How to make data to show in separate word instead of one word from XML in jaspersoft adhoc - algorithm

I have a lookup table that is harvested from the XML file and not physically stored in the MySQL database. Because of that all the data are represented in one word when it is queried out using jasper adhoc for example
All these lookup should be like so
ridi kill
pe on
the great
how to make the data to show correctly in separate words.

You are going to have some trouble doing this exclusively in the Ad-Hoc editor, it simply doesn't have this kind of functionality on it's own. You could create a calculated field with the following code in the formula builder:
CaseWhen("RigType" == 'deepwaterdrillship', 'deep water drill ship', "RigType" == 'standardjackup', 'Standard Jack Up',"RigType"=='standardfloater','Standard Floater')
Replace all instances of "RigType" with your original field name. Obviously this will get quite manual if you have a lot of different strings.
If you created a calculated table in the domain/topic that you are using, with similar logic to the code above, this would be more powerful since you can join to your other tables. However, as Petter commented, this is a data source problem and in my experience it is always better to fix the source if possible.


Is it OK to have multiple merge steps in an Excel Power query?

I have data from multiple sources - a combination of Excel (table and non table), csv and, sometimes, even a tsv.
I create queries for each data source and then I am bringing them together one step at a time or, actually, it's two steps: merge and then expand to bring in the fields I want for each data source.
This doesn't feel very efficient and I think that maybe I should be just joining everything together in the Data Model. The problem when I did that was that I couldn't then find a way to write a single query to access all the different fields spread across the different data sources.
If it were Access, I'd have no trouble creating a single query one I'd created all my relationships between my tables.
I feel as though I'm missing something: How can I build a single query out of the data model?
Hoping my question is clear. It feels like something that should be easy to do but I can't home in on it with a Google search.
It is never a good idea to push the heavy lifting downstream in Power Query. If you can, work with database views, not full tables, use a modular approach (several smaller queries that you then connect in the data model), filter early, remove unneeded columns etc.
The more work that has to be performed on data you don't really need, the slower the query will be. Please take a look at this article and this one, the latter one having a comprehensive list for Best Practices (you can also just do a search for that term, there are plenty).
In terms of creating a query from the data model, conceptually that makes little sense, as you could conceivably create circular references galore.

Serializing query result

I have a financial system with all its business logic located in the database and i have to code an automated workflow for transactions batch processing, which consists of steps listed below:
A user or an external system inserts some data in a table
Before further processing a snapshot of this data in the form of CSV file with a digital signature has to be made. The CSV snapshot itself and its signature have to be saved in the same input table. Program updates successfully signed rows to make them available for further steps of code
...further steps of code
Obvious trouble is step#2: I don't know, how to assign results of a query as a BLOB, that represents a CSV file, to a variable. It seems like some basic stuff, but I couldn't find it. The CSV format was chosen by users, because it is human-readable. Signing itself can be made with a request to external system, so it's not an issue.
there is no application server, which could process the data, so i have to do it with plsql
there is no way to save a local file, everything must be done on the fly
I know that normally one would do all the work on the application layer or with some local files, but unfortunately this is not the case.
Any help would be highly appreciated, thanks in advance
I agree with #william-robertson. you just need to create a comma delimited values string (assuming header and data row) and write that to a CLOB. I recommend an "insert" trigger. There are lots of SQL tricks you can do to make that easier). On usage of that CSV string will need to be owned by the part of the application that reads it in and needs to do something with it.
I understand yo stated you need to create a CVS, but see if you could do XML instead. Then you could use DBMS_XMLGEN to generate the necessary snapshot into a database column directly from the query for it.
I do not accept the concept that a CVS is human-readable (actually try it sometime as straight text). What is valid is that Excel displays it in human-readable form. But is should also be able to display the XML as human-readable. Further, if needed the data in it can be directly back-ported into the original columns.
Just a alternate idea.

ColdFusion improving performance of queries within loops

I've got a database setup that is a bit on the complicated side, with several many-many tables.
I'm trying to generate an XML document from this data. There's a bit of checking, like if a name is not defined in one language try to get the name from another language (instead of showing null)
The problem I have that there are a lot of queries within loops.
Are there any guidelines for this, like what stuff to stay away from and what to use, to improve the performance?
cfoutput cfloop cfquery ?
If the looping logic is basically doing data processing, eg: based on the values from the first query, deciding what to go back to the database with for the next query, the best thing you can do for performance is to take all that logic out of your CF code, and put it into the DB. Use the DB for data processing, use CF for handling the data once it's been processed, and converting it into output.
The only time CF should be doing data manipulation is if you need to process data from differing sources: eg the database, some remote service, the file system, a different database, etc. Basically only if the database can't do the data processing itself should you be involving ColdFusion.
Regarding, " like if a name is not defined in one language try to get the name from another language (instead of showing null)".
You should be able to do this in your query. Pretty much every db out there has a coalesce function. They all support case constructs as well. You just have to pick the most appropriate method for your situation.

Merging two dataset

I have one "big" TOracleDataSet which I can't change 'cause it's using in many different parts of huge project. I want to add just one record to this dataset for using in another grid. The solve way I see it is create another one oracle data set which will combine wanted record and another ones from "big" dataset. In other words, "small" dataset includes "big" dataset.
Try this maybe?
TxQuery Project
This was a commercial project at one time, but the auther was convinced to release it opensource.
TxQuery component is a TDataSet descendant component that can be used to query one or more TDataSet descendant components using SQL statements. It is implemented in Delphi 100% source code, no DLL required, because it implements its own SQL syntax parser and SQL engine.
That quote was taken from the page of the current maintainer, I believe, Chau Chee Yang .
Either this or maybe TClientDataset might be your best options.

Best practices when migrating data from one database scheme to another?

Often times when I am working on a project, I find my self looking at the database scheme and having to export the data to work with the new scheme.
Lots of times there has been a database where the data stored was fairly crude. What I mean by that is that its stored with lots of unfiltered characters. I find my self writing custom php scripts to filter through this information and create a nice clean UTF-8 CSV file that I then reimport into my new database.
I'd like to know if there are better ways to handle this?
I would suggest using an ETL tool, or at least following ETL practices when moving data. Considering that you are already cleaning, you may follow the whole ECCD path -- extract, clean, conform, deliver. If you do your own cleaning, consider saving intermediate csv files for debug and audit purpose.
1. Extract (as is, junk included) to file_1
2. Clean file_1 --> file_2
3. Conform file_2 --> file_3
4. Deliver file_3 --> DB tables
If you archive files 1-3 and document versions of your scripts, you will be able to backtrack in case of a bug.
ETL tools -- like Microsoft SSIS, Oracle Data Integrator, Pentaho Data Integrator -- connect to various data sources and offer plenty of transformation and profiling tasks.
No one answer to this one, but i once needed to quickly migrate a database and ended up using sqlautocode, which is a tool to autogenerate a (python orm) model from an existing database - the model uses the great sqlalchemy orm library. It even generates some sample code, to get started ... (see below)
Amazingly, it worked out of the box. You do not have a full migration, but an easy way to programmatically access all your tables (in python).
I didn't do it at that project, but you could of course autogenerate your orm layer for the target DB as well, then write a script, which transfers the right rows over into the desired structure.
Once you get your DB content into python, you will be able to deal with u'unicode', even if it will take some attepts, dependent on the actual crudeness ...
Example code:
# some example usage
if __name__ == '__main__':
db = create_engine(u'mysql://username:password#localhost/dbname')
metadata.bind = db
# fetch first 10 items from address_book
s =
rs = s.execute()
for row in rs:
print row
You can consider Logstash.
logstash is a tool for managing events and logs. You can use it to collect logs, parse them, and store them for later use (like, for searching)
Logstash operate every single event/log like pipe: input | filter | output.
Logstash have many input plugins to accept different sources/formats, and you can use filter to parse your source data then output to multiple outputs/formats which you need.
