C# ElasticSeach Mock Suggestions - elasticsearch

I am trying to mock a suggest response, however suggestionOption.Setup(x => x.Text).Returns("Hello") is throwing an exception:
An exception of type System.NotSupportedException occurred in
Moq.dll but was not handled in user code Additional information:
Invalid setup on a non-virtual (overridable in VB) member: x => x.Text
var searchSuggestResponseMock = new Mock<ISuggestResponse>();
var suggestionOption = new Mock<SuggestOption>();
suggestionOption.Setup(x => x.Text).Returns("Hello");
suggestionOption.Setup(x => x.Payload).Returns("{path:\"drugs/hello\"}");
var suggestion = new Mock<Suggest>();
suggestion.Setup(x => x.Options).Returns(new List<SuggestOption> { suggestionOption.Object });
searchSuggestResponseMock.Setup(x => x.Suggestions).Returns(new Dictionary<string, Suggest[]>()
{"suggest", new Suggest[] {suggestion.Object}},
var mock = new Mock<IConnector>();
mock.Setup(x => x.getClient()
_connector = mock.Object;

You can't mock non-virtual methods. As the error states:
Invalid setup on non-virtual member
Moq does its magic by acting as a proxy between your code and the real class. It does this by taking advantage of virtual methods. Without having a virtual method, Moq can't intercept the call.

Neither SuggestionOption, or Suggest are easily mockable, as they have non-virtual, internal set based properties, and do not implement any specific interface.
It looks like you are maybe mocking at too low a level. If you don't want to call Elastic to get your list of suggestions then have a method which just returns an array of strings (or your own custom Suggestion class) and mock that instead.
Or just call Elastic for real, as long as you are passing in sensible values which don't return thousands of suggestions.
(Or you could in theory create instances of Suggest, and set the internal properties via reflection, but this is not ideal obviously).


MessagingCentre Does it pass object by value or by reference?

With reference to .Net Maui: How to read/write (get/set) a global object from any content page (MVVM)
I now have a need to pass an object that is rather a large (>500Mb), it is an OpenMap extract, a RouterDb object (Itinero http://docs.itinero.tech/index.html)
Though I am trying to use MVVM some packages (Mapsui) use code behind so I am left with a mixture of ViewModel and Codebehind. I can overcome the limitation of not having any kind of global object reference by using the MessagingCenter which works remarkably well.
I am wondering if this mechanism can handle the passing of large objects (megabytes) or if internally it simply passes a reference to the object. I suspect from my experiments that it is trying to pass a copy of the object and failing, as I end up with a null object.
Here's the code
MessagingMarker.cs - just a placeholder class
namespace RouteIt.Models;
public class MessagingMarker
In my MainPageViewModel.cs
//Takes about 10seconds to load
using (var stream = new FileInfo(#"C:\Users\Gordon\source\repos\RouteIt\Resources\Raw\gb.routerdb").OpenRead())
routerDb = RouterDb.Deserialize(stream);
//send message to codebehind containing object or reference?
MessagingCenter.Send(new MessagingMarker(), "RouterDbLoaded", routerDb);
and in my receiving MainPage.xaml.cs constructor
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<MessagingMarker, RouterDb>(this, "RouterDbLoaded", (sender, arg) =>
routerDb = arg;
router = new(routerDb);
Any thoughts? (And yes perhaps I need to re-struture my app, but at this stage I don't want to really, one day Mapsui might support mvvm apparently.)
As always thanks for at least reading :)

What is the best way to wire up ReactiveCommand to invoke a webservice

I am some need help understanding the latest recommended approach to wire up and use reactiveui for a WPF project.
In doing research on the internet on reactiveui I came across various (few) posts spanning a long time period during which the library evolved with the unfortunate result that some of these how-to articles now refer to older ways of doing things which are no longer applicable
I am trying to understand the recommended way to wire up commands (usually to invoke web service which returns a DTO) and I’ve found multiple ways mentioned to do it.
My current understanding is that
// this is the first thing to do
MyCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create()
// variations to wire up the delegates / tasks to be invoked
// this seems to be only way to wire handler for receiving result
// not sure if these below are obsolete?
Could someone try to explain which of these variations is the latest API and which are obsolete, with perhaps a few words about when to use each of them
The changes on the ReactiveCommand API are documented in this blog post:
The first option - ReactiveCommand.Create() - just creates a reactive command.
To define a command which asynchronously returns data from a service you would use :
MyCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(
canExec, // optional
async _ => await api.LoadSomeData(...));
You may use the Subscribe method to handle data when it is received:
this.Data = new ReactiveList<SomeDTO>();
MyCommand.Subscribe(items =>
foreach (var item in items)
Though, the simplest thing is to use instead the ToProperty method like this:
this._data = MyCommand
.Select(items => new ReactiveList<SomeDTO>(items))
.ToProperty(this, x => x.Data);
where you have defined an output property for Data:
private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper<ReactiveList<SomeDTO>> _data;
public ReactiveList<SomeDTO> Data
get { return _data.Value; }

Can you record accessed methods in Visual Studio?

I'm retroactively documenting and writing unit tests for some C# code. I would like to determine what code is actually being used and when.
In Visual Studio 2012, is there a way to record all the methods accessed and in what order while walking through specific scenarios?
You could run your application with a profiler attached, which will give you all accessed methods, call chains, counts, etc.
The Visual Studio Profiler will give you the time spent in each method, and let you inspect the call heirarchy. I don't know if it will give you the exact order they were called in though.
EDIT: Apparently attaching the profiler to a running unit test is harder in VS2012.
Are you wanting to execute a test method that make sure that a particular method on a class was invoked ? If so i dont know of a way to do it in VS alone, but you can use a mock framework to create dependency mocks and check values on them. Here is a snippet of a unit test:
public void HttpPostPrivacyPolicyFacadeSvcErrorTest()
var controller = ControllerHelper.GetRouteController();
controller.Session[SessionVariable.User] = new UserInfo() { UserName = Config.Data.Username };
var idmSvcMock = new Mock<IUserServiceDAO>();
var facadeSvcMock = new Mock<IFacadeSvcDAO>();
//setup the facade mock to throw exception to simulate FacadeServiceException
facadeSvcMock.Setup(x => x.SetPrivacyAcceptanceStatus(It.IsAny<UserInfo>())).Throws<Exception>();
var userCollectorMock = new Mock<IUserInfoCollector>();
userCollectorMock.Setup(x => x.GetUserInfo()).Returns(new UserInfo() { UserName = Config.Data.Username });
controller.FacadeSvc = facadeSvcMock.Object;
controller.UserServiceDAO = idmSvcMock.Object;
controller.UserCollector = userCollectorMock.Object;
controller.DefaultErrorId = "Route_errors_Unabletoprocess";
var res = controller.Privacy(new FormCollection());
//make sure we go to the right controller, action, with the correct params.
res.AssertActionRedirect().ToController("Errors").ToAction("Index").WithParameter("id", "Route_errors_Unabletoprocess");
//did we call setprivacy once on the mock?
facadeSvcMock.Verify(x => x.SetPrivacyAcceptanceStatus(It.IsAny<UserInfo>()), Times.Exactly(1));
In the test above i check that SetPrivacyAcceptance was invoked once and only once on my facadeSvcMock instance. More on moq here: Moq
this block of code is actually checking how many times SetPrivacyAcceptanceStatus was invoked:
//did we call setprivacy once on the mock?
facadeSvcMock.Verify(x => x.SetPrivacyAcceptanceStatus(It.IsAny()), Times.Exactly(1));
the It.IsAny() is the one parameter to that method, so the line above says basically "For any input parameter of type UserInfo verify that we invoked SetPrivacyAcceptanceStatus exactly once."

using Moq - void return type method Unit test

I am writing unittest for void method actually that method load the collection in
ViewData["CityList"] method is
public void PopulateCityCombo() {
IEnumerable<Cities> c= service.GetCities();
ViewData["CityList"] = c.Select(e => new Cities{ ID = e.ID, Name = e.Name});
now i do not know how to unit test using Moq since controller method is void and not returning data, can any one tell i will achive that.
On a side note, I would shy away from using ViewData within controller methods as per your example. The ViewData dictionary approach is fast and fairly easy to implement, however it can lead to typo's and errors that are not caught at compile time. An alternative would be to use the ViewModel pattern which allows you to use strongly-typed classes for the specific view you need to expose values or content within. Ultimately giving you type safe and compile time checking along with intellisense.
Switching to the ViewModel pattern would allow you to call the PopulateCityCombo() method from your controller to populate a ViewModel that in turn would passed to the corresponding view.
From there you would need to inject a mock service layer into your controllers constructor from your unit test.
// arrange
var mock = new Mock<servicelayer>();
var controller = new YourController(mock.Object);
// act
var result = controller.ControllerMethod() as ViewResult;
var resultData = (YourViewModel)result.ViewData.Model;
// assert
// Your assertions

MOQ - Mock a Dictionary<string, double> object

I have the following setup for Moq:
... other code to setup bigMoq object ...
var innerMoq = new Mock<IDictionary<string, double>>();
innerMoq.SetupGet(d => d["COMPLEX"]).Returns(6d);
innerMoq.SetupGet(d => d["MEDIUM"]).Returns(8d);
innerMoq.SetupGet(d => d["SIMPLE"]).Returns(10d);
bigMoq.SetupGet(d => d.ComplexityWeights).Returns(x.Object);
When running a test method, I pass in bigMoq as the arguement.
The following works:
bigMoqVar.ComplexityWeights["COMPLEX"] // correctly returns 6
However, this does not:
bigMoqVar.ComplexityWeights.ContainsKey("COMPLEX") // returns false instead of true
What is the recommended way to support the ContainsKey on the innerMoq?
That's because you didn't setup an expectation for ContainsKey. You will need to setup that manually, Moq has no knowledge of the semantics of the interface.
innerMoq.Setup(d => d.ContainsKey("COMPLEX")).Returns(true);
However, if this is just an IDictionary you need, why go through the mocking framework ? Just create a Dictionary<string,double> with the objects you need.
