Prolog subBag(x, y) tests whether x, considered as a bag, is a subbag of y - prolog

I currently working on some prolog problems, one is "subBag(x, y) tests whether x, considered as a bag, is a subbag of y". My code doesn't work at all and always true. Here is my code.
Thank you.

What is a subbag? I take that to mean, all the items in the subbag are present in at least the same quantities as they are in the containing bag. To state it inductively, let's break it into two cases: the case where I have an empty list. Is that a subbag? Yes, of any list:
subbag([], Bag) :- is_list(Bag).
Now, the inductive case. Let's break the subbag into an item and the rest of the subbag. If this item can be removed from the containing bag, and the rest form a subbag of the remainder from the containing bag, then we have a subbag. Like so:
subbag([X|Subbag], Bag) :-
select(X, Bag, RemainingBag),
subbag(Subbag, RemainingBag).
The magic predicate select/3 is a hugely useful utility here, allowing you in one statement to say X is in Bag, and the rest of the bag is in RemainingBag. This kind of situation seems to come up all the time in processing lists in Prolog. (Note that in the SWI Prolog documentation, there is often a little orange :- icon next to the name, which will take you to the source code for that predicate, in case you've been given a stupid requirement not to use a built-in predicate by a clueless professor.)
I want to warn you that the efficiency of this solution is not great, but I actually think the nature of this problem might just be that way. The number of solutions you'll obtain from an query (like subbag(X, [1,2,3,4,5])) is going to be large; I found it to be essentially the number of permutations of a set, using the OEIS (sequence A000522).

I dont understand completely how your code should work, but i think that there is for sure too much splitting into head and tail in places where it is not necessary.
Maybe this predicate will help you to solve your problem.
isSublist(Sublist,List) :-
This predicate uses append/2 build-in predicate, read about it here


misconception about how prolog works

So I am currently learning prolog and I can't get my head around how this language works.
"It tries all the possible solutions until it finds one, if it doesn't it returns false" is what I've read that this language does. You just Describe the solution and it finds it for you
With that in mind, I am trying to solve the 8 queens problem ( how to place 8 queens on a chess board without anyone threatening the others).
I have this predicate, 'safe' that gets a list of pairs, the positions of all the queens and succeeds when they are not threatening each other.
When I enter in the terminal
?- safe([(1,2),(3,5)]).
true ?
| ?- safe([(1,3),(1,7)]).
| ?- safe([(2,2),(3,3)]).
| ?- safe([(2,2),(3,4),(8,7)]).
true ?
it recognizes the correct from the wrong answers, so it knows if something is a possible solution
when I enter
| ?- safe(L).
L = [] ? ;
L = [_] ? ;
it gives me the default answers, even though it recognizes a solution for 2 queens when I enter them.
here is my code
threatens((Column1,Row1),(Column2,Row2)) :-
Diff1 is Column1 - Row1,
Diff2 is Column2 - Row2,
abs(Diff1) =:= abs(Diff2).
safe([A,B|T]) :-
\+ threatens(A,B),
One solution I found to the problem is to create predicates 'position' and modify the 'safe' one
safe([A,B|T]) :-
\+ threatens(A,B),
but this is just stupid, as you have to type everything explicitly and really really slow,
even for 6 queens.
My real problem here, is not with the code itself but with prolog, I am trying to think in prolog, But all I read is
Describe how the solution would look like and let it work out what is would be
Well that's what I have been doing but it does not seem to work,
Could somebody point me to some resources that don't teach you the semantics but how to think in prolog
Thank you
but this is just stupid, as you have to type everything explicitly and really really slow, even for 6 queens.
Regarding listing the positions, the two coordinates are independent, so you could write something like:
position((X, Y)) :-
This is already much less typing. It's even simpler if your Prolog has a between/3 predicate:
coordinate(X) :-
between(1, 8, X).
Regarding the predicate being very slow, this is because you are asking it to do too much duplicate work:
safe([A,B|T]) :-
Once you know that [A|T] is safe, T must be safe as well. You can remove the last goal and will get an exponential speedup.
Describe how the solution would look like and let it work out what is
would be
demands that the AI be very strong in general. We are not there yet.
You are on the right track though. Prolog essentially works by enumerating possible solutions and testing them, rejecting those that don't fit the conditions encoded in the program. The skill resides in performing a "good enumeration" (traversing the domain in certain ways, exploiting domain symmetries and overlaps etc) and subsequent "fast rejection" (quickly throwing away whole sectors of the search space as not promising). The basic pattern:
findstuff(X) :- generate(X),test(X).
And evidently the program must first generate X before it can test X, which may not be always evident to beginners.
findstuff(X) :- x_fulfills_test_conditions(X),x_fullfills_domain_conditions(X).
which is really another way of writing
findstuff(X) :- test(X),generate(X).
would be the same, but for Prolog, as a concrete implementation, there would be nothing to work with.
That X in the program always stands for a particular value (which may be uninstantiated at a given moment, but becomes more and more instantiated going "to the right"). Unlike in logic, where the X really stands for an unknown object onto which we pile constraints until -ideally- we can resolve X to a set of concrete values by applying a lot of thinking to reformulate constraints.
Which brings us the the approach of "Constraint Logic Programming (over finite domains)", aka CLP(FD) which is far more elegant and nearer what's going on when thinking mathematically or actually doing theorem proving, see here:
and the ECLiPSe logic programming system
N-Queens in Prolog on YouTube. as a must-watch
This is still technically Prolog (in fact, implemented on top of Prolog) but allows you to work on a more abstract level than raw generate-and-test.
Prolog is radically different in its approach to computing.
Arithmetic often is not required at all. But the complexity inherent in a solution to a problem show up in some place, where we control how relevant information are related.
No arithmetic at all, columns/rows are encoded in a clever choice of symbols (the numbers indeed are just that, identifiers), diagonals in two additional arguments.
The whole program just requires a (very) small subset of Prolog, namely a pure 2-clauses interpreter.
If you take the time to understand what place_queens/4 does (operationally, maybe, if you have above average attention capabilities), you'll gain a deeper understanding of what (pure) Prolog actually computes.

Returning List of possible answers

I have an assignment to make a "simple" chatbot and my main problem now is in a predicate that receives a list of atoms (Ex: ["good","morning"]) and should return a list of possible answers that are already defined in structures. Also the predicate needs to filter for keywords and only return answer that contain keywords from the list given.
I have tried checking if an element from the list is already defined in any of the defined answers. If yes it would concat to the returning list.
(This concat predicate was defined by the teacher and its basically the append/3 already defined).
ans("Hello there", 0).
ans("Good Morning",0).
ans("Good Afternoon",0).
ans("Good Night",0).
answer([], List).
answer([H|T], List):- ans(H, _), concat(List, H, List), answer([T], List).
When I run this with answer(["good"],List) and it runs to a infinite (I assume its a infinite loop because it takes a long time to run and give me an error saying that there no space left in stack)
In this case the output should be ["Good Morning", "Good Afternoon", "Good Night"].
I appreciate all the help I can get.
We've got a lot of issues here, starting with your question.
Without concat/3 and how you are calling your code, it really isn't possible for anyone to solve your problems. None of your predicates take a single argument, but you are saying the code goes into an infinite loop if you call it with one. So the best we can do is speculate until you improve your question with the missing detail.
Here's my speculated assumptions: concat/3 is probably append/3. You are calling answer(["good"], Ans).
Looking at your code, concat(List, H, List) looks very wrong to me, for two reasons:
You are trying to mutate List, which is not possible in Prolog (variables cannot change once bound).
You are supplying a non-list in H to be concatenated to List.
Another problem is that List never receives an initial binding, so most likely you have to call this predicate with an argument of [], which means you are treating it as both an input and an output value.
I think your intuition is on the right track here: it should be possible for you to find things by prefix using append/3. Unfortunately, SWI-Prolog does not store strings as lists any more, so there is another predicate you have to use: string_concat/3.
I don't think you can get the return value you want here easily. I think you need to use findall/3 or one of its friends to get multiple solutions, and if you are supplying a list of possible prefixes, you are going to get a list of lists of possible solutions. Perhaps I'm missing something obvious here. Anyway, this is the solution I found:
answer([], []).
answer([H|T], [Answers|R]) :-
(ans(Answer, _), string_concat(H, _, Answer)),
answer(T, R).
This gives me the following output:
?- answer(["Good"], L).
L = [["Good Morning", "Good Afternoon", "Good Night"]].
Please correct your question so we can be more helpful to you!

In Prolog how can I cut redundant answers

I am working on a dictionary-like program with prolog, and my code goes like this:
anotherdefined(X):- \+ undefined(X).
undefined(X):- \+define(X,_).
I am trying to write a defined/1 predicate which will give me:
X = car ;
X = wheels ;
Yet, my defined/1 gives me X=car. five times (naturally) for everytime it counters define(car,_).
and my anotherdefined/1 gives me only true. What is the method to stop prolog backtracking to the other instances of define(car,_).,and skip to define(wheels,_).?
Edit: I have written the following lines to get the result I want with givedefinedword/1,
However since I wanted an efficient predicate (which I will use in many others) it beats the purpose. This predicate does too much process.
Or, Would it be better to use a predicate that modifies the code? say prepares a list of defined words, and modifies it when new definitions are added.
If you change define to relate items and lists, like
definelist(car, [vehicle, that, has, four, wheels]).
% etc.
defined(X) :- definelist(X, _).
then defined will no longer produce duplicates, nor require linear space.
Of course, a query define(X, Y) must now be performed as definelist(X, L), member(Y, L). If you want this to be efficient as well, you may need to duplicate all definitions.
What are you trying to achieve with your program? It seems that you want to have facts in the form:
"A car is a vehicle that has four wheels"
"Wheels are round objects used in transportation" (a bit vague)
How are you going to use these facts? #larsmans suggestion if perfectly fine, if you want to just have your statement as a "sentence". It really depends what you will do with the information though.
Consider structuring the information in your database:
is(car, vehicle).
is(bicycle, vehicle).
is(boat, vehicle).
has(car, wheel(four)).
has(car, motor).
has(bicycle, wheel(two)).
Given this database, you can at least ask a question like, "what vehicles are there?", "does a bicycle have a motor?", or maybe, "how many wheels does a car have?", or "which vehicles have no wheels?"
?- is(X, vehicle).
?- has(bicycle, motor).
?- has(car, wheel(N)).
?- is(X, vehicle), \+ has(X, wheel(_)).
and so on.
Once you have defined your problem better, you can define your data structures better, which will make writing a program to solve your problem easier.

gprolog - Simple way to determine whether one list is a permutation of another

I'm trying to write a prolog program that determines whether one list is a permutation of another. Input is of the form perm(L,M), which will be true if and only if list L is a permutation of list M.
This is for my AI class, so I cannot just use the nifty little permutation predicate that gprolog already provides. Our professor noted that the member predicate might be useful, but any ideas I have that involve it seem to require very tricky and not-so-declarative things (and I'm assuming there is a way to solve this without getting too advanced, since the class is new to prolog.)
Anyway, one way to check would supposedly be to see that L and M are the same size, each L element is in M, and each M element is in L (there's a use of member!). However, this wouldn't be enough for cases like [2,2,4] and [4,4,2], among others.
Another way could be to ensure that the same counts of each element are in the opposite list, but my impression of prolog is that any kind of variable 'memory' is rather difficult business (in fact, it seems that the example programs I see that perform sorts, etc., aren't really manipulating data at all; they're just 'hypothetically' rearranging things and then telling you yes or no...?)
Mentally, one could just sort both lists and check elements side-by-side, but that, among tons of other ways to think of it, seems a little too object-oriented...
Any hints? My biggest trouble seems to be (as mentioned) the fact that doing "operations" seems to be more like asking about them and hoping that things stay true long enough to get where you want.
**UPDATE: gprolog does offer a delete functionality, but it comes with the declarative-related trouble I was expecting, given an attempt like this:
perm([LH|LT], R) :- member(LH,R), delete([LH|LT],LH,R), perm(LT,R).
In the manual, delete is defined like this: "delete(List1, Element, List2) removes all occurrences of Element in List1 to provide List2. A strict term equality is required, cf. (==)/2"
| ?- perm([1,2,3],[3,1,2]).
1 1 Call: perm([1,2,3],[3,1,2]) ?
2 2 Call: member(1,[3,1,2]) ?
2 2 Exit: member(1,[3,1,2]) ?
3 2 Call: delete([1,2,3],1,[3,1,2]) ?
3 2 Fail: delete([1,2,3],1,[3,1,2]) ?
2 2 Redo: member(1,[3,1,2]) ?
2 2 Fail: member(1,[3,1,2]) ?
1 1 Fail: perm([1,2,3],[3,1,2]) ?
(1 ms) no
**UPDATE 2: I think I might have figured it out! It's kind of verbose, but I have tested it for quite a few cases and haven't found a bad one yet. If someone sees a major issue, please point it out:
perm([LH|LT],R) :- length([LH|LT],A), length(R,B), A == B, member(LH,R), select(LH,[LH|LT],X), select(LH,R,Y), perm_recurse(X, Y), !.
perm_recurse([],X). %If we get here, all elements successfully matched
perm_recurse([LH|LT],R) :- member(LH,R), select(LH,[LH|LT],X), select(LH,R,Y), perm_recurse(X, Y), !.
I do like the cut operator..
Always good to define more general predicate and use it in a narrowed fashion:
perm(X,L):- mselect(X,L,[]).
mselect([A|B],L,R):- select(A,L,M), mselect(B,M,R).
member is no good as it leaves the second list unchanged. delete is no good either as it deletes the multiplicities.
You could use append though. :) It too combines picking and removing:
perm([A|B],L):- length(L,N), between(0,N,I),length(X,I),
append(X,[A],Y), append(Y,Z,L),
append(X,Z,M), perm(B,M).
perm(L, M) :- sort(L, X), sort(M, X).
This gets you pretty close and is fully declarative ("two lists are permutations of each other if they have the same sorted representation", but sorting in Prolog removes duplicates). However, it will succeed for cases like perm([1,2], [2,2,2,1]) which I'm not sure if you want. It will handle [2,2,4] and [4,4,2] though, since they both sort to [2,4]. Another solution would be something like this:
perm([], []).
perm([L|Ls], M) :- select(L, M, Ms), !, perm(Ls, Ms).
This version won't succeed for [2,2,4] and [4,4,2], but it will properly fail for [1,2] and [2,2,2,1]. I'm not sure which one you want, but I think one or the other of these is probably correct.
The usual model to follow is inductive.
If you know how to build all permutation of N-1 elements, then all permutations of N elements are obtained inserting the element in all available positions.
A 'trick of the trade' is using the select/3 builtin, that, like member, 'peek' an element, but removes it from the list and 'returns' the smaller list. Those verbs are not really appropriate for Prolog. Let's say that select/3 is a relation among an element, a list containing it, and an identical list where it's missing.
Then let Prolog do all the search... The resulting code is really tiny...
just sort both lists and compare result

Prolog findall/3: more than one bag

I'm writing AI for a Fox and Geese type of game. One of my predicates looks like this:
moveFox(+PrevState, -NextState, -PegList, +VisitedStates, -NewVisitedStates)
It takes a game state and makes a move with a fox. The resulting state is unified with NextState and the actual move is unified with PegList. Everything works as expected.
I am calculating the utility score for all of the moves' NextState. To be able to find the state with the highest utility score, I use findall/3 to get all states in a list before comparing their utility scores.
findall(NextState, moveFox(...), NextStatesList)
By finding the maximum utility score I know the NextState (as well as its position in the list) with the highest utility score. There is only one problem, currently I haven't written any predicate to infer which move was made to come to NextState, e.g.:
getMove(+PrevState, +NextState, -PegList)
Instead of writing such a predicate, I would much rather use findall/3 or equivalent. My question is if there is some way to get two different variables in two different lists. I'm thinking like this (if it would have worked):
findall([NextState, PegList], moveFox(...), [NextStatesList, MoveList])
Could I implement such functionality without having to either run findall/3 twice (ugly overhead) or write that getMove(+PrevState, +NextState, -PegList) predicate?
this problem can be tackled building a list of pairs, and then separating the elements, like library(pairs) does
findall(NextState-PegList, moveFox(...), Pairs),
pairs_keys_values(Pairs, NextStates, Pegs),
If your Prolog doesn't have pairs_keys_values/3, it's easy to write either with maplist or via a recursive predicate. Here is the maplist way:
pkv(K-V, K, V).
pairs_keys_values(Pairs, Keys, Vals) :-
maplist(pkv, Pairs, Keys, Vals).
