Calculating Normal of Bbox/Cube - raytracing

I am working on ray tracing, and decided to use bounding boxes( axis aligned bbox) as objects (cubes), and shade them. I am able to find the correct t value, and intersection point; however, I could not find a way to calculate the surface normal since I only have ray direction, ray origin, intersection point, and t value, and min-max values of the bbox.
Is there a way to calculate the normal at the intersection point (or deciding which face of the cube ray intersected) with the information I have?
I am using "An Efficientand Robust Ray–Box Intersection Algorithm" by Williams et al.

If you have the intersection point and the AABB (BoundingBox) center, you can make a quick calcul to obtain an index corresponding to the face you hit.
Then with an array that stores normals you can get your data.
Vector3 ComputeNormal(Vector3 inter, Vector3 aabbCenter)
static const Vector3 normals[] = { // A cube has 3 possible orientations
const Vector3 interRelative = inter - aabbCenter;
const float xyCoef = interRelative.y / interRelative.x;
const float zyCoef = interRelative.y / interRelative.z;
const int coef = (isBetweenInclusive<1,-1>(xyCoef) ? 1 :
(isBetweenExclusive<1,-1>(zyCoef) ? 2 : 0));
// Here it's exclusive to avoid coef to be 3
return normals[coef] * SIGN(interRelative); // The sign he is used to know direction of the normal
I have not tested it so don't be surprised if it does not work directly ;) but it should do the trick.


Rotation of an object in the tangent space of a globe

Given the two following inputs:
a point on a sphere (like an observer on Earth);
and the world matrix of an object in space (the position and attitude of a satellite),
how to get the azimuth and elevation of the object in the tangent space of the point on the sphere (the elevation and azimuth of where the observer should look at)? In particular, when the object is exactly at the zenith, the yaw rotation (rotation around the vertical axis) should account for the azimuth (so that, though the observer is looking straight up, his shoulders would be facing the same azimuth as the object).
The math I've tried so far is:
to put the satellite in tangent space (multiplying its world matrix with the inverse of the matrix of the tangent space on the globe). Or the same with quaternions. An euler rotation is then deduced from the resulting matrix (or the resulting quaternion), with a "ZXY" priority, and the Z and X are interpreted as azimuth and elevation. But this gives incorrect numbers, as part of the rotation seems often interpreted as roll (Y axis rotation) which I want to be zero.
an intuitive approach also is to compute the angle between the vector of the observer to the object's position, with the vertical axis, to deduce the elevation; whereas the azimuth is given by the angle between the tangent north and the projected position of the object on the "tangent ground" (plus some more math to hone this particular deduction). But this approach does not work for the case of the object at the zenith.
Resources exist online but not with these specific inputs and the necessity of supporting the zenith case.
Incidentally the program is in typescript for three.js, and so the code goes as follows for the first solution described above:
function getRotationAtPoint(
object: THREE.Object3D,
point: THREE.Vector3
): { azimuth: number, elevation: number } {
// 1. Get the matrix of the tangent space of the observer.
const tangentSpaceMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
const baseTangentSpaceAxes = getBaseTangentAxesOnSphere(point);
// 2. Tranform the object's matrix in tangent space of observer.
const inverseMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4().getInverse(tangentSpaceMatrix);
const objectMatrix = object.matrixWorld.clone().multiply(inverseMatrix);
// 3. Get the angles.
const euler = new THREE.Euler().setFromRotationMatrix(objectMatrix);
return {
azimuth: euler.z,
elevation: euler.x
Also, Three.js offers references to the up axis of THREE.Object3D instances, however the program I deal with computes everything directly into the objects' matrices and the up axis can't be trusted.

How do you find the singed angles between two vectors in three.js?

I have 2 vectors A, B. Using A.angleTo(B), I know the mangitude of the angle between them.
How do I find the sign of this angle?
Maybe we need to use some reference vector for this?
I'll suggest you to use a reference plane, personally i didn't need the sign of the angle
returned from .angleTo() method so i suggest you to read this two posts:
Signed angle between two 3D vectors with same origin within the same plane
How to calculate the angle between 2 vectors in a plane
Angle sign is arbitrary in 3D, so I'm assuming you mean in 2D? In which case this solution worked for me:
import {Plane, Vector3} from 'three';
export function getNormal(u: Vector3, v: Vector3): Vector3 {
return new Plane().setFromCoplanarPoints(new Vector3(), u, v).normal;
export function signedAngleTo(u: Vector3, v: Vector3): number {
// Get the signed angle between u and v, in the range [-pi, pi]
const angle = u.angleTo(v);
const normal = getNormal(u, v);
return normal.z * angle;

openGL reverse image texturing logic

I'm about to project image into cylindrical panorama. But first I need to get the pixel (or color from pixel) I'm going to draw, then then do some Math in shaders with polar coordinates to get new position of pixel and then finally draw pixel.
Using this way I'll be able to change shape of image from polygon shape to whatever I want.
But I cannot find anything about this method (get pixel first, then do the Math and get new position for pixel).
Is there something like this, please?
OpenGL historically doesn't work that way around; it forward renders — from geometry to pixels — rather than backwards — from pixel to geometry.
The most natural way to achieve what you want to do is to calculate texture coordinates based on geometry, then render as usual. For a cylindrical mapping:
establish a mapping from cylindrical coordinates to texture coordinates;
with your actual geometry, imagine it placed within the cylinder, then from each vertex proceed along the normal until you intersect the cylinder. Use that location to determine the texture coordinate for the original vertex.
The latter is most easily and conveniently done within your geometry shader; it's a simple ray intersection test, with attributes therefore being only vertex location and vertex normal, and texture location being a varying that is calculated purely from the location and normal.
Extemporaneously, something like:
// get intersection as if ray hits the circular region of the cylinder,
// i.e. where |(position + n*normal).xy| = 1
float planarLengthOfPosition = length(position.xy);
float planarLengthOfNormal = length(normal.xy);
float planarDistanceToPerimeter = 1.0 - planarLengthOfNormal;
vec3 circularIntersection = position +
// get intersection as if ray hits the bottom or top of the cylinder,
// i.e. where |(position + n*normal).z| = 1
float linearLengthOfPosition = abs(position.z);
float linearLengthOfNormal = abs(normal.z);
float linearDistanceToEdge = 1.0 - linearLengthOfPosition;
vec3 endIntersection = position +
// pick whichever of those was lesser
vec3 cylindricalIntersection = mix(circularIntersection,
// ... do something to map cylindrical intersection to texture coordinates ...
textureCoordinateVarying =
With a common implementation of coordinateFromCylindricalPosition possibly being simply return vec2(atan(cylindricalIntersection.y, cylindricalIntersection.x) / 6.28318530717959, cylindricalIntersection.z * 0.5);.

Location of highest density on a sphere

I have a lot of points on the surface of the sphere.
How can I calculate the area/spot of the sphere that has the largest point density?
I need this to be done very fast. If this was a square for example I guess I could create a grid and then let the points vote which part of the grid is the best.
I have tried with transforming the points to spherical coordinates and then do a grid, both this did not work well since points around north pole are close on the sphere but distant after the transform.
There is in fact no real reason to partition the sphere into a regular non-overlapping mesh, try this:
partition your sphere into semi-overlapping circles
see here for generating uniformly distributed points (your circle centers)
Dispersing n points uniformly on a sphere
you can identify the points in each circle very fast by a simple dot really doesn't matter if some points are double counted, the circle with the most points still represents the highest density
mathematica implementation
this takes 12 seconds to analyze 5000 points. (and took about 10 minutes to write )
testcircles = { RandomReal[ {0, 1}, {3}] // Normalize};
Do[While[ (test = RandomReal[ {-1, 1}, {3}] // Normalize ;
Select[testcircles , #.test > .9 & , 1] ) == {} ];
AppendTo[testcircles, test];, {2000}];
vmax = testcircles[[First#
Count[ (testcircles[[i]].#) & /# points , x_ /; x > .98 ] ,
{i, Length[testcircles]}], 1]]];
To add some other, alternative schemes to the mix: it's possible to define a number of (almost) regular grids on sphere-like geometries by refining an inscribed polyhedron.
The first option is called an icosahedral grid, which is a triangulation of the spherical surface. By joining the centres of the triangles about each vertex, you can also create a dual hexagonal grid based on the underlying triangulation:
Another option, if you dislike triangles (and/or hexagons) is the cubed-sphere grid, formed by subdividing the faces of an inscribed cube and projecting the result onto the spherical surface:
In either case, the important point is that the resulting grids are almost regular -- so to evaluate the region of highest density on the sphere you can simply perform a histogram-style analysis, counting the number of samples per grid cell.
As a number of commenters have pointed out, to account for the slight irregularity in the grid it's possible to normalise the histogram counts by dividing through by the area of each grid cell. The resulting density is then given as a "per unit area" measure. To calculate the area of each grid cell there are two options: (i) you could calculate the "flat" area of each cell, by assuming that the edges are straight lines -- such an approximation is probably pretty good when the grid is sufficiently dense, or (ii) you can calculate the "true" surface areas by evaluating the necessary surface integrals.
If you are interested in performing the requisite "point-in-cell" queries efficiently, one approach is to construct the grid as a quadtree -- starting with a coarse inscribed polyhedron and refining it's faces into a tree of sub-faces. To locate the enclosing cell you can simply traverse the tree from the root, which is typically an O(log(n)) operation.
You can get some additional information regarding these grid types here.
Treating points on a sphere as 3D points might not be so bad.
Try either:
Select k, do approximate k-NN search in 3D for each point in the data or selected point of interest, then weight the result by their distance to the query point. Complexity may vary for different approximate k-NN algorithms.
Build a space-partitioning data structure like k-d Tree, then do approximate (or exact) range counting query with a ball range centered at each point in the data or selected point of interest. Complexity is O(log(n) + epsilon^(-3)) or O(epsilon^(-3)*log(n)) for each approximate range query with state of the art algorithms, where epsilon is the range error threshold w.r.t. the size of the querying ball. For exact range query, the complexity is O(n^(2/3)) for each query.
Partition the sphere into equal-area regions (bounded by parallels and meridians) as described in my answer there and count the points in each region.
The aspect ratio of the regions will not be uniform (the equatorial regions will be more "squarish" when N~M, while the polar regions will be more elongated).
This is not a problem because the diameters of the regions go to 0 as N and M increase.
The computational simplicity of this method trumps the better uniformity of domains in the other excellent answers which contain beautiful pictures.
One simple modification would be to add two "polar cap" regions to the N*M regions described in the linked answer to improve the numeric stability (when the point is very close to a pole, its longitude is not well defined). This way the aspect ratio of the regions is bounded.
You can use the Peters projection, which preserves the areas.
This will allow you to efficiently count the points in a grid, but also in a sliding window (box Parzen window) by using the integral image trick.
If I understand correctly, you are trying to find the densepoint on sphere.
if points are denser at some point
Consider Cartesian coordinates and find the mean X,Y,Z of points
Find closest point to mean X,Y,Z that is on sphere (you may consider using spherical coordinates, just extend the radius to original radius).
If distance between mean X,Y,Z and the center is less than r/2, then this algorithm may not work as desired.
I am not master of mathematics but may be it can solve by analytical way as:
1.Short the coordinate
2.R=(Σ(n=0. n=max)(Σ(m=0. M=n)(1/A^diff_in_consecative))*angle)/Σangle
A=may any constant
This is really just an inverse of this answer of mine
just invert the equations of equidistant sphere surface vertexes to surface cell index. Don't even try to visualize the cell different then circle or you go mad. But if someone actually do it then please post the result here (and let me now)
Now just create 2D cell map and do the density computation in O(N) (like histograms are done) similar to what Darren Engwirda propose in his answer
This is how the code looks like in C++
const int na=16; // sphere slices
int nb[na]; // cells per slice
const int na2=na<<1;
int map[na][na2]; // surface cells
const double da=M_PI/double(na-1); // latitude angle step
double db[na]; // longitude angle step per slice
// sherical -> orthonormal
void abr2xyz(double &x,double &y,double &z,double a,double b,double R)
double r;
// sherical -> surface cell
void ab2ij(int &i,int &j,double a,double b)
if (i>=na) i=na-1;
if (i< 0) i=0;
j=double(( b /db[i])+0.5);
while (j< 0) j+=nb[i];
while (j>=nb[i]) j-=nb[i];
// sherical <- surface cell
void ij2ab(double &a,double &b,int i,int j)
if (i>=na) i=na-1;
if (i< 0) i=0;
b= double(j)*db[i];
// init variables and clear map
void ij_init()
int i,j;
double a;
for (a=-0.5*M_PI,i=0;i<na;i++,a+=da)
nb[i]=ceil(2.0*M_PI*cos(a)/da); // compute actual circle cell count
if (nb[i]<=0) nb[i]=1;
db[i]=2.0*M_PI/double(nb[i]); // longitude angle step
if ((i==0)||(i==na-1)) { nb[i]=1; db[i]=1.0; }
for (j=0;j<na2;j++) map[i][j]=0; // clear cell map
// this just draws circle from point x0,y0,z0 with normal nx,ny,nz and radius r
// need some vector stuff of mine so i did not copy the body here (it is not important)
void glCircle3D(double x0,double y0,double z0,double nx,double ny,double nz,double r,bool _fill);
void analyse()
// n is number of points and r is just visual radius of sphere for rendering
int i,j,ii,jj,n=1000;
double x,y,z,a,b,c,cm=1.0/10.0,r=1.0;
// init
ij_init(); // init variables and map[][]
RandSeed=10; // just to have the same random points generated every frame (do not need to store them)
// generate draw and process some random surface points
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
b=M_PI* Random()*2.0 ;
ab2ij(ii,jj,a,b); // cell corrds
abr2xyz(x,y,z,a,b,r); // 3D orthonormal coords
map[ii][jj]++; // update cell density
// this just draw the point (x,y,z) as line in OpenGL so you can ignore this
double w=1.1; // w-1.0 is rendered line size factor
glColor3f(1.0,1.0,1.0); glVertex3d(x,y,z);
glColor3f(0.0,0.0,0.0); glVertex3d(w*x,w*y,w*z);
// draw cell grid (color is function of density)
for (i=0;i<na;i++)
for (j=0;j<nb[i];j++)
ij2ab(a,b,i,j); abr2xyz(x,y,z,a,b,r);
c=map[i][j]; c=0.1+(c*cm); if (c>1.0) c=1.0;
glColor3f(0.2,0.2,0.2); glCircle3D(x,y,z,x,y,z,0.45*da,0); // outline
glColor3f(0.1,0.1,c ); glCircle3D(x,y,z,x,y,z,0.45*da,1); // filled by bluish color the more dense the cell the more bright it is
The result looks like this:
so now just see what is in the map[][] array you can find the global/local min/max of density or whatever you need... Just do not forget that the size is map[na][nb[i]] where i is the first index in array. The grid size is controlled by na constant and cm is just density to color scale ...
[edit1] got the Quad grid which is far more accurate representation of used mapping
this is with na=16 the worst rounding errors are on poles. If you want to be precise then you can weight density by cell surface size. For all non pole cells it is simple quad. For poles its triangle fan (regular polygon)
This is the grid draw code:
// draw cell quad grid (color is function of density)
int i,j,ii,jj;
double x,y,z,a,b,c,cm=1.0/10.0,mm=0.49,r=1.0;
double dx=mm*da,dy;
for (i=1;i<na-1;i++) // ignore poles
for (j=0;j<nb[i];j++)
c=map[i][j]; c=0.1+(c*cm); if (c>1.0) c=1.0;
abr2xyz(x,y,z,a-dx,b-dy,r); glVertex3d(x,y,z);
abr2xyz(x,y,z,a-dx,b+dy,r); glVertex3d(x,y,z);
abr2xyz(x,y,z,a+dx,b+dy,r); glVertex3d(x,y,z);
abr2xyz(x,y,z,a+dx,b-dy,r); glVertex3d(x,y,z);
glColor3f(0.1,0.1,c );
abr2xyz(x,y,z,a-dx,b-dy,r); glVertex3d(x,y,z);
abr2xyz(x,y,z,a-dx,b+dy,r); glVertex3d(x,y,z);
abr2xyz(x,y,z,a+dx,b+dy,r); glVertex3d(x,y,z);
abr2xyz(x,y,z,a+dx,b-dy,r); glVertex3d(x,y,z);
i=0; j=0; ii=i+1; dy=mm*db[ii];
ij2ab(a,b,i,j); c=map[i][j]; c=0.1+(c*cm); if (c>1.0) c=1.0;
for (j=0;j<nb[ii];j++) { ij2ab(a,b,ii,j); abr2xyz(x,y,z,a-dx,b-dy,r); glVertex3d(x,y,z); }
glColor3f(0.1,0.1,c );
glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); abr2xyz(x,y,z,a ,b ,r); glVertex3d(x,y,z);
for (j=0;j<nb[ii];j++) { ij2ab(a,b,ii,j); abr2xyz(x,y,z,a-dx,b-dy,r); glVertex3d(x,y,z); }
i=na-1; j=0; ii=i-1; dy=mm*db[ii];
ij2ab(a,b,i,j); c=map[i][j]; c=0.1+(c*cm); if (c>1.0) c=1.0;
for (j=0;j<nb[ii];j++) { ij2ab(a,b,ii,j); abr2xyz(x,y,z,a-dx,b+dy,r); glVertex3d(x,y,z); }
glColor3f(0.1,0.1,c );
glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); abr2xyz(x,y,z,a ,b ,r); glVertex3d(x,y,z);
for (j=0;j<nb[ii];j++) { ij2ab(a,b,ii,j); abr2xyz(x,y,z,a-dx,b+dy,r); glVertex3d(x,y,z); }
the mm is the grid cell size mm=0.5 is full cell size , less creates a space between cells
If you want a radial region of the greatest density, this is the robust disk covering problem with k = 1 and dist(a, b) = great circle distance (a, b) (see
Consider using a geographic method to solve this. GIS tools, geography data types in SQL, etc. all handle curvature of a spheroid. You might have to find a coordinate system that uses a pure sphere instead of an earthlike spheroid if you are not actually modelling something on Earth.
For speed, if you have large numbers of points and want the densest location of them, a raster heatmap type solution might work well. You could create low resolution rasters, then zoom to areas of high density and create higher resolution only cells that you care about.

Collision detection problem (intersection with plane)

I'm doing a scene using openGL (a house). I want to do some collision detection, mainly with the walls in the house.
I have tried the following code:
// a plane is represented with a normal and a position in space
Vector planeNor(0,0,1);
Vector position(0,0,-10);
Plane p(planeNor,position);
Vector vel(0,0,-1);
double lamda; // this is the intersection point
Vector pNormal; // the normal of the intersection
// this method is from Nehe's Lesson 30
coll= p.TestIntersionPlane(vel,Z,lamda,pNormal);
Nehe's method:
#define EPSILON 1.0e-8
bool Plane::TestIntersionPlane(const Vector3 & position,const Vector3 & direction, double& lamda, Vector3 & pNormal)
double DotProduct=direction.scalarProduct(normal); // Dot Product Between Plane Normal And Ray Direction
double l2;
// Determine If Ray Parallel To Plane
if ((DotProduct<ZERO)&&(DotProduct>-ZERO))
return false;
l2=(normal.scalarProduct(position))/DotProduct; // Find Distance To Collision Point
if (l2<-ZERO) // Test If Collision Behind Start
return false;
pNormal= normal;
return true;
Z is initially (0,0,0) and every time I move the camera towards the plane, I reduce its z component by 0.1 (i.e. Z.z-=0.1 ).
I know that the problem is with the vel vector, but I can't figure out what the right value should be. Can anyone please help me?
You're passing "vel" (which I suppose is velocity of the moving thing) as "Position", and Z (which I suppose is position) as "Direction".
Your calculation of "Distance to Collision Point" makes no sense. It doesn't take position of the plane into account at all (or maybe it does, if the variables are misnamed).
You define pNormal, but I can't see any use for it. Is it supposed to mean something else?
It's almost impossible to get something like this working without understanding the math. Try a simpler version of the test, maybe assuming a z=0 plane and +z-axis movement, get that working and then take another look at the general case.
Thank you for your help.
I looked into the code again and I changed the collision detection method into the following:
//startPoint: the ray's starting point.
//EndPoint: the ray's ending point.
//lamda: the intersection point.
bool Plane::TestIntersionPlane(const Vector3& startPoint,const Vector3& Endpoint, double& lamda)
double cosAlpha=Endpoint.scalarProduct(normal); // calculates the angle between the plane's normal and the ray vector.
// Determine If Ray Parallel To Plane
if ((cosAlpha<ZERO)&&(cosAlpha>-ZERO))
return false;
// delta D is the plane's distance from the origin minus the ray's distance from the origin.
double deltaD = distance - startPoint.scalarProduct(normal); //distance is a double representing the plane's distance from the origin.
lamda= deltaD/cosAlpha;// distance between the plane and the vector
// if the distance between the ray and the plane is greater than zero then they haven't intersected.
if(lamda > ZERO)
return false;
return true;
This seems to work with all planes except when the ray is too far from the plane. For example if the plane is at z=-10 and the ray's starting point is: 0,0,3 and it's ending point is 0,0,2 then this is detected as a collision but when I move the ray to start(0,0,2) and end(0,0,1) it's not detected as a collision.
The math seems correct to me, so I'm not sure how to handle this.
