heroku toolbelt command issues - heroku

I installed the Heroku Toolbelt following the instructions provided by RailsBridge's Installfest for Windows. I am running Windows 10 64-bit and the Command Prompt with Ruby and Rails provided by RailsBridge.
Each heroku command I attempt to input, be it 'version', 'login', or what have you, I get this:
heroku-cli: Adding dependencies... done
heroku-cli: Installing core plugins...Error reading plugin: heroku-cli addons.
Then I see a list of which plugins that there were reading errors for. The list is:
ERROR: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
Then it repeats this, adding dependencies, attempting to install core plugins, same reading plugin errors, but then after the runtime error runs again, it prints this:
! error getting commands pid 5052 exit 1
Previously, it was 'error getting commands pid 6912' or something like that. I looked around a bit and didn't see anything that specifically dealt with this, but I am sorry if I missed it before asking this question. I'm very new at this.
I would really appreciate any help or advice on how to correct this. I thank you very much ahead of time!
Edit: I now understand what pid is. Using another resource, I was told to check for the pid process in my task manager. I reran this process, got a different pid number, and searched for it in my task manager but to no avail. It isn't storing it.

I had the same problem and Heroku support team was quick to answer with:
can you delete ~/.heroku/heroku-cli and try again?
Next time you run a heroku command it will reinstall the toolbelt. Worked for me.
According to the support team it happened because:
It was a bug that was pushed yesterday we fixed this morning that some users ran into.
Good luck!


Metasploit Framework .go module can't be loaded

This is my first post, so I might get the format wrong.. Anyway, after searching for a solution online (which I could not find), I resorted to asking here.
Upon launching my msfconsole a few days ago, I started getting all of these warnings/errors which were not showing before.
$ sudo msfconsole
[!] The following modules could not be loaded!..\
[!] /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/auxiliary/scanner/msmail/host_id.go
[!] /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/auxiliary/scanner/msmail/exchange_enum.go
[!] /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/auxiliary/scanner/msmail/onprem_enum.go
[!] Please see /root/.msf4/logs/framework.log for details.
metasploit v6.0.31-dev
I could not find any solution to this .go module loading issue. I might have screwed something over some time ago, but my last VM snapshot is just too far away.
Thank you all for your help!
just install go in your kali:
sudo apt install gccgo-go
I also got the same problem.
But, since the error message clearly ask me to check error log file, actually there is clear solution too.
[!] Please see /root/.msf4/logs/framework.log for details.
[09/05/2021 22:29:56] [e(0)] core: /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/auxiliary/scanner/msmail/onprem_enum.go failed to load - LoadError Failed to execute external Go module. Please ensure you have Go installed on your environment.
And after the Go installation, the problem is solved.
Therefore, the solutions is that you just need to install Go on your machine.

Apache Flink Installation 1.6.2 on Mac with Homebrew

I am trying to use Apache Flink for the first time for a school project, but I'm running into some trouble after installation. I have tried to follow the Quicksetup on the site, but I keep running into the same problem.
Console Output
The brew installation seems to work fine, this is where I ran into the first inconsistency however. Next the guide tells me to execute the following line
$ ./bin/start-cluster.sh # Start Flink
which doesn't work without installing a binary from here though
So I did that (I downloaded the Flink 1.6.2 with Hadoop 2.7 binary) and was then able to find the file and execute it. After doing this I'm supposed to go the the web frontend, and verify that a task is running. However when I go there nothing is shown.
Console Output
Web Dashbord
I started by executing the stop-cluster file, because for some reason I'm constantly getting the INFO Message
[INFO] 1 instance(s) of standalonesession are already running on Moritzs-MBP.fritz.box.
So far I have tried to to look into the flink-conf.yaml file which does set the numberOfTaskSlots to 1, so the problem does not seem to lie there. Otherwise I didn't really know where to look from there however and only tried to uninstall the and reinstall everything with no results however.
Sorry that the images are not shown, previously I had been able to fix all my code problems with existing posts and thus I can't directly post them yet. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance,
By using brew installation, the start-cluster.sh should be able to found in:
I'm not sure why start-cluster.sh isn't succeeding in starting up a taskmanager, but you can always (try to) start another one by hand with
$ ./bin/taskmanager.sh start

Nothing happens when running go get github.com/astaxie/beego

warning: noob question ahead :-)
I was trying to run go get github.com/astaxie/beego but it does nothing. I have been running examples I picked up from the internet and I installed gotour successfully. Any idea why?
Turns out my setup was messed up. I purged everything and installed golang using this nifty script: https://github.com/moovweb/gvm. It takes care of everything. Thanks #peterSO for the help.
If it doesn't show anything, it doesn't mean nothing works. Try doing the same with '-v' flag
go get -v github.com/astaxie/beego
Besides, all your downloads will be saved (most probably) somewhere to your '~' directory ('~/go/src' in my case), not in your current terminal directory
if on Ubuntu/Debian?, try the golang package for installing go. it seems to work for me quite well.

How can I install Maglev with rvm on Mac OS X Lion?

I am trying to install Maglev on Mac OS X Lion with rvm, but running
rvm install maglev
as instructed on the github page only yields a 404 error:
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404
ERROR: The requested url does not exist: 'http://glass-downloads.gemstone.com/maglev/MagLev-26852.Darwin-i386.tar.gz'
which does not seem too helpful, as it just points out that the respective file does not exist on the gemstone server. Google does not seem to know about this, so I thought about asking a question here. However, before doing so I tried some more and and got a little further running
rvm install maglev-head
as mentioned in some blog posts. This finally finds an appropriate file, downloads a bunch of things and starts to compile. It starts to look really well at a point where it says
Installing maglev to /[user-dir]/.rvm/rubies/maglev-head
in green, but unfortunately it does not get much further. The installation hangs after saying
Creating default 'maglev' repository.
Generating maglev HTML documentation
Generating smalltalk FFI.
or at least it takes forever (more than 30 minutes) without saying anything.
Stopping the installation at this point still looks promising giving me
$ rvm list
rvm rubies
maglev-head [ x86_64 ]
but unfortunately
rvm use maglev-head
results in
startstone[Info]: Starting Stone repository monitor 'maglev'.
startstone[Error]: Stone process (id=61119) has died.
startstone[Error]: Examine '/[user-dir]/.rvm/rubies/maglev-head/log/maglev/maglev.log' for more information. Excerpt follows:
without displaying an excerpt and even without stopping. Actually the log file does exist and has a few error messages, the most telling seems to be
GemStone is unable to open the file !TCP#localhost6#dbf!/[user-dir]/.rvm/rubies/maglev-head/data/maglev/extent/extent0.ruby.dbf
but the directory does exist, it would just be the file that is missing, and I would expect the server to create that one on an new image. Still, the situation does not look too bad as i get
which irb
giving me
but when I try to start up irb I get
maglev-ruby: [Error] The MagLev server "maglev" is not running.
To fix this run "rake maglev:start" before running maglev-ruby.
but if I call the rake task as instructed I again get
maglev-ruby: [Error] The MagLev server "maglev" is not running.
To fix this run "rake maglev:start" before running maglev-ruby.
putting me in a recursive causality loop. Trying to start the maglev server by hand using
maglev start
as I did on a previous installation using the shell scripts does not work either, giving me
startstone[Info]: Starting Stone repository monitor 'maglev'.
startstone[Error]: Stone process (id=61400) has died.
startstone[Error]: Examine '/[user-dir]/.rvm/rubies/maglev-head/log/maglev/maglev.log' for more information. Excerpt follows:
again without displaying an excerpt and hanging.
Any help would be appreciated as Maglev looks like a really promising piece of infrastructure.
You need to do "rvm get head" first; I can see it was looking for MagLev-26852.Darwin-i386.tar.gz, which was for an older version both of MagLev and of RVM.
I'd do an "rvm remove maglev; rvm install maglev" It shouldn't take more than a few minutes then to build once it's downloaded.

Fabfile path problem on windows

I'm trying to deploy my site using Fabric and Mercurial. In the Windows command line, running hg push works perfectly with no problems.
But when I try writing
local("hg push")
in a fabfile and running it, I get the error:
'"hg push"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Googling gave me an idea that it might be a problem with the PATH variable in Python subprocesses, for example here: Why would an "command not recognized" error occur only when a window is populated?.
Can you help me out? Is the bug in Fabric or in my own code?
As Chris R mentions, we don't do a ton of Windows support as none of the core devs are Windows users; we have to rely on reports and suggestions from our more savvy Windows users.
It sounds like this could be related to this recently fixed, but not released, bug -- it will be in Fabric 1.0.2 which should be out soon. If you're feeling brave, you can test it out now via:
pip install -e git+git://github.com/bitprophet/fabric#1.0#egg=Fabric
If you then do fab -V, it should say it's 1.0.2a -- if so, running your fabfile may work better. Please let us know if you do this!
It sounds like the you need to add Mercurial to the Fabric process's PATH.
Maybe something like:
fabric.context_managers.path(<path to your hg.exe>)
run('hg push')
See the docs for the path context manager. It wasn't clear if path applies to local commands, but run commands are explicitly referenced.
Neither of the fixes provided worked, but changing
local("hg push")
os.system("hg push")
solved the problem.
