Why can't I get SASS/Bourbon to compile? - sass

I am new to SASS. I am using this as a guide to learn Bourbon -
I followed all the instructions and it displays fine on my local machine. But when I edit _layout.scss, it doesn't compile to styles.css. I installed Compass and had it watch the project folder, but same results. My changes won't take.
Am I missing a step?

This is likely more of a sass importing/file-name issue than anything specifically with bourbon. I'd check out http://sass-lang.com/guide . Sass-lang put together a really nice guide to sass that includes things like imports, etc.
Also, Compass app can bring some things to the party that can conflict with Bourbon. I'd recommend using the sass app or a desktop app like https://prepros.io which can be easier starting out.
Hope this helps 🍻


Can you download the compass/css3 file?

I can't get ruby running and i dont want to go through all the hurdles of fighting with my osx version of ruby.
I downloaded dart sass which has no support for compass since it's deprecated. I'm trying to get my old sass code to work while I work on replace all my mixin that I used that rely on compass.
Is there a way I can download the compass/css3 mixin stylesheet?
I found their site http://compass-style.org/reference/compass/css3/ other than going through each page and copying all the code. Is there no master code file that I can download all the mixins?
Thank you.

Shopify Timber Development Workflow

Working with Timber for a new shopify theme from scratch. Typically working with sass in the past i would use node-sass to compile locally. this obviously doesn't work as the timber.scss.liquid file has shopify assets in it. However using theme kit I don't get any feedback for any sass errors.
What's the best way to get feedback from theme-kit / shopify regarding sass compilation errors while developing? Or do we not edit the timber.scss.liquid file at all and write stand alone scss files?
as per #drip answer. I switched back to slate. I first tried it when it first released 1.0 so it was buggy, but now it's usable. Nice little tool.

Adding Neat, Bitters and Refills to a Hammer for Mac

I recently bought Hammer for Mac.
I am making a static site, and want to use Bourbon + Neat, Bitters and Refills to style the page.
If I am correct, Bourbon is already included in Hammer, but Neat, Bitters and Refills aren't?
At the Hammer for Mac homepage, it says the following about installing Neat:
"If you're using the fantastic Bourbon Neat framework with Hammer, you'll need to download the Neat code from the Neat GitHub repository. The SCSS files for Neat are located inside the app/assets/stylesheets directory.
To use Neat in your project, simply copy the contents of app/assets/stylesheets into a folder in your project. Then just use #import "neat"; in your SCSS or Sass files to use Neat."....
Which I did. I took it as the same needed to be done to include Bitters and Refills.
I then try to use the #import "neat"; commands in my main.scss, but the build always fail.
Any idea on how to get this to work?
It's probably because Hammer for Mac uses a lower Sass version that's required to properly build Neat:
(In other words, download Neat 1.5.1)

Meteor.js & SCSS/Compass

Anyone doing development with meteor and SCSS. How do you get started, there are no packages for meteorite that i could find that compile .scss files into a specific folder?
Have you tried just compiling the sass/scss into css locally during development? Meteor shouldn't complain if you have your config.rb inside of the client folder along with a sass folder and compiled css folder. It should just automatically read the css per norm. Running $ compass watch inside of this client folder where the config.rb resides is an easy way to automate this css compilation. Telescope is a great sample Meteor app that uses sass in this fashion.
Just to get this posted as an answer (was posted as comment); bookcasey posted this sample project as well: https://github.com/gdumitrescu/scoreboard which provides some guidance on how to use sass/scss. Hope it helps.

Compass File Location Best Practice

Just starting out with SASS and Compass.
I've been using a Mac App called CodeKit to compile and manage my Sass and Compass.
If I wanted to use a set of Sass Partials on multiple projects and ideally store these in a central location (for example my dropbox) is this possible?
Codekit has a really nice feature called Frameworks that lets you do this but this doesn't work once you start to use Compass as Compass is a framework in its own right.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Create a Compass extension and import it into your config.rbs.
