JMeter View Results Tree - filter results - jmeter

Is there a way to filter out all entries except just one or two particular threads in JMeter View Results Tree listener?

You can add a view results tree to the thread group directly. View Results Trees which have a thread group as their direct parent will only show requests made by that thread group.
View Results Trees can also be added directly to a HTTP Sampler. When added directly to a sampler that tree will only show results from that specific HTTP Sampler.
In the image View Results Tree will record requests from both thread groups. View Results Tree 1 will only record HTTP Request Google and HTTP Request Bing, Tree 2 will record HTTP Request MSN and Tree 3 will record HTTP Request MSN and HTTP Request Yahoo.
Be careful though, View Results Tree should only be used for debugging and should not be enabled during an actual performance test according to best practices.


JMeter HTTP Request with no html included

I'm trying to do a HTTP request, but in the results tree (or any other sampler) I can't see the HTML of the website and I can't figure out how to do so.
I need that to check if the HTML in the response contains a substring (possibly with an assertion or stuff like that).
Your request is successful
Server responds with some data
The HTTP Request Sampler is in the View Results Tree listener scope
View Results Tree listener has been added before the HTTP Request sampler has been executed
You should see the "HTML" under Response Data -> Response Body tab of the View Results Tree listener.
If you're trying to open a .jtl results file with the View Results Tree Listener be informed that by default JMeter doesn't save response data in the .jtl files, you will need to amend Results File Configuration if you want to save response headers and data.

JMeter View results tree listener displaying duplicate https requests

View result listener displaying duplicate https requests, 1 request is without response and 1 request is with having response. I need only 1 request, How can i fix it?
enter image description here
enter image description here
Sample with response message as "Number of samples in transaction : 1, number of failing samples : 0" is for the "Transaction Controller" while the other is the actual request with response.
Select the "Generate parent sample" checkbox in the Transaction controller and you will be able to see the desired results.
Transaction Controller will always club the response times for the underlying Http requests. If you don't want to see this in results use "Simple Controller" instead.
Look into "Sampler Result" tab of the View Results Tree listener:
If you see one of HTTP status codes 3xx it means that you're being redirected so it's absolutely normal to see blank response if this is the case of redirection
You can control the behaviour of the JMeter when it comes to handling redirect responses by playing with Redirect automatically and Follow Redirects checkboxes in the HTTP Request sampler:
However you need to remember that you don't "need only 1 request", you need exactly the same number of requests like real browser sends so inspect how many requests are being sent by the real browser using your favourite browser developer tools and ensure that JMeter sends the same amount of requests and they have the same nature

Apache Jmeter Graphs

I have a question regarding graph for child requests of HTTP request sampler.
I am making a request to home page and including option of request embedded resources.
In response I am getting home page and also some css and js files.
Now I need a way to add graphs for those child requests(css and js files ). In response time graph, I can see only one graph for home page.
Is there a way to add these fields to graph along with home. are there any third party plugins you guys are aware of.
Thanks for your response.
Based on what I read at, I believe that when you tell it to request embedded resources, it encapsulates this as part of the request, so the response time you see is the overall response time, and I don't think you can easily do what you want. That said, you can use various post processors to extract the URLs of the embedded into variables items and then do requests for them individually, though it's a pain.

JMeter - Requests not getting grouped within controllers in graph output

In my test plan I have a series of steps like Login, HomePage, DoSearch, DoTask, Logout and each has a number of HTTP requests. I have tried using Simple Controllers, Transaction Controllers, keeping transaction controllers within simple controllers, and vice versa but am unable to see the timings at a step level in any graph. It at the most shows me the timings for Login, but other requests are not grouped on either controllers. Tried checking "Generate Parent Sample" and "Include duration..." but no luck.
Can someone let me know what needs to be done here?
You need to add a Listener. Each listener provides different information. I usually just use aggregate report.

Jmeter - Response time by resource type

I am using Jmeter to test a web page. Obviously it has css, images, js etc. How can I group the response times by css,js and images so that I can clearly see the response time broken by resource types.
You pose an interesting question. The listeners in JMeter show what's at the sibling/child level. Therefore, instinctively, if you want just one type of resource in a given report, you'd need to put all the requests in a single controller and give that controller a listener.
You can get around restructuring your test by renaming your samples in a consistent manner. Something like: "CSS - actual request name".
Then, using Aggregate Report, you can copy the results into a spreadsheet, sort by name, and get your metrics that way.
I think you can use parallel controller to group the type of static files, ajax, etc. And use a transaction controller to group the page you would like to request, under the transaction controller you can add the parallel controller as hierarchy.
