Aurelia Skeleton-Navigation Will Not Load After Bundling - bundle

So I am using the Aurelia skeleton-navigation starter as recommended. However, when I run the gulp bundle task the application will no longer load the main UI, it get's stuck on the spinner/loading page. I found this issue but even after installing the jspm beta it still doesn't seem to be resolved. Anyone had any luck? For what it is worth, I do not even see an aurelia.js bundle being created in the /dist directory so the 404 certainly makes sense in that respect.

So I have a fix, I am not thrilled with it though. It seems if you run bundle then run gulp watch to start the webserver, that the bundled files get wiped out from the dist folder. Running gulp watch in one command window and gulp bundle in another results in it working correctly as the bundled js is there at that point. I hope for a better fix from someone, this seems kind of hacky.


Photoswipe package is compiled in wrong folder?

Photoswipe lightbox is trying to load a null.#ID#.js-file in domain.test/vendor/-folder, however it can't find it there, since it's placed in domain.test/public/vendor/. I can't seem to find how to change where the plugin looks for that file.
I'm using a Sage 10 theme, if that helps anyone with finding out why this is happening.
When running yarn dev, the lightbox works perfectly fine, but it doesn't after running yarn build and gives me the following error:
Loading failed for the <script> with source domain.test/vendor/null.#ID#.js
I can see in my folder structure that null.#ID#.js exists in domain.test/public/vendor though, so it would be amazing if the fix was to just change where the JS is looking for the file?
I've installed the plugin through yarn and imported it like the example from their page, then again, it works when running yarn dev, so the setup must be correct.
So I guess my question is: How do I point Photoswipe towards the right file in public/vendor/ instead of just in /vendor/ when compiling with yarn build?

Nextjs project is not hot reloading in MacOs

Well, i try searching a solution but i cant find anything.
A coworker passed me project in NextJs (With React of course). I run yarn install, and then yarn run dev, the server starts but when i made a change in the code, it is not hot reloading! I have to stop and start the server manually each time.
I tried sudo yarn run dev, i tried with npm, y tried a lot of things.
I dont know much about MacOs, i just bought this days ago... The project work perfect on my Windows machine.
This are my current node and yarn version on mac
devmcgann#MacBook-Pro-de-Gabriel instashop-webapp % node --version
devmcgann#MacBook-Pro-de-Gabriel instashop-webapp % yarn --version
Edit: I tried making a simple react app and hot reload work perfect there.
But with nextJS the problem persists
I had similar issues. The problem was the incorrect imports.
Some of my files and folder were in lowercase but in imports I was using uppercase.
Even though the build is successfully done without error, the hot reload doesn't work. So I had to correct them in order to make them work.
Make sure your routes case matches the case of the folder.
Make sure the component name has to start with the upper case. If your file name is dashboard.jsx, the component name should be Dashboard.
// home/dashboard.js
const Dashboard = () => {
export default Dashboard
Well.. This is rare.
Yarnd install and also npm install. I didnt now that i will need both.

Why can't I get SASS/Bourbon to compile?

I am new to SASS. I am using this as a guide to learn Bourbon -
I followed all the instructions and it displays fine on my local machine. But when I edit _layout.scss, it doesn't compile to styles.css. I installed Compass and had it watch the project folder, but same results. My changes won't take.
Am I missing a step?
This is likely more of a sass importing/file-name issue than anything specifically with bourbon. I'd check out . Sass-lang put together a really nice guide to sass that includes things like imports, etc.
Also, Compass app can bring some things to the party that can conflict with Bourbon. I'd recommend using the sass app or a desktop app like which can be easier starting out.
Hope this helps 🍻

Ember-Validations: Installation

I have an Ember-CLI application that is very form heavy.
I started using Ember Forms to help with layout and templating, which is nice and seems to be working fine.
Apparently for validation, it requires Dockyard's Ember-Validation as well... This particular dependency seems to be installed differently and I am lost as how to do this.
I am used to using something simple like bower install ... and then just adding the dependency in brocfile, but in this case, Dockyard provides a huge list of builds to choose from and I have no idea which one to use?
Does anyone have experience installing ember-validation in an ember-cli project and getting to play nicely with ember-forms? Or perhaps it is actually more simple than I think, and I am just getting thrown off by all the builds to choose from?
To install it you can add manually the url to the build in bower.json
"ember-validations": "",
And after that run bower install it should work fine.
Hope it helps.

fixing css after rake:assets precompile - how to not run capistrano

I recently changed an image on the landing page of my herokuapp built in rails. I realized that everything worked fine except that the landing page threw a 500 error. Upon some research I realized i should run RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile
After doing so, the images and some of the styling came back but some of it is still screwy and I cannot understand why.
I've read through just about every stackoverflow thread, the rails guide on the asset pipeline, and others but I can't get it to work. I've amended the files that need amending
as far as I know but nothing is working to make the styling revert to how it should be.
However, on the rails guide it notes that there are two caveats to locally precompile:
You must not run the Capistrano deployment task that precompiles
assets. You must change the following two application configuration
settings. In config/environments/development.rb, place the following
config.assets.prefix = "/dev-assets"
I did the change within development.rb but I am not sure on how I can not run Capistrano. I dont think I'm doing that so maybe it's throwing some things off - idk, but each time I try to recompile now, the rake aborts. Any help is very much appreciated.
