Is this code tail-recursive? - prolog

I am trying to write a solution for AdventCode day 6 in Prolog. (
Previously I wrote a solution that dynamically created and replaced predicates, to keep track of the lights. Unsurprisingly, it's rather slow, so I decided to try and write it using a more "functional" style; i.e. create a list containing all the lights, then manipulate that list.
I am trying to construct the initial list, which would consist of a million elements, each a term light(X, Y, Status). I figured I'd start with a list [light(0, 0, off)], then prepend new terms to it. To do this, I look at the first element of the list, then determine what the next element should be, then prepend that. Repeat.
I have a predicate next_light/2 which takes a light and determines what the next light (to be prepended) should be. If no more lights need to be added, it returns done:
next_light(light(X, Y, _), NextLight) :-
X < 999,
NextX is X + 1,
NextLight = light(NextX, Y, off).
next_light(light(999, Y, _), NextLight) :-
Y < 999,
NextY is Y + 1,
NextLight = light(0, NextY, off).
next_light(light(999, 999, _), done).
Then I attempt to construct the list with this code:
init_lights(Lights) :-
gen_lights([light(0, 0, off)], Lights).
gen_lights(Lights, AllLights) :-
[Light|_] = Lights,
next_light(Light, NextLight),
add_light(Lights, NextLight, AllLights).
add_light(Lights, done, Lights).
add_light(Lights, NextLight, AllLights) :-
gen_lights([NextLight|Lights], AllLights).
However, when I run init_lights(L) in SWI-Prolog, I get "ERROR: Out of local stack". So there's a stack overflow, but when I look at the code, it looks tail recursive to me. add_light and gen_lights are mutually recursive; not sure if that is a problem.
I tried inspecting the calls with the debugger, but apparently SWI-Prolog turns off tail call optimization when using trace, so that was no help.
(For the record, when I changed the code to use 3 rather than 999 as the maximum coordinate, init_lights(L) seemed to produce the correct list, and didn't hang or cause a stack overflow.)
I'm probably overlooking something, but I am not seeing it. Any tips welcome! ^_^

You are very close to the solution: Your clauses are tail recursive, but tail recursion optimisation only helps if the code is deterministic! In your code, next_light/2 leaves choice-points because the compiler cannot tell which cases are mutually exclusive, so the frames cannot be reclaimed after the tail recursive call.
You can improve the determinism in several ways. The ugliest and most error-prone way is to add !/0 in some strategic places: Be careful with this, because this will destroy many nice declarative properties of your code.
Slightly better, but also almost always declaratively wrong, is to use features like if-then-else.
A safer and more general way is to use features like zcompare/3 with clpfd constraints.


Finding whether a number is a multiple of another

Looking at the code below:
multiple(X,Y) :- lt(0,X), lt(0,Y), diff(Y,X,D), multiple(X,D).
There happens to be something wrong. For your reference:
lt/2 is whether the first argument is less than the second.
diff/3 is whether the third argument is equal to the first argument minus the second.
lt/2 and diff/3 are defined correctly.
Is there a logical mistake in the definition? Is assuming that 0 is the multiple of every number problematic or is the logical mistake somewhere else? I get correct answers but the query goes to infinite loop I think.
here are the other definitions.
natNum(s(X)) :- natNum(X).
lt(0,s(X)) :- natNum(X).
lt(s(X),s(Y)) :- lt(X,Y).
sum(s(X),Y,s(Z)) :- sum(X,Y,Z).
diff(X,Y,Z) :- sum(Z,Y,X).
?- multiple(X, s(s(s(s(s(s(0))))))).
where s(0) is 1, s(s(0)) is 2 etc. It gives all the desired answers for X but after the last answer, it gets stuck. I assume in an infinite recursive loop?
What is happening in your program? Does it loop forever, or does it only take some time since you haven't updated your hardware in recent decades? We cannot tell. (Actually, we could tell by looking at your program, but that is much too complex for the moment).
What we can do with ease is narrow down the source of this costly effort. And this, without a deep understanding of your program. Let's start with the query:
?- multiple(X, s(s(s(s(s(s(0))))))).
X = s(0)
; X = s(s(0))
; X = s(s(s(0)))
; X = s(s(s(s(s(s(0))))))
; loops. % or takes too long
Isn't there an easier way to do this? All this semicolon typing. Instead, simply add false to your query. In this manner the solutions found are no longer shown and we can concentrate on this annoying looping. And, if we're at it, you can also add false goals into your program! By such goals the number of inferences might be reduced (or stays the same). And if the resulting fragment (called a failure-slice) is looping, then this is a reason why your original program loops:
multiple(_X,0) :- false.
multiple(X,Y) :- lt(0,X), false, lt(0,Y), diff(Y,X,D), multiple(X,D).
natNum(0) :- false.
natNum(s(X)) :- natNum(X), false.
lt(0,s(X)) :- natNum(X), false.
lt(s(X),s(Y)) :- false, lt(X,Y).
?- multiple(X, s(s(s(s(s(s(0))))))), false.
Do your recognize your program? Only those parts remained that are needed for a loop. And, actually in this case, we have an infinite loop.
To fix this, we need to modify something in the remaining, visible part. I'd go for lt/2 whose first clause can be generalized to lt(0, s(_)).
But wait! Why is it OK to generalize away the requirement that we have a natural number? Look at the fact multiple(X,0). which you have written. You have not demanded that X is a natural number either. This kind of over-generalizations often appears in Prolog programs. They improve termination properties at a relatively low price: Sometimes they are too general but all terms that additionally fit into the generalization are not natural numbers. They are terms like any or [a,b,c], so if they appear somewhere you know that they do not belong to the solutions.
So the idea was to put false goals into your program such that the resulting program (failure-slice) still loops. In the worst case you put false at a wrong place and the program terminates. By trial-and-error you get a minimal failure-slice. All those things that are now stroked through are irrelevant! In particular diff/3. So no need to understand it (for the moment). It suffices to look at the remaining program.

Prolog subBag(x, y) tests whether x, considered as a bag, is a subbag of y

I currently working on some prolog problems, one is "subBag(x, y) tests whether x, considered as a bag, is a subbag of y". My code doesn't work at all and always true. Here is my code.
Thank you.
What is a subbag? I take that to mean, all the items in the subbag are present in at least the same quantities as they are in the containing bag. To state it inductively, let's break it into two cases: the case where I have an empty list. Is that a subbag? Yes, of any list:
subbag([], Bag) :- is_list(Bag).
Now, the inductive case. Let's break the subbag into an item and the rest of the subbag. If this item can be removed from the containing bag, and the rest form a subbag of the remainder from the containing bag, then we have a subbag. Like so:
subbag([X|Subbag], Bag) :-
select(X, Bag, RemainingBag),
subbag(Subbag, RemainingBag).
The magic predicate select/3 is a hugely useful utility here, allowing you in one statement to say X is in Bag, and the rest of the bag is in RemainingBag. This kind of situation seems to come up all the time in processing lists in Prolog. (Note that in the SWI Prolog documentation, there is often a little orange :- icon next to the name, which will take you to the source code for that predicate, in case you've been given a stupid requirement not to use a built-in predicate by a clueless professor.)
I want to warn you that the efficiency of this solution is not great, but I actually think the nature of this problem might just be that way. The number of solutions you'll obtain from an query (like subbag(X, [1,2,3,4,5])) is going to be large; I found it to be essentially the number of permutations of a set, using the OEIS (sequence A000522).
I dont understand completely how your code should work, but i think that there is for sure too much splitting into head and tail in places where it is not necessary.
Maybe this predicate will help you to solve your problem.
isSublist(Sublist,List) :-
This predicate uses append/2 build-in predicate, read about it here

Prolog manual or custom labeling

I am currently writing a solver for a floor planning problem in Prolog and have some issues with the labeling part.
The current problem is my constraints are posted but when I launch the labeling, it takes forever to find a solution. I would like to bring in some heuristics.
My question is, how do I manually label my variables ? I am afraid that after defining a clpfd variable like this :
X in Xinf..Xsup
and constraining it, If I do something like :
fd_sup(X, Xmax),
X = Xmax,
in my custom label, I won't be using the backtrack ability of Prolog to test the other values of X's domain. Am I wrong ?
Also, is there a smarter way to label my variables than writing custom labeling procedures ? My idea of heuristics would consist in trying extrema of a variable domain alternatively (like max(X), min(X), max(X-1), min(X-1) etc...)
Hope you can help me :)
It is not difficult to write a custom labeling procedure, and with most real problems you will eventually need one anyway in order to incorporate problem-specific heuristics.
The two main components of a labeling procedure are
variable selection: from all the remaining (i.e. not yet instantiated) problem variables, pick one to consider next.
value selection or branching: explore, via backtracking, two or more alternative sub-problems by reducing the chosen variable's domain in (usually) complementary ways.
Using this scheme, the default labeling procedure can be written as
label(Xs) :-
( select_variable(X, Xs, Xs1) ->
true % done, no variables left
select_variable(X, [X|Xs], Xs). % 'leftmost' strategy
branch(X) :- indomain(X).
You can now redefine select_variable/3 to implement techniques such as "first-fail", and redefine branch/1 to try domain values in different orders. As long as you make sure that branch/1 enumerates all of X's domain values on backtracking, your search remains complete.
Sometimes you want to try just one domain value first (say, one suggested by a heuristics), but, if it is no good, not commit to another value immediately.
Let's say that, as in your example, you want to try the maximum domain value first. You could write this as
branch(X) :-
fd_sup(X, Xmax),
X = Xmax % try the maximum
X #\= Xmax % otherwise exclude the maximum
Because the two cases are complementary and cover all possible values for X, your search is still complete. However, because of the second alternative, branch/1 can now succeed with an uninstantiated X, which means you must make sure in the labeling procedure that you don't lose this variable from your list. One possibility would be:
label(Xs) :-
( select_variable(X, Xs, Xs1) ->
( var(X) -> append(Xs1, [X], Xs2) ; Xs2=Xs1 ),
true % done, no variables left
First, always try built-in heuristics. ff is often a good strategy.
For custom labeling strategies, it is often easiest to first convert the domain to a list, then reorder the list, and then simply use member/2 to assign the values of the domain using the new order.
A good building black is dom_integers/2, relating a finite CLP(FD) domain to a list of integers:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
dom_integers(D, Is) :- phrase(dom_integers_(D), Is).
dom_integers_(I) --> { integer(I) }, [I].
dom_integers_(L..U) --> { numlist(L, U, Is) }, Is.
dom_integers_(D1\/D2) --> dom_integers_(D1), dom_integers_(D2).
Your specific strategy is easily expressed on a list of such ordered integers, relating these integers to a second list where the values occur in the order you describe:
outside_in([]) --> [].
outside_in([I]) --> [I].
outside_in([First|Rest0]) --> [First,Last],
{ append(Rest, [Last], Rest0) },
Sample query and result:
?- phrase(outside_in([1,2,3,4]), Is).
Is = [1, 4, 2, 3] ;
Combining this with fd_dom/2 and dom_integers/2, we get (bindings for variables other than X omitted):
?- X in 10..20,
fd_dom(X, Dom),
dom_integers(Dom, Is0),
phrase(outside_in(Is0), Is),
member(X, Is).
X = 10 ;
X = 20 ;
X = 11 ;
X = 19 ;
X = 12 ;
X = 18 ;
Nondeterminism is preserved by member/2.
Make sure to distinguish labeling strategies from additional propagation. These two aspects are currently a bit mixed in your question.
In SWI-Prolog, there is a predicate called clpfd:contracting/1. It does what you describe: It tries values from the domain boundaries, and removes values that can be seen as inconsistent, i.e., for which it is known that no solution exists.
Therefore, if you have a list of variables Vs, you can try: clpfd:contracting(Vs), and see if this helps.
Note that this can also significantly slow down the search, though on the other hand, also help significantly to reduce the search space before even trying any labeling!
To complement the other answers (one contrasting labeling and propagation, one showing a dedicated labeling method), I now tackle a further very important aspect of this question:
Very often, when beginners complain about the speed of their code, it turns out that their code in fact doesn't even terminate! More efficiency would not help in that case.
Hence, this answer points you towards first ensuring actual termination of your relation.
The best way to ensure termination of CLP(FD) programs is to separate them into 2 parts:
the first, called the core relation, simply posts all constraints.
the second uses labeling/2 to perform the actual search.
Have you done this in your program? If not, please do. When this is done, make sure that the core relation, say solution/2 (where the arguments are: a term denoting the task instance, and the list of variables to be labeled) terminates universally by querying:
?- solution(Instance, Vs), false.
If this terminates, then the following also terminates:
?- solution(Instance, Vs), label(Vs), false.
Of course, in larger tasks, you have no chance to actually witness the termination of the latter query, but a good chance to witness the termination of the first query, because setting up the constraints is often much faster than actually obtaining even a a single solution.
Therefore, test whether your core relation terminates!
This follows up on this previous answer by #mat.
If you have got some more CPU cycles to burn, try shave_zs/1 as defined in this previous answer.
shave_zs/1 kind of works like the auxiliary library predicate clpfd:contracting/1. Unlike contracting/1, however, all values are "up for grabs"—not just the ones at the boundary. YMMV!

How to generate a rule to tell that this simple facts go both ways?

So I have a couple of facts:
Edit:changed to atoms
So this reads like "bridge A crosses from zone 1 to zone 2". This is simple. However, the inverse is also true. Bridge A crosses from zone 2 to zone 1. That's why I thought:
bridge(B,S,E):- bridge(B,E,S).
Thing is, this messes up my program because whenever swi-prolog can't find a match for a bridge, it will keep using the bridge rule to invert it's parameters over and over again. Is there any way to stop this? Or is there any other way to create a simple rule? My program works flawlessly if I add every other fact (bridge(A,2,1), bridge(C,3,2), etc).
First note that you seem to be using variables where you meant to use atoms to identify bridges.
As to your question: You can easily solve this by adding the additional required facts, for example:
bridge(a, 1, 2).
bridge(a, 2, 1).
bridge(b, 1, 2).
bridge(b, 2, 1).
However, as you already seem to have noticed intuitively, this is clearly redundant and you can refactor it with an auxiliary predicate, say for example bridge_/2, that consists of two clauses:
bridge(B, X, Y) :- bridge_(B, X, Y).
brigde(B, X, Y) :- bridge_(B, Y, X).
bridge_(a, 1, 2).
bridge_(b, 2, 1).
bridge_(c, 2, 3).
Prolog offers a way to process each clause read, before asserting it, by means of term_expansion/2. Should work this way:
term_expansion(bridge(K,A,B), bridge(K,A,B)) :- assertz(bridge(K,B,A)).
That is, it 'returns' the unchanged term read, and add a term with swapped 'connections'.
Beware that could be difficult to get debug your transformed source with the graphical tracer...
edit my answer was a bit superficial, I'm trying to debug it...
edit thanks to Paulo hint, here is something working...
:- module(bridge, [bridge/3]).
term_expansion(bridge(K,A,B), [bridge(K,A,B),bridge(K,B,A)]).

gprolog - Simple way to determine whether one list is a permutation of another

I'm trying to write a prolog program that determines whether one list is a permutation of another. Input is of the form perm(L,M), which will be true if and only if list L is a permutation of list M.
This is for my AI class, so I cannot just use the nifty little permutation predicate that gprolog already provides. Our professor noted that the member predicate might be useful, but any ideas I have that involve it seem to require very tricky and not-so-declarative things (and I'm assuming there is a way to solve this without getting too advanced, since the class is new to prolog.)
Anyway, one way to check would supposedly be to see that L and M are the same size, each L element is in M, and each M element is in L (there's a use of member!). However, this wouldn't be enough for cases like [2,2,4] and [4,4,2], among others.
Another way could be to ensure that the same counts of each element are in the opposite list, but my impression of prolog is that any kind of variable 'memory' is rather difficult business (in fact, it seems that the example programs I see that perform sorts, etc., aren't really manipulating data at all; they're just 'hypothetically' rearranging things and then telling you yes or no...?)
Mentally, one could just sort both lists and check elements side-by-side, but that, among tons of other ways to think of it, seems a little too object-oriented...
Any hints? My biggest trouble seems to be (as mentioned) the fact that doing "operations" seems to be more like asking about them and hoping that things stay true long enough to get where you want.
**UPDATE: gprolog does offer a delete functionality, but it comes with the declarative-related trouble I was expecting, given an attempt like this:
perm([LH|LT], R) :- member(LH,R), delete([LH|LT],LH,R), perm(LT,R).
In the manual, delete is defined like this: "delete(List1, Element, List2) removes all occurrences of Element in List1 to provide List2. A strict term equality is required, cf. (==)/2"
| ?- perm([1,2,3],[3,1,2]).
1 1 Call: perm([1,2,3],[3,1,2]) ?
2 2 Call: member(1,[3,1,2]) ?
2 2 Exit: member(1,[3,1,2]) ?
3 2 Call: delete([1,2,3],1,[3,1,2]) ?
3 2 Fail: delete([1,2,3],1,[3,1,2]) ?
2 2 Redo: member(1,[3,1,2]) ?
2 2 Fail: member(1,[3,1,2]) ?
1 1 Fail: perm([1,2,3],[3,1,2]) ?
(1 ms) no
**UPDATE 2: I think I might have figured it out! It's kind of verbose, but I have tested it for quite a few cases and haven't found a bad one yet. If someone sees a major issue, please point it out:
perm([LH|LT],R) :- length([LH|LT],A), length(R,B), A == B, member(LH,R), select(LH,[LH|LT],X), select(LH,R,Y), perm_recurse(X, Y), !.
perm_recurse([],X). %If we get here, all elements successfully matched
perm_recurse([LH|LT],R) :- member(LH,R), select(LH,[LH|LT],X), select(LH,R,Y), perm_recurse(X, Y), !.
I do like the cut operator..
Always good to define more general predicate and use it in a narrowed fashion:
perm(X,L):- mselect(X,L,[]).
mselect([A|B],L,R):- select(A,L,M), mselect(B,M,R).
member is no good as it leaves the second list unchanged. delete is no good either as it deletes the multiplicities.
You could use append though. :) It too combines picking and removing:
perm([A|B],L):- length(L,N), between(0,N,I),length(X,I),
append(X,[A],Y), append(Y,Z,L),
append(X,Z,M), perm(B,M).
perm(L, M) :- sort(L, X), sort(M, X).
This gets you pretty close and is fully declarative ("two lists are permutations of each other if they have the same sorted representation", but sorting in Prolog removes duplicates). However, it will succeed for cases like perm([1,2], [2,2,2,1]) which I'm not sure if you want. It will handle [2,2,4] and [4,4,2] though, since they both sort to [2,4]. Another solution would be something like this:
perm([], []).
perm([L|Ls], M) :- select(L, M, Ms), !, perm(Ls, Ms).
This version won't succeed for [2,2,4] and [4,4,2], but it will properly fail for [1,2] and [2,2,2,1]. I'm not sure which one you want, but I think one or the other of these is probably correct.
The usual model to follow is inductive.
If you know how to build all permutation of N-1 elements, then all permutations of N elements are obtained inserting the element in all available positions.
A 'trick of the trade' is using the select/3 builtin, that, like member, 'peek' an element, but removes it from the list and 'returns' the smaller list. Those verbs are not really appropriate for Prolog. Let's say that select/3 is a relation among an element, a list containing it, and an identical list where it's missing.
Then let Prolog do all the search... The resulting code is really tiny...
just sort both lists and compare result
