Joomla search module do not work in mobile - joomla

I have a Joomla web site with a search module.
When I search عکاسی on my computer I receive 35 results, but when I search the same word on my mobile device with the Safari browser I do not receive any results at all.
I tried to search for different words, but there were no search results.
Do you guys know why this could be the case?
Here is my website.


How can I get the Google cache age of any URL or web page, Part II

I'm trying to get a Google cache of a LinkedIn page.
I've seen several threads (e.g.: How can I get the Google cache age of any URL or web page?) saying you can just append "" to the URL, and that seems to work for pages where Google is already displaying links to the cached version.
But the drop-down link has been deactivated for several pages I'm trying to access. And in those cases, the above solution just gets me 404'd.
Any ideas how to get around this?

Google API returning different results than website

When I do a site-specific search on
site: security
I get 12 results. I signed up for a custom search engine (cx: 015271449006306103053:mz6wkimeenc) and API key, and I get only 3 results when I run the same search:
$ curl '$MY_API_KEY&cx=015271449006306103053%3Amz6wkimeenc&q=security'
Why do the results differ? Is my API request actually querying something different than the search I performed on
This google page has what you are looking for
your results are unlikely to match those returned by Google Web Search, for several reasons:
Even if a custom search engine is configured to search the entire web,
it’s designed to emphasize results from your own sites.
Your custom search engine doesn’t include Google Web Search features such as
Oneboxes, real-time results, universal search, social feaures, or
personalized results.
If your custom search engine includes more than
ten sites, the results may be from a subset of our index and may
differ from the results of a 'site:' search on
I found that it is impossible to get the right results using Google APIs. Even if the search is only for one website, their search results are different if you use their UI vs use the API and pay for it. This is I guess, because google makes more money if they can show ads, while APIs are definitely only a face saving measure.
Since some of you are ok with a paid solution(#ihsan) you can try using a third party service like where you can control your crawl (so crawl depth is not a problem), ranking (adjust it the way you like), use the API or the full solution, with out any ads.

Google Chrome Malware Warning when including images from image search API

I'm using Google and Bing image search APIs to provide a way for users of my web app to search for images to include in the documents they create in the app. A (rare?) problem I encountered today: a result from either Bing or Google (I'm going to assume Bing) caused the Google Chrome Malware detector to go off.
Is there any good way to avoid this that I'm not aware of, aside from only using the Google Image API (which is being deprecated!) since I assume they filter out results from sites they think contain malware?
There doesn't seem to be any performant way on my end to check these results before displaying them to prevent this error from occurring, and I'm very worried that any less savvy computer users will think my site is at fault (not to mention being unable to make the warning go away).
I guess I'm also making the assumption here that images from random Internet sites are okay to include in the page as long as they are returned by these APIs...I do copy them over to our own S3 account a few minutes after they are added to the document in case they are changed/removed on the external site...
EDIT: The result is indeed being included from the Bing API, and it is from
I would prefer a solution based in Ruby, but given a general solution I'm more than willing to implement it myself.

Rewrite url ala Google Instant?

I have a e-commerce website built in Ajax and Js, when the user type a search keyword the list is pulled via ajax but the browser url, in my case doesn't change, so if the user reaload or simply bookmarks the address he 'll have to start form scratch loosing the keywords input.
i noticed Google instead rewrites the url with the complete query, no hashtag or complex workaround...apparently
how can i achieve that? consider i have complete control on my server so i can set my apache in any way i want.
See this question, almost the same except they used Facebook as a example.
How does facebook rewrite the source URL of a page in the browser address bar?
If you watch the URL in Google Instant, it doesn't change until you hit "Search" or pause for a set period of time (2 seconds, i think).
After this delay, Google refreshes the page with those search queries.
I'm not sure what browser you're using, but I get all the search terms after a hashtag in Chrome (e.g., I don't think what you think is occurring is actually happening. It could be done on Chrome and other HTML5 browsers using history.pushState(), but I don't see Google Instant using that method.
Then it is not instant. Without reloading the page you can only change the fragment identifier in the URL.
My experience is, that after you changed the search, the Google URL is no longer "correct", i.e. it does not represent the latest query.

Add on for firefox for custom search providers - ike IE does?

In IE you are able to add a custom search provider in Firefox? IE does this nicely and lets you add any site as a search provider.
Is there anything similar? For example to add as a search provider that will allow you to search for a domain from the Firefox search box.
The firefox search provider model is not as user friendly as IE. IE has nicely separated it's search providers from it's addons, but Firefox lumps them all together. IE also allows you to create them easily on the fly, as far as I can tell, Firefox does not.
Here is a quick search for addons that can be used as search providers:
For the specific domain search from you mentioned, here is a pretty good one:
