How to include tsv/csv header in bash script output - bash

I have thousands of .tsv files where I am extracting the rows where column 2 is equal column 6.
I can use the below bash script, but I could not append column names (header) in the output.
What is the way to include header?
for x in *.tsv; do
awk '$2==$6' <"$x" >"$x.tmp"
mv "$x.tmp" "$x"

If you want to print based on two conditions, say so:
awk 'FNR==1 || $2==$6' file
This will print those lines that either of these:
match the $2==$6 condition.
are the first line.
Also, note you don't need to loop with bash, awk can do it:
awk '(FNR==1 || $2==$6) {print > FILENAME".bk"}' *.tsv


Using awk to try to find a variable in a CSV line

I am trying to go through two files. First one line by line, while using awk to search for a line containing a string pulled from the first file.
while IFS=, read col1 col2 col3
echo $(awk -F, -v var="$col2" '$2==var || $2=="www."var {print $0}' searchFile.csv)
//do stuff with data from awk
done < origFile.csv
I am trying to find domain names in this file, and the awk currently is never returning matches. I have checked the files manually to make sure some that are not returning matches are in both, and they are.
I have tried using a nested loop, but bash was not wanting to open a second file to read and would not read the second file. I also tried using grep, but the files are too large and grep would run out of memory.
Sample input for searchFile.csv:
I have ensured there are no spaces in the data being input, and have verified that $col2 from origFile.csv matches data in the searchFile.csv
Does your data file have spaces? If so, your records ($2) will have spaces and may not match (because you are using awk -F,). Try matching with ~ instead of == .

How to find integer values and compare them then transfer the main files?

I have some output files (5000 files) of .log which are the results of QM computations. Inside each file there are two special lines indicate the number of electrons and orbitals, like this below as an example (with exact spaces as in output files):
Number of electrons = 9
Number of orbitals = 13
I thought about a script (bash or Fortran), as a solution to this problem, which grep these two lines (at same time) and get the corresponding integer values (9 and 13, for instance), compare them and finds the difference between two values, and finally, list them in a new text file with the corresponding filenames.
I would really appreciate any help given.
Am posting an attempt in GNU Awk, and have tested it in that only.
for file in *.log
awk -F'=[[:blank:]]*' '/Number of/{printf "%s%s",$2,(NR%2?" ":RS)}' "$file" | awk 'function abs(v) {return v < 0 ? -v : v} {print abs($1-$2)}' >> output_"$file"
The reason I split the AWK logic to two was to reduce the complexity in doing it in single huge command. The first part is for extracting the numbers from your log file in a columnar format and second for getting their absolute value.
I will break-down the AWK logic:-
-F'=[[:blank:]]*' is a mult0 character delimiter logic including = and one or more instances of [[:blank:]] whitespace characters.
'/Number of/{printf "%s%s",$2,(NR%2?" ":RS)}' searches for lines starting with Number of and prints it in a columnar fashion, i.e. as 9 13 from your sample file.
The second part is self-explanatory. I have written a function to get the absolute value from the two returned values and print it.
Each output is saved in a file named output_, for you to process it further.
Run the script from your command line as bash, where is the name containing the above lines.
In case if you are interested in negative values too i.e. without the absolute function, change the awk statement to
awk -F'=[[:blank:]]*' '/Number of/{printf "%s%s",$2,(NR%2?" ":RS)}' "$file" | awk '{print ($1-$2)}' >> output_"$file"
Bad way to do it (but it will work)-
while read file
first=$(awk -F= '/^Number/ {print $2}' "$file" | head -1)
second=$(awk -F= '/^Number/ {print $2}' "$file" | tail -1)
if [ "$first" -gt "$second" ]
echo $(("$first" - "$second"))
echo $(("$second" - "$first"))
fi > "$file"_answer ;
done < list_of_files
This method picks up the values (in the awk one liner and compares them.
It then subtracts them to give you one value which it saves in the file called "$file"_answer. i.e. the initial file name with '_answer' as a suffix to the name.
You may need to tweak this code to fit your purposes exactly.

How to use awk to split a file and store each filename in a Bash array

A file called input_file.csv, which has 7 columns, and n rows.
Example header and row:
Date Location Team1 Team2 Time Prize_$ Sport
2016 NY Raptors Gators 12pm $500 Soccer
n files, where the rows in each new file are grouped based on their values in column 7 of the original file. Each file is named after that shared value from column 7. Note: each file will have the same header. (The script currently does this.)
Example: if 2 rows in the original file had golf as their value for column 7, they would be grouped together in a file called golf.csv. If 3 other rows shared soccer as their value for column 7, they would be found in soccer.csv.
An array that has the name of each generated file in it. This array lives outside of the scope of awk. (This is what I need help with.)
Example: Array = [golf.csv, soccer.csv]
The following script produces the desired output. However, I want to run another script on each of the newly generated files and I don't know how.
My idea is to store the names of each new file in an array. That way, I can loop through the array and do what I want to each file. The code below passes a variable called array into awk, but I don't know how to add the name of each file to the array.
awk -v myarray="$ARRAY" -F"\",\"" 'NR==1 {header=$0}; NF>1 && NR>1 {if(! files[$7]) {print header >> ("" $7 ".csv"); files[$7]=1}; print $0 >> ("" $7 ".csv"); close("" $7 ".csv");}' input_file.csv
for i in "${ARRAY[#]}"
echo $i
Rather than struggling to get awk to fill your shell array variable, why not:
make sure that the *.csv files are created in a clean directory
use globbing to loop over all *.csv files in that directory?
awk -F'","' ... # your original Awk command
for i in *.csv # use globbing to loop over resulting *.csv files
echo $i
Just off the top of my head, untested because you haven't supplied very much sample data, what about this?
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
FNR==1 {
! $7 in files {
files[$7]=sprintf("sport-%s.csv", $7)
print header > file
files[$7]=sprintf("sport-%s.csv", $7)
print > files[$7]
printf("declare -a sportlist=( ")
for (sport in files) {
printf("\"%s\"", sport)
printf(" )\n");
The idea here is that we store sport names in the array files[], and build filenames out of that array. (You can format the filename inside sprintf() as you see fit.) We step through the file, adding a header line whenever we get a new sport with no recorded filename. Then for non-headers, print to the file based on the sport name.
For your second issue, exporting the array back to something outside of awk, the END block here will output a declare line which can be interpreted by bash. IF you feel lucky, you can eval this awk script inside command expansion, and the declare command will effectively be interpreted by your shell:
eval $(/path/to/awkscript inputfile.csv)
Or, if you subscribe to the school of thought that consiers eval to be evil, you can redirect the awk script's standard output to a temporary file which you source:
/path/to/awkscript inputfile.csv > /tmp/yadda.$$
. /tmp/yadda.$$
(Don't use this temp file, make a real one with mktemp or the like.)
There's no way for any program to modify the environment of the parent shell. Just have the awk script output the names of the files as standard output, and use command substitution to put them in an array.
filesArray=($(awk ... ))
If the files might have spaces in them, you need a different solution; assuming you're on bash 4, you can just be sure to print each file on a separate line and use readarray:
readarray filesArray < <( awk ... )
if the files might have newlines in them, too, then things get tricky...
if your file is not large, you can run another script to get the unique $7 elements, for example
$ awk 'NR>1&&!a[$7]++{print $7}' sports
will print the values, you can change it to your file name format as well, such as
$ awk 'NR>1&&!a[$7]++{print tolower($7)".csv"}' sports
this then can be piped to your other process, here for example to wc
$ awk ... sports | xargs wc
This will do what I THINK you want:
oIFS="$IFS"; IFS=$'\n'
array=( $(awk '{out=$7".csv"; print > out} !seen[out]++{print out}' input_file.csv) )
If your input file really is comma-separated instead of space-separated as you show in the sample input in your question then adjust the awk script to suit (You might want to look at GNU awk and FPAT).
If you don't have GNU awk then you'll need to add a bit more code to close the open output files as you go.
The above will fail if you have file names that contain newlines but will be fine for blank chars or other white space.

Shell scripting to find the delimiter

I have a file with three columns, which has pipe as a delimiter. Now some lines in the file can have a "," instead of "|", due to some error. I want to output all such erroneous rows.
You can also use grep, it is more complicated:
egrep "\|.*\|.*\|" input
echo No pipe
egrep "^[^\|]*$" input
echo One pipe
egrep "^[^\|]*\|[^\|\]*$" input
echo 3+ pipe
egrep "\|[^\|]*\|[^\|\]*\|" input
Before combining the greps, first introduce new variables
p (pipe) and n (no pipe)
echo "p=$p, n=$n"
echo No pipe
egrep "^$n$" input
echo One pipe
egrep "^$n$p$n$" input
echo 3+ pipe
egrep "$p$n$p$n$p" input
Now bring all together
egrep "^$n$|^$n$p$n$|$p$n$p$n$p" input
Edit: The comments and variable names were about "slashes", but they are pipes (with backslashes). That was a bit confusing.
To count the number of columns with awk you can use the NF variable:
$ cat file
$ awk -F\| 'NF!=3' file
However, this does not seem to cover all the possible ways the data could be corrupted based on the various revisions of the question and the comments.
A better approach would be to define the exact format that the data must follow. For example, assuming that a line is "correct" if it is three columns, with the first and third letters only, and the second numeric, you could write the following script to match all non conforming lines:
awk -F\| '!(NF==3 && $1$3 ~ /^[a-zA-Z]+$/ && $2+0==$2)' file
Test (notice that only the second line (which is conforming) does not get printed):
$ cat file
sf dl lfsdklf |kldsamfklmadkfmask |mfkmadskfmdslafmka
$ awk -F\| '!(NF==3&&$1$3~/^[a-zA-Z]+$/&&$2+0==$2)' file
sf dl lfsdklf |kldsamfklmadkfmask |mfkmadskfmdslafmka
You can adapt the above command to your specific needs, based on what you think is a valid input. For example, if you wanted to also restrict the length of each line to 50 characters, you could do
awk -F\| '!(NF==3 && $1$3 ~ /^[a-zA-Z]+$/ && $2+0==$2 && length($0)<50)' file

File comparison

I am a beginner. I am looking for a basic shell script solving what looks a simple problem:
I have one long file, file A that looks like below:
I would like to generate a new file (Target file C ) that is essentially file A, but with an extra field on the first line, say "Comment" where all lines whose items of the first field that match any of the items in column 1 of file B are identified by a mark, say "SHARED". Files A and B are csv files
I have tried awk and a basic shell script that is easier for me to understand, but I could not get it to work. I could generate a blank target file, with the target
first line containing the 3 fields if necessary.
File A
"Part Number","Description"
"1497458-3","MC -N1-P-569RT1"
File B
Desired target file C
"Part Number","Description","Comment"
"1497458-3","MC -N1-P-569RT1"
this one-liner should do the job:
awk -F, -v c='"Comment"' -v s='"SHARED"'
'NR==FNR{a[$1]=1;next}FNR==1{$0=$0 FS c}FNR>1&&a[$1]{$0=$0 FS s}7' fileb filea
If you want to do it in bash
while IFS=, read f1 line
if grep -qw "$f1" fileB ; then
echo $f1,$line,\"SHARED\"
echo $f1,$line
done < fileA
You can do it like this:
awk -F, 'FNR==NR{a[i++]=$1;next} {extra="";for(t in a)if($1==a[t])extra=",\"SHARED\"";print $0,extra}' fileB fileA
You will see both fileA and fileB are passed into awk. The processing in {} following FNR==NR only applies to fileB. It stores the first element of each line in an array a[] and then skips to the next line.
The processing in the second set of {} only applies to fileA. Basically it pre-sets a string called extra to nothing. It then tests if the first field of the current record is in array a[]. If it is, it sets extra to ",SHARED". It then prints the current record and the string extra which may, or may not, be ",SHARED".
