Laravel/SES sporadically not sending emails? - laravel

Sorry about the vague title, I only have very vague information and have no idea where to get any more.
Some of the users of our app have reported they're not receiving emails now and again. We're using SES with Laravel to send them, when I went to test, they weren't sending for about half an hour, and then suddenly were sending correctly again.
Here's what we know:
All items in the queue were processed without issue
There's nothing at all in my error logs
Nothing of note in my SES console
Emails were definitely not sending
I changed nothing, and they suddenly are again
I understand that's probably way too vague for a meaningful answer, but does anyone know where/how I'd debug this? I can't find any record of any failed/successful sends.


ServiceError with basic Direct Line interaction

I've got a basic bot that I am trying to interact with via Direct Line. Following this example, these are what my requests look like:
Start Conversation
Send Activity
The error it responds with is difficult to investigate with such minimal information. The bot itself is working perfectly on other channels.
Has anyone seen this before?
Apologies for answering my own question. It turns out, the Send Activity request was sent as application/text instead of application/json.
I wish the error was more clear on why it was rejecting it but that fixed my issue.

SMS reply not being received

I set up a basic Twilio app 2 weeks ago that receives certain keywords and returns relevant info.
This was all working fine until a day or so ago, now if I send a message I get no reply. Yet when I check my twilio log it shows the message being received and the reply as being sent (and Im being billed for the replies).
If I open the relevant webpage and send the data across manually I get the response expected so I know the code behind is doing as it should. Plus as I say, this was working and suddenly stopped without any changes to code taking place.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

sinch sending old deleted messages in onMessageSent

Why is sinch sending old deleted messages in onMessageSent of MessageClientListener? These messages were deleted in my Parse backend. I've deleted data of the app on phone, so sinch should n't have this locally. From where is Sinch bringing in all these messages and what should I do to avoid this?
hi sinch evangelist here.
I am going to try and explain this. Parse and Sinch has nothing to do with each other (we have a tutorial where we show how you can save messages to your own backend like parse) So the fact that you delete from parse has nothing to do with Sinch.
Regarding delivery of messages, we keep all messages for delivery to all devices a user might have for 30 days.
So if you i.e install your app on a new device and login we will ship those messages to that device. And we consider this to be a feature :D
I can agree with you that it might be confusing sometimes, since if you uninstall and app you will get all messages again.
I can see a couple of workarounds for this delete of app and deletions of messages.
You could either mark messages as deleted in parse and not display to the user, or look at timestamps.

Debugging Google cloud messaging push messages

I am trying to send push messages to an android application.
seems to succeed and I get something (with some numbers changed) like:
but I don't seem to get the notification on the device...
Is there anything that can be done with the message_id it track it forward ?
Can I somehow tell me if Google actually tired to deliver it to the device and what was the result of the attempt?
I know it's an old question and you might have solved it yourself by now, but for completeness I would like to post a solution here.
By now you can find the option GCM Diagnostics in your Google Play Developer Console when you have your app selected. It's placed on the left hand side.
You just post a registration token or a message id and will shortly see a summary of push notifications connected to this token/id, plus additional debug information.
well, at least until someone would provide a better answer about debugging based on message ids.
It turns out the problem in my case was that the phone gap plugin in I was using was expecting a "message" field in the push notification message payload.
A bug on my server side made this message not to exist so it was not displayed in the phones notification area...
my thanks to #Eran for partially pushing my towards the right line of thought.

Getting message info from with AppleScript

I’m looking to get information about individual messages in chat threads in
I can get individual chat threads:
set firstChat to first chat
I can get everything I ever wanted to know about file transfers (media sent/received via iMessage):
get properties of the last file transfer whose direction is incoming
I can handle messages as they arrive (which is pretty magical):
on message received msg from bud
processIncomingMessage(msg, bud)
end message received
I just can’t figure out how to get information about individual messages. I’ve pored over the dictionary for It’s been super helpful up until I reach chat, then it seems I can’t get more specific than a chat thread.
The incoming message handler is great, but it doesn’t give me anything interesting in the message parameter. I can’t even get an index of the message.
Have I missed something, or is it not possible to get information about individual messages?
I have officially declared “f**k it” and given up on finding an AppleScript-y way of getting messages. Everything I need is encased in glorious SQLite (~/Library/Messages/chat.db). Thank you all for your help, I couldn’t have done it without you, keep up the good work, etc. etc.
tell application "Messages" to set lastmessage to subject of first text chat
