Defining string constants in configuration metadata - spring

I often have a need to define string constants in the XML configuration metadata file. These constants are things like Company Name, Fiscal Year, etc; that I need to lookup from various classes of my application. I end up coding them as bean definitions like <bean id="CompanyName" class="java.lang.String" c:_0="Google" />. Is there a better way to define this information?

You can have your properties inside a property file for example.
Then in your class you can use the propety file
public class MyClass {
private String myProperty1;
private String myProperty2;
You can see these two tutorials


Using #Value to inject property to constructor, SpelEvaluationException: EL1008E (4.1.6)

I read a post about authentication with facebook,
he use autowired to inject 3 arguments to the constructor. which gives me SpelEvaluationException.
My project, I add a under /src/
and the constructor
public class FacebookSpringSocialAuthenticator {
public static final String STATE = "state";
private String applicationHost;
private FacebookConnectionFactory facebookConnectionFactory;
public FacebookSpringSocialAuthenticator(
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
String applicationHost) {
this.applicationHost = applicationHost;
facebookConnectionFactory =
new FacebookConnectionFactory(clientId, clientSecret);
after search and reading discussions and docs, I still don't figure out what to do.
the #{} is spring EL support, don't know how to use it, and don't know the difference to ${}
if I change to #Value("${facebook.clientId}"), there will be no exception, then I use debug mode to read the value of clientId, it does not show 237473571343, it shows ${facebook.clientId}, is that working correctly?
In your #Value annotation you are using a SpEL expression. In your case it is going to look for a Map or Properties object named properties and try to find a property with the key facebook.clientId.
To make it work you need to add the following
<util:properties id="properties" location="" />
Although this works I would strongly suggest to use a *PlaceHolderConfigurer instead of using SpEL.First add atag to your configuration, next change your#Value` to simply use properties.
<context:property-placeholder location="" />
Then your #Value can be like
The added advantage of this is that you could also use system or environment properties to do some configuration (or override parts of your configuration).

Spring 3 constructor injection anomaly: documentation vs. reality

Spring 3.2 documentation (
When another bean is referenced, the type is known, and matching can occur (as was the case with the preceding example). When a simple type is used, such as true, Spring cannot determine the type of the value, and so cannot match by type without help.
package examples;
public class ExampleBean {
// No. of years to the calculate the Ultimate Answer
private int years;
// The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything
private String ultimateAnswer;
public ExampleBean(int years, String ultimateAnswer) {
this.years = years;
this.ultimateAnswer = ultimateAnswer;
In the preceding scenario, the container can use type matching with simple types if you explicitly specify the type of the constructor argument using the type attribute. For example:
<bean id="exampleBean" class="examples.ExampleBean">
<constructor-arg type="int" value="7500000"/>
<constructor-arg type="java.lang.String" value="42"/>
My class:
package client;
public class Client {
private int id;
private String name;
public Client(int id, String name, String email) {
super(); = id; = name;
bean definition:
<bean id="someClient" class="client.Client">
<constructor-arg value="5"></constructor-arg>
<constructor-arg value="5"></constructor-arg>
<constructor-arg value="5"></constructor-arg>
I would have expected that the Spring IoC container will fail to create the bean someClient, since as stated above, it should be unable to address the types of constructor arguments specified. But, again, according to the docs a bit earlier:
If no potential ambiguity exists in the constructor arguments of a bean definition, then the order in which the constructor arguments are defined in a bean definition is the order in which those arguments are supplied to the appropriate constructor when the bean is being instantiated.
But alas, Spring registers the someClient bean effortlessly. This seems like a contradiction to me.
So what is an ambiguous situation, according to Spring? The above example is clearly not ambiguous, Spring happily supplies the arguments in the order as they are defined in the bean definition. When is it really useful to use name/index attributes in the bean definition?
Consider this
<constructor-arg value="5"></constructor-arg>
You haven't specified a type, but a 5 can easily be converted to a String, or any of the numerical types. Similarly, and as an example,
<constructor-arg value="java.lang.String"></constructor-arg>
Spring can produce a String or a Class object as an argument. If a constructor was available for each of those types, then there would be ambiguity. If only one constructor exists, then the appropriate conversion strategy for that constructor will be used.
There's no ambiguity if there is only one constructor.
What is the point to confuse Spring? My unique explanation is testing or research.
But for the real life, if you see the same code three months later. I am sure you are not going be able to figure out what you are trying to do, is not clear and not readable your own code.
Avoid complicate the things. You can use the index attribute and the name attribute. I used to work with the second.
Now, how a strong suggestion, use annotations instead.
Think that you are able to share your code.

How do #value annotations work in Spring?

I've never worked with Spring before, and I've run into a configuration object that looks somewhat like this
public class Config {
private String config1;
private String config2
public String getConfig1() {
return config1;
Can anyone explain what is happening here? I'm assuming this is some type of code injection, but I can't find where these values are coming from!
They allow you to direct inject a Value from a properties file (system or declared property) in the variable. Using the util:properties tag you can add something like this in your applicationContext.xml
<util:properties id="message" location="classpath:com/your/program/resources/" />
Pointing for a properties file named "" with some content:
application.hello.message = Hello World!
And then, in your java source file, inject a direct value from this properties file using the #Value annotation:
private String helloWorldMessage;
This is part of the spring expression language where the spring framework would look for app.module.config1 JVM property from System.getProperties() and injects the value of that property into config1 attribute in that class. Please see this reference for more details in Spring 3.0.x and this reference for the current docs.

Inject Dynamic Values for the property in Spring

I am very new to Spring and while going through the DI topic through various sources (Book & Internet) I have seen the following pattern of defining bean configuration:
For example we have a class "SampleApp"
public class SampleApp
private int intValue;
private float floatValue;
public SampleApp(int value)
intValue = value;
public void setIntValue(int value)
intValue = value;
public void setFloatValue(float floatValue)
this.floatValue = floatValue;
Corresponding bean configuration is as follows:
<bean class="somepackage.SampleApp" id="samplebeanapp">
<constructor-arg value="15" />
<property value="0.5" name="floatValue"></property>
We have been hard-coding the value here to 15 & 0.5.
Here are my questions :
Is it possible to pass those values as run time parameter with scope as prototype?
If yes, how can we do it? and please elaborate with some example.
Spring configuration files are processed at startup, and Spring singleton beans are instantiated too in that moment. They are not processed again during the application lifecycle, in normal conditions.
You can use such type of property injection to pass configuration values, while you can use injection of object references to determine the structure of your application.
To avoid hardcoding the values inside the XML files, you can extract them in property files using a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer.
The principle is to program to interfaces as much as possible, so you don't tie yourself to any specific implementation. However, for the case you're thinking, you'll just pass the values at runtime.
Example: BeanA needs the services of DaoBean, but the DaoBean won't be instantiated by BeanA. It will be passed to BeanA through dependency injection and BeanA will only talk to a DaoInterface.
At this point if BeanA want to save 15 and 0.5, will call the methods with the actual values (or more commonly variables).
I don't use dependency injection to pass the values in this case. Dependency injection is a great tool, but doesn't meant that it has to be used everywhere.

How to inject a value to bean constructor using annotations

My spring bean have a constructor with an unique mandatory argument, and I managed to initialize it with the xml configuration :
<bean name="interfaceParameters#ota" class="">
Then I use this bean like this and it works well.
#Resource(name = "interfaceParameters#ota")
private InterfaceParameters interfaceParameters;
But I would like to specify the contructor arg value with the annocations, something like
#Resource(name = "interfaceParameters#ota")
#contructorArg("ota") // I know it doesn't exists!
private InterfaceParameters interfaceParameters;
Is this possible ?
Thanks in advance
First, you have to specify the constructor arg in your bean definition, and not in your injection points. Then, you can utilize spring's #Value annotation (spring 3.0)
public class DefaultInterfaceParameters {
public DefaultInterfaceParameters(#Value("${}") String value) {
// assign to a field.
This is also encouraged as Spring advises constructor injection over field injection.
As far as I see the problem, this might not suit you, since you appear to define multiple beans of the same class, named differently. For that you cannot use annotations, you have to define these in XML.
However I do not think it is such a good idea to have these different beans. You'd better use only the string values. But I cannot give more information, because I dont know your exact classes.
As Bozho said, instead of constructor arg you could set the property...#PostConstruct will only get called after all the properties are, you will still have your string available ...
