Propel ORM: Order By FIELD - propel

I'm trying to do a query with a custom "order by" with Propel 1.6
select * from myObject ORDER BY FIELD(id, 3, 11, 7, 1)
this does not work:
how can i do?

$ids = array(3, 11, 7, 1);
$cids = implode(',', $ids);
->addAscendingOrderByColumn("FIELD (, {$cids})")

you can stack order-by's in order that you want:
Try that.
Update 2:
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$query = 'SELECT COUNT(t1.user) AS users, t1.choice AS lft, t2.choice AS rgt
FROM choice t1 iNNER JOIN choice t2 ON (t1.user = t2.user)
WHERE t1.choice IN (?, ?) AND t2.choice IN (?, ?)
GROUP BY t1.choice, t2.choice';
$stmt = $con->prepare($query);
$stmt->bindValue(1, 'foo');
$stmt->bindValue(2, 'bar');
$stmt->bindValue(3, 'baz');
$stmt->bindValue(4, 'foz');
$res = $stmt->execute();
in your case, I would establish $con, create a query to get your value list, then use a for loop to assign your $stmt->bindValue(#,#) and then execute.

$ids = array(3, 11, 7, 1);
$cids = implode(',', $ids);
->orderBy("FIELD(id, {$cids})")


Laravel 5.6: how to create a subquery using Query Builder

I would like to reproduce following mySQL query using Laravel query builder:
*SELECT SUM(scores) FROM (SELECT scores FROM player_games WHERE player_id = 1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 2) scores
Any suggestions?
Here the solution:
$sub = playerGame::where('player_id',1)->where('scores','>',0)->limit(2)->orderBy('id','desc');
$count = DB::table( DB::raw("({$sub->toSql()}) as sub") )
return $count;
Use fromSub():
$sub = playerGame::select('scores')
->where('player_id', 1)
->where('scores', '>', 0)
$sum = DB::query()->fromSub($sub, 'scores')->sum('scores');
$responce= DB::table('player_games')->where('player_id',1)->sum('amount');
please cheack this one.....i try it's work....and add use DB;in the top of controller....

Covert MySql query to Laravel

Can you please help me out to write the Laravel Raw Query for below Mysql query.
SUM(IF(d.business_email_template_10_open = "Yes", 1,0)) AS `business_email_template_10_open`,
SUM(IF(d.business_email_template_11_open = "Yes", 1,0)) AS `business_email_template_11_open`
FROM dummy_email_track d
join recommend_email_send_by_cron r on d.user_id = r.user_id
join user_form_submission u on r.user_id ='
where d.business_id = $businessId
If you can't use stored procedure, ignore my answer.
I think you can't use Laravel QueryBuilder cause something reason(I have a similar situation). How about using SP(stored procedure)?
Mysql SP
CREATE DEFINER=`your_mysql_id`#`%` PROCEDURE `get_usage_business_email_template`()
SUM(IF(d.business_email_template_10_open = "Yes", 1,0)) AS `business_email_template_10_open`,
SUM(IF(d.business_email_template_11_open = "Yes", 1,0)) AS `business_email_template_11_open`
FROM dummy_email_track d
join recommend_email_send_by_cron r on d.user_id = r.user_id
join user_form_submission u on r.user_id ='
WHERE d.business_id = $businessId
And, Laravel call this SP like below
$result = DB::select('CALL get_usage_business_email_template()');
I hope you will save your time becasue my answer...
This should give you a headstart!
$results = DB::select('select * from users where id = :id', ['id' => 1]);
Make sure you give right id to your where clause. So in you case it would something like this:
(where d.business_id = :businessId, ['businessId' => 1])
Please try this :
$data = DB::table('dummy_email_track as d')
->selectRaw('SUM(IF(d.business_email_template_10_open = "Yes", 1,0)) AS business_email_template_10_open')
->selectRaw('SUM(IF(d.business_email_template_11_open = "Yes", 1,0)) AS `business_email_template_11_open`')
->leftJoin('recommend_email_send_by_cron as r','d.user_id', '=', 'r.user_id')
->leftJoin('user_form_submission as u', 'r.user_id', '=', '')
->where('d.business_id','=', $businessId)

Doctrine create subquery with bound params

I am trying to construct a query that will basically pull all entries whose id's have 2 particular entries in another table so I am trying the below:
$query = $this->createQuery('e');
$subquery1 = $query->createSubquery('sea')
->from('Table sea')
->addWhere('sea.form_element_id = ?', $element)
->addWhere('sea.answer = ?', $answer)
$subquery2 = $query->createSubquery('sea2')
->from('Table sea2')
->addwhere('sea2.form_element_id = ?', $element2)
->addWhere('sea2.answer = ?', $answer2)
$query->addWhere(' IN ?', $subquery1)
->addWhere(' IN ?', $subquery2);
return $query->execute();
However this is gives me an error on bound params.
What is the correct ways of constructing such subqueries?
NOTE that if I dont bind the params in the subqueries it works fine.
$nestedQuery = " id IN (SELECT sea.entry_id from table sea where sea.form_element_id = ? and sea.answer = ?) "
. " and id IN (SELECT sea2.entry_id from table sea2 where sea2.form_element_id = ? and sea2.answer = ?)";
return $this->findBySql($nestedQuery, array($param1, $param2, $param3, $param4));
That obviously returns a doctrine collection but you can do getFirst or loop through the returned objects or even use the Hydrator to get an array!

How to use IN/AND clause in Yii framework?

I have a MySQL table with 3 columns: ID, name, user.
I wish to use the following SQL with Yii framework:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE idName=".$name." AND user IN .$arrayOfUsers;
// $arrayOfUsers is an array of int [0]->1, etc.
I tried in three different ways, but without success:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE idName=".$name." AND user IN .$arrayOfUsers;
$command = $connection->createCommand($sql);
$dataReader = $command->query();
$query = $dataReader->readAll();
The error is:
PHP Error [8]
Array to string conversion
$query = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()
->where(array('and', array('in', 'user', $arrayOfUsers), array('idName' => $name)))
The error is:
PHP Error [8]
Undefined offset: 0
$query = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()
->where(array('and', array('in', 'user', $arrayOfUsers), 'idName='.$name)))
The error is:
CDbException CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL
statement: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You
have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to
your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'idName=7)'
at line 3. The SQL statement executed was: SELECT * FROM
my_table WHERE (user IN ('1', '2', '3', '4')) AND
There has many ways to do but I'd like to use Active Record to handle this thing.
However, your question was around Query Builder, I give you correct one
Edited: (As your comment, idName is big INT instead of var char)
1) You got error because you pass $arrayOfUsers which was array, not expected string on your sql. It should be
$sql = "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE idName=".$name." AND (user IN(".implode(',',$arrayOfUsers)."))";
$command = $connection->createCommand($sql);
$query = $command->queryAll();
2) Using Query builder and where operator
$query = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()
->where(array('in', 'user', $arrayOfUsers))
->andwhere('name = :name', array('idName'=>$name))
3) If you want to wrap them together, it'll be fine, but they look unsightly like this
$query = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()
->where(array('and', 'idName= ' . $name, array('in', 'user', $arrayOfUsers)))
More references how to use where operator from official document
// WHERE id=1 or id=2
where('id=1 or id=2')
// WHERE id=:id1 or id=:id2
where('id=:id1 or id=:id2', array(':id1'=>1, ':id2'=>2))
// WHERE id=1 OR id=2
where(array('or', 'id=1', 'id=2'))
// WHERE id=1 AND (type=2 OR type=3)
where(array('and', 'id=1', array('or', 'type=2', 'type=3')))
// WHERE `id` IN (1, 2)
where(array('in', 'id', array(1, 2))
// WHERE `id` NOT IN (1, 2)
where(array('not in', 'id', array(1,2)))
// WHERE `name` LIKE '%Qiang%'
where(array('like', 'name', '%Qiang%'))
// WHERE `name` LIKE '%Qiang' AND `name` LIKE '%Xue'
where(array('like', 'name', array('%Qiang', '%Xue')))
// WHERE `name` LIKE '%Qiang' OR `name` LIKE '%Xue'
where(array('or like', 'name', array('%Qiang', '%Xue')))
// WHERE `name` NOT LIKE '%Qiang%'
where(array('not like', 'name', '%Qiang%'))
// WHERE `name` NOT LIKE '%Qiang%' OR `name` NOT LIKE '%Xue%'
where(array('or not like', 'name', array('%Qiang%', '%Xue%')))
Try this
$criteria = new CDbCriteria();
$criteria->select = "*";
$criteria->condition = "idname = :name ";
$criteria->params = array (
':name' => $name,
$criteria->addInCondition('user', $arrayOfUsers);

Insert multiple rows using a single query

Can Joomla's DB object add multiple rows at once? MySQL can do this like so:
('1', 'one'),
('2', 'two'),
('3', 'three')
But can Joomla's own functions achieve the same thing in a single query? Currently I am doing a loop to insert each row (same table) in separate query. Not a good idea when dealing with tons of rows at once.
In your model you can do this:
$db = $this->getDBO();
$query = "
('1', 'one'),
('2', 'two'),
('3', 'three')
If you are outside your model you need to get the DB object like so:
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
You can use:
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true); // !important, true for every new query
$query->insert('#__table_name'); // #__table_name = databse prefix + table name
/* or something like this:
and $db->insertId() can return you autoinc id if you have one.
Try this, if you have values in an array :
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
for($i=0; $i < lengthOfArray; $i++)
$values= $arr_1[$i].','.$this->db->quote($arr_2[$i]).','.$this->db->quote($arr_3[$i]).','. $arr_4[$i];
$result = $this->db->query();
You don't need $db = $this->getDBO();
just use this:-
$query = "
('1', 'one'),
('2', 'two'),
('3', 'three')
Try this:
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->values('1', 'one');
$query->values('2', 'two');
$query->values('3', 'three');
A description of "values" method
Adds a tuple, or array of tuples that would be used as values for an INSERT INTO statement.
$query->values(array('1,2,3', '4,5,6'));
In latest version of Joomla!, you can use it's own DB class as follows. Remember to use 'quoteName()' and 'quote()' functions as you needed.
$dbo = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $dbo->getQuery(true);
$columns = array('col_one','col_two', 'col_three');
$values = array();
//if you need, here you can use forloop/foreach loop to populate the array
$values[] = 'val_1, val_2, val_3'; // first row values
$values[] = 'val_4, val_5, val_6'; // second row values
Hope this saves your time. Thanks. Happy coding! :)
$columns = array('user_id', 'type', 'object', 'lvl', 'date');
$values = array();
foreach ($batch as $row) {
$array = array(
$values[] = implode(',', $array);
$result = $db->execute();
