunt, but these days will have a scripts directory that's referenced in package.json scripts via npm. You can use gulp tools inside plain scripts.
When Node.js is not installed using the msi installer, npm needs to be setup manually.
setting up npm
First, let's say we have the node.exe file located in the folder c:\nodejs. Now to setup npm-
Download the latest npm release from GitHub (https://github.com/npm/npm/releases)
Create folders c:\nodejs\node_modules and c:\nodejs\node_modules\npm
Unzip the downloaded zip file in c:\nodejs\node_modules\npm folder
Copy npm and npm.cmd files from c:\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin to c:\nodejs folder
In order to test npm, open cmd.exe change working directory to c:\nodejs and type npm --version. You will see the version of npm if it is setup correctly.
Once setup is done, it can be used to install/uninstall packages locally or globally. For more information on using npm visit https://docs.npmjs.com/.
As the final step you can add node's folder path c:\nodejs to the path environment variable so that you don't have to specify full path when running node.exe and npm at command prompt.
npm can be downloaded (without installation) from here:
I just installed latest version of node (0.6.12) in Windows 7 using msi (node-v0.6.12.msi).
npm is already shipped with it, no need to include it separately.
I was facing permission issue while running npm (npm install mysql), from the path where my nodejs resided, i.e.
C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs
Then I followed below steps:
1) Added C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\npm in environment variables - Path system variable.
2) went back to only C:\ in command prompt and gave the command - npm install mysql - and voila! it worked..
Hope this helps.
I am running node.js on Windows with npm.
The trick is simply use cygwin. I followed the howto under https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/Building-node.js-on-Cygwin-(Windows) . But make sure that you use version 0.4.11 of nodejs or npm will fail!
I've just installed 64 bit Node.js v0.12.0 for Windows 8.1 from here.
It's about 8MB and since it's an MSI you just double click to launch. It will automatically set up your environment paths etc.
Then to get the command line it's just [Win-Key]+[S] for search and then enter "node.js" as your search phrase.
Choose the Node.js Command Prompt entry NOT the Node.js entry.
Both will given you a command prompt but only the former will actually work. npm is built into that download so then just npm -whatever at prompt.
Use a Windows Package manager like chocolatey. First install chocolatey as indicated on it's homepage. That should be a breeze
Then, to install Node JS (Install), run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:
C:> cinst nodejs.install
Here is a guide by #CTS_AE on how to use NPM with standalone node.exe:
Download the node.exe stand-alone from nodejs.org
Grab an NPM release zip off of github https://github.com/npm/npm/releases
Create a folder named: node_modules in the same folder as node.exe
Extract the NPM zip into the node_modules folder
Rename the extracted npm folder to npm and remove any versioning ie: npm-3.3.4 –> npm.
Copy npm.cmd out of the /npm/bin/ folder into the root folder with node.exe
I just installed Node.js for the first time and it includes NPM, which can be ran from the Windows cmd. However, make sure that you run it as an administrator. Right click on cmd and choose "run as administrator". This allowed me to call npm commands.
Search all .npmrc file in your system.
Please verify that the path you have given is correct. If not please remove the incorrect path.

Proper files for socket.io 0.7?

I'm developing something with node.js and socket.io, but I'm doing my local dev on Windows for my own convenience. Installation instructions for socket.io say just do npm install socket.io. This is fine for my linux environment, and I'm guessing node will just find it in modules. But on Windows I don't know what to do. I got version 0.6 working fine somehow, managing to find the files I need.
Now, it looks like I need two sets of files, one for the server side and one for the client. There's also two repos on github, socket.io and socket.io-client. So I'm trying to just download all the files I need from there. The issue is that the server one refers to the client one, but the socket.io-client files aren't in the server repo. If I put the server files in, and reference them in my node server, it crashes on startup saying Cannot find module 'socket.io-client'.
tl;dr If I'm just copying files into my project directory, rather than doing an npm install, what is the proper file structure to get socket.io version 0.7 running?
Had the same issue here and I'm not using NPM either. But nothing to do with Windows: I'm on Ubuntu with the same prob.
You also need to have the socket.io-client module available in your node_modules path or wherever you keep the server-side socket.io module.
For solving similar issues I created a runner script that simply set the NODE_PATH env variable as needed and then execute my script. I also put my own modules (or the modules I don't want to install via npm) in the node_modules subdirectory of my project. A better explanation is here http://www.bennadel.com/blog/2169-Where-Does-Node-js-And-Require-Look-For-Modules-.htm
export NODE_ENV=development
if [ "${NODE_PATH}" = "" ]; then
export NODE_PATH=$(npm -g root 2>/dev/null)
node ${1}
