Using ColumnName instead of ColumnLabel with - jdbc

I am currently using to connect to a SAS server and pull data from it. I can connect and run queries. The one problem that I have run into is that the clojure jdbc library uses the column labels when constructing the keys in the results map. In many instances this field is coming back blank and I would prefer to use the column name instead.
One work around would be to specify the label as part of the query, which I can do if there are no other simpler options.


Running multiple hive queries using tHiveRow component in Talend

Hi i want to tun multiple hive queries through a single component. Through tHiveRow i'm able to run single query but unable to run multiple queries at a time.
I know that we can run multiple sql queries after going through the following link
But any one has any idea as how to run multiple queries?
Your link reference shows a MySQL connection... this says nothing about the Hive JDBC driver capabilities, since running multiple statements in one JDBC statement is a driver specific feature!
To run multiple queries:
Start with a tFixedFlowInput component. Configure one String column and choose table input option; you will get a table with one column. Each line, you add, will be one Hive statement. Now connect it with a tHiveRow component and use the column of the ingoing flow in the SQL textarea by <flowName>.<columnName> e.g.: row1.sqlStatement (if the String column in your tFixedFlowInput has the name "sqlStatement" and the connection between the tFixedFlowInput and the tHiveRow component is called "row1").

How to make data to show in separate word instead of one word from XML in jaspersoft adhoc

I have a lookup table that is harvested from the XML file and not physically stored in the MySQL database. Because of that all the data are represented in one word when it is queried out using jasper adhoc for example
All these lookup should be like so
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how to make the data to show correctly in separate words.
You are going to have some trouble doing this exclusively in the Ad-Hoc editor, it simply doesn't have this kind of functionality on it's own. You could create a calculated field with the following code in the formula builder:
CaseWhen("RigType" == 'deepwaterdrillship', 'deep water drill ship', "RigType" == 'standardjackup', 'Standard Jack Up',"RigType"=='standardfloater','Standard Floater')
Replace all instances of "RigType" with your original field name. Obviously this will get quite manual if you have a lot of different strings.
If you created a calculated table in the domain/topic that you are using, with similar logic to the code above, this would be more powerful since you can join to your other tables. However, as Petter commented, this is a data source problem and in my experience it is always better to fix the source if possible.

Talend : migrate data maintaining the same row sequence in input db and output db

I am migrating data from sybase to oracle using talend. I am using tSybaseInput for input and tOracleOutput for output db. I am mapping them through t_Map in some whereas direct in others.
After running the job, the row order is not maintained i.e. the order in which the data comes from sybase is not same as reflected in oracle. I need the order to be same so that I can validate the data later by outputting the data of both db to csv's and then comparing them(right now I am sorting them(unix sort) ..but it seems wrong).
Please suggest a way to maintain row order of input db in output db.
Also , is my method of validation correct or should I try something else?
The character sets and sort orders between the two vendors may be slightly different, which probably why you are seeing a change in the order. You may want to add a numeric key value to your tables in the Sybase DB, which can then be used to force a particular order once the data is imported into Oracle.
As for validation, if you are already using Unix command line, once you have a key value, you should just be able to use diff to compare the two CSV files without having to involve Excel. Alternatively you can add both Sybase and Oracle as data sources for Excel, and query the data directly into your worksheets, instead of generating CSV.

BIRT Scripted Data Source using existing JDBC DataSource

I know that my overall problem is generally approached using two of the more common solutions such as a join data set or a sub-table, sub-report. I have looked at those and I am not sure this will work effectively.
JDBC data source has local data which includes a series of id's that reference a record in a master data repository interfaced via a web service. This is where the need for a scripted data source arises. The data can be filtered on either attributes within the local JDBC data and/or the extended data from the web service. The complication is that my only interface is the id argument to the webservice.
Ideal Solution:
Aside from creating a reporting table or other truly desirable scenarios I am looking to creating a unified data source through a single scripting data source that will handle all the complexities. This leaves the report generation and parameter creation a bit cleaner, hopefully. The idea is to leverage the JDBC query as well as the web service queries in the scripted data source do the filtering and joins and create that singular unified view.
I tried using the following code as a reference to use the existing JDBC connection in the BIRT report definition to execute the query. However if I think my breakdown on what should be in open vs fetch given this came from beforeFactory for a completely different purpose may be giving me errors...truth is I see no errors it just returns 0 records.
a link
I have also found a code snippet to dynamically load a JDBC connection but that seems a bit obtuse and a ton of overhead for what I am needing to do. a link
In short: How in all-that-is-holy do you simply run a query against a database within a scripted data source if you wanted to do. The merit of doing that is another issue, but technically how?
Thanks in Advance!

How can I query two databases and combine the results using LINQ?

I need to pull values in similar tables from two different databases, combine them and then write the output to a CSV file. Can I just create a second connection string in the Properties file and explicitly pass the DataContext the second connection string for the other LINQ query? Or do I need to do something else? The tables are nearly identical except for an ID used for some criteria.
I've never used LINQ before but it seems the easier way to handle this insead of having to write SQL by hand.
if the schema matches both of the databases, then you should be able to just create second DataContext instance (giving it the second connection string as an argument). The LINQ to SQL doesn't check in any way whether you use "the right" database - if it has the right columns & tables it will work.
However, LINQ doesn't automatically work with multiple databases in any "smart" way, so it will need to download the content to the memory before doing any operations that involve multiple data sources. You can still use single LINQ query to do this - but you have to be careful about what part of it is running using in memory data. (By the way, you can use extension methods like "ToList" to explicitly say - get the data from the databse at this point).
You also mention that the tables are nearly identical except for an ID in some case - does that mean that primary/foreign keys are different? In that case, some autogenerated relations may not work. If it means that there is a different column name, then you could manually edit the generated schema to contain both columns and then use only the right one. However, this feels a bit odd - unless you're planning doing some manual edits to the schema, you could as well just generate two very similar schemas.
