JMeter HTTP Request with no html included - jmeter

I'm trying to do a HTTP request, but in the results tree (or any other sampler) I can't see the HTML of the website and I can't figure out how to do so.
I need that to check if the HTML in the response contains a substring (possibly with an assertion or stuff like that).

Your request is successful
Server responds with some data
The HTTP Request Sampler is in the View Results Tree listener scope
View Results Tree listener has been added before the HTTP Request sampler has been executed
You should see the "HTML" under Response Data -> Response Body tab of the View Results Tree listener.
If you're trying to open a .jtl results file with the View Results Tree Listener be informed that by default JMeter doesn't save response data in the .jtl files, you will need to amend Results File Configuration if you want to save response headers and data.


View Result tree is not showing a correct request as in script

In the script we are using a PUT request as shown in below image
But when we run this, it is showing it as a GET request as shown in the below image
Due to this request is failing with a 400 bad request response code.
I am using Jmeter 5.5
If you expand this Sample Result to see its sub results you will see your initial PUT request followed by at least one redirect so View Results Tree listener is "showing the correct result", the fact that your PUT request fails is rather connected with a problem in your script, most probably you're simply not authorized due to missing or improperly implemented correlation or something like this.
So visit previous results and inspect their response data to ensure that your script is doing what is supposed to be doing, the fact that the request is "green" indicates only that HTTP Status Code is below 400, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's successful.

How to extract static content and trigger dynamic requests using JMeter

I need to extract static content(js, css, png) from the response and trigger dynamic http requests with static content.
Can you please let me know if there is any efficient way to extract and pass it http requests.
For example:
From below tags, Need to extract value from src of tag and store it in list/array and trigger dynamic request based on the number of values.
script asp-add-nonce="true" src="/abc/jquery.js"></script
script asp-add-nonce="true" src="/abc/xyz.min.js?v=skjdfjkdjfdfjlkjlkk"></script
In the above example, we have two values matching the condition, so we need to trigger below two dynamic requests.
If we have 5 tags matching condition, the need to generate and trigger 5 requests in JMeter.
Appreciate if anyone can help on this.
JMeter can automatically parse response and look for images, scripts, styles, fonts, etc.
All you need to do is to tick the relevant box under "Advanced" tab of the HTTP Request sampler
More information: Web Testing with JMeter: How To Properly Handle Embedded Resources in HTML Responses
Alternative option is extracting them using a suitable Post-Processor and run the requests using ForEach Controller if you need sequential requests or Parallel Sampler if you need to send the requests at the same moment.

JMeter View results tree listener displaying duplicate https requests

View result listener displaying duplicate https requests, 1 request is without response and 1 request is with having response. I need only 1 request, How can i fix it?
enter image description here
enter image description here
Sample with response message as "Number of samples in transaction : 1, number of failing samples : 0" is for the "Transaction Controller" while the other is the actual request with response.
Select the "Generate parent sample" checkbox in the Transaction controller and you will be able to see the desired results.
Transaction Controller will always club the response times for the underlying Http requests. If you don't want to see this in results use "Simple Controller" instead.
Look into "Sampler Result" tab of the View Results Tree listener:
If you see one of HTTP status codes 3xx it means that you're being redirected so it's absolutely normal to see blank response if this is the case of redirection
You can control the behaviour of the JMeter when it comes to handling redirect responses by playing with Redirect automatically and Follow Redirects checkboxes in the HTTP Request sampler:
However you need to remember that you don't "need only 1 request", you need exactly the same number of requests like real browser sends so inspect how many requests are being sent by the real browser using your favourite browser developer tools and ensure that JMeter sends the same amount of requests and they have the same nature

How do i view all transactions in JMeter Report

I am running performance test using JMeter 5.0 and then at the end of the test a HTML report is generated. I would like to know if there is anyway to view actual request with the endpoint it served what was the response and ability to view all requests in HTML report. I know JMeter has something called view result tree and it provides most of the information i need but i am not sure how to display result tree or something similar in HTML report.
View results is tree is rather resource intensive listener so you want to use it with caution. Typically you want to filter and display only errors so you can analyse them.
If you would like HTML reports then you can use a modular extension for JMeter. Its default behavior is to read and process samples from CSV files to generate HTML files containing graph views. It can generate the report at end of a load test or on demand.
You can generate the HTML report using menu item Tools → Generate HTML report:
This page explains different configs and options to tweak and tune the report generation.
Hope this helps.
As of current JMeter version 5.2
JMeter can only generate the HTML Reporting Dashboard from the CSV files
The dashboard generator is a modular extension of JMeter. Its default behavior is to read and process samples from CSV files to generate HTML files containing graph views. It can generate the report at end of a load test or on demand.
There is no possibility to store response data in CSV mode:
response_data is currently not supported for CSV output
So there is no easy way to implement your issue unless you use i.e. Flexible File Writer to store request/response data into a separate file and modify report-template (you will need to learn FreeMarker) to display the information you need.
use this command, -g .jtl file -o reportlocationpath, you will get nicely generated html report along lots of graphs as shown below:
I would like to know if there is anyway to view actual request with
the endpoint it served
My guess is that you already have all the metrics required for each request but would like to see individual request payload and the response. Just in case this guess is wrong, since you already have the report and are still not able to see the individual requests, I am assuming that you have checked on "Generate Parent Sample" across each Transaction Controller. Uncheck that and you should be able to see individual request level response time, 90th percentile etc. Of course you will have to re-run the test to get these individual request level values
However, if you want to literally see the request payload and response in HTML report, there is no way we can do that. Only View Results Tree can do that for you within the scope of JMeter's GUI and not outside of this.
what was the response
As mentioned above, as of today, there is no possibility to see the response of individual requests along with their payload in the HTML report and this is for a good reason. We do not require the requests/responses while we run a load test in our HTML report. It is necessary for debugging and until the script is ready for execution. But post that, we wouldn't require the responses. If you still want to ensure that the correct responses are received, you can always add assertions (although best practice is not to add too many assertions in a load test)
Just an example of why HTML report across any load testing tool will not show responses of a request -
Assume there is a load test of 10K users for 10 iterations and the Thread Group has around 10 transactions each having an average of 7 requests, there is going to be 7 million responses to go through. Having this in a HTML report is not just tedious but literally doesn't make sense.
I know JMeter has something called view result tree and it provides
most of the information i need
The View Results Tree is the holy grail for debugging and for ensuring if requests and response are appropriate during script creation stage.
I think your primary concern is to ensure the correctness of the responses rather than get the whole response of each request. In that case, as I had mentioned above, you can always use assertions. Several other custom alternatives include capturing specific parts of response and writing them to a file or something like that by leveraging JSR223 sampler or using the if controller to validate. Of course this is going to add some overhead on JMeter depending on the type of test and script that you are going to execute
but i am not sure how to display result tree or something similar in
HTML report
But if you still insist on having something in HTML and if I have failed to convince as to why this is something that one must not pursue, you can capture the entire response of each request in a variable through Regex Extractor and write them to a file with HTML tags in it. However, you will have to implement logic to collate responses and organize them for your need.
One more way would be to have the JTL save all data and modify this up in some text editor and beautify it with HTML
FYI on JTL and its configuration
Hope this helps!

JMeter View Results Tree - filter results

Is there a way to filter out all entries except just one or two particular threads in JMeter View Results Tree listener?
You can add a view results tree to the thread group directly. View Results Trees which have a thread group as their direct parent will only show requests made by that thread group.
View Results Trees can also be added directly to a HTTP Sampler. When added directly to a sampler that tree will only show results from that specific HTTP Sampler.
In the image View Results Tree will record requests from both thread groups. View Results Tree 1 will only record HTTP Request Google and HTTP Request Bing, Tree 2 will record HTTP Request MSN and Tree 3 will record HTTP Request MSN and HTTP Request Yahoo.
Be careful though, View Results Tree should only be used for debugging and should not be enabled during an actual performance test according to best practices.
