Metasploit Framework .go module can't be loaded - metasploit

This is my first post, so I might get the format wrong.. Anyway, after searching for a solution online (which I could not find), I resorted to asking here.
Upon launching my msfconsole a few days ago, I started getting all of these warnings/errors which were not showing before.
$ sudo msfconsole
[!] The following modules could not be loaded!..\
[!] /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/auxiliary/scanner/msmail/host_id.go
[!] /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/auxiliary/scanner/msmail/exchange_enum.go
[!] /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/auxiliary/scanner/msmail/onprem_enum.go
[!] Please see /root/.msf4/logs/framework.log for details.
metasploit v6.0.31-dev
I could not find any solution to this .go module loading issue. I might have screwed something over some time ago, but my last VM snapshot is just too far away.
Thank you all for your help!

just install go in your kali:
sudo apt install gccgo-go

I also got the same problem.
But, since the error message clearly ask me to check error log file, actually there is clear solution too.
[!] Please see /root/.msf4/logs/framework.log for details.
[09/05/2021 22:29:56] [e(0)] core: /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/auxiliary/scanner/msmail/onprem_enum.go failed to load - LoadError Failed to execute external Go module. Please ensure you have Go installed on your environment.
And after the Go installation, the problem is solved.
Therefore, the solutions is that you just need to install Go on your machine.


Chaosmonkey Go Package Install

I have been trying to install chaosmonkey following the instruction from here using go
However, I have not been able to successfully resolve the issue for the past day. I keep getting the below error and if I try installing other packages using go get, it install it without any issue so I believe my path is correct.
go: downloading v2.0.2+incompatible
go get: module found (v2.0.2+incompatible), but does not contain package
There is not much information on the internet and any help would be appreciated!

How do I see all the warning raised by yarn during project installation again? Is there a command for that?

I got a lot of unmet peer dependency errors during a project installation using yarn. And I didn't take a screenshot of those or anything. How do I see all those warning again? Is there a command for that?
The following command works while using yarn as the package manager:
yarn install --check-files
This sort of worked for me: yarn --ignore-scripts --audit.
I think it showed a few less warnings than when I ran a fresh install, but it is at least showing some of the previous warnings for me. I threw --ignore-scripts in there because in Nx/Angular repos, you might have a lengthy ngcc command set up in your package.json. --audit's main purpose is to actually show you how many vulnerabilities you have in your dependencies, but as a side-effect, it appears to be running whatever code shows the warnings. If there is a better solution, I'd also like to know.

I can't seem to get rdkafka to play nice with the confuent-kafka-go package

this is my first question on StackOverflow. Usually I find a solution from someone else's question but this time the internet does not seem to have many answers.
So I'm getting this message after using go get and every time I try and compile and run my application.
# pkg-config --cflags rdkafka
Package rdkafka was not found in the pkg-config
search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `rdkafka.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable Package 'rdkafka', required by
'virtual:world', not found
I searched the issues on the github page for the repo and found one thread related to this, but none of those solutions seem to work for me. I'm running fedora 26, I have go 1.9 installed.
I've tried:
dnf install
Compiling from source as instructed on their README
yum install because I became desperate.
Downloading and installing from the RPM
Has anyone come accross this and maybe have an idea of how I can fix it?
I suggest that you install librdkafka from Confluent's repository as described in their documentation. But I think that you'll need to build librdkafka from source RPMs, like I'm doing for Ubuntu.
So I got it working thanks to Remi. Adding the repo from (I used the one for Fedora 26). Then just installing it using:
sudo dnf --enablerepo=remi install librdkafka-devel

The Command "grunt" exited with code 3 error when building project

I am unfamiliar with Grunt and I tried to follow steps to install it. I am getting this error and I have tried for a week to get it to work. Can anyone please help me. I am an undergrad student and don't have that much know how with it. I followed the installation instructions on the website. and know its a task error. but after that I cant find any working solutions.
Apparently the error is inside the js file.
npm rebuild node-sass
This one helped me.

heroku toolbelt command issues

I installed the Heroku Toolbelt following the instructions provided by RailsBridge's Installfest for Windows. I am running Windows 10 64-bit and the Command Prompt with Ruby and Rails provided by RailsBridge.
Each heroku command I attempt to input, be it 'version', 'login', or what have you, I get this:
heroku-cli: Adding dependencies... done
heroku-cli: Installing core plugins...Error reading plugin: heroku-cli addons.
Then I see a list of which plugins that there were reading errors for. The list is:
ERROR: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
Then it repeats this, adding dependencies, attempting to install core plugins, same reading plugin errors, but then after the runtime error runs again, it prints this:
! error getting commands pid 5052 exit 1
Previously, it was 'error getting commands pid 6912' or something like that. I looked around a bit and didn't see anything that specifically dealt with this, but I am sorry if I missed it before asking this question. I'm very new at this.
I would really appreciate any help or advice on how to correct this. I thank you very much ahead of time!
Edit: I now understand what pid is. Using another resource, I was told to check for the pid process in my task manager. I reran this process, got a different pid number, and searched for it in my task manager but to no avail. It isn't storing it.
I had the same problem and Heroku support team was quick to answer with:
can you delete ~/.heroku/heroku-cli and try again?
Next time you run a heroku command it will reinstall the toolbelt. Worked for me.
According to the support team it happened because:
It was a bug that was pushed yesterday we fixed this morning that some users ran into.
Good luck!
