How to create an Aurelia-Validation Validation object for Jasmine tests - jasmine

I'm currently using the Aurelia-Validation plugin to do client side validation. Since the validation object must be injected into the calling class's constructor, all my jasmine tests for the class in question now fail(since there's no validation object being passed in)
I've been trying to create a mock Validation object for a while now, or even a real one but i can't seem to get it right. The closest I've gotten is:
beforeEach(() => {
cache = new Cache();
session = new Session();
var valCon = new ValidationConfig();
var obsLoc = new ObserverLocator();
sut = new InsuredInformation(session, cache, new Validation(obsLoc,valCon));
But I keep getting errors when I run Karma saying:
TypeError: Expecting a function in instanceof check, but got [object Object]
I'm assuming this has something to do with the validation object and how i have instantiated it. Has anyone successfully created Jasmine tests for Aurelia View-Models that make use of the aurelia-validation plugin?

Try using the Container to instantiate your object. You may need to initialize the platform abstraction layer.
import {Container} from 'aurelia-framework'; // or 'aurelia-dependency-injection'
import {initialize as initializePAL} from 'aurelia-pal-browser'; // you may need to `jspm install aurelia-pal-browser`
beforeEach(() => {
let container = new Container();
sut = container.get(InsuredInformation);
foo = container.get(SomeOtherClassThatYouWantToTest);


How to manually test input validation with NestJS and class-validator

TLNR: I was trying to test DTO validation in the controller spec instead of in e2e specs, which are precisely crafted for that. McDoniel's answer pointed me to the right direction.
I develop a NestJS entrypoint, looking like that:
async doStuff(#Body() dto: MyDto): Promise<string> {
// some code...
I use class-validator so that when my API receives a request, the payload is parsed and turned into a MyDto object, and validations present as annotations in MyDto class are performed. Note that MyDto has an array of nested object of class MySubDto. With the #ValidateNested and #Type annotations, the nested objects are also validated correctly.
This works great.
Now I want to write tests for the performed validations. In my .spec file, I write:
import { validate } from 'class-validator';
// ...
it('should FAIL on invalid DTO', async () => {
const dto = {
const errors = await validate( dto );
This fails because the validated dto object is not a MyDto. I can rewrite the test as such:
it('should FAIL on invalid DTO', async () => {
const dto = new MyDto()
dto.attribute1 = 1;
dto.subDto = { 'name':'Vincent' };
const errors = await validate( dto );
Validations are now properly made on the MyDto object, but not on my nested subDto object, which means I will have to instantiate aaaall objects of my Dto with according classes, which would be much inefficient. Also, instantiating classes means that TypeScript will raise errors if I voluntarily omits some required properties or indicate incorrect values.
So the question is:
How can I use NestJs built-in request body parser in my tests, so that I can write any JSON I want for dto, parse it as a MyDto object and validate it with class-validator validate function?
Any alternate better-practice ways to tests validations are welcome too!
Although, we should test how our validation DTOs work with ValidationPipe, that's a form of integration or e2e tests. Unit tests are unit tests, right?! Every unit should be testable independently.
The DTOs in Nest.js are perfectly unit-tastable. It becomes necessary to unit-test the DTOs, when they contain complex regular expressions or sanitation logic.
Creating an object of the DTO for test
The request body parser in Nest.js that you are looking for is the class-transformer package. It has a function plainToInstance() to turn your literal or JSON object into an object of the specified type. In your example the specified type is the type of your DTO:
const myDtoObject = plainToInstance(MyDto, myBodyObject)
Here, myBodyObject is your plain object that you created for test, like:
const myBodyObject = { attribute1: 1, subDto: { name: 'Vincent' } }
The plainToInstance() function also applies all the transformations that you have in your DTO. If you just want to test the transformations, you can assert after this statement. You don't have to call the validate() function to test the transformations.
Validating the object of the DTO in test
To the emulate validation of Nest.js, simply pass the myDtoObject to the validate() function of the class-validator package:
const errors = await validate(myDtoObject)
Also, if your DTO or SubDTO object is too big or too complex to create, you have the option to skip the remaining properties or subObjects like your subDto:
const errors = await validate(myDtoObject, { skipMissingProperties: true })
Now your test object could be without the subDto, like:
const myBodyObject = { attribute1: 1 }
Asserting the errors
Apart from asserting that the errors array is not empty, I also like to specify a custom error message for each validation in the DTO:
#IsPositive({ message: `Attribute1 must be a positive number.` })
readonly attribute1: number
One advantage of a custom error message is that we can write it in a user-friendly way instead of the generic messages created by the library. Another big advantage is that I can assert this error message in my tests. This way I can be sure that the errors array is not empty because it contains the error for this particular validation and not something else:
expect(stringified(errors)).toContain(`Attribute1 must be a positive number.`)
Here, stringified() is a simple utility function to convert the errors object to a JSON string, so we can search our error message in it:
export function stringified(errors: ValidationError[]): string {
return JSON.stringify(errors)
Your final test code
Instead of the controller.spec.ts file, create a new file specific to your DTO, like my-dto.spec.ts for unit tests of your DTO. A DTO can have plenty of unit tests and they should not be mixed with the controller's tests:
it('should fail on invalid DTO', async () => {
const myBodyObject = { attribute1: -1, subDto: { name: 'Vincent' } }
const myDtoObject = plainToInstance(MyDto, myBodyObject)
const errors = await validate(myDtoObject)
expect(stringified(errors)).toContain(`Attribute1 must be a positive number.`)
Notice how you don't have to assign the values to the properties one by one for creating the myDtoObject. In most cases, the properties of your DTOs should be marked readonly. So, you can't assign the values one by one. The plainToInstance() to the rescue!
That's it! You were almost there, unit testing your DTO. Good efforts! Hope that helps now.
To test input validation with the validation pipes, I think it is agreed that the best place to do this is in e2e tests rather than in unit tests, just make sure that you remember to register your pipes (if you normally use app.useGlobalPipes() instead of using dependency injection)

C# ElasticSeach Mock Suggestions

I am trying to mock a suggest response, however suggestionOption.Setup(x => x.Text).Returns("Hello") is throwing an exception:
An exception of type System.NotSupportedException occurred in
Moq.dll but was not handled in user code Additional information:
Invalid setup on a non-virtual (overridable in VB) member: x => x.Text
var searchSuggestResponseMock = new Mock<ISuggestResponse>();
var suggestionOption = new Mock<SuggestOption>();
suggestionOption.Setup(x => x.Text).Returns("Hello");
suggestionOption.Setup(x => x.Payload).Returns("{path:\"drugs/hello\"}");
var suggestion = new Mock<Suggest>();
suggestion.Setup(x => x.Options).Returns(new List<SuggestOption> { suggestionOption.Object });
searchSuggestResponseMock.Setup(x => x.Suggestions).Returns(new Dictionary<string, Suggest[]>()
{"suggest", new Suggest[] {suggestion.Object}},
var mock = new Mock<IConnector>();
mock.Setup(x => x.getClient()
_connector = mock.Object;
You can't mock non-virtual methods. As the error states:
Invalid setup on non-virtual member
Moq does its magic by acting as a proxy between your code and the real class. It does this by taking advantage of virtual methods. Without having a virtual method, Moq can't intercept the call.
Neither SuggestionOption, or Suggest are easily mockable, as they have non-virtual, internal set based properties, and do not implement any specific interface.
It looks like you are maybe mocking at too low a level. If you don't want to call Elastic to get your list of suggestions then have a method which just returns an array of strings (or your own custom Suggestion class) and mock that instead.
Or just call Elastic for real, as long as you are passing in sensible values which don't return thousands of suggestions.
(Or you could in theory create instances of Suggest, and set the internal properties via reflection, but this is not ideal obviously).

RegisterInstance can't register with IntstancePerRequestMode in Autofac

I have a code in Web Api Delegating Handler that extract data from request header.
However, I can't register instance in Autofac container because Autofac container require SingleInstance only.
public class ExtractUserNameMessageHandler : DelegatingHandler
protected async override Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var userNameFromFrontEnd = request.GetDependencyScope().GetService(typeof (IUserNameFromFrontEnd));
if (userNameFromFrontEnd == null)
var updatedContainerBuilder = new ContainerBuilder();
userNameFromFrontEnd = ExtractUserName(request);
if (userNameFromFrontEnd == null)
throw new Exception("We've got a request without UserName header");
var autofacDependencyResolver = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver as AutofacWebApiDependencyResolver;
if (autofacDependencyResolver == null)
throw new Exception("We can work with Autofac DI container");
updatedContainerBuilder.Update(autofacDependencyResolver.Container as IContainer);
When I try to update container I get an exception with message - registration can support singleinstance() sharing only.
What does it mean? I can't understand why we have this limitation. But in any cases my first goal - update container with new dependency.
Does anybody have ideas?
(Note: This question was cross-posted to the Autofac forums as well.)
When you register a specific instance, it's effectively a singleton - it's one instance, the instance you provided.
When you try to assign it InstancePerRequest or, really, any other lifetime scope besides SingleInstance, it doesn't make logical sense because you're not going to get a different instance per request (or whatever). You're going to get the exact same instance you registered, which is a singleton.
The exception message is trying to tell you how to avoid incorrect expectations: that it can't provide you a different instance per request even though you told it to because you didn't tell it how to create a new instance, you instead provided a specific instance.
If you need a different instance of an object per lifetime scope/request/whatever, you need to register a type, a delegate, or something else that tells Autofac how to create that new instance.
What that means is that if you want a different IUserNameFromFrontEnd per request, you need to move that logic out of a DelegatingHandler and into an Autofac registration delegate.
// Make sure to register the HttpRequestMessage in the container
// so you can resolve it...
// Then, whilst building your root container...
.Register(ctx =>
var request = ctx.Resolve<HttpRequestMessage>();
return ExtractUserName(request);
Now it will probably do what you're looking to do - because you told Autofac how to create the instance that belongs in each request. It also means you don't need that DelegatingHandler anymore because Autofac will just do the right thing.
More advanced (and probably not useful here, but for completeness):
If, for whatever reason, you still feel like you need to modify the registration directly in the lifetime scope, instead of updating the container you should add the registration when the request lifetime scope is created.
Again, do not update the root container for per-lifetime-scope or per-request dependencies. It's not going to work how you think.
When a new lifetime scope is created, you can add registrations on the fly.
using(var scope = container.BeginLifetimeScope(
builder => builder.RegisterInstance(myfoo).As<IFoo>()))
// This will use the registrations in the container
// and the scope. f == myfoo
var f = scope.Resolve<IFoo>();
The AutofacDependencyResolver is the thing that creates the request lifetime scope and hands it off to Web API. You can see the full source here. The key method is BeginScope:
public IDependencyScope BeginScope()
var lifetimeScope = _container.BeginLifetimeScope(MatchingScopeLifetimeTags.RequestLifetimeScopeTag);
return new AutofacWebApiDependencyScope(lifetimeScope);
If you create your own AutofacDependencyResolver you can modify how the scope is created:
public IDependencyScope BeginScope()
var lifetimeScope = _container.BeginLifetimeScope(
builder => builder.RegisterInstance(myfoo).As<IFoo>());
return new AutofacWebApiDependencyScope(lifetimeScope);
This isn't an explicitly supported extension point in the Autofac Web API integration right now - that's why you'd have to create your own resolver.
However, this seems like overkill to solve the thing it appears you're trying to solve. I strongly recommend just registering the delegate with Autofac rather than trying to update existing containers or scopes. You will have far more luck using the path of least resistance.

Can you record accessed methods in Visual Studio?

I'm retroactively documenting and writing unit tests for some C# code. I would like to determine what code is actually being used and when.
In Visual Studio 2012, is there a way to record all the methods accessed and in what order while walking through specific scenarios?
You could run your application with a profiler attached, which will give you all accessed methods, call chains, counts, etc.
The Visual Studio Profiler will give you the time spent in each method, and let you inspect the call heirarchy. I don't know if it will give you the exact order they were called in though.
EDIT: Apparently attaching the profiler to a running unit test is harder in VS2012.
Are you wanting to execute a test method that make sure that a particular method on a class was invoked ? If so i dont know of a way to do it in VS alone, but you can use a mock framework to create dependency mocks and check values on them. Here is a snippet of a unit test:
public void HttpPostPrivacyPolicyFacadeSvcErrorTest()
var controller = ControllerHelper.GetRouteController();
controller.Session[SessionVariable.User] = new UserInfo() { UserName = Config.Data.Username };
var idmSvcMock = new Mock<IUserServiceDAO>();
var facadeSvcMock = new Mock<IFacadeSvcDAO>();
//setup the facade mock to throw exception to simulate FacadeServiceException
facadeSvcMock.Setup(x => x.SetPrivacyAcceptanceStatus(It.IsAny<UserInfo>())).Throws<Exception>();
var userCollectorMock = new Mock<IUserInfoCollector>();
userCollectorMock.Setup(x => x.GetUserInfo()).Returns(new UserInfo() { UserName = Config.Data.Username });
controller.FacadeSvc = facadeSvcMock.Object;
controller.UserServiceDAO = idmSvcMock.Object;
controller.UserCollector = userCollectorMock.Object;
controller.DefaultErrorId = "Route_errors_Unabletoprocess";
var res = controller.Privacy(new FormCollection());
//make sure we go to the right controller, action, with the correct params.
res.AssertActionRedirect().ToController("Errors").ToAction("Index").WithParameter("id", "Route_errors_Unabletoprocess");
//did we call setprivacy once on the mock?
facadeSvcMock.Verify(x => x.SetPrivacyAcceptanceStatus(It.IsAny<UserInfo>()), Times.Exactly(1));
In the test above i check that SetPrivacyAcceptance was invoked once and only once on my facadeSvcMock instance. More on moq here: Moq
this block of code is actually checking how many times SetPrivacyAcceptanceStatus was invoked:
//did we call setprivacy once on the mock?
facadeSvcMock.Verify(x => x.SetPrivacyAcceptanceStatus(It.IsAny()), Times.Exactly(1));
the It.IsAny() is the one parameter to that method, so the line above says basically "For any input parameter of type UserInfo verify that we invoked SetPrivacyAcceptanceStatus exactly once."

using Moq - void return type method Unit test

I am writing unittest for void method actually that method load the collection in
ViewData["CityList"] method is
public void PopulateCityCombo() {
IEnumerable<Cities> c= service.GetCities();
ViewData["CityList"] = c.Select(e => new Cities{ ID = e.ID, Name = e.Name});
now i do not know how to unit test using Moq since controller method is void and not returning data, can any one tell i will achive that.
On a side note, I would shy away from using ViewData within controller methods as per your example. The ViewData dictionary approach is fast and fairly easy to implement, however it can lead to typo's and errors that are not caught at compile time. An alternative would be to use the ViewModel pattern which allows you to use strongly-typed classes for the specific view you need to expose values or content within. Ultimately giving you type safe and compile time checking along with intellisense.
Switching to the ViewModel pattern would allow you to call the PopulateCityCombo() method from your controller to populate a ViewModel that in turn would passed to the corresponding view.
From there you would need to inject a mock service layer into your controllers constructor from your unit test.
// arrange
var mock = new Mock<servicelayer>();
var controller = new YourController(mock.Object);
// act
var result = controller.ControllerMethod() as ViewResult;
var resultData = (YourViewModel)result.ViewData.Model;
// assert
// Your assertions
