openGL reverse image texturing logic - opengl-es

I'm about to project image into cylindrical panorama. But first I need to get the pixel (or color from pixel) I'm going to draw, then then do some Math in shaders with polar coordinates to get new position of pixel and then finally draw pixel.
Using this way I'll be able to change shape of image from polygon shape to whatever I want.
But I cannot find anything about this method (get pixel first, then do the Math and get new position for pixel).
Is there something like this, please?

OpenGL historically doesn't work that way around; it forward renders — from geometry to pixels — rather than backwards — from pixel to geometry.
The most natural way to achieve what you want to do is to calculate texture coordinates based on geometry, then render as usual. For a cylindrical mapping:
establish a mapping from cylindrical coordinates to texture coordinates;
with your actual geometry, imagine it placed within the cylinder, then from each vertex proceed along the normal until you intersect the cylinder. Use that location to determine the texture coordinate for the original vertex.
The latter is most easily and conveniently done within your geometry shader; it's a simple ray intersection test, with attributes therefore being only vertex location and vertex normal, and texture location being a varying that is calculated purely from the location and normal.
Extemporaneously, something like:
// get intersection as if ray hits the circular region of the cylinder,
// i.e. where |(position + n*normal).xy| = 1
float planarLengthOfPosition = length(position.xy);
float planarLengthOfNormal = length(normal.xy);
float planarDistanceToPerimeter = 1.0 - planarLengthOfNormal;
vec3 circularIntersection = position +
// get intersection as if ray hits the bottom or top of the cylinder,
// i.e. where |(position + n*normal).z| = 1
float linearLengthOfPosition = abs(position.z);
float linearLengthOfNormal = abs(normal.z);
float linearDistanceToEdge = 1.0 - linearLengthOfPosition;
vec3 endIntersection = position +
// pick whichever of those was lesser
vec3 cylindricalIntersection = mix(circularIntersection,
// ... do something to map cylindrical intersection to texture coordinates ...
textureCoordinateVarying =
With a common implementation of coordinateFromCylindricalPosition possibly being simply return vec2(atan(cylindricalIntersection.y, cylindricalIntersection.x) / 6.28318530717959, cylindricalIntersection.z * 0.5);.


How to convert a screen coordinate into a translation for a projection matrix?

(More info at end)----->
I am trying to render a small picture-in-picture display over my scene. The PiP is just a smaller texture, but it is intended to reveal secret objects in the scene when it is placed over them.
To do this, I want to render my scene, then render the SAME scene on the smaller texture, but with the exact same positioning as the main scene. The intended result would be something like this:
My problem is... I cannot get the scene on the smaller texture to match up 1:1. I keep trying various kludges, but ultimately I suspect that I need to do something to the projection matrix to pan it over to the location of the frame. I can get it to zoom correctly...just can't get it to pan.
Can anyone suggest what I need to do to my projection matrix to render my scene 1:1 (but panned by x,y) onto a smaller texture?
The data I have:
Resolution of the full-screen framebuffer
Resolution of the smaller texture
XY coordinate where I want to draw the smaller texture as an overlay sprite
The world/view/projection matrices from the original full-screen scene
The viewport from the original full-screen scene
Here is the function I use to produce the 3D camera:
void Make3DCamera(Vector theCameraPos, Vector theLookAt, Vector theUpVector, float theFOV, Point theRez, Matrix& theViewMatrix,Matrix& theProjectionMatrix)
Matrix aCombinedViewMatrix;
Matrix aViewMatrix;
Vector aLookAtVector=theLookAt-theCameraPos;
Vector aSideVector=theUpVector.Cross(aLookAtVector);
aViewMatrix.mData.m[0][0] = -aSideVector.mX;
aViewMatrix.mData.m[1][0] = -aSideVector.mY;
aViewMatrix.mData.m[2][0] = -aSideVector.mZ;
aViewMatrix.mData.m[3][0] = 0;
aViewMatrix.mData.m[0][1] = -theUpVector.mX;
aViewMatrix.mData.m[1][1] = -theUpVector.mY;
aViewMatrix.mData.m[2][1] = -theUpVector.mZ;
aViewMatrix.mData.m[3][1] = 0;
aViewMatrix.mData.m[0][2] = aLookAtVector.mX;
aViewMatrix.mData.m[1][2] = aLookAtVector.mY;
aViewMatrix.mData.m[2][2] = aLookAtVector.mZ;
aViewMatrix.mData.m[3][2] = 0;
aViewMatrix.mData.m[0][3] = 0;
aViewMatrix.mData.m[1][3] = 0;
aViewMatrix.mData.m[2][3] = 0;
aViewMatrix.mData.m[3][3] = 1;
if (gG.mRenderToSprite) aViewMatrix.Scale(1,-1,1);
// Projection Matrix
float aAspect = (float) theRez.mX / (float) theRez.mY;
float aNear = gG.mZRange.mData1;
float aFar = gG.mZRange.mData2;
float aWidth = gMath.Cos(theFOV / 2.0f);
float aHeight = gMath.Cos(theFOV / 2.0f);
if (aAspect > 1.0) aWidth /= aAspect;
else aHeight *= aAspect;
float s = gMath.Sin(theFOV / 2.0f);
float d = 1.0f - aNear / aFar;
Matrix aPerspectiveMatrix;
aPerspectiveMatrix.mData.m[0][0] = aWidth;
aPerspectiveMatrix.mData.m[1][0] = 0;
aPerspectiveMatrix.mData.m[2][0] = gG.m3DOffset.mX/theRez.mX/2;
aPerspectiveMatrix.mData.m[3][0] = 0;
aPerspectiveMatrix.mData.m[0][1] = 0;
aPerspectiveMatrix.mData.m[1][1] = aHeight;
aPerspectiveMatrix.mData.m[2][1] = gG.m3DOffset.mY/theRez.mY/2;
aPerspectiveMatrix.mData.m[3][1] = 0;
aPerspectiveMatrix.mData.m[0][2] = 0;
aPerspectiveMatrix.mData.m[1][2] = 0;
aPerspectiveMatrix.mData.m[2][2] = s / d;
aPerspectiveMatrix.mData.m[3][2] = -(s * aNear / d);
aPerspectiveMatrix.mData.m[0][3] = 0;
aPerspectiveMatrix.mData.m[1][3] = 0;
aPerspectiveMatrix.mData.m[2][3] = s;
aPerspectiveMatrix.mData.m[3][3] = 0;
Edit to add more information:
Just playing and tweaking numbers, I have come to a "close" result. However the "close" result requires a multiplication by some kludge numbers, that I don't understand.
Here's what I'm doing to to perspective matrix to produce my close result:
//Before calling Make3DCamera, adjusting FOV:
aFOV*=smallerTexture.HeightF()/normalRenderSize.HeightF(); // Zoom it
aFOV*=1.02f // <- WTH is this?
//Then, to pan the camera over to the x/y position I want, I do:
Matrix aPM=GetCurrentProjectionMatrix();
float aX=(screenX-normalRenderSize.WidthF()/2.0f)/2.0f;
float aY=(screenY-normalRenderSize.HeightF()/2.0f)/2.0f;
aX*=1.07f; // <- WTH is this?
aY*=1.07f; // <- WTH is this?
When I do this, my new picture is VERY close... but not exactly perfect-- the small render tends to drift away from "center" the further the "magic window" is from the center. Without the kludge number, the drift away from center with the magic window is very pronounced.
The kludge numbers 1.02f for zoom and 1.07 for pan reduce the inaccuracies and drift to a fraction of a pixel, but those numbers must be a ratio from somewhere, right? They work at ANY RESOLUTION, though-- so I have have a 1280x800 screen and a 256,256 magic window texture... if I change the screen to 1024x768, it all still works.
Where the heck are these numbers coming from?
If you don't care about sub-optimal performance (i.e., drawing the whole scene twice) and if you don't need the smaller scene in a texture, an easy way to obtain the overlay with pixel perfect precision is:
Set up main scene (model/view/projection matrices, etc.) and draw it as you are now.
Use glScissor to set the rectangle for the overlay. glScissor takes the screen-space x, y, width, and height and discards anything outside that rectangle. It looks like you have those four data items already, so you should be good to go.
Call glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST) to actually turn on the test.
Set the shader variables (if you're using shaders) for drawing the greyscale scene/hidden objects/etc. You still use the same view and projection matrices that you used for the main scene.
Draw the greyscale scene/hidden objects/etc.
Call glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST) so you won't be scissoring at the start of the next frame.
Draw the red overlay border, if desired.
Now, if you actually need the overlay in its own texture for some reason, this probably won't be could be made to work either with framebuffer objects and/or pixel readback, but this would be less efficient.
Most people completely overcomplicate such issues. There is absolutely no magic to applying transformations after applying the projection matrix.
If you have a projection matrix P (and I'm assuming default OpenGL conventions here where P is constructed in a way that the vector is post-multiplied to the matrix, so for an eye space vector v_eye, we get v_clip = P * v_eye), you can simply pre-multiply some other translate and scale transforms to cut out any region of interest.
Assume you have a viewport of size w_view * h_view pixels, and you want to find a projection matrix which renders only a tile w_tile * h_tile pixels , beginning at pixel location (x_tile, y_tile) (again, assuming default GL conventions here, window space origin is bottom left, so y_tile is measured from the bottom). Also note that the _tile coordinates are to be interpreted relative to the viewport, in the typical case, that would start at (0,0) and have the size of your full framebuffer, but this is by no means required nor assumed here.
Since after applying the projection matrix we are in clip space, we need to transform our coordinates from window space pixels to clip space. Note that clip space is a 4D homogeneous space, but we can use any w value we like (except 0) to represent any point (as a point in the 3D space we care about forms a line in the 4D space we work in), so let's just use w=1 for simplicity's sake.
The view volume in clip space is denoted by the [-w,w] range, so in the w=1 hyperplane, it is [-1,1]. Converting our tile into this space yields:
x_clip = 2 * (x_tile / w_view) -1
y_clip = 2 * (y_tile / h_view) -1
w_clip = 2 * (w_tile / w_view) -1
h_clip = 2 * (h_tile / h_view) -1
We now just need to translate the objects such that the center of the tile is moved to the center of the view volume, which by definition is the origin, and scale the w_clip * h_clip sized region to the full [-1,1] extent in each dimension.
That means:
T = translate(-(x_clip + 0.5*w_clip), -(y_clip + 0.5 *h_clip), 0)
S = scale(2.0/w_clip, 2.0/h_clip, 1.0)
We can now create the modified projection matrix P' as P' = S * T * P, and that's all there is. Rendering with P' instead of P will render exactly the region of your tile to whatever viewport you are using, so for it to be pixel-exact with respect to your original viewport, you must now render with a viewport which is also w_tile * h_tile pixels big.
Note that there is also another approach: The viewport is not clamped against the framebuffer you're rendering to. It is actually valid to provide negative values for x and y. If your framebuffer for rendering your tile into is exactly w_tile * h_tile pixels, you simply could set glViewport(-x_tile, -y_tile, x_tile + w_tile, y_tile + h_tile) and render with the unmodified projection matrix P instead.

Invariant scale geometry

I am writing a mesh editor where I have manipulators with the help of which I change the vertices of the mesh. The task is to render the manipulators with constant dimensions, which would not change when changing the camera and viewport parameters. The projection matrix is perspective. I will be grateful for ideas how to implement the invariant scale geometry.
If I got it right you want to render some markers (for example vertex drag editation area) with the same visual size for any depth they are rendered to.
There are 2 approaches for this:
scale with depth
compute perpendicular distance to camera view (simple dot product) and scale the marker size so it has the same visual size invariant on the depth.
So if P0 is your camera position and Z is your camera view direction unit vector (usually Z axis). Then for any position P compute the scale like this:
depth = dot(P-P0,Z)
Now the scale depends on wanted visual size0 at some specified depth0. Now using triangle similarity we want:
size/dept = size0/depth0
size = size0*depth/depth0
so render your marker with size or scale depth/depth0. In case of using scaling you need to scale around your target position P otherwise your marker would shift to the sides (so translate, scale, translate back).
compute screen position and use non perspective rendering
so you transform target coordinates the same way as the graphic pipeline does until you got the screen x,y position. Remember it and in pass that will render your markers just use that instead of real position. For this rendering pass either use some constant depth (distance from camera) or use non perspective view matrix.
For more info see Understanding 4x4 homogenous transform matrices
[Edit1] pixel size
you need to use FOVx,FOVy projection angles and view/screen resolution (xs,ys) for that. That means if depth is znear and coordinate is at half of the angle then the projected coordinate will go to edge of screen:
tan(FOVx/2) = (xs/2)*pixelx/znear
tan(FOVy/2) = (ys/2)*pixely/znear
pixelx = 2*znear*tan(FOVx/2)/xs
pixely = 2*znear*tan(FOVy/2)/ys
Where pixelx,pixely is size (per axis) representing single pixel visually at depth znear. In case booth sizes are the same (so pixel is square) you have all you need. In case they are not equal (pixel is not square) then you need to render markers in screen axis aligned coordinates so approach #2 is more suitable for such case.
So if you chose depth0=znear then you can set size0 as n*pixelx and/or n*pixely to get the visual size of n pixels. Or use any dept0 and rewrite the computation to:
pixelx = 2*depth0*tan(FOVx/2)/xs
pixely = 2*depth0*tan(FOVy/2)/ys
Just to be complete:
size0x = size_in_pixels*(2*depth0*tan(FOVx/2)/xs)
size0y = size_in_pixels*(2*depth0*tan(FOVy/2)/ys)
sizex = size_in_pixels*(2*depth0*tan(FOVx/2)/xs)*(depth/depth0)
sizey = size_in_pixels*(2*depth0*tan(FOVy/2)/ys)*(depth/depth0)
sizex = size_in_pixels*(2*tan(FOVx/2)/xs)*(depth)
sizey = size_in_pixels*(2*tan(FOVy/2)/ys)*(depth)
sizex = size_in_pixels*2*depth*tan(FOVx/2)/xs
sizey = size_in_pixels*2*depth*tan(FOVy/2)/ys

GLSL Shader: FFT-Data as Circle Radius

Im trying to crate a shader, that converts fft-data (passed as a texture) to a bar graphic and then to on a circle in the center of the screen. Here is a image of what im trying to achieve: link to image
i experimentet a bit with shader toy and came along wit this shader: link to shadertoy
with all the complex shaders i saw on shadertoy, it thought this should be doable with maths somehow.
can anybody here give me a hint how to do it?
It’s very doable — you just have to think about the ranges you’re sampling in. In your Shadertoy example, you have the following:
float r = length(uv);
float t = atan(uv.y, uv.x);
fragColor = vec4(texture2D(iChannel0, vec2(r, 0.1)));
So r is going to vary roughly from 0…1 (extending past 1 in the corners), and t—the angle of the uv vector—is going to vary from 0…2π.
Currently, you’re sampling your texture at (r, 0.1)—in other words, every pixel of your output will come from the V position 10% down your source texture and varying across it. The angle you’re calculating for t isn’t being used at all. What you want is for changes in the angle (t) to move across your texture in the U direction, and for changes in the distance-from-center (r) to move across the texture in the V direction. In other words, this:
float r = length(uv);
float t = atan(uv.y, uv.x) / 6.283; // normalize it to a [0,1] range - 6.283 = 2*pi
fragColor = vec4(texture2D(iChannel0, vec2(t, r)));
For the source texture you provided above, you may find your image appearing “inside out”, in which case you can subtract r from 1.0 to flip it.

Geometry Shader Quad Post Processing

Using directx 11, I'm working on a graphics effect system that uses a geometry shader to build quads in world space. These quads then use a fragment shader in which the main texture is the rendered scene texture. Effectively producing post process effects on qorld space quads. The simplest of which is a tint effect.
The vertex shader only passes the data through to the geometry shader.
The geometry shader calculates extra vertices based on a normal. Using cross product, I find the x and z axis and append the tri-stream with 4 new verts in each diagonal direction from the original position (generating a quad from the given position and size).
The pixel shader (tint effect) simply multiplies the scene texture colour with the colour variable set.
The quad generates and displays correctly on screen. However;
The problem that I am facing is the mapping of the uv coordinates fails to align with the image on the back buffer. That is, when using the tint shader with half alpha as the given colour you can see the image displayed on the quad does not overlay the image on the back buffer perfectly, unless the quad facing towards the camera. The closer the quad normal matches the cameras y axis, the more the image is skewed.
I am currently using the formula below to calculate the uv coordinates:
float2 uv = vert0.position.xy / vert0.position.w;
vert0.uv.x = uv.x * 0.5f + 0.5f;
vert0.uv.y = -uv.y * 0.5f + 0.5f;
I have also used the formula below, which resulted (IMO) in the uv's not taking perspective into concideration.
float2 uv = vert0.position.xy / SourceTextureResolution;
vert0.uv.x = uv.x * ASPECT_RATIO + 0.5f;
vert0.uv.y = -uv.y + 0.5f;
How can I obtain screen space uv coordinates based on a vertex position generated in the geometry shader?
If you would like me to elaborate on any points please ask and i will try my best :)
Thanks in advance.

Direct3D9 Calculating view space point light position

I am working on my own deffered rendering engine. I am rendering the scene to the g-buffer containing diffuse color, view space normals and depth (for now). I have implemented directional light for the second rendering stage and it works great. Now I want to render a point light, which is a bit harder.
I need the point light position for the shader in view space because I have only depth in the g-buffer and I can't afford a matrix multiplication in every pixel. I took the light position and transformed it by the same matrix, by which I transform every vertex in shader, so it should align with verices in the scene (using D3DXVec3Transform). But that isn't the case: transformed position doesn't represent viewspace position nearly at all. It's x,y coordinates are off the charts, they are often way out of the (-1,1) range. The transformed position respects the camera orientation somewhat, but the light moves too quick and the y-axis is inverted. Only if the camera is at (0,0,0), the light stands at (0,0) in the center of the screen. Here is my relevant rendering code executed every frame:
D3DXMATRIX matView; // the view transform matrix
D3DXMATRIX matProjection; // the projection transform matrix
&D3DXVECTOR3 (x,y,z), // the camera position
&D3DXVECTOR3 (xt,yt,zt), // the look-at position
&D3DXVECTOR3 (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); // the up direction
fov, // the horizontal field of view
asp, // aspect ratio
znear, // the near view-plane
zfar); // the far view-plane
D3DXMATRIX vysl=matView*matProjection;
eff->SetMatrix("worldViewProj",&vysl); //vertices are transformed ok ín shader
//render g-buffer
D3DXVECTOR4 lpos; D3DXVECTOR3 lpos2(0,0,0);
D3DXVec3Transform(&lpos,&lpos2,&vysl); //transforming lpos into lpos2 using vysl, still the same matrix
eff->SetVector("poslight",&lpos); //but there is already a mess in lpos at this time
//render the fullscreen quad with wrong lighting
Not that relevant shader code, but still, I see the light position this way (passing IN.texture is just me being lazy):
float dist=length(float2(IN.texture0*2-1)-float2(poslight.xy));
I have tried to transform a light only by matView without projection, but the problem is still the same. If I transform the light in a shader, it's the same result, so the problem is the matrix itself. But it is the same matrix as is transforming the vertices! How differently are vertices treated?
Can you please take a look at the code and tell me where the mistake is? It seems to me it should work ok, but it doesn't. Thanks in advance.
You don't need a matrix multiplication to reconstruct view position, here is a code snippet (from andrew lauritzen deffered light example)
tP is the projection transform, position screen is -1/1 pixel coordinate and viewspaceZ is linear depth that you sample from your texture.
float3 ViewPosFromDepth(float2 positionScreen,
float viewSpaceZ)
float2 screenSpaceRay = float2(positionScreen.x / tP._11,
positionScreen.y / tP._22);
float3 positionView;
positionView.z = viewSpaceZ;
positionView.xy = screenSpaceRay.xy * positionView.z;
return positionView;
Result of this transform D3DXVec3Transform(&lpos,&lpos2,&vysl); is a vector in homogeneous space(i.e. projected vector but not divided by w). But in you shader you use it's xy components without respecting this(w). This is (quite probably) the problem. You could divide vector by its w yourself or use D3DXVec3Project instead of D3DXVec3Transform.
It's working fine for vertices as (I suppose) you mul them by the same viewproj matrix in the vertex shader and pass transformed values to interpolator where hardware eventually divides it's xyz by interpolated 'w'.
