GSA: Is it possible to track search results that don't results in click-thrus? - google-search-appliance

Is it possible to track search results that don't results in click-thrus - situations when returned results are not very helpful/interesting and none of them is clicked?

Possible yes. Out of the box, no.
The GSA does have a click tracking feedback loop but the data that you are asking for is not collected. It collects searches, clicks but you can't get a report on "failed searches". In order to do this, you would have add a custom ct type, export the data and run your own reports. Or...use your favorite analytics tool to do the same.

What you are asking is something automatically done by GSA. The component is called ASR. Advance Search Reporting. If enabled, it will monitor the user activities and rank the results based on usage. It basically works like a metric system.
You can read more about it here


Check queries not used in a Oracle reports

I'm using Oracle Report Builder and I have a heavy report that has defined a large number of queries. I think not all that queries are used in the report and are not linked to any layout object.
Is there a easy way to detect what queries (or other objects) aren't used at all in a specific report? Instead of delete the query, compile and run and verify one by one if are used or not?
If there is an easy way to do that, I don't know it. A long time ago, when Reports 1.x was used, report was saved in the database so you could write a query to fetch metadata you're interested in. I never did that, though, but - that would be an option. Now, all you have is a RDF (or a JSP) file.
However, a few suggestions, if I may.
Open Paper Layout Editor. Click the repeating frame and observe its property palette as it contains information about the group it belongs to. "Group" can be viewed in Data Model layout.
As there aren't that many repeating frames, you should be able to eliminate queries that don't have any frames, i.e. don't contribute to the final result.
Another option is to put a condition
WHERE 1 = 2
into every query so that they won't return any rows. Run the report and check what's missing - then remove that condition so that you'd get values. Move on to second query, and so forth. That's a little bit tedious and time consuming, but should still be faster than deleting queries.
You can return a report results to an XML file. Each query with data will contain something in XML-s tags.
enter image description here

Elastic search to Google big query

How do we send data from elastic search to google big query, Is there any specific connector?
I have been looking into various options and will need data to be available in google big query real time
I found google_bigquery output pligin that might be useful, but I have never use it personally.
Experiment with the settings depending on how much log data you generate, your needs to see "fresh" data, and how much data you could lose in the event of crash. For instance, if you want to see recent data in BQ quickly, you could configure the plugin to upload data every minute or so (provided you have enough log events to justify that)

Log analytics using Elasticsearch & Kibana - Few queries

I have just started playing around with ELK to develop our log analytics solution.
I had a few questions regarding the best practices so that I don't make any bad choice to begin with.
This tool will analyze various types of logs to find out and correlate any issue. It will run on multiple 'devices' and each device will be uniquely identifiable with a serial number.
Question 1) Is it possible to create a dashboard where the serial number is taken as an user input?
Details: I would like to have 1 dashboard created to analyze various fields and I should be able to specify the serial number of the device as an input. From what I see, I could use filter but then this would need the visualization to be 'edited'. So it appears to be me that right now, if I need to analyze multiple devices then I need to create a dashboard for each of the device. This will be a problem that if I need to modify the dashboard then I will have to make changes to all. The problem can be minimized by importing additional dashboards as a JSON file, still it is inconvenient.
Is there a better way that I am not aware of?
Question 2) On the main dashboard, I want to show a heatmap of various 'services' and their status as a time series. For e.g. say I am monitoring, CPU, memory, network and our service then I want to see something like below:
Now the heatmap visualization doesn't provide a way to uniquely specify the condition. I generated above image by populating dummy data where values were one of 0,1,2,3. Which means that I need to create such data periodically which the visualization can then use. Is there any built-in mechanism (scheduled jobs for e.g.) provided by ELK to do such processing. One option could be to run an external problem which queries Elasticsearch, fetches all the relevant information, analyzes it and puts it back into Elasticssearch. Is that the only way?
If there are any other suggestions, please feel free to share. Thanks.

Generate number of search requests over a given year

Does anyone know if there is a way to generate a report that details how many search requests the GSA has handled over a given timeframe?
On the admin console: Reports > Search Logs.
Select the appropriate collection or All Collections.
Select the desired date range for the Report Timeframe.
From memory this only has access to a max 90 days historical data though so if you haven't been regularly exporting this data than you'll need to extrapolate the values from what is available.
As pointed by #BigMikeW Logs only retain data for 90 days. Unless you download every 90 days, you wont get it.
Other way is integration with Google Analytics and pass all search data to GA search behavior. That way you can use GA to play around and export for a year or even more. This is what I use.

Parse Analytics: download event data with dimensions

How can I download the CSV of an event with the attached data, in this case the ID sent by the app related to a specific article read? At the moment I can only download a CSV containing how many events are triggered per day, without any additional information.
You should be able to do this with Parse Explorer - navigate to Analytics tab, select, "Explorer", specify a query, and export your data to either CSV or JSON; the only limitation here is that the number of rows are limited to a 1000, but you should be able to get all your data by running multiple queries on different time periods.
Apparently it's not possible at the moment and it won't be possible in the nearest future.
Source of the information:!topic/parse-developers/TMWC1v5Doik
