SMS reply not being received - sms

I set up a basic Twilio app 2 weeks ago that receives certain keywords and returns relevant info.
This was all working fine until a day or so ago, now if I send a message I get no reply. Yet when I check my twilio log it shows the message being received and the reply as being sent (and Im being billed for the replies).
If I open the relevant webpage and send the data across manually I get the response expected so I know the code behind is doing as it should. Plus as I say, this was working and suddenly stopped without any changes to code taking place.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Google Admin SDK : Reports API Activities : Watch > Sends a tones of same notification

I have created a Gsuite channel as per this reference and its working fine. I can receive the webhooks for all the admin activities.
The problem is sometimes event such as "ADD_GROUP_MEMBER" or "REMOVE_GROUP_MEMBER" getting 10 to 12 times for the same user email and group email. I am also sending the response 200 for each webhooks but still, Gsuite keeps sending me the same events.
You can check on the attached events. I have received one webhook at 19:17:24 with some group member change. After 54 seconds I have again received the same event with all the same data. This happens almost 12 times. It only happens sometimes but when it happens it just hangs my server. Any idea of how can I prevent this?
Any help would be appreciated Thanks!!
Posting this just for documentation purposes.
This behaviour has been reported in Issue Tracker (I guess the author of this question reported it). Anyone who is experiencing this can keep track of the issue by clicking the star on the top left of the referenced page.
Google Admin SDK : Reports API Activities : Watch > Sends a tones of same notification

Laravel/SES sporadically not sending emails?

Sorry about the vague title, I only have very vague information and have no idea where to get any more.
Some of the users of our app have reported they're not receiving emails now and again. We're using SES with Laravel to send them, when I went to test, they weren't sending for about half an hour, and then suddenly were sending correctly again.
Here's what we know:
All items in the queue were processed without issue
There's nothing at all in my error logs
Nothing of note in my SES console
Emails were definitely not sending
I changed nothing, and they suddenly are again
I understand that's probably way too vague for a meaningful answer, but does anyone know where/how I'd debug this? I can't find any record of any failed/successful sends.

How to request botstate users on Microsoft Teams via Rest

If I send the Get request /v3/botstate/{channelId}/users/{userId} request to the emulator, it returns JSon. Nothing very useful of course since there aren't any real users in it. (doc referenced for the request and
If I send it to Teams, I get a 500 Server error. No additional information is returned with the error, it just repeats that there was a server error.
When I have gotten a 500 sending to Teams before, it was related to the JSon payload being sent. In this case, there is no payload.
The request is in response to a "message" my bot received, and I am passing along the channelId and from that "message" as my parameters.
I am able to send Post "message" requests back, and the Get request /v3/conversations{conversationId}/members successfully, so my Bot seems to be setup correctly.
Anyone have any ideas?
There was a temporary issue with Teams this week. It has been fixed.
The ServiceUrl is not guaranteed to stay the same. It should be refreshed periodically. Please see:
NOTE: Even though ServiceUrl values may seem stable bots should not
rely on that and instead always use the ServiceUrl value
As of today, the Bot Framework is still in preview. The developers do their best to not commit breaking changes. The product is under continuous and active development. Thank you for your patience as the kinks are worked out.
Microsoft Teams does not currently support retrieving user information beyond the ID returned in the members call, or the information received as part of incoming payloads. We should have better support for this coming soon.

Getting message info from with AppleScript

I’m looking to get information about individual messages in chat threads in
I can get individual chat threads:
set firstChat to first chat
I can get everything I ever wanted to know about file transfers (media sent/received via iMessage):
get properties of the last file transfer whose direction is incoming
I can handle messages as they arrive (which is pretty magical):
on message received msg from bud
processIncomingMessage(msg, bud)
end message received
I just can’t figure out how to get information about individual messages. I’ve pored over the dictionary for It’s been super helpful up until I reach chat, then it seems I can’t get more specific than a chat thread.
The incoming message handler is great, but it doesn’t give me anything interesting in the message parameter. I can’t even get an index of the message.
Have I missed something, or is it not possible to get information about individual messages?
I have officially declared “f**k it” and given up on finding an AppleScript-y way of getting messages. Everything I need is encased in glorious SQLite (~/Library/Messages/chat.db). Thank you all for your help, I couldn’t have done it without you, keep up the good work, etc. etc.
tell application "Messages" to set lastmessage to subject of first text chat

SMS containing links not delivered by some carriers

My web app sends an SMS text message to users in the US when they enter their phone number, using the Nexmo API. When the SMS contains a link, it does not get delivered to users if their carrier is Verizon or T-Mobile. For other carriers, such as Sprint and AT&T, it does get delivered. It does not generate error messages in any case with Nexmo and I still get charged for the text even if it gets blocked by the carrier.
I contacted Nexmo and they replied:
I would say it is very likely that the link in this sms caused a spam
filter to block this message, especially if other plain content
messages have been delivered to this number successfully. So the issue
with US LVNs is that they are intended for pure P2P traffic and this
is why sending a link might be suspicious and seen as a message
originated from an application. Unfortunately there is nothing we can
do about this as it is set by the US carriers.
These are not definitely not spam or marketing messages. How can I send a link in an SMS message and not get blocked?
I had the same issue recently. All major carriers have some basic checks in place which blocks the SMS from getting delivered if you use short links (e.g. The SMS will get delivered as long as you have a .com in the URL (e.g.
Well, I observed that some carriers mark it as spam if have "Some Message. Click Here http://example/somelink" format.
Removing "Click here" part worked for me.
i.e. "Some Message. http://example/somelink"
Got the same issue. I have been using twilio to a t-mobile phone in the US.
SMS Hello Alan, your code is: 146945 for is not working but
SMS Hello Alan, your code is: 146945 is working fine.
