GNU make: rule prequisites in nested variables not executed - makefile

The point is that I want to have some dependencies centralized in one variable, but the dependencies themselves are contained in variables.
touch $#
touch $#
targs=$(a) $(b)
all: $(targs)
In the real case rules for a and b differ so I need them to be in separate targets.
When I try to build such a target, only last nested dependency gets executed:
$ make
touch meow
$ ls
. .. Makefile meow
Could anyone please explain me how do I fix the situation or where I'm wrong?
I can make a phony target like targs: $(a) $(b), but if there's a way to keep the structure I mentioned, I'd like to know about it.
Thanks in advance!
UPD: solved. My mistake: instead of running make all I ran make and make executed the first target instead of all.

Make's default is to use the first target in the Makefile. Either move the all target to the beginning or use the following line somewhere in your Makefile


Makefile: no target error even when target and dependency exist

My makefile:
./corpus/%.spacy : ./assets/%.json
python3 ./scripts/ $< $#
Two questions:
Even if A.spacy and A.json exist and A.json is updated more recently than A.spacy, I get the following output.
$ make
$ make: *** No targets. Stop.
What to add to have it make A.spacy if only A.json exists? I tried the below code, which didn't work and I feel I'm not fully understanding targets and dependencies in makefiles.
convert : ./corpus/%.spacy
python3 ./scripts/ $(./scripts/$*.json) $<
./corpus/%.spacy: ./assets/%.json
echo $?
Didn't work as in gave the following output
$ make convert
$ make: *** No rule to make target `corpus/%.spacy', needed by `convert'. Stop.
You seem to be thinking that declaring a pattern rule will cause make to go spelunking your directory looking for all possible ways to use that pattern, as if it were a wildcard or something akin to ls *.spacy.
That's not what a pattern rule is.
A pattern rule is a template that make can apply if it wants to build a given target and it doesn't know how to build that target.
If you have the above makefile it just tells make "hey, if you happened to want to create a target that matches the pattern ./corpus/%.spacy then here's a way to do it". If you type make with no arguments, then you haven't told make that you want to build anything so it won't use your pattern rule.
If you type:
$ make ./corpus/A.spacy
now you've told make you want to actually build something (./corpus/A.spacy), so now make will try to build that thing, and it will see your pattern rule and it will try to use it.
As for the other, this:
convert : ./corpus/%.spacy
python3 ./scripts/ $(./scripts/$*.json) $<
is not a pattern rule. A pattern rule must have a pattern character (%) in the target; this is defining a target convert that depends on a file named, explicitly, ./corpus/%.spacy of which you don't have any file with that name, so you get that error.
You didn't actually describe what you wanted to do, but I think maybe you want to do something like this:
# Find all the .json files
JSONS := $(wildcard ./assets/*.json)
# Now figure out all the output files we want
SPACYS := $(patsubst ./assets/%.json,./corpus/%.spacy,$(JSONS))
# Now create a target that depends on the stuff we want to create
all: $(SPACYS)
# And here's a pattern that tells make how to create ONE spacy file:
./corpus/%.spacy : ./assets/%.json
python3 ./scripts/ $< $#

How to let Makefile see target from another file

I have such Makefile with a content for creating a script:
.PHONY cluster-run
make $(TARGET) --just-print >>;
And another one
.PHONY nn-model
include Makefile
I have two separate Makefiles for readability, because their content is big and I have another '*.mk' files, like,, etc.
I launch as follows:
make -f cluster-run TARGET=nn-model
But make gives an error:
make nn-model --just-print >>;
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `nn-model'. Stop.
make: *** [cluster-run] Error 2
For me such behaviour is strange because target nn-model actually exists. How can I fix this problem?
First you should never use raw make in recipes. Always use the $(MAKE) variable.
Second, the problem is because when you run the sub-make you don't provide the -f option:
make nn-model --just-print >>;
Because of that, it reads Makefile but not, and so there's no rule to build the target nn-model.
Remember if you run a sub-make like this it's starting an entirely new make process with a clean slate: none of the targets defined in the parent make process are known to the sub-make when it starts.
I don't know what you mean by target nn_model actually exists but there's definitely no file named nn_model or you wouldn't get that error.
So what's happening is that when you build cluster-run it invokes a recursive make, which reads Makefile, and asks it to build $(TARGET) (which will include nn-model).
Notice that the recursive make is a new make and does not inherit variables or rules from the parent make, so this make instance has no clue how to build nn-model If you want the child make to see this, then the child make must include the parent one...

How can you make a % wildcard make rule phony?

I have the following wildcard "programming" make rule that uploads a binary to a device. This obviously does not produce a real file, so should be marked phony. However, how do you mark a % percent wildcard rule phony?
%-tangnano-prog: %-tangnano.fs
openFPGALoader -b tangnano $^
.PHONY: %-tangnano-prog clean all
The phony rule does not give any error whatever you put there, so hard to tell if it worked. But I believe it did not:
$ touch blinky-tangnano-prog
$ make blinky-tangnano-prog
make: 'blinky-tangnano-prog' is up to date.
Thee are basically two possibilities:
You know in advance what %-tangnano-prog targets you can encounter. Just assign all their prefixes to a make variable, use make functions to compute the full target names and declare them as phony:
P := blinky foo bar
T := $(addsuffix -tangnano-prog,$(P))
.PHONY: tangnano-prog $(T)
tangnano-prog: $(T)
%-tangnano-prog: %-tangnano.fs
openFPGALoader -b tangnano $^
You do not know in advance what targets you can encounter. Use the same Makefile but pass the list of target prefixes to build on the command line:
$ make tangnano-prog P="blinky foo bar"

Makefile: Declaring dependencies between included files

Using make's ''Remaking Makefiles'' feature I am generating parts of my makefile with include directives (see Makefile: defining rules and prerequisites in recipes). Now I'm stuck with being unable to see how I can express dependencies between included makefiles. They seem to be all evaluated at once.
Consider the following minimal makefile that illustrates my problem:
-include foo.make
-include bar.make
foo.make: Makefile
echo FOO:=blub bla baz > foo.make
bar.make: Makefile foo.make
echo BAR:=$(FOO) > bar.make
If I now run make I will get:
$ cat foo.make
FOO:=blub bla baz
$ cat bar.make
Why? Since bar.make depends on foo.make, shouldn't the evaluation of bar.make wait until it successfully included foo.make?
And how do I fix this problem and make sure that bar.make is either re-evaluated later or only evaluated once foo.make exists, is included and can define the variable BAR?
The reason I cannot combine foo.make and bar.make into a single makefile and rule is two-fold:
Firstly, in my real setup, bar.make depends on more intermediate targets which in turn transitively depend on foo.make. So at the time foo.make can be created, the content of bar.make cannot yet be made.
Secondly, in my real setup, foo.make and bar.make do not just define variables but also eval() define/endef blocks. So I have to write:
-include makefile_with_prerequisite_variables
define MYDEF
sometarget-$1: $(TARGET_$1_PREREQUISITES)
-include makefile_with_eval_call_statements
The content of makefile_with_prerequisite_variables and makefile_with_eval_call_statements cannot go into a single makefile snippet:
If I would put makefile_with_eval_call_statements above MYDEF together with makefile_with_prerequisite_variables then the $eval( $call( MYDEF)) statements in it would not work because MYDEF is only declared afterward.
If I would put makefile_with_prerequisite_variables below MYDEF together with makefile_with_eval_call_statements then the recipes defined in MYDEF would not have proper prerequisits because the $(TARGET_$1_PREREQUISITES) variables would then be declared afterward by makefile_with_prerequisite_variables.
In summary, I need to include two different makefiles where one depends upon the other. I do not know how I can express this relationship such that the content of one makefile would only be created after the other makefile is up-to-date and included into the main makefile.
First, your makefile creation in this simple example can easily be fixed by escaping the value of $(FOO) so that it's not expanded when bar.make is created but rather deferred until it's read in. So:
bar.make: Makefile foo.make
echo 'BAR:=$$(FOO)' > $#
However, that might not be sufficient in your more complex real-life makefiles.
GNU make works like this: first parse all the makefiles. Then for every included makefile, treat it as a goal and try to build it (e.g., act as if the user invoked make ...). Then at the end of that, if any of the included makefiles was rebuilt, re-exec ourselves and start the entire process over from scratch.
GNU make does NOT work like this: parse makefiles, try to rebuild the first included makefile and if it's rebuilt, re-exec; if it's not rebuilt go on to the next included makefile, etc.
A simple trick you can use if you have to have this type of order is to put the include of bar.make into foo.make:
-include foo.make
foo.make: Makefile
printf -- '-include bar.make' > $#
echo FOO:=blub bla baz >> $#
bar.make: Makefile foo.make
echo 'BAR:=$$(FOO)' > $#
By doing this you ensure that if foo.make doesn't exist, make can't see the include of bar.make and so it won't try to build it. Only after the first re-exec will make see the include of bar.make and try to build it.
One thing: if you get the latest version of GNU make you no longer need to use the -include trick. You can just use include even with generated makefiles.

Alias target name in Makefile

The Problem:
Is it possible to give a target a different name or alias, such that it can be invoked using either the original target name or the alias.
For example something like
/very/long/path/my_binary: dep_a dep_b dep_c
# Compile
# Desired command
ALIAS my_binary = /very/long/path/my_binary
# NOTE: Notice the use of 'my_binary' in the dependencies
data1: my_binary datafile
# Build data file using compiled my_binary
Attempt 1: .PHONY
I have tried using a .PHONY target:
.PHONY: my_binary
my_binary: /very/long/path/my_binary
This works great when invoked from the command-line:
# Runs rule 'my_binary' and then *only* runs rule '/very/long/path/my_binary'
# if the rule '/very/long/path/my_binary' needs updating.
make my_binary
However, this does not work well when the alias my_binary is listed as a dependency:
# *Always* thinks that rule 'data1' needs updating, because it always thinks that
# the .PHONY target 'my_binary' "needs updating". As a result, 'data1' is
# rebuilt every time.
make /very/long/path/my_binary
Possible hack?
A possible hack is to use an empty target as suggested in an answer to this question, but that would require introducing fake files with names corresponding to the alias:
my_binary: /very/long/path/my_binary
touch my_binary
This will clutter the main directory with files! Placing the fake files in a sub-directory would defeat the purpose, as the alias would have to be referred to as 'directory/my_binary'
Okay, I needed something similar. The path to my output artifacts were quite long, but I wanted short target names and also benefit easily from bash-completion.
Here is what I'm came up with:
os := [arbitrary long path to an artifact]
platform := [arbitrary long path to a differ artifact]
packer := [common parts of my packer build command]
.PHONY: all
all: $(platform)
.PHONY: platform
platform: $(platform)
$(platform): platform.json $(os)
#$(packer) $<
.PHONY: os
os: $(os)
$(os): os.json
#$(packer) $<
.PHONY: clean
rm -fr build/
With the Makefile above you can say:
$ make os
$ make platform
Which will be aliases for the long artifact names. I've made the snippet above quite long, because it's important to see the relationships between the .PHONY aliases and the real targets. I hope that works for you.
Note: I did not delete the clean target from the above example, because many people does not make that a .PHONY target. However, semantically it should be.
I don't think there's any way to do it so that you can use the alias from within your makefile as well as the command line, except by creating those temporary files.
Why can't you just set a variable in the makefile, like:
my_binary = /very/long/path/my_binary
then use $(my_binary) everywhere in the makefile? I don't see any point in creating a real alias target for use inside the makefile.
I had a somewhat similar need. I wanted users of my makefile to be able to enter any of the following to accomplish the same result, such that the following were effectively synonyms of each other:
make hit list
make hitlist
make hit_list
What I did in my makefile was the following:
#echo Got here
<the real recipe goes here>
hit: hit_list
hitlist: hit_list
.PHONY: list
#echo > /dev/null
Then, when I tested it using any of the commands "make hit list", "make hitlist", or "make hit_list", I got identical results, as intended.
By extension, if one of your targets was the one with the long name but you used this approach whereby a simple short name identified the target with the long name as a prerequisite, I think that you should be able to say "make short_name" and accomplish what you're asking about.
This differs from your Approach 1 in that none of the synonyms is defined as a phony target (considering that "make hit list" is a command to make two targets, the second being effectively a noop), so the complication that you described would not arise.
